Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection

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Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection Page 47

by Petrova, Em

Nikki smiled up at the man standing with her mom. “Are you staying for dinner?”

  “I don’t think I’m invited.”

  “Why not?” She glanced at Prue. “Can he stay for dinner, Mommy?”

  “He’s busy, honey.” Prue scooted her daughter into the kitchen. She turned to Nicholas and said, “Wait there.”

  Within minutes she was back at the door. “You have to leave.”

  “I have a right to get to know my daughter. I’ve already missed so much of her life.”

  She pushed him backwards. “Not now you don’t.”

  He stepped up to her. “She needs to know she has a daddy. Are you going to deny her that?”

  Nikki appeared in the hallway, her eyes brimming with tears. “Is … is he my daddy, Mommy?”

  Prue jolted awake her heart racing. She sprang up into a sitting position, trying to gather her sleepy senses, and gazed around the living room. It took a few seconds for her to remember where she was. She glimpsed the wall clock and realized she’d been asleep for almost twenty minutes. She pulled herself up off the sofa and rushed down the hallway to Nikki’s room. Her little girl was playing happily with the dolls in her dollhouse.

  Prue gave a huge sigh of relief. Thank God it was only a dream.

  Chapter Ten

  In Rachelle’s office the next morning, Prue told her all about her frightening dream. For once, the TV host sat and listened to every word without interruption, she could see how distressed her friend was. Prue paced as she relayed how Nicholas had appeared at her door and how Nikki had overheard him say he was her daddy. Rachelle came around the desk, and wrapped her arms around Prue. “It was a dream, hon. He hasn’t found you. Nikki’s ok.”

  Prue looked at her with tear-filled eyes. “But what if he does?” She brushed a tear from her cheek and sniffled. “I have to make sure he doesn’t.”

  “How are you going to do that?” She walked Prue over to the sofa and sat down with her. “Look, he doesn’t know your name or where you are, there’s no way he can find you.”

  Prue gave a heavy sigh. “Logically, yes, but what if he figures out a way?”

  Rachelle squeezed her hand. “Listen to me, ok. Think about it. How can he without any information?”

  Prue popped up off the sofa and paced again. “I don’t know, but he might. He’s an author with connections.” She turned around. “What if we run into each other again?”

  Rachelle gave her a skeptical frown. “The chances of that happening are slim to none.”

  “What about Serendipity?” Prue stood with her hands on her hips.

  “Well, there’s that of course.” She looked sheepish.

  Prue plonked down on the sofa beside her. “See. It could happen. He travels interstate for his novel, so who’s to say he doesn’t do another book signing here somewhere and we run into each other again? What if Nikki’s with me the next time?”

  “Honey, you’re letting your imagination run wild.” She got up, walked around her desk and opened the bottom drawer. She took out two glasses and a bottle of Bourbon and poured a finger’s breadth into each one, then returned the bottle to the drawer and kicked it shut with her stiletto-heeled foot. “Here.” She passed a glass to Prue. “Drink up, it’ll calm your nerves.”

  Prue sipped the honey-colored liquid and coughed as it slid into the tangle of butterflies in the pit of her stomach. “Thanks.”

  “No problem. You’ve got to pull yourself together, hon. You have a daughter to consider.”

  Prue frowned. “You think I don’t know that? What do you think I’ve been doing all this time?”

  Rachelle gave her a pained look. “I understand, but you can’t go jumping off at the deep end because of a dream. Nikki will be worried if she notices you’re upset.”

  Prue’s thoughts were elsewhere. “If he does find us our lives, and not only Nikki’s and mine, but his too, will be turned upside down. He’ll want visitation rights and holiday time and…”

  “Honey, stop.” She motioned with her finger. “Bottoms up.”

  Prue shook her head. “I don’t need alcohol I need a place to hide.”

  “What you need is to get on with your life and worry about Nicholas Colton if and when he shows up at your door.”

  Prue gave Rachelle a disgruntled sideward glance.

  “It’s the truth. Don’t make waves where there are none.” She swallowed the rest of her Bourbon.

