Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection

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Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection Page 48

by Petrova, Em

  “Thanks. How does bacon and eggs sound?” She turned toward the server and sniffed. “I’d better go check on breakfast before it burns.” She rushed into the kitchen.

  “Sounds great,” Toby called after her. “I’m starved.” He finished setting the table.

  Nikki brought her schoolbag into the hall and sat it by the door. “Morning, Uncle Toby.” She ran over to him, threw her arms around his neck and planted a big kiss on his cheek as he bent down to pick her up.

  “Good morning, Princess. Have a good sleep?” He tickled her neck and she giggled.

  “Stop that!” She giggled more. “Yeah, I had a good sleep. Did you?”

  “I sure did.” He tossed her over his shoulder, carried her to the table and sat her on a chair.

  Prue came into the room with two large plates – one containing fried eggs and the other piled high with bacon and toast. She glanced at the wall clock. “We’ll have to hurry.” She served an egg and some bacon to Nikki then passed the plate to her brother. “Do you have any appointments today?”

  Toby shook his head. “Tomorrow and Thursday.”

  “Oh, ok. So are you staying here all day? Maybe catch up on some sleep?”

  “I might do some sightseeing. Always wanted to visit the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State. If you like I can drive you and Nikki to preschool and then drop you at work. I can pick her up later too, if that’s any help.”

  Prue smiled. “That’d be great.” She squeezed his hand. “Thank you.”

  “Not a problem.” He got stuck into his breakfast, scooping egg onto a slice of toast and taking a large bite.

  “Yay!” Nikki said. “Wanna meet my teacher, Uncle Toby? Miss Foster. She’s really nice.”

  “Maybe another time, Jellybean. Ok?”

  Nikki pouted. “Ok,” she droned.

  Prue popped an egg and some bacon and toast onto her plate, but wasn’t at all hungry. She sighed and cut into the egg, the yellow yoke running into the rashers of crispy bacon, but didn’t lift it onto her fork.

  Toby noticed. “You ok?”

  She glanced over at him. “Yes, I’m ok. Just not hungry, that’s all.”

  He rested a hand on her shoulder. “Things will work out. Trust that.”

  Prue gave him a thin smile. “I hope so.”

  “What’s wrong, Mommy?” Nikki frowned.

  Prue mustered her best smile. “Nothing, honey. Eat up we have to get going.”


  After dropping Nikki at preschool, Toby drove his sister to the broadcast center. When he saw the huge complex he was awestruck. “Wow! That’s some building. Almost takes up a whole city block.”

  “Yes, it’s pretty impressive, huh?” Prue swung the door open and was about to get out when she saw Nicholas Colton stepping into the revolving door. “Oh, no!”

  Toby gazed out the windshield of his Mustang. “What’s wrong?”

  Prue settled back in the seat and pulled the door closed. “It’s him.”

  “The author?”

  Prue nodded.

  “Aren’t you going to go talk to him?”

  “No. He doesn’t know I work here. At least I don’t think he does.” She frowned at the moving door. “I wonder why he’s here.”

  “Maybe he’s on the show,” Toby surmised.

  “He’s already been on Rachelle’s show. And she would’ve told me if she knew he was coming back in.” Prue hoped Rachelle would, anyhow.

  “Can you please take me home, Tobe? I’ll call in sick today.”

  “If you’re sure that’s what you want.”

  She gave her brother an uncomfortable sideward glance, knowing he didn’t approve. “Yes, it is. Thank you.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Trick-or-treating had been so much fun! New York knew how to turn on the spooky Halloween spirit. Toby had joined Prue and Yolanda, giving the kids turns at sitting on his broad shoulders when they ran out of steam from walking the few blocks. Nikki, Jazz and Sammy were giggling as they ran down the busy sidewalk with their stash of Halloween contraband, while the ladies strolled along arm in arm chatting not far behind them.

  It was eight o’clock and had already been dark for a couple of hours. The buildings along the street were lit up with Jack O Lanterns, witches, ghost, goblins, ghouls, vampire bats and so much more. The group headed toward home, and Prue was glad she and her brother were going to the Halloween party later. She was in a good mood and looking forward to a night of adult fun.

