The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf)

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The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf) Page 17

by Pierce, Nicolette

  “Maybe this was the last place. Your brother is nearly as hot as you are.”

  He nipped at my bottom lip. “Nadia, why do you insist on pushing every button I have? This morning I had a pang of jealousy I haven’t felt in years.”

  “Well, it helps pass the time, and it’s fun.” My heart smiled that he was jealous. Normally, I don’t go for the jealous type, but with Greyson who was never jealous over anyone because he didn’t particularly care about one woman more than the other, it was a source of happiness. I had been thinking about quizzing him on why he had dinner with Catarina. It didn’t seem so important anymore.

  “I know of something that will help pass the time, and it’s certainly fun,” he said.

  “I didn’t think of you as the square dancing type, but I’ll do it if you think it’s that much fun.”

  He pushed me against the side of the pool. His weight pinned me in place. “Nadia, you know what I mean.”

  “I don’t think I do.”

  His lips hovered against mine. So close but he didn’t claim them. I grew impatient with need. He smirked as I wiggled against his weight.

  “Do you know now?” He asked.

  “I might.”

  “I need you to know.”

  His hand slid down the length of me. My skin danced with his caress. He tugged on a string from my bikini. Then another one. He tossed the material out of the pool. Placing the smallest of kisses on his jaw, I lured him back. As our skin touched, he captivated every sensation within a ten foot radius. Even the water was magnetized as small droplets held onto his skin, dreading to be separated.

  “Do you know now?”

  “Hell yes.” I said, claiming his mouth as mine.

  Our lips parted and meshed with the same urgency. My hands sought him. They moved up and down Greyson’s strong back, his arms, his chest, his firm butt. I tugged at his bathing suit.

  “You’re not getting these,” he said.

  “I want them.”

  “You can have them inside but not out here.”

  “That’s not fair. You took mine. I want yours.”

  “You had better climb out of the pool.”

  “Can you hand me a towel?”

  “What if I’m your towel?” He wrapped his arms around me.

  “Just get inside.”

  “Tell me you want me.” His lips curled.


  “Then let me tell you.” I tried to escape from his arms, but he held me still. “Nadia, I want you to be mine.”

  I stopped moving. “Then take me inside.”

  He gathered me in his arms. He was out of the pool and had me into the house in a matter of seconds. He only stopped once to wrap a blue and white striped fluffy towel around me. He stood me on the floor in the guest bedroom. Greyson snatched the towel from me and proceeded to dry me off inch by agonizingly slow inch. I let the waves of longing ripple over me as he touched ever so gently. He stopped abruptly.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nadia, sweetheart, you’re seriously burnt.”

  I stepped in front of the mirror. The back half of me was white from too many days in the casino. My front half was scalding red. If I was able to twist my body, I’d resemble a candy cane.

  “Oh, my face too!” My face was just as red but white around my eyes where I wore Mya’s oversized sunglasses.

  “I didn’t notice you were burnt when I found you in the pool. Does it hurt?”

  “Now that I’m dry my skin is hot and tight.”

  “Let me go find some aloe. I’m sure Mya has some in the bathroom.”

  I wrapped the towel around myself. The once soft and fluffy towel now scratched me like sandpaper.

  “Didn’t you wear sunblock?” Greyson asked as he returned with the aloe.

  “Of course I did.” I didn’t want him to think I was an idiot, but truthfully, I didn’t. I was only going to splash in the pool for a few minutes. The warm sun, cool water, and drifting floaty bed lulled me to sleep.

  “Why don’t you spread the towel on the bed? I’ll rub the aloe on you.”

  I hesitated.

  “I just want to apply the aloe on you. It will be easier if you’re lying down.”

  I stepped to the bed. It was stuffed with pillow-top cushions and throw pillows piled high. As I climbed on top, the material scraped against me. Oh, this was going to be bad. If a satin comforter scratches, I couldn’t imagine what torture clothes had in store for me.

