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Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection

Page 60

by Petrova, Em

  He organized a New York flight for the same afternoon. He wasn’t about to waste any more time debating over whether or not he should go. He was going. The following morning he’d head straight to the broadcast center and beg Prue to give him another chance. Pete had been right. He should have abandoned the book and flown to The Big Apple when things first fell apart. Two months? Would she even want to see him now? All he could do was hope.

  After arranging his flight, accommodation and taxi, Nicholas closed his MacBook and headed to his bedroom. He’d have a suitcase packed and ready to go in less than half an hour. It was time to begin a new phase in his life with the women he loved and his little girl. He still couldn’t get his mind around the fact that he was a dad, but he loved the idea. He hoped Nikki would like him when she met him, at least until she got to know him, then he hoped she would love him because he already loved her.

  Nicholas wheeled his navy blue American Tourister suitcase along the hallway, stood it by the front door and checked that the dogs had enough food and water until Pete came by to pick them up. They were staying with him this time.

  The taxi pulled into the drive and the driver beeped the horn. Nicholas’ American Airlines flight departed at 12.20 p.m. so he needed to get a move on. He opened the front door, grabbed the handle of his case and stepped out onto the porch. His stomach shrank into a tight knot as he closed the door and headed down the steps. What kind of reception would Prue give him when he arrived at her place of work?


  Gazing out of the airplane window, Nicholas thought about what he would say when he saw Prue again. The first thing he’d do was apologize for the way he had treated her the morning after their exquisite night together, which he realized had been anything but a mistake. He adored making love to her. The intimacy of his skin on hers awakened his soul and made his body come alive. He recalled how willing Prue had been to give herself to him and how much he’d wanted her. How his hands had roamed every inch of her and the way her body had responded to his touch. Their lovemaking had surpassed everything they’d shared that night all those years ago. Nicholas knew they were meant to be together and he wasn’t about to do anything else to ruin that chance.

  The stopover in Phoenix had been delayed, so the flight wouldn’t arrive at JFK Airport until the early hours of the morning. When he arrived at his hotel he’d head straight to his suite and try to get some sleep so that he was clear-headed for the following day. He wanted to pour his heart out to Prue without any mishaps this time. Tell her how much she meant to him and how much he wanted to be a father to their daughter. He wanted them to be a family.

  An image of Prue popped into Nicholas’ thoughts and he smiled. He hoped he would get to wake up next to that lovely face every morning for the rest of his life.

  Chapter Forty Three

  Prue knew making the decision to move back home had been the right one. Nikki was happy, she was happy, and all thoughts of Nicholas Colton were no longer the center of her existence, although he still hovered in the back of her mind and she wondered if she’d ever see him again. Rachelle had been upset but understood why Prue had to leave. Family came first. Always. She’d promised they would remain friends for life, but Prue knew that would change over time and eventually they would stop speaking. A sad reality.

  Although Toby’s broken leg had healed, his pelvis was still mending. The doctor told him it may take another month before he was completely healed, and that there were no guarantees he wouldn’t experience some painful side effects from time to time for the rest of his life.

  Prue helped him out onto the front porch of his home at the ranch and made him comfortable on the outdoor lounge under the window. She knew how much her brother hated being unable to work and ride but did her best to reassure him that once his body mended he’d be back doing what he loved. He was an independent man who handled his own life and it was difficult for him not to be managing ranch business.

  She rearranged the cushions behind him. “There. Comfortable?”

  Toby looked up at her. “Yep. Thanks, sis.”

  “Can I get you anything before I head to the office?”

  “Nope. I think I’ve got everything I need.” He had on his Stetson, his cell phone was in his hand, and a mystery novel and a glass of juice sat on the small, round table beside him. “Besides, I’m not an invalid I can still do some things for myself. You’re not here to be at my beck and call, you’re here to run things while I can’t.”

  “I know. But, you’re meant to be taking it easy. If you need anything just text me, I’m only a few hundred feet away.” She gazed across the grass at the detached wooden structure next to the stables. “We’ll take a slow walk around the property later so you can get your exercise. Ok?”

  “Sure. How’s it all going by the way? You haven’t said much since you moved back.”

  “I think I’ve got everything under control. The riders and trainers seem to have warmed to me now. That’s something. And the stable hands have never had a problem with me from day one.” She gave him a thin smile.

  “They’d better treat you with respect or they’ll have me to deal with.” Toby folded his arms.

  “Hey, it’s all good. Trust me. I won’t take anyone’s rubbish.”

  “I’m glad you’ve settled in, but the ranch wasn’t exactly what I meant.”

  “Oh. Everything else is fine. Nikki’s happy to be spending time with her gran and poppie and I’m doing something I enjoy.” She gazed at the trees in the distance. “I love this place.”

  “What about…?”

  She gazed at her brother and raised her hand. “Let’s not spoil a perfect morning, ok?” As she turned to walk down the front steps a car drove through the ranch gates. “I wonder who that could be.”

  Toby pushed himself up off the cushions and scrutinized the vehicle as it moved closer. “Don’t recognize the car. Maybe it’s a new client.”