  By the time they arrived back at their apartment building, Nikki, Jazz and Sammy were ready to fall into bed, exhausted from the hours of running rampant trick-or-treating. Yolanda gathered them together and ushered them up the stairs, saying she had enjoyed the evening and telling Prue and Toby to have a fun time at the bash.

  Prue thanked her for minding Nikki then unlocked her front door and stepped inside followed by Toby dressed as a cowboy. He owned several Stetsons and always had one in his car. Being a horse rancher, he never went anywhere without his hat.

  She made a dash for the bathroom and then went into her room to freshen up her makeup before Rachelle came by to pick them up.

  When she came back to the living room her brother was watching the TV. “Hey, Tobe, want something to eat or will you be ok till we get to the party?”

  Toby lowered the volume and turned around. “Are you having something?”

  Prue shook her head. “No, I think I’ll wait.”

  “Ok then, me too.” He turned the volume back up and continued watching the program.

  She crossed the room and sat down beside him. “Are you planning on getting dressed soon?”

  “Uh, yeah, in a bit,” Toby said, tuned in to what was on the television.

  The doorbell rang and Prue got up to answer it. She snuck a peek through the peephole before opening the door. Her nerves were always on edge every time the doorbell rang since she’d had that dream. Rachelle was early. “Hi, I thought you weren’t coming over till nine thirty.”

  Rachelle sidled past Prue and into the entry hall. “I know, but I thought I’d stop by early so we can spend some time before we go.”

  Prue wondered what was on Rachelle’s mind. “Is everything alright?”

  “Everything’s great. So looking forward to tonight, it’s going to be a blast.”

  Toby turned off the television and stood up.

  Prue introduced him. “This is my brother Toby. Tobe, this is Rachelle Reed.”

  He walked over and shook her hand. “Good to meet you, Rachelle. I’ve seen your show a couple times.”

  “Thanks. Nice to meet you too.” Rachelle couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was a tall, attractive cowboy.

  “Sis, can I use your room to get changed?” Toby asked, gathering up the pieces of his costume.

  “Of course you can.” She motioned down the hallway. “You know where it is.”

  Toby disappeared into Prue’s room, closing the door behind him.

  “So that’s your brother, huh?”

  “Yep, that’s him. Don’t get any ideas, either. He’s spoken for.” Not that he was right now, but Rachelle didn’t need to know that.

  Her friend’s face dropped. “That’s a pity. Sexy much.”


  “He’s a looker. And let’s face it there aren’t many real men left in the world today.”

  Prue glowered at her. “Have you forgotten he’s my brother?” She didn’t need to hear Rachelle’s thoughts on how sexy Toby was.

  “Oh. Yeah. Sorry.”

  Toby came back along the hall in his Brad costume minus the pants. Prue was taken aback when he walked into the living room. He looked like the real Brad in the scene in Frank’s laboratory. Rachelle couldn’t take her eyes off his long athletic legs and Prue nudged her.

  “What happened to the pants?” Prue asked.

  “I’ve seen the movie. Brad doesn’t have any pants in the mansion and as I have all the components, oh, and these,”
he said, putting on the glasses, “I thought I’d go traditional Brad.” His smile widened.

  “Are you sure you’ll be comfortable dressed that way?” Prue would have purchased the Dr. Frank N Furter costume if she’d known her brother was an exhibitionist.

  “Yeah, it’s nothing. We’re going to have some fun tonight, right?” He gave Rachelle a sideward glance.

  Prue shook her head. He was acting like a rooster in a henhouse. Showoff.


  The Maple was cram-packed with characters from the movies: horror, superhero, action, sci fi and more. The group threaded their way through the dancing throng to the bar, and on the way they passed three Dracula, two Elvira, The Hulk, a couple of Bettie Boop, a zombie or two, three Captain Jack Sparrow, Sandy and Danny from Grease, and only one Dr. Frank N Furter (Prue was pleased she hadn’t chosen that costume for Toby, after all), who shimmied when Prue passed him and gave her a seductive wink while licking his glossy red lips.

