Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection

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Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection Page 142

by Petrova, Em

  “Nick?” I close my eyes for a second and pray for him to wake up.

  “Am I dead?”

  I laugh—a slightly hysterical laugh if I’m honest—and open my eyes to see his blue gaze staring up at me.

  One eyebrow rises as he eyes me.

  “You’re not dead,” I say, “but you had me scared.”

  “You sure? ‘Cause it sure looks like heaven right now.”

  I note his gaze on my cleavage and shake my head. Here he is, scaring the hell out of me and all he’s concerned with is perving on my breasts.

  I put on my best stern nursey voice. “You, Mr. Jackson, have had a bad knock to the head. My shirt got sacrificed.”

  He tries to sit up and winces. “Ouch.” He slumps back into my lap and I brush the hair away from his forehead.

  “I do need to get a good look at it really. Will you be able to get up or do I need to go for help?”

  “Just give me a minute. The world is still spinning.”

  “You scared the life out of me, Nick.”


  “Good?” I exclaim.

  “It means you care about me.”

  “Of course I care about you, you idiot. You don’t need to go throwing yourself about and cracking your head open to get me to care about you.”

  He gives me a knowing look, that eyebrow rising again and I almost groan. I think maybe I’m the idiot.

  “Just no more heroics, okay?” I order. I can’t bring myself to say anything yet. What if he doesn’t love me? What if it is only mind blowing sex for him? I’m willing to take a risk but not that big a risk yet.

  “Damn, and here I thought women love a hero.”

  “You are a hero,” I remind him.

  “Don’t you start too. I always liked that you never put me on a pedestal.”

  I tilt his head gently and am relieved to see it appears the bleeding has slowed. The red patch on my shirt doesn’t seem to have grown. “I don’t know what you mean. You are a hero, Nick. A lot more guys would have died in that attack if you hadn’t kept shooting.”

  “It’s just the training, you know that, Sienna.” He pushes himself up and I keep my shirt held to the back of his head.

  “Bullshit.” I peel away the cotton and peer at his head but it’s still too dark to tell what the damage is. “Are you still dizzy? Do you think you can make it to the car?”

  “Yeah, just give me a moment.” He glares at me. “What do you mean bullshit?”

  “Being a hero is part of you, Nick. It’s just the way you are. You want to know why I didn’t treat you any different after your accident?”

  We struggle to get him to his feet and he wavers but somehow remains standing. Quite a lot of his weight is on me but I’m determined he won’t fall again.

  “Why?” he asks gruffly.

  “Because I wasn’t surprised, because you hadn’t changed. You’ve always been like that.” We inch awkwardly out of the room and onto the landing. The stairs might as well be Everest to me. “Be careful.”

  Somehow we make it down the stairs without either of us falling. My shoulders hurt from his weight pressing down on them and we pause to catch our breath. Nick leans against the wall.

  “We didn’t finish searching,” he grumbles between deep breaths.

  “We’re not going to find anything and you know it. You’re just stubborn.”

  “Says you.” He pulls my shirt away from his head where he’s been clutching it and scowls. “You can’t go out like that. You’d better have this back.”

  He hands me my blood-stained shirt and I shudder. “I don’t know. You ought to keep something on it.”

  “Just put it on. I’m not going anywhere with you like that.”

  And he thinks I’m the stubborn one. I shake my head and tug the shirt back on, fumbling to do up a few buttons. Arm around my shoulder, he sinks back onto me and we stumble our way to the car. I don’t even bother locking the door behind us. What’s the point? It’s not like it can be trashed further. Nick mutters something about returning the key but I ignore him and somehow push his large form into the passenger seat.

  “Let me see your head,” I demand as I climb in the driver’s side.

  He obligingly turns and I bite my lip at the sight of his blond hair tinged with red. I carefully part his hair and he curses. The cut isn’t deep and seems to have stopped bleeding but he must have taken a hard hit to knock him out.

  “I think we should get you to the hospital.”

  “Does it need stitching?” He puts a hand to the back of his head.