  Prue stood up and sat her glass on Rachelle’s desk. “I know you mean well, but you’re not in my position.” She walked over to the door. “I’ll see you in the studio.”


  Later that afternoon, Prue and Rachelle sat down to discuss the Halloween event they were attending. Because Rachelle had four VIP tickets they’d need to find escorts for the evening.

  Prue’s big brother, Toby, who was only three years older, had called during the day to say he would be in town on business from the twenty-seventh to the thirty-first of October, and asked if he could crash at her place. She was delighted he was coming to New York and more than happy to have him stay for a few days. She asked if he would be her date for the Halloween bash and he agreed. He said it would be a lot of fun and that he’d look forward to it.

  Rachelle had organized a date for herself with a well-known anchorman so it was all set. “Halloween bash at the Maple, here we come!”

  Prue had second thoughts about attending, but after some serious persuasion from her best friend she decided it would take her mind off the situation for a while. She needed the distraction.

  Rachelle made the choice to go as the Black Widow from The Avengers movie, and her date had chosen a Captain America costume. They would look great together as a sexy crime-fighting duo.

  Prue knew she wouldn’t be able to talk her brother into wearing a Dr. Frank N Furter outfit, so she arranged a Brad costume for him instead, which consisted of a pair of spectacles, a white business shirt and a pair of gray pants. She knew he wouldn’t be comfortable going in his underwear, even though he had a decent body.

  As much as she’d had reservations about going out on Halloween, Prue realized it would be a lot of fun, especially with her brother accompanying her. She was glad he was coming to The Big Apple.

  New York had fast become home for Prue and she hoped it would bring her some good fortune. She also hoped Nicholas Colton would remain in California and forget he ever met her.

  Chapter Eleven

  The days leading up to Halloween seemed to fly by and Prue was surprised when Toby knocked on her door at 8.00 p.m. on the night of the twenty-seventh. With everything going on in her life she’d lost track of time. He had driven the six hours from Pittsburgh to New York in his beat up, 1966 Mustang convertible. He adored her (Jessie) and planned to ‘fix her up’ one day.

  Prue gave her big brother a huge hug and, unbeknown to him, a tear slid down her cheek. She was so happy to have him there. Nikki came flying out of her room the minute she heard his voice. “Uncle Toby!” she squealed and launched herself into his arms.

  “Hey, baby girl, how are ya,” he said, wrapping his arms around her in a tight bear hug.

  She held up her index finger wrapped in a Band-Aid.

  Toby frowned at it. “What happened?”

  “Billy bit me.”

  “He did? Do you need me to sort him out for you?”

  Nikki giggled. “Nah. I punched him in the arm so we’re even.”

  Toby stood his niece on the floor. “Good for you. I bet he won’t try that again.”

  “Please don’t encourage her.” Prue frowned at him.

  Nikki gazed up at her mom. “Is Uncle Toby staying with us?”

  “Yes, honey, remember I…” Prue realized not only had she lost track of time but she’d forgotten to tell her daughter about her uncle’s visit. “Never mind, sweetie, mommy forgot. Yes, he’s staying for a few days.”

  “Yay!” Nikki jumped up and down clapping her hands. “I love you Uncle Toby.” She wrapped her
arms around his thighs.

  Toby bent down and touched the tip of her nose with his index finger. “I love you, too, Jellybean.”

  “Time to go back to bed, honey, you’ve got school tomorrow. You can talk to Uncle Toby in the morning.” She took her daughter’s hand and told her brother she wouldn’t be long.

  Toby kissed his niece goodnight then made himself comfortable on the sofa. When Prue returned to the living room, her brother was stretched out, his feet hanging over the armrest, sound asleep. She wondered if she should wake him for something to eat. She crossed the room and shook his shoulder. “Tobe?” She shook him again. “Toby, are you hungry? Can I make you something?”

  Her brother’s eyes opened slowly. “Huh? Sorry sis, didn’t mean to do that.” He swung his long legs over the side of the sofa and sat up, rubbing his eyes. “Long drive.” He chuckled. “What’d you say?”

  Prue sat down beside him and slapped his thigh. “Can I make you something to eat?”