  Prue blushed as she passed a celebrity couple she recognized dressed as Morticia and Gomez Addams. She had no idea some of the rich and famous would attend the party and was excited to be there. Then again, Rachelle was a celebrity in her own right. She noticed a couple more well-known celebs as she followed Rachelle through the crowd and Rachelle stopped to say hello. Introductions all round, not that anyone could hear, then on to the bar for a drink. The Maple had a one hour complimentary Vodka open bar and they had already missed the first half hour.

  The live DJ was rocking the house with a medley of Top 40 hits, hip hop, and mash ups.

  The TV host knew the guy behind the counter and pre-ordered drinks for throughout the evening so they wouldn’t have to wait. The perks of being famous.

  While Rachelle ordered their drinks, Toby and Prue gazed around the lounge looking for a place to sit. Everywhere was taken.

  With drinks in hand, they made their way back through the throng of revelers and out to the street. Tom would arrive at any minute and Rachelle wanted to be situated somewhere he could find her. She held up her drink. “Happy Halloween.”

  Rachelle’s date arrived fifteen minutes later dressed in his Captain America costume and took her breath away. “God, you look gorgeous! I want to eat you up right now.”

  “You look pretty gorgeous yourself.” He leaned in to kiss her cheek and whispered something in her ear. Rachelle giggled and play slapped him. “You’re wicked.”

  She introduced Prue and Toby to Tom and handed him a drink that she’d brought down with her. One she had considered drinking if he hadn’t arrived when he did.

  Maple staff was collecting empty glasses and the group handed them theirs before heading back inside to get some boogie on. Rachelle danced her way through the party goers, her hands in the air. Tom caught up to her and slid his arms around her waist forming a mini conga line. Prue and her brother danced behind them following them through the crowd.

  After a couple of hours of dancing, the DJ took a well-earned break and Rachelle headed to the bar for more drinks. When she reached the counter a voice behind her caught her off guard and she swung around.

  “Hi, Rachelle. Great bash, huh?” Nicholas Colton looked gorgeous dressed as The Mad Hatter from Tim Burton’s adaptation of Alice in Wonderland.

  “Hello, yourself. Yes, it is. What are you doing here?” She glanced past him to see if she could pick out Prue in the masses.

  “My publisher invited me. She’s here somewhere.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Haven’t seen the wicked Queen from Snow White and the Huntsman by any chance?”

  “Sorry, no. Been here long?” Her eyes continued to search for Prue and Toby. If she spotted his lanky frame, she’d find her friend.

  “Only ten minutes or so. Are you here with people?” He looked around her.

  “Yes. Not sure where my entourage is at the moment though.” She gave him a big smile. “Well, I’d better get these drinks back to the thirsty, wherever they are. Have fun. Hope you find your publisher.”

  “Thanks. Hope you find your entourage.” He grinned.

  “Me too.” She threaded through the crowd as fast as she could, looking for Prue. Where did they go?

  Rachelle’s heart was doing the rumba and it had nothing to do with the music. If Nicholas spotted Prue the whole thing was over. Maybe they went back outside. She made her way to the front entrance. When she stepped out into the cool, New York evening she shivered and wasn’t sure if it was the night air or her nerves that caused her body to react that way.

  Her three friends were standing off to the right, so Rachelle weaved her way through the Halloween revelers on the sidewalk and rushed over to them, handing the drinks around and pulling Prue to one side. “Nicholas is here.”

  “What?! Where?” Prue’s eyes darted around the costume-clad crowd milling on the street.

  “Inside. I spoke to him at the bar. He said his publisher invited him. Do you want to leave before he sees you?”

  “I don’t think he’d recognize me in this costume, do you? And if he’s looking for his publisher maybe he’ll stay inside.”

  “I don’t know, your face still looks the same, hon. I hope he does stay inside for your sake.”

  The two women joined the men.

  Toby leaned in to his sister and spoke into her ear. “Everything ok?”

  Prue rested her hand on his arm and kissed his cheek. “Nothing to worry about, big brother. Promise.”

