The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf)

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The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf) Page 18

by Pierce, Nicolette

  “There’s only a couple hours before show time.”

  “Start praying.”

  Lupier’s fake accent amplified on stage grated against my nerves. The show started thirty minutes ago and my number was next. I shrugged on the red costume, wincing as the material pricked at me.

  I breathed in and out to help reduce my stage fright, but somewhere between in and out, I hyperventilated. I wheezed in air grasping at my chest. Playing magician with scorpions made my knees lock with terror.

  Yvette didn’t bring the scorpions out during the rehearsal. She said it would rile them. I didn’t complain. I’ve only seen a scorpion once, and it was behind glass at the zoo. Even safely behind glass they made me freeze with fear.

  A stage hand pushed me. “You’re on.”

  “Oh, God.” I hurried through the curtain towards my impending doom.

  Lupier ignored me as he addressed the audience with a fantastical tale about the horrors of scorpions. He weaved in colorful imagery about those who periled at the mighty scorpion’s tail. I nearly wet myself by the time he finished the story.

  “And now ladies and gentlemen, Nadia Wolf will tempt fate and lay in a glass coffin while scorpions invade. Will she escape the coffin or be buried in it?”

  The lights lowered. A blinding spotlight lit up the coffin. Fast suspenseful music filled the air. Lupier’s words raced through my head; arachnid, venom, stinger, tail, thousands, deadly, and excruciating pain.

  I paced, what could be my final steps, to the glass coffin and climbed in. Once I laid down, Lupier closed the lid with a sneer and padlocked it for every one to see. His hand edged over the box containing the scorpions.

  “Will she escape or die?” He asked with a haunting tone.

  With one fluid motion, he slid open the door releasing the scorpions into a short glass tunnel that led to the coffin. I gaped down at my feet as the scorpions scurried towards me with their tails in the air.

  All I had to do was press the smoke button which would release smoke into the coffin, hiding me from the audience. I’d instantly fall into the trap door below me. I was supposed to wait until the scorpions were close enough to freak out the audience.

  Forget the audience, I was freaked out. I pressed the button. I pressed it again. Nothing happened. Lupier narrowed his eyes at me but smiled for the audience. I pressed the button rapidly. Nothing happened.

  The first scorpion entered the coffin followed by a few more. Led by the tunnel, they were coming right at me. They scurried around my legs and up on my pants. With each crawling leg of the scorpion, my heart beat faster until it was wild and out of control. I had to escape.

  I banged on the top of the coffin lid.

  “Get me out of here!” I screamed.

  I pushed against the lid. It didn’t budge. A scorpion crawled on my neck with its tail high in the air. Its legs prickle my skin sending spikes of ice down my spine.

  I screamed as I frantically clawed at the glass . . . my coffin.

  Lupier stared wide-eyed into the coffin. I gritted my teeth and slammed my knee into the coffin lid. The glass splintered. I pushed through the glass shards. My actions were no longer mine. Adrenaline surged through me as I exploded through the remaining glass, throwing myself on Lupier. We crashed to the ground. The scorpions fell off me and onto Lupier. His face bleached white as he screamed in a frequency higher than a dog whistle. He shot up, flinging me off him and bolted backstage.

  The curtain fell. An arm looped around my waist heaving me to safety.

  “Another fabulous show,” Greyson said, ushering me from the scorpions scurrying around the stage.

  Stagehands surrounded them. No one budged close enough to capture one.

  I held onto Greyson as the adrenaline rush wore off. “Where did you come from?”

  “The front row.”

  “The scorpions . . .”

  “You don’t have to worry about them.”

  “The trap door didn’t open.”

  “I rather figured that when you vaulted from the glass coffin.” He surveyed my face and arms. “You have a couple of cuts from the glass. I bet your knee is all banged up too.”

  I didn’t feel any thing. I was numb.

  “Let’s get you out of the costume and into your t-shirt and sweat pants. You’ll feel better.”

  I nodded and led the way to the dressing room. Lupier was rounding the corner.

  “You . . . you . . . raccoon!” He shouted. “You ruined me!”

  “Your coffin didn’t work.”

  “My equipment is in perfect condition. You’re the bumbling idiot that can’t even press a button. I’m going to sue you. You’re going to be sorry you stepped foot on this stage.”

  “I was sorry the minute I met you.”

  He let out a strangled sound. “You’ll be hearing from my lawyers!”