  “No, but you’re probably concussed.”

  “No hospital.”

  I roll my eyes. “You need to get checked out.”

  He folds his arms across his chest and leans back against the seat. I catch his wince as he turns his head slightly to the side and I know he’s in pain.

  “Just take me home, woman. I need to lie down and take some painkillers. What’s the point of knowing a nurse if she can’t look after me?”

  I smother a laugh at his grumbling tone and start the car, trying not to contemplate the way he refers to my apartment as ‘home’. Weirdly, it already feels like home. But only when Nick is there.



  I wake to the smell of flowers, or something womanly. Sienna immediately comes to mind and I groan as my head pounds. Soft sheets cover me, so unlike my crappy ones back at base. A guy could get used to this really. I’ve spent so long looking after myself and trying to look after others, including Sienna, it’s kinda nice to be on the receiving end.

  Sienna must have heard my groan as she comes dashing in from the kitchen and sits next to me. “I’m glad you’re awake.”

  She beams at me, pale eyes sparkling with relief and something else, and my heart twists. The woman is so damned gorgeous and she just doesn’t get it. For a bright woman, she can be pretty stupid.

  I try to sit up but my head throbs in response. “How long have I been asleep?” I ask as I give up and flop back onto the soft pillows.

  “Only an hour or so.” She reaches over to the bedside table and pops out a couple of pills and offers them to me.

  As I shove them in my mouth, she urges me forward, a hand behind my head and passes me a glass of water. I swallow the pills and lie back again. Oh yeah, I could get used to this. Sienna looking all concerned for me, her soft hands holding me. Something’s changed, I’m sure of it. All that hero talk. I don’t know, I’ve got this feeling she’s finally figured out that I ain’t getting out of her life and she wants me just as badly.

  I hide a grin as I consider how I’m going to get her to confess the truth. She’s so easy to read that it won’t be hard, and I’ll admit I take a perverse pleasure in putting her on edge and seeing her squirm. I’m not sure if she realizes it yet, but I’m not going to let her get off easily. This is it. Her and me.

  Hell, I’m not getting any younger and I’ve wanted her for so long. I know her so well, why would I want anyone else? Spending time with her these past few days, exploring that insanely gorgeous body, has only confirmed what I’ve known for a long time. Sienna was meant for me. I have to make her mine, for once and for all, and make up for the fucking idiotic mistake of ever letting Rob have her.

  Glancing down, I note she’s still wearing that blood-soaked shirt. Stupid, selfless woman hasn’t even thought to get changed. I’m willing to bet she’s been pacing and debating calling for an ambulance for me.

  “You could do with a change of clothes, babe.”

  Sienna blinks and looks down. “Oh yeah, I forgot.”

  “Well don’t let me stop you.” I let a big smile spread across my face as I lie back and prepare to enjoy the sight.

  One sassy eyebrow raised, she shakes her head. “You’re terrible.”

  “Yep, but you love me for it.” The words are out of my mouth before I even think about it.

  Her cheeks go instantly red and she jumps up and starts rumma
ging for a clean top in the wooden dresser. I’m probably smirking but I love that she doesn’t deny it. Her discomfort must mean something, right?

  She fumbles with her shirt while I force myself up to sitting and swing my legs over the bed.

  “What are you do—”

  I’m on her quickly before I can think twice or succumb to the way my skull feels like it’s going to explode. No way am I missing this opportunity. I snatch her wrist and pull it away, leaving her shirt open. Turning her toward me, I spread either side of her top and admire the soft swells peeking over a cute pink bra. Her nipples are already hard through the cotton and her breasts rise and fall in an incredibly enticing way. She gapes up at me as I splay my hands around her waist, her smooth skin beneath my hands making me harder than ever.

  “Do you?” I ask, my voice gruff.

  “Do I what?” she breathes.

  So that’s how she’s going to play it. I can tell she knows exactly what I mean. She just needs a little persuasion. Well, the pain in my head is almost gone and I relish a challenge. With one finger, I brush aside her hair and bring my lips down on her ear with a feather-light touch. Sienna is so responsive and I’ve quickly learned her neck and ear are the place to go for. She quivers and I trail my lips down her neck and back up.

