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The Bastard's Bargain

Page 20

by Katee Robert

  Keira eagerly met his mouth, sucking the tip of his tongue even as she writhed to get closer. She tensed when he pushed a second finger into her, but everything else he was doing was too damn good to stop. She tore her mouth from his long enough to say, “Fuck me, Dima.”

  “All you have to do is ask. I crave the feel of you clenching around my cock.”

  She wormed her arm between them and lined him up with her entrance. He didn’t hesitate to pull her closer even as he thrust, filling her completely. With his fingers inside her, her eyes flew open, startled at how fucking good it was to be filled so completely. “Oh.”

  “‘Oh,’ she says,” he murmured against her lips. “You just thought of what pleasure could be found with two cocks filling you.”

  There was no point in lying. He read her too damn well. “Can’t blame me for that.” She wiggled a little, but he had her thoroughly pinned in place with cock and fingers. “I think I’d like it.”

  “The filling or the two men?” His tone gave nothing away, but it was off all the same.

  Damn it, why do we have to keep ruining a good thing with running our mouths? Keira kissed his jaw. “The filling. I don’t figure you’d share any better than I would.” She sure as fuck didn’t like the idea of him with another woman…

  The thought stopped her pleasure cold. She leaned back enough to meet his gaze. “No one else, Dima. If you fuck someone else after marrying me, I’ll gut you.”

  “Vicious.” He sounded almost pleased by it.

  She gripped the back of his neck, forcing him to look down at her. “I’m serious.” Okay, I probably wouldn’t gut him. But I would 100 percent burn this fucking house to the ground and walk away to somewhere he’d never find me.

  “I know.” He sucked on her bottom lip, and her eyes damn near rolled back in her head. “There is no one but you, moya koroleva. After you, no one else will do.” He fucked her ass with his fingers, though he kept her impaled on his cock. “And I do not share. I will fill you until you’re screaming your pleasure, but there will be no other cock inside you but mine.”

  And, just like that, she wanted him to take her. Keira kissed him hard. “Fuck my ass, Dima.”

  “You keep giving orders.”

  “I think you like it.”

  She felt his grin. “Perhaps a little.”

  And then he released her and pulled away long enough to flip her onto her stomach. “Lift.”

  She obediently lifted her hips, and he slid a pillow beneath them. Keira twisted to watch him squirt some lube onto his palm. “I don’t suppose you have cameras set up in this room?”

  “You know I don’t.”

  “Too bad.” She eyed his cock. “I think I’d like to watch you fucking me on video.” Sex tapes were so tacky, but the idea of being able to cue up one and watch his insanely perfect body rolling as he fucked her…Yeah, she’d make an exception to that rule.

  He crawled between her legs and roughly spread them wide. “There are cameras in the dining room. I’ll make you a copy.”

  Memories flashed before her. Her on her knees in front of him with his cock in her mouth. His mouth against her pussy. Dmitri bending her over the table and fucking her right there.

  She gasped as he bore down and slid his cock an inch into her. Dmitri stilled. “Am I hurting you?”

  “No.” She wiggled, trying to take him deeper. “I’m thinking about watching that tape.”

  “Ah. An exhibitionist and a voyeur. You truly are a delight, moya koroleva.” He slid deeper, and then deeper yet, until his pelvis pressed against her ass. He shifted her hair to the side and pressed an openmouthed kiss to the back of her neck. “And now?”

  “I’m…good.” It was back to being uncomfortable, but she couldn’t tell if it was the intrusion or how empty her pussy felt.

  As always, he seemed to know. Dmitri slid one hand between her and the pillow to stroke her clit. “And now?”

  “Oh.” She shuddered, biting her lip. “That’s good. Really good.”

  Another kiss against the back of her neck, and she swore to God her toes curled. His rough voice vibrated against her skin. “I’m going to buy you a vibrator to fill you while I fuck you like this. Right…here.” He pushed two fingers into her. “Would you like that, Keira?”