  Greyson shoved a business card in his hand. “Have them call my lawyers.”

  Lupier’s eyes rounded as he inspected the card forced in his hand. He sputtered curses as he turned on his heel.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “You’re welcome. I think you’ve had enough fun for one day. Let’s get out of here.”

  “This is fun?”

  “It is. Every moment with you has been nothing less than entertaining.”

  “Gee, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to top this performance. You might need to lower your expectations.”

  “Not likely.”

  I hurried into the dodgy casino wearing my t-shirt and sweat pants. I was a hopeless mess and had no time for fixing up. I had to meet Dagor. David was suppose to tell me what to do, but I hadn’t seen him. Hopefully he was some where in the casino. I walked to the high stakes room. An attendant stopped me before I could enter the room.

  “You can’t go in there,” he said.

  “Why not? I was here last night.”

  He inspected my face and outfit. “I don’t think so.”

  “I was here. I’m supposed to meet Dagor tonight.”

  He frowned. “Wait here.” He entered the high stakes room and whispered into Dagor’s ear. Dagor nodded.

  I plodded into the room.

  Dagor’s eyes narrowed at me. “What is this?” He asked. “Is this a trick?”

  “This isn’t a trick. I spent too much time in the pool and the sun burnt me.” Oh, I’m suppose to be acting right now. I smiled and raised the perkiness of my voice. “Big Daddy was the one who always rubbed suntan lotion on me. If you were there to do it, I wouldn’t have gotten burnt. Now my clothes hurt . . . I’d rather be naked.”

  His expression relaxed. “So, your face will get pretty again soon, right?”

  I gave him the biggest doe eyes and trembling lips I could muster. I was even able to squeeze out a tear; that’s because my knee was throbbing.

  “Listen baby, we can try this and see how it works. But you need to pretty up again . . . really soon.”

  I nodded.

  “Alright, go home,” he said. “Oh, and tell Caleb to back off the hunt. As of now you’re my property. And that other guy you were sleeping with last night, tell him I’ll kill him if comes near you again. I let him off the hook last night, but no man except me can have you now.”

  My mouth opened.

  A slick smile spread across his face. “Don’t be so surprised. I know all about you and your lovers, Nadia Wolf. I even know your cat.”

  “Where’s Gus?”

  “Let’s say he’s taking a little vacation. As long as his owner keeps herself in line, he’ll make a speedy return.”

  A real tear bubbled to the surface.

  “Go home, baby. I’ll be in contact.”

  “What about the money?”

  His jaw tightened. “You can tell your friend, Greyson Miller, I’m not giving him any information.”

  “That was the premise of our relationship. You needed to help.”

  “The tables have shifted, baby. I have your cat, I know where
you live, and I know who you sleep with. You’re mine now.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “One word from me and your cat disappears. If that isn’t enough to make you understand, people will start disappearing.” He smirked. “How about ‘ol Roy?”

  Oh shit! What the hell just happened?

  “I’ll go to the police.”

  “And tell them what? That I threatened you? You can’t prove any thing happened. And baby, if you go to the police, I’ll slip information about the counterfeit money at the Lost City Casino. Your sweet Greyson will be ruined.”

  I turned on my heel.

  “Remember baby, I’m watching you.”

  Chapter 17

  I took refuge in Caleb’s Porsche outside the casino. I didn’t know where to go or what to do. Gus was gone. Dagor knew who I was and was watching my movements. If I went to the Lost City Casino, he would know I was meeting Greyson.

  The passenger side door opened and David slid in. “Drive,” he said.

  I tore out of the casino parking lot. David entered coordinates into the GPS system.

  “David, he has Gus.”

  “I know. I heard the whole thing.”

  “Where were you?”

  “I was at the table.”

  “I didn’t see you.”

  “That was the point.”

  “What am I going to do about Gus?” I bit back a tear.

  “We’ll find him. Right now we have to worry about your safety.”

  “He won’t hurt me. He just wants me to do what he says and he’ll leave every one else alone.”

  “That’s what he says, but that’s not what happens. He’s had girls before. They tend to go missing. Are you willing to make him happy?”

  I shook my head. “There’s no way I could ever do any thing with him.”

  “Your safety comes first. Once you’re safe we’ll be able to help the others.”

  “I should call Greyson.”

  “I already did. He’s going to meet us at his house.”

  “Where’s that?”