  Nipping at her lobe, I pause to whisper. “Do you love me?”


  She whimpers as I rake my teeth over her neck and bring a hand up to caress one breast. I love the sexy little noises she makes. If only she knew how hot she makes me. It doesn’t seem to matter what I say or how I say it, she can never understand how much I want her. Like all the time. I feel like a teenager again around Sienna.

  “Just say it.” I skim my mouth over her chin and up to her lips, pausing to lick at the corner. She tastes so good it takes all my willpower not to press her mouth apart and taste every inch of her. “I. Love. You. Three words, babe, it isn’t hard.”

  “Nick…” she moans my name.

  Now I’m tense all over. It’s ridiculous how quickly she can drive me to the edge. But she isn’t going to give in. Damned stubborn woman.

  I pull back and rest my forehead on hers, stroke my fingers across her cheeks. “I love you, Sienna. Probably always have. You’re sweet and sexy, and clever and funny. I want to make you mine, sweetheart. For good.”

  When I pull back, I still see doubt in her eyes. I don’t know if she doubts me or herself or what, but I’m going to have to erase it. With both hands, I peel off her shirt and fling it aside. She doesn’t resist. She’s putty in my hands. Is there anything hotter than having a beautiful woman silently begging for your touch? Then I reach around and unclasp her bra. I take just a moment to admire her breasts, her pale nipples tight and ready for my mouth, before unsnapping her jeans and yanking them down.

  I kneel in front of her and tug off her jeans and socks. Sienna must be the only woman in the world who can turn me on with only a glimpse of her feet. Her little painted toenails remind me of her so much. A splash of brightness in a dark world. They’re purple right now. It’s one of those little things I always noticed about her. No matter what was going on in her life she always had these perfect, brightly colored toenails.

  I stand slowly and enjoy the way she trembles as I pull myself to my full height and press my thumbs into her hips above her pink panties. I love how she acts all meek and mild, and then so open and unashamedly hot when I start to make love to her. It’s like unwrapping a present.

  She lets out a small sigh when I strip her panties down her long legs. There’s color in her cheeks as I take in the sight of all that smooth skin and sleek curves, but she doesn’t flinch. I wish she’d realize how brave she is.

  “Well, don’t just stand there!” she declares suddenly.

  With a spluttered laugh, I step forward and scoop her in my arms, making her squeal. She catches on quickly and hooks her arms around my neck as I take her into the bathroom and place her in the shower.

  “Wait there.” I hurriedly strip off my clothing, almost tripping over my jeans in my haste, and get in beside her.

  She’s on me instantly. The shy woman is gone and there’s a hot, willing one in her place. God, I love all the sides of her. Silky skin presses against me and she’s practically wrapped around me. My body tenses all over, blood pounding through me. I fumble to turn the shower on and she shrieks as the water hits her back. I spin her around and grimace as icy cold water pummels my back, but I’m not going to let Sienna suffer it. Standing in front of me, all cold and pale, she looks so fragile, but I know she’s not. The kind of woman with inner strength this one.

  Mercifully, the water warms and I relax into her. Fingernails dig into my neck as she urges me toward her for a kiss. Her mouth is hot and delicious. Just her kisses make me hard. Hell, just looking at her makes me hard. That feminine little mouth opens under mine and I kiss her forcefully. Maybe if I kiss her enough, I’ll get her to confess. My hands roam her body, over her ass and back. She moves with my caresses as if my touch scalds her, or perhaps she can’t get enough of them and she wants more.

  I need to know. I pull back and kiss her neck. “What do you want, babe?”

  “You,” she says breathily as she leans into my kisses.


  I reach behind me and grab some of her shower gel, drawing far enough away from her so she misses me. She glares as I pour some of it into my palm. I’m going to smell like flowers or something but I don’t really care if I get to soap up that gorgeous body.

  “I used to fantasize about you, Sienna. Used to dream of doing things like this to you. I have a lot of things I want to do to you. Are you going to let me?”