  Greyson let me arrange myself on the bed as comfortable as possible then installed himself next to me. He dabbed a spot of aloe on my forehead, smoothing it gently onto my skin. The aloe gel was cool and only slightly soothing. His gentle lingering fingers made up for the disappointing aloe. He softly kissed and applied all the way down to my toes. He never stopped or skipped a spot even when I pointed out my breasts weren’t burnt. He dictated no spot shall go without his attentive care.

  “I think I covered every spot,” he said as he snapped the aloe bottle lid shut. “Do you feel better?”

  “I feel slimy and crispy all at the same time.”

  “Do you want to try to dress?”

  “Yes, I can’t lay here naked all day.”

  “If you were at the penthouse, I would insist upon it.”

  I smiled. “Somehow, I don’t think a charred woman sprawled naked on your bed would be sexy. But thanks for sliming me up. Can you help me dress?”

  “I will, but I won’t like it.”

  I propped myself up on the bed. My skin must have shrunk two sizes the short time I was on the bed. It tensed as I moved. I slid off the bed the rest of the way.

  Greyson held up my panties with a smirk. “Let’s do this.”

  I scowled at him. “You’re having way too much fun with my discomfort.”

  “One of us might as well have fun.”

  “Just lower them so I can step into them.”

  He knelt down and was treated to a full view as I stepped gingerly into the panties. He slowly brought them up. By the time he was to my mid-thigh, the coarse material grated against my skin.

  “Stop,” I winced. “Take them off. I don’t want underwear or bra.”

  “I suppose you don’t want Mya’s t-shirt and shorts.”

  “No way. They’re too tight.”

  “Let me see what David has.”

  “I can’t wear David’s clothes.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s too complicated. Mya is still in a fragile place. We know he’s alive but she doesn’t. I can’t wear his clothes. They would be a memory to her.”

  “She let me use his swimming suit.”

  “You’re his brother.”

  “Nadia, this is silly.”

  “No, it’s not. Can you call her and ask her first?”

  He kissed the top of my head. “I can do that. You might as well go and browse in his closet. I know she’ll say yes.”

  I draped the towel loosely around me and carefully maneuvered to Mya’s bedroom. Since she wasn’t here, it felt as if I was intruding. I padded over to the closet and opened the door. Even his closet was bigger than mine. David had it packed with clothes. Between the two of them, they could outfit an island of people.

  Greyson stood next to me. Normally, his heat would have been welcomed, but now it made my skin spike with anger.

  “What did she say?”

  “She yelled at me for not getting you out of the pool sooner. After she finished chewing my ear off, she said to pick out whatever you want.”

  “Does he have sweat pants and a t-shirt?”

  Greyson’s eyes twinkled for a brief moment. He rummaged through a few drawers and found a pair of sweatpants and a Nevada Wolf Pack t-shirt. I shimmied into them. The material lit my skin on fire. I cringed, but that just made my face hurt.

  “I’ll drive you home,” he said, leading me downstairs.

  “You know how to drive?”

  “Just because I have a limo doesn’t
mean I can’t drive. The limo gives me the opportunity to keep working while I’m going from one place to another.”

  “Do you own a car?”

  “Yes. They’re at my house.”

  “They’re? As in multiple?”

  “I have four right now, but I’m itching to buy a classic.”

  “What the hell is it with men and cars?”

  “What the hell is it with women and clothes?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. I don’t exactly understand that one either. Are you compensating for something?”

  Greyson smirked. “No, but you’re going to find that out for yourself.”

  My hormones clapped for joy, giddy with anticipation of the event. But it would have to wait. Right now I just wanted to live in an aloe bubble.

  We made our way outside. He took the keys and helped me inside the Porsche.

  “For someone who works all the time you’re taking a lot of time off,” I said as he backed out of the driveway.

  “I know. It’s already catching up. I’ll be insanely busy this week.”

  “I would offer to help but I would end up in the way.”