  “Yes,” she gasped out. She couldn’t move with his weight pinning her to the bed, his cock filling her ass, and his fingers playing with her pussy. She couldn’t do anything but take everything he gave her and beg for more. “I need you to move. Take me. Please. Take everything.”

  A slow shift of his hips and she nearly shot off the bed. It was so much better than she expected and yet totally different and…Keira didn’t know. She cried out and begged and words sprang from her lips that she could barely process. Pleas and commands and begging. “Dima, please, oh my God it feels so good, don’t stop, please don’t stop.” She orgasmed with a cry to shake the rafters, nearly throwing him off her in the process.

  Dmitri thrust into her once, a second time, a third time, and then pulled out, and she felt a hot spurt on her ass. It shouldn’t be this sexy. She should be pissed about…something. She couldn’t work up the energy to figure out what, though. She turned her head to the side as he collapsed next to her. With sweat dampening his skin and his eyes hazy with pleasure, he looked almost…human.

  Holy shit, I really do like him.

  He twisted to kiss her. “Don’t move.”

  She couldn’t even if she’d wanted to. He disappeared for a minute and came back with a towel to clean her. Then he pulled the covers back and urged her beneath them. He tucked himself against her body, his breath stirring the small hairs on the back of her neck. “Sleep, moya koroleva.”

  And she did.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Dmitri had things to do, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to leave Keira in their bed alone. Last night had been a turning point for them, and he woke up wanting to ensure they didn’t backslide.

  With her face relaxed in sleep and her hair a tangled mess on her pillow, she didn’t have her barriers in place for the first time since he’d met her. This is what it could be like all the time if the rest of the world wasn’t going to hell around us.

  The peace was a small reprieve. They had a single day until the party and a lot to accomplish in that amount of time. The danger was nowhere near past, and Dmitri should be focusing on that instead of curling Keira’s hair around his finger.

  Her eyes flicked open, asleep one moment and awake the next. “It’s creepy to watch someone while they sleep.”

  “Nyet, we had this conversation. You’re in my bed—our bed—so that gives me certain rights.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Always an argument with you, isn’t it?”

  “Can you blame me when you’re so entertaining to argue with?” He kissed her shoulder. “Walk me through what you’ve set up for the party.”

  “I assumed you’d already have all the details.”

  Claudia had dropped a report on his desk, but Dmitri hadn’t had the opportunity to review it yet. No, that wasn’t strictly true. He’d had the chance but chose not to. This was important, and it felt almost like a breach of trust to check up on Keira after he assigned her to it. “If I did, I wouldn’t ask you to fill me in.”

  She gave him a look that said she didn’t quite believe him, but she finally rolled to face him. “Claudia had me picking menu choices—one vegan, one seafood, and one red meat. Covering all our bases. There were a lot of silly decisions to be made—reception colors, what flavor of cake, that kind of thing.”

  “What did you choose?”

  “You really want to know?”

  He wanted to know everything when it came to her. Even mundane choices offered a window into Keira. “Da.”

  “Well then.” She settled against the pillow. “Black and red for the colors. Claudia thought it’d be too gothic, but I think it fits and I like it, so I vetoed her. Cake is chocolate on chocolate.” She
made a face. “Damn, I probably should have asked you how you felt about chocolate, huh?”

  “I adore it.” He stroked his hand down her arm to her hip. “Though I don’t indulge often.”

  “I can tell.” She poked his stomach. “It would figure that you’re a control freak about your body the same way you are about everything else.”

  It didn’t exactly sound like she had an issue with it, but he still felt obliged to add, “Being in fighting shape is an asset.”

  “I don’t doubt that.” Something flickered over her face, and he could have kicked himself for missing something so obvious.

  Dmitri kissed her shoulder again. “The gym I mentioned has been cleared, and you can start immediately if you want to.”

  She brightened and then frowned. “Part of me wants to just go for it, but we don’t know how things are going to play out at the party, and I’m not going to be much use if I can’t walk or move my arms because I’m so sore.” She bit her bottom lip, and he had to remind himself not to soothe it with his tongue when she released it. Keira sighed. “This whole being in charge of shit has some downsides, doesn’t it?”

  “Da, though the perks are…enticing.” He couldn’t resist any longer. Dmitri kissed her. She tensed as if she’d pull away, but he didn’t give a fuck about morning breath, or anything but doing exactly what he was doing, and Keira melted into his arms. She pushed him onto his back and straddled him, her skin sliding against his in the most intoxicating feeling he’d ever experienced. As if she couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t touch enough of him, couldn’t think past the need for him.

  Fuck, that’s exactly how he felt.

  He grabbed her ass and ground her clit against his cock, letting the hard ridge of him drive her wild. She tore her mouth from his with a gasp, and he growled. “I didn’t intend this.”

  “Sounds like I did you a favor, then.” She writhed, but it didn’t seem to be enough for her, so Keira reached between them and squeezed his cock. “We’ll make it quick. Just a little fucking before you get back to vengeance and world domination, and I go back to that damn party.” Keira didn’t wait for an answer as she guided him into her in a smooth move. She braced a hand on the middle of his chest and rose to take him deeper. “Just so you know…” She rolled her hips. “I talked to Pavel about having men stationed at every exit to both the room and the house. She won’t make it in, Dima. We won’t let her.”

  It was beyond fucking sexy to hear her talking vengeance while riding him. He bent up and captured her mouth for several long seconds. “Good.”

  “Mmm.” She clasped the back of his neck, keeping him close to her as she fucked him. She was totally and completely in control and intent on her pleasure, and she’d never been more beautiful to him. “I want Mae. I want to be the one who deals with her—for Charlie.”

  By all rights, he should hand Mae over to Aiden to secure what little goodwill they could scrape together, but Dmitri would deny Keira nothing. “She’s yours.”

  She kissed him hard, her teeth scraping against his tongue, her nails pricking the nape of his neck. Her strokes hitched, and he thrust up to keep the rhythm going. She was close. He could feel it. Another stroke, a third, and then Keira orgasmed with a cry that he swallowed down.

  Dmitri flipped them and drove into her, chasing his own pleasure even as he kept kissing her. My queen. My wife. Mine. His orgasm hit with the force of a freight train, and he sucked her bottom lip as he came. He buried his face in her neck and just let himself…be…for a moment. With Keira drawing abstract patterns on his cooling skin, his mind was blissfully blank. He dragged his mouth along her neck. “You are a gift.”

  “Glad you think so, but maybe wait until you see the bill for the dresses I just bought yesterday.”

  He chuckled. “They’ll be worth every penny, I’m sure.”

  “They’d be a better deal if you don’t make a habit of ripping them to shreds every time we have sex.”

  He lifted his head to find her grinning at him. He raised his eyebrows. “Worth. Every. Penny. But next time we dine alone, I want you wearing this and nothing else.”

  “This being…naked.” She made a show of looking at the nonexistent space between their bodies. “I can get down with that.”

  “Much obliged.” He kissed her again and slid off her. “We have work to do.”

  Keira stretched her arms over her head, and her entire body turned into a beautiful arch as she stretched. The move had the sheet sliding off her hips and her breasts practically begging for his mouth. He dragged his gaze away through sheer force of will, but there was no missing the laughter in her voice. “I suppose that means I shouldn’t suggest showering together to save time.”

  I shouldn’t…

  The thought didn’t have a chance to properly form before he rounded the bed and scooped her into his arms. “All in the name of saving time, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  * * *

  The fact that Keira wasn’t walking funny defied the laws of logic. They fucked again in the shower, her braced against the built-in shelf of the tiled wall while Dmitri took her from behind. Her entire body was sore in the most glorious way possible, and she still wanted to spend the next week locked in their bedroom with him. First, vengeance, then honeymoon fucking.

  Keira took her time getting ready. Her usual outfit of jeans and a tank top didn’t fit the image she wanted to project, and so she dug through the closet to find something that screamed Queen Bitch. She had to start taking this shit seriously, and as much as she liked the grunge look, maybe it was time to grow up a little. She found a color-blocked pencil skirt in black and gray, and a matching black lacy tank top. After the slightest consideration, she delved into the lingerie drawer for a garter belt and thigh-high black stockings. When Dmitri came back from wherever it was he’d gone, she’d give him a little surprise. It was silly to miss him when he’d been inside her less than an hour ago, but she swore the house felt emptier without him in it. She sighed and got dressed, throwing a slim-cut gray blazer over the top to tone down the sexiness of the lace.

  One last check in the mirror gave her pause. The woman staring back at her looked only vaguely familiar. They had the same wavy hair, the same hazel eyes. But there was nothing of the self-loathing she’d borne like the weight of the world on her shoulders for years. Her hands didn’t shake from needing whatever drug she could get her hands on. Her mood wasn’t dark and tipping into despair.

  She didn’t look like a pawn.

  She looked like a motherfucking queen.

  She grinned at her reflection and headed downstairs to grab a quick bite to eat. Claudia wouldn’t arrive for another hour or so, but Keira wanted to go over the plans with Pavel again to make sure they’d anticipated every option. They’d need to go through it a third time with Dmitri tomorrow, but she wanted it as foolproof as it could get.

  A quick bite later and she cornered Pavel in the secondary office the men used throughout the day. He saw her come through the door and shot straight. “Mrs. Romanov.”


  He hesitated like he wanted to contradict her but nodded. “Mrs. O’Malley-Romanov.”

  Good boy. She noted that he very carefully kept his gaze on her face, and almost laughed. She’d obviously traumatized the poor man last night, but it was just as well. There was wisdom in not allowing any of the men to become too familiar with her. Right now, they weren’t quite sure where she fit in with the overall hierarchy, and they weren’t willing to do anything to piss her off. That suited her purposes just fine—for now. Once they were past this mess with the Eldridges, Keira had every intention of ironing out all sorts of shit within the household.

  She gave him a tight smile. “Let’s go through it once more.”

  “Gladly.” He didn’t hesitate this time, leading her to the table they’d set up with blueprints of the house. She had to wonder why Pavel didn’t seem too worried that she might use the in
formation to sneak out or maybe smuggle it to her brother, but that was something to address later.

  Right now, she had a bitch to catch.

  They went over the placement of the men and how they would ensure no one uninvited got past them. With Keira’s family attending, most of the power players in Boston would be in one place. It was practically inviting their enemies to attack, but her siblings and their spouses couldn’t skip attending any more than Keira and Dmitri could skip making the invitation in the first place. Power was a funny thing. They only had it as long as they had the perception of it. Sometimes that meant taking stupid risks instead of bunkering down to hunt their enemies to the ends of the earth.

  If the people in their respective territories thought the Romanovs were afraid of the Eldridges, the people bold enough to attack would multiply.

  She got it. She just thought it was stupid.

  Dmitri thought Alethea was going to try to leverage an invitation to the party. The more Keira thought about it, the less sense it made. Alethea might have the utmost faith in Dmitri’s word—and rightfully so—but Aiden hadn’t made any promises about her safety. If given half a chance, Keira’s brother would put a bullet into both Eldridge women if only to save Charlie a future of uncertainty. Keira didn’t blame him for that, and Dmitri likely wouldn’t, either.

  So, no, Alethea had something else up her sleeve. The question was what.

  Keira tapped a finger to her lip. “Pavel, I have a question for you.”


  “Did Dmitri assign you to me because you’re being punished or rewarded?” She’d seen no indication that Dmitri operated his household that much differently from her brother, which meant that his men shared a lot of the duties. Keira knew for a fact that they rotated through for whose turn it was to leave the house for various reasons. Pavel had been designated her personal bodyguard for a reason, and she wanted to know why.

  For all his talk, is he still looking at me as a possession to be protected?

  She hated how the thought grated. So much so, she almost missed Pavel’s hesitation. Keira zeroed in on him. “Don’t even think about lying to me. It won’t go over well, and I’ll find out the truth regardless.”


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