  She nods, mouth open but silent.

  “Why?” I try again. I’m still looking for those words.

  Lathering the gel in my hands, I begin to spread it over her breasts, loving the feel of the warm weight and hard nipples before working it over her stomach, just stopping before the juncture of her thighs.


  Sienna tucks her lip between her teeth and releases it, making it even more swollen than it already was from my kisses. “I…” Her throat works. “I love you.”

  Yes! My heart leaps at the whispered words and I want to punch the air in triumph. We’ve got a way to go. I’ve still got a whole host of problems to conquer with this woman, but now she’s admitted as much, things are going to be easier. Bundling her into me, I clasp her face and kiss her until she gasps.

  “Was that so hard?” I ask as I draw back, still holding her face.

  Her lips tilt and she shakes her head. “You’re mean.”

  “Hey, you can’t blame me for wanting to nudge you in the right direction. You have no idea how torturous it is to watch your best buddy be with the woman you want. I couldn’t wait much longer to hear that.”

  “I’m still worried. What if I can’t do it again? All the uncertainty of being with a soldier… I don’t know if I can take it again.”

  I squeeze her. “Trust me, being with me will be nothing like being with Rob, I swear it. I won’t ever give you a chance to doubt me. I will do everything I can to make you happy. Damn, honestly, I’d even leave the army.”

  She gasps and tries to pull back but I hold her tight. “I won’t let you do that,” she declares. “You love being a soldier.”

  “I love you more.”

  Sienna shakes her head in disbelief and touches the back of my head. “You must have knocked your head harder than I thought. Are you sure you should be doing this?”

  “I’m no weakling, woman. I need you so bad right now, nothing can stop me from taking you.”

  “Maybe you should re—“

  “Enough talking,” I say as I claim her mouth and work the rest of the soap across her back and ass, slipping my fingers briefly down to feel her hot and ready for me. I swallow her moan as I prop one of her legs on my hip, allowing me access to her sensitive folds.

  I let my fingers
explore her down there for a while until she’s trembling and begging for more. Teeth sinking into the delicate flesh between her neck and shoulder, I play out her pleasure a little longer before pressing her back against the tiles, framing her with my arms.

  Sienna tilts her head up and her spiky wet lashes and big grey eyes make me a little breathless. Dribbles of water trail down her cheeks and her hair hangs in damp tendrils. I push back one from her face and let my fingers linger on her lips.

  “I love you.”

  There they are again. Those words I’ve been dying to hear. My heart feels like it’s being squeezed. I reach down and clasp her rear, scoop her into my hold and sink into her swiftly. I hear her sharp inhale and her heat encloses me, makes me feel slightly dizzy.

  “I love you, Sienna.” I start to move within her and her instant response sucks the breath from me. “You’re all mine now, babe.”

  “Yes,” she breathes and I bury my head against her neck as she clutches my shoulders.

  We move easily, rapidly, like old lovers with all the excitement of the first time. Making love to Sienna is so unlike anything I’ve ever known. The way she responds... I feel it in her body. She doesn’t try to smother the noises she makes or hide her expressions. It’s all there, in her face. I read every nuance and it makes me harder than ever to know I’m making her feel those things.

  Pleasure, acute and sharp quickly takes hold of me as I thrust into her. She’s calling my name. Repeating it. And I echo it with words of my own though I’m not sure what. Her name. Words of love. Christ, I’m probably spilling out my heart but I have no control over it right now. All I can think of is her heat and the sensation of her on the cusp of climax in my arms.

  Sienna spreads kisses over my shoulder as she shakes and stiffens. Her orgasm seems to hit hard and quick as she cries out and her body pulses around me. I kind of want to squeeze my eyes shut as I grit my teeth to keep control but seeing her come is the most incredible sight. A blush seeps up her cheeks and her eyes are slightly glazed, her mouth ajar. It only takes a few more thrusts and I follow her over the edge, the release searing. If I wasn’t in the shower, I’d be slick with sweat and the exertion.


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