  “Mm, maybe.” Prue descended the steps and waited for the silver sedan to pull into a parking spot in front of the office. When the door opened and Nicholas got out she almost swallowed her tongue. “Oh, my God!”

  Toby eased himself into a sitting position. “You want me to talk to him?”

  Prue glanced over her shoulder and motioned for him to stay put. “No, it’s ok. I’ll do it.” She walked over to Nicholas standing beside the car. “What are you doing here?”

  “I flew to New York two days ago and went to the broadcast center. They told me you’d left, so I…”

  “Did Rachelle tell you where I was?” She folded her arms.

  “After some heckling, yes. She didn’t want to though so don’t be mad at her.” He closed the car door. “Can we talk? Please?”

  Prue gave her brother a sideward glance. “Now’s not a good time. I have lots to do.”

  Nicholas touched her arm. “When would be a good time? I’m not here to make your life difficult I just want to talk to you.”

  Prue’s eyes returned to him. “Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you told me our night together was a mistake. You didn’t even come after me to apologize. It’s been two months and I haven’t heard a word from you.”

  “I know and it was wrong of me, I should have. I’m sorry.” His eyes reflected the anguish inside him for causing her more pain.

  Her serious expression softened. “Why didn’t you? Do you really believe that night was a mistake?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “No I don’t believe it was a mistake. I don’t know why I said it. I guess I was worried things were moving in a direction I wasn’t prepared for.” He sighed. “That’s not what I mean.”

  “What do you mean?” She frowned. “Why are you here, Nick?”

  “I’m here because I want to be a part of yours and Nikki’s life. I know my actions haven’t proved that but it’s the truth. Before I knew about our daughter I was trying to find you so I could tell you that I wanted you in my life. There hasn’t been anyone since that
night. There couldn’t have been because I fell in love you back then.”

  Prue glanced across the lawn at Toby and he nodded.

  “Alright. Let’s go for a drive and talk.”

  Nicholas’ eyebrows rose. “Now?”

  “Isn’t that why you came here?”

  “Yes. There’s nothing I want more.”


  Nicholas pulled the rental off the road under a huge tree and turned off the engine. The half hour drive had been in silence and he wondered what was going through Prue’s mind. He needed to know. She sat in the passenger seat with her arms folded, gazing out of the window. He turned to her, a serious expression on his face, and reached across to touch her arm. “Prue?”

  She turned her head. “Yes?”

  “What can I do to make things right? How can I prove myself?” He gave her a pained frown.

  Prue shrugged. “I’m not sure you can. Every time we come together to talk things through something goes wrong and we end up not talking at all. I can’t be afraid to tell you how I feel and worry about how you’ll react.”

  Nicholas sighed. “I know. But what you told me at the café threw me off balance. I couldn’t get my head around it and I couldn’t think straight. I never meant to hurt you. And that night at my house… it couldn’t have been more perfect. I’ve been a stubborn fool. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

  “When you told me our lovemaking had been a mistake I was devastated. I didn’t understand how you could make love to me and then dismiss it so easily.”

  “I don’t know what came over me that morning. All I could think about was the way we’d made love to each other, but then I ruined it by opening my mouth and saying something that deep down I didn’t mean.” He rubbed her arm. “I’m in love with you, Prue. I have been since the first time I laid eyes on you.”

  Tears stung the backs of Prue’s eyes and she blinked back the urge to cry. “I’m in love with you too, Nick. I have been since that night all those years ago. But…”

  He took her hands in his. “Then let’s not waste any more time. Let’s make a fresh start right here, right now.”

  Prue gave him an uncertain frown. “How can we after everything that’s happened?”

  “I am so sorry for every thoughtless thing I’ve done to sabotage us being together. I let pride stand in the way of what I really wanted and I should’ve known better. I love you and if you’ll have me I’d like to be your husband one day.”

  Prue’s eyes widened. “Are you… are you proposing?”

  “In a manner of speaking, yes. I’d prefer to ask you over dinner some time soon with the perfect accessory to place on your finger.” He took her hand. “What do you say? Want to make our family of three official?”

  She stared deep into his eyes. “Are you sure, Nick? I wouldn’t want to give you an answer and have you change your mind.”

  “I couldn’t be more sure.” Nicholas kissed the palm of her hand. “Is that a yes?”

  Chapter Forty Four

  Toby had called his mom to ask her to bring Nikki over to the ranch. He thought when Prue and Nicholas returned their daughter should be there to greet them. He suspected the couple would work out their differences, which was long overdue, and by the time they came back their relationship would be in a much better place. At least he hoped it would.

  He and Nikki were in the living room watching a Sesame Street DVD when he heard a car pull in. Toby eased himself up off the sofa and made his way out to the front porch. Prue and Nicholas were walking hand in hand across the grass, smiling and talking. It made Toby’s heart happy.

  “Hey, you two, nice to see ya smiling.” He leaned on the railing.

  “Thanks, big brother. It’s good to be smiling.”

  Nikki raced out of the front door. “Mommy!” she squealed, launching herself at her mother.

  Prue dropped Nicholas’ hand and swung her daughter into the air then hugged her tight. “Hey, baby girl, did grandma bring you?”