  His lips curved slightly. “Well, Ms. Wolf, what skills do you have? How could you benefit Rotunda Casinos?”

  “Hmm . . . I can yell at people that pester you. I can use a computer. The last one I owned groaned and died with a dazzling display of electrical sparks so maybe that isn’t too useful. I can make coffee, but yours tastes better. Roy says I’m always good for a laugh, but that’s not helpful either. I can run errands, but my car is dead.” I pondered for a moment. A bleak realization smacked me on my burnt head. “I should probably just stick to poker.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, I don’t know. You yelling at people to stop pestering me has its merits.”

  “I’m happy to do it.”

  “What are you going to do with Caleb’s Porsche?”

  “I have to give it back.”

  “I was going to head back to the casino after dropping you off. Do you want me to take the car with me so Caleb can pick it up? Or should I wait for Remy to pick me up? Then you can keep the car until you make other arrangements.”

  I would have to take a taxi to the theater and to the casino to meet Dagor if I let Greyson take the car.

  “I’ll keep it for today then give it back tomorrow.”

  “Do you want to borrow one of my cars?”

  “That’s nice of you to offer, but no.”

  “If you change your mind, you know where I am.”

  “I do.”

  “David filled me in on what happened with Dagor. From his description you were exceedingly convincing.”

  “I was so convincing he wanted to become my big daddy.”

  “Do you know what you’re going to do tonight when you meet him again?”

  “David is suppose to figure that out.”

  Greyson parked in the chapel lot. He called Remy to pick him up then escorted me to my apartment. I opened the door expecting to see Gus wanting his food. He wasn’t there. He wasn’t on the couch or bed. He was nowhere.

  “Greyson, did you happen to see Gus this morning?”

  “No, but I wasn’t focused on Gus.”

  “David put him on the bed last night as a barrier between us. I told him Gus wouldn’t move the whole night. He must have. Where could he have gone?”

  “Did you lock the door last night?”

  “Yes. But you said it was unlocked this morning.”

  “Someone must have entered your apartment last night.”

  “To steal Gus? Who in their right mind would do that? I must not have closed the door properly.”

  “Perhaps we should search the building. Frankie might have seen him.”

  Greyson and I walked down to Frankie’s apartment. I knocked on his door.

  Frankie opened the door dressed in a purple leotard, leggings, and sweat band.

  “I’m in a hurry,” he said in a flutter. “I’m late for my pole dancing class.” He scurried out the door and locked it behind him.

  “Have you seen Gus?” I asked. “He’s not in my apartment.”

  “No. Sorry. I’ve got to run, sweet cheeks.”

  “Oh, okay.” I said as I watched him race down the stairs.

  “I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to Greyson,” he shouted as he turned the corner and disappeared from view.

  “I don’t know whether to be more amused at him taking a pole dancing class, his outfit, or him calling me sweet cheeks,” Greyson said.

  “At least you’re amused.”

  We traipsed down to the first floor. Since my body was tight with fiery pain, Greyson stooped to look underneath the waiting room couch and desk. I stole a few peeks at his firm butt as he bent over. I had a serious case of gutter brain every time he was near.

  We searched behind the chapel decorations and pillars. No Gus.

  A lump formed in my throat. Stupid cat! He’s a pain in the ass, but I still loved the fur ball. Where the hell is he?

  Greyson kissed the top of my head. “Contact the shelters and vet clinics. See if they’ve found a stray cat the size of a watermelon. His size will make him stand out. You’ll have a better chance of finding him.”

  “This was why I didn’t want to put Gus on a diet. He wouldn’t be recognizable if he was skinny.”

  “Yeah, that and he attacked any thing that was a possible food source.”

  I chuckled, but it was short lived. “I hope I can find him.”

  “I hope so too.” Greyson glanced out the window. “Remy just drove up. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to leave.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I have to leave for the theater in a couple hours.”

  “I’ll see you at the theater. I was able to secure front row seats for some VIPs and me.”