  Nicholas stepped out of the Maple and spotted the group of four standing near the railing. He immediately recognized the woman he had spent the night with in Pittsburgh. He couldn’t mistake that beautiful face even in the bright red wig and sparkly gold hat. She was kissing the man standing beside her. The man she had been with in LA when they had run into each other at Macy’s department store. He had the sudden urge to rush over there, take her in his arms and kiss her, but as much as he wanted to he couldn’t disrupt her life.

  Missed chances. Would the timing ever be right for them? He couldn’t get her out of his head or his heart so what was he to do now?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Early Monday morning, Nicholas traveled by cab to the broadcast center. He was certain the TV host knew who the woman was that he had met in Pittsburgh, and he hoped she would help him. He entered the CBS foyer and walked over to the front desk. “Good morning. Is it possible to speak to Rachelle Reed please?”

  The young woman behind the counter smiled up at him. “Good morning, Mr. Colton. Let me check for you.” She telephoned Rachelle’s office. No answer. She disconnected the call and turned to the author. “I’m sorry Mr. Colton Rachelle doesn’t seem to be here yet.”

  “Nicholas sighed. “Ok. Can I leave her a message?”

  “Of course.” She passed him a notepad and pen.

  The author wrote down his details and asked Rachelle to contact him as soon as possible, then tore off the page, folded it and handed it to the receptionist. “Would you please make sure she gets this as soon as she comes in? It’s very important.”

  “Absolutely. I’ll hand it to her myself.” She placed the note in an envelope, sealed it and wrote Rachelle’s name on the front.

  “Thank you. I’d appreciate that.” Nicholas hesitated before leaving. Maybe he should wait for the TV host to arrive. No, that would appear desperate. He headed for the door. Was he doing the right thing? ‘All’s fair in love and war’ popped into his head. He shook the thought from his mind, shuffled through the revolving door and stepped onto the street.

  “Taxi.” He hailed a cab heading in the opposite direction and moved onto the road. The driver did a U-turn and pulled up in front of him. Nicholas opened the door, then turned and glanced at the broadcast center before getting in, wondering if he should have waited. He hoped Rachelle would contact him soon. As the taxi pulled away Nicholas spotted her getting out of another cab. “Stop the car!” He needed to speak to her face to face, needed to find out who the woman was that he’d made passionate love to all t
hose years ago. Needed the chance to tell her how he felt. He handed the driver a couple of large bills for the inconvenience and threw the door open. “Rachelle,” he called, hurrying toward her.

  The TV host turned around and her eyes widened. Why is he here? She put on her best smile and walked over to him. “Well, hello again. What brings you here?”

  Nicholas’ expression was serious. “I need to talk to you about a personal matter. Can we speak in your office?”

  Rachelle’s heartbeat ticked up a notch and she couldn’t take a breath for a second. “Personal? What do you mean?” She gave him an uncertain frown.

  “I would prefer to discuss it somewhere private, if you don’t mind?”


  The pair headed into the building.

  When they reached Rachelle’s office, she closed the door and offered Nicholas a seat. She moved around her desk, sat down and asked him if he would like some coffee before he began. He declined.

  “You said you wanted to discuss something personal. I’m not sure I understand how I can help.” Rachelle clasped her hands on the desk in front of her.

  “Saturday night at the Halloween party I saw you with a group of people standing outside the restaurant.”

  Oh, God, he knows!

  “Go on.” She attempted a smile to cover her nervous demeanor. This would mean Prue’s dream had come true.

  “I knew the woman dressed as Columbia a long time ago and I’d like to get in touch with her while I’m here. Can you help me do that?” Nicholas wasn’t about to tell Rachelle he didn’t know the woman’s name.

  “What makes you think I know her?”

  “Body language mostly. People who know each other act in certain ways around one another. And your group looked intimate.”

  Rachelle shifted uncomfortably in her chair. “Really?”

  “Oh, yes, as an author I’ve had to study body language to create authenticity in my novels.” He crossed one leg over the other, leaned his elbows on the armrest and clasped his hands.


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