  Toby yawned. “Yeah, that’d be great. Thanks. Don’t go to too much trouble though. A grilled cheese sandwich will do just fine.”

  Prue got up off the sofa. “Grilled cheese it is.” She headed to the kitchen to heat the skillet.

  Her brother stood up, stretched his lean six foot two inch frame and followed her. “Settled in, ok? Like it here? Mom misses you, you know.”

  “Yeah, I know, we miss you all too, but I had to do this for me and Nikki.”

  Toby raised his hands. “Hey, you’re preachin’ to the converted here. I’m proud of you.”

  Prue gave a thin smile. “Thanks. I think we’ve settled in ok. Nikki’s made some friends at her preschool and one little girl lives here in our building, which is great for her.” She nodded. “Yeah, I do like it here.”

  Toby folded his arms and leaned against the doorframe. “As long as you’re happy that’s all that counts.”

  Prue gave a heavy sigh. “You’re right.”

  “So what’s up?” He could sense something was wrong.

  “Nothing’s up.” Prue put on a happy face and attempted to hide her feelings. “Your grilled cheese will be ready in a couple minutes. Why don’t you go make yourself comfortable at the table and I’ll bring it in with a mug of coffee when it’s done.”

  “Ok. Thanks.” Toby watched her for a moment, then turned around and headed back into the living/dining room and sat down at the table. Drumming his fingers on the surface, he gazed around his sister’s apartment. She had made the place comfortable for her and his niece.

  Within minutes, Prue came into the room carrying a tray. She sat it on the dining table, handed Toby his grilled cheese sandwiches and set two mugs of coffee down. She slid the tray onto the server between the living room and kitchen and sat at the end of the table. “What’s new with you, bro?”

  “Bro?” His eyebrows rose and he grinned. “I’m thinking about selling the ranch,” he told her, taking a bite of the gooey, toasted cheese sandwich.

  Prue was surprised. “Why? I thought you loved it there. The rolling green acres, the fresh air, the horses. What happened?”

  He sighed. “I do. But we haven’t been turning a profit for a while. I had hoped things would pick up, but they haven’t. It’s the economy, I guess.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. I hope something happens to keep it going.” She rested a hand on his. “I love that place too.” Although her brother was only thirty three, she noticed he looked much older these days. Maybe the stress of operating a failing business was taking its toll. She squeezed his hand. “Do what you have to, Tobe. It’s not worth your health.”

  “That’s why I’m in New York. I’m talking to a couple of investors to see if they’d be willing to inject some dollars into the ranch to build it up again. I’ve got two appointments this week. Fingers crossed, huh?”

  “Absolutely. I wish I could help.” She gazed at him with sad eyes.

  Toby smiled. “I know. And I appreciate that.” He frowned at her. “Wanna tell me what’s really going on with you? I could always tell when you were unhappy about something. Still can.”

  Prue shifted her gaze from her brother to the blank television screen. She knew she couldn’t look him in the face and say nothing was wrong. “I’m fine. Honestly.”

  “Wanna try that again looking at me this time?” He reached across, grabbed her chin gently and turned her face toward him. “What’s wrong?”

  “You didn’t come here to listen to my troubles. You’ve got enough of your own. Everything’s fine. I can handle it. Let’s enjoy each other’s company while you’re here and have a fun night at the Halloween party on the weekend.”

  “Prudence.” His frown deepened and he stared into her eyes.

  “Don’t try mom’s trick. There’s nothing to tell.” As a teenager, whenever her mother looked her in the eye and called her Prudence she couldn’t help but tell her the truth. Not so much these days, though.

  “Hey, I’m concerned about you, that’s all. What are big brothers for if their little sister can’t cry on their shoulder once in a while?”

  A sneaky tear slid down her cheek. Toby was on his feet pulling her into his arms and giving her a tight hug. “Tell your big brother what’s wrong? I love you, sweetheart. I don’t want to see you sad. Talk to me.”

  More tears spilled now. She sniffled and said, “If I start I might not be able to stop.”