  “I hope I don’t embarrass myself on stage.”

  “It’s still entertaining if you do.”

  I narrowed my eyes.

  He chuckled. “You’ll do great. I’ll see you later.”

  I trekked back upstairs searching in corners Gus might have hidden. No Gus.

  Chapter 16

  I carried my costume into the theater. I was still wearing my sweatpants and t-shirt. I wasn’t going to change until the last minute. I could only imagine what torture the full body jumpsuit would inflict.

  As I rounded the corner to enter the backstage area, I heard Lupier talking in harsh whispers to Catarina. He spotted me as I entered. His smile of greeting disintegrated as he surveyed my oversized sweatpants and scorched skin. His lips tightened into a thin line.

  Catarina barked with laughter. “Did any one order lobster?”

  “Catarina, we’ll talk later,” Lupier said in a tone that directed her to disappear.

  “We’ll settle this later,” she said. Before she sauntered out the door, she smiled sweetly at me. “By the way, Nadia, dinner with Greyson was wonderful. The best part was dessert.”

  I glared at her as she retreated from the backstage and out the door. “Why was Catarina here?” I asked.

  “It’s not important. What happened to you?”

  “I fell asleep in the sun.”

  “You fell asleep in the Vegas sun? Are you stupid?”

  My teeth ground together. “No, I’m not. It was an accident.”

  “You look ridiculous.” He gestured to me. “Like a ridiculous raccoon. How could you do this?” His eyes zapped to my raccoon eyes. “You are no longer bella and no longer my assistant. You will be the one to disappear.”

  “Not into the fire. I’m already burnt to a crisp.”

  I watched the anger twist his face. His jaw was rigid and his eyes were narrow; every muscle twitched. I wondered at his anger. Surely, it couldn’t all be my fault because I was burnt. He already knew I was a disaster waiting to bring his stage to its knees. So, why the anger? My eyes glanced over to where Catarina exited realizing he wasn’t forthcoming about Catarina.

No, not the fire. You deserve the scorpion coffin.”

  My heart froze into an ice cube. “The what?”

  “The scorpion coffin. They will not harm you . . . unless you don’t disappear.”

  “I don’t know how to disappear.”

  “Yvette will show you. I am tired of you. Go!”

  “I refuse to do it.”

  His eye twitched. “You will do it because I have a contract with you for this performance.” His smooth Italian accent slipped revealing he was one-hundred percent Vegas. “We’ve already sold out the performance. If you cancel you’ll have to pay the ticket sales loss.”

  “How much?”

  “Twenty thousand.”

  I gulped. “You said the scorpions won’t hurt me?”

  “As long as you disappear you’ll be safe.”

  I nodded.

  “Get out of my sight.” As I turned to leave, he called, “There will be no pie for you.”

  At least there was a silver lining . . . no pie.

  I found Yvette’s dressing room and listened at the door just in case she was entertaining again. I didn’t want to interrupt her a second time, especially since she had to teach me to disappear properly before scorpions stung me to death. She needed to be extra happy. When I didn’t hear anything, I knocked.

  “Come in,” she said.

  I opened the door and peeked in.

  “Oh, it’s you,” she said. “I was hoping it was Jason.”

  “I could come back.”

  “No. Come on in. He hasn’t been sniffing around my door as much. I think he’s a little afraid of seeing you here. Jason’s not one for office gossip. Between Catarina hanging out and you assisting Lupier, it’s getting a little too close for his comfort.”

  “Are you a couple?”

  She smirked. “We keep each other company.”

  “Lupier sent me here. I need to learn the scorpion trick.”

  Her eyes slid to me. “Really?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Did you refuse to sleep with him?”

  “No. I would have, but he became furious when he noticed my sunburn.”

  “You look like a burnt raccoon.”

  “That’s what he said. Also, no pie for me.”

  She chuckled. “Be happy.”

  “I am.”

  “Let’s get started. You’re going to need time to practice this little number.”


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