  Her little girl nodded. “Uncle Toby called and asked if she could.”

  Prue narrowed her eyes at her brother. “He did, did he?” She stood her daughter on the bottom front step.

  Nikki looked up at Nicholas. “Hello. Who are you?”

  Toby turned around and headed back into the house. It was time to give them some space.

  Nicholas squatted in front of Nikki and was about to speak when Prue placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “Honey, remember asking me about your daddy?”

  Her daughter nodded, a look of uncertainty crossing her little face.

  “Well, this is…”

  Nikki’s face lit up. “The man in the picture on the back of the scary book you were reading.”

  Nicholas glanced up at Prue and her cheeks flushed. “Uh, yes, that’s right, but…”

  Her little girl’s eyes widened along with her mouth and she looked at Nicholas and then her mom. “Is he my daddy?”

  Prue nodded. Tears welled in her eyes and she couldn’t speak.

  Nikki launched herself into Nicholas’ arms and held him tight. “I’m glad you came home, Daddy. I love you.”

  Nicholas wrapped his arms around her and stood up, looking over at Prue with tears in his eyes. “I love you too, sweetheart.” He held his little girl just as tight, never expecting to hear those words so soon, and felt his heart would burst with joy.

  Prue wrapped her arms around them both. It was a perfect moment.


  Later that evening, Prue and Nicholas were sitting out on the front porch of the ranch house. It had been the most amazing day and neither of them wanted it to end. Prue was so happy that their daughter had accepted Nicholas as her daddy and she was excited about the prospect of them sharing a wonderful life together.

  Nicholas kissed her forehead. “It’s been an incredible day, better than I could ever have hoped for. I love you and I love our little girl.”

  Prue gave a happy sigh. “Yes, it has been. I love you too, Nick, with all my heart and I’m so happy Nikki feels the same way about you. You two get on so well it’s as though you’ve always been in her life. How is that possible?”

  He slid an arm around her shoulders. “I don’t know, but I’m glad it is. She’s so adorable.”

  “Yes, she is.” Prue rested her head on Nicholas’ shoulder. “I never expected you to love her right away. I thought it would take time for the both of you.”

  “How could I not love her, Prue? She’s ours.” He pulled her closer. “She looks like me when I was that age, you know.”

  Prue sat up and looked at him. “She does?”

  He nodded.

  “It was such a surprise finding out your name. My calling her Nicole was so strange. It was as though you and I had a psychic connection or something.”

  He smiled. “Who knows? Maybe we do. Nicole Grace Colton has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”

  She snuggled into him, sliding her arm around his middle. “Yes, it does. So does Prue Lorraine Colton.”

  Nicholas eased her away from him with a look of surprise. “Are you saying yes?”

  Prue nodded, a broad smile spreading across her face.

  “I’m the happiest man alive right now.” He leaned in and kissed her long and slow.

  Chapter Forty Five

  Three months later:

  Nicholas had been holding on to a secret for quite some time and didn’t know how to raise the subject with Prue. It was something he had strong feelings about at the time, but now he wasn’t sure if he’d made the right decision. How could he tell his beautiful fiancé what he had done? Would she understand his reasons when he explained them to her?

  Their wedding was only two weeks away (Prue wanted a June date) and he needed to get the burden off his shoulders before they tied the knot. She would find out soon enough, even if he didn’t tell her, and what then? He knew he couldn’t keep it from her any longer.

  Nicholas paced his
empty office. He had already freighted his belongings and dogs to his new home―their new home―and was in the process of finalizing the sale of his Monterey cliffside cabin to a big screen, well-known action hero who wanted it as a vacation spot.

  It had been Nicholas’ retreat after Pam passed away. He couldn’t have remained in the house they had lived in, where she had succumbed to the deadly disease, a place that reminded him of her suffering rather than the love they had shared there. He’d sold it as soon as he could and bought the house overlooking the ocean, a place he’d loved living and writing in for the past eight years. He would miss his best pal, Pete, but knew they would remain friends even with the distance between them.

  He had no regrets. He was about to begin a new phase in his life with the woman he loved and his little girl. What more could he ask for? After taking one last look around, Nicholas closed the front door and handed the keys to the realtor for the new owner, then descended the steps and climbed into the taxi. In a few hours he would be at home with his mom and dad preparing for his wedding day. He couldn’t wait to be Prue’s husband.

  His parents adored Prue and Nikki and were overjoyed to be grandparents again. They had taken to his daughter as though she had always been a part of their lives and he loved them for it. When he’d told them about the night he and Prue first met and the events leading up to them finding each other again, his parents were so happy he’d found the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He knew without a doubt that she was the one for him.

  The taxi arrived at Monterey airport twenty minutes later. Nicholas paid the driver, grabbed his travel bag and headed for the main terminal. Once inside, he called Prue to let her know he was on his way. “Hello, darling, I’m at the airport now. I should arrive in a few hours. I’ve emailed you the flight details so you’ll know what time to pick me up. I can’t wait to see you, either. Give our girl a kiss from me. Love you too.” He smiled as he pushed his phone into the pocket of his jeans and headed to the departure lounge. It was a good feeling having someone to come home to.


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