  Toby walked her over to the sofa, sat her down and sat beside her. “I don’t care if we’re up all night. I’m here for you, you know that, right?”

  Prue nodded and her chin quivered. She inhaled a deep breath to prevent herself from crying.

  Toby got up, picked up the mugs of coffee and set them down on the coffee table, he also grabbed the tissues from off the server then took his seat. “You can start whenever you’re ready. Ok?” He picked up his mug and swallowed a large mouthful of coffee. He was worried about her.

  “Ok.” Prue fidgeted with the tissue in her hand. Where would she begin?

  Chapter Twelve

  Prue told her big brother everything. How she’d met Nicholas Colton that night at Hemingway’s Café, how they hadn’t exchanged names. She regretted that now. She also told him how much she’d wanted to find him and tell him about Nikki but didn’t know how. How she felt about him, despite her attempts to forget him. When she’d run into the author at Macy’s she was afraid, after all this time, that if she told him he would be furious with her. And who knew what he might do?

  Toby listened without interruption. He knew his little sister needed to get everything off her chest. He didn’t judge her, it wasn’t his place. After her fiancé, Connor, who was Toby’s best friend, had been killed in a light plane crash at only twenty three, Toby didn’t think Prue would ever recover. She had been shattered by her childhood sweetheart’s death and it had taken a couple of years for her to pull herself out of the deep depression. Toby had had to be strong, despite the overwhelming grief he’d felt at the loss of his friend, to help his little sister through the heartbreak.

  Once again, he wanted to be there to support her in any way he could. She needed it after everything she’d been through. Prue hadn’t told her family the circumstances behind her pregnancy and now he understood why. Not that anyone would have judged her. They loved her and had watched her suffer the agony of losing the only man she had ever loved.

  When she finished her story Toby wrapped his arms around her and gave her another one of those big bear hugs she loved so much. “I’m sorry you’ve had to go through this alone. You could’ve told me, you know.”

  Prue eased herself out of his arms. “I know, but I didn’t want you to think any less of me for doing something so stupid.” A tear slid down her cheek and she dabbed at it with the tissue.

  “Hey, it’s not stupid to want to be loved. And from what you’ve said he sounds like a decent guy who treated you well.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him. “What are you going to do now?

  “I don’t think it would be a good idea to disrupt his or our lives. He has a busy writing career and Nikki and I are just starting out here. What would be the good of telling him now?”

  Toby lifted her face up to meet his gaze. “Because the man needs to know he has a child.”

  Prue sat up and frowned at her brother. “Does he? He should have taken responsibility that night so that something like this didn’t happen.” She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth because it meant she wouldn’t have Nikki, and she loved her daughter with all her heart.

  Toby’s eyebrows rose. “Do you think that’s fair? You were both there.”

  Prue sighed. “Ok. Yes. You’re right, we were. I ‒ I don’t know what I think, to be honest. One thing I do know is I don’t want Nikki’s life turned upside down. You can understand that, right?”

  Her brother rubbed her back. “Of course I can. But he does have a right to know.”

  “Maybe. But not right now.” She stood up. “Want more coffee?”

  Toby handed her the mugs from off the coffee table. “Sure. Thanks.” He could see his sister was conflicted about what to do and he didn’t want to add any more pressure to her already confused state of mind.


  The next morning, after another night of very little sleep, Prue set about making breakfast and packing lunch for her daughter. Toby was fast asleep on the sofa and Nikki was getting ready for the school day ahead, dressing in the clothes Prue had laid out for her and organizing her backpack. She was a great little helper in the morning.

  Prue began setting the table as quietly as she could before having to wake her brother. He had driven several hours, and then spent most of the night listening to her woes before camping out on her uncomfortable sofa. Toby stirred and turned over. He was still in his clothes. “Hey, morning, sis.”

  “Good morning.” Prue grimaced. “I didn’t wake you, did I? I was trying to be quiet.”

  Toby stood up and stretched. “No, you didn’t wake me. I’ve been lying here half-awake for a while.” He walked over and took the plates and cutlery from her hands. “Let me do that. I need to earn my keep while I’m here.” He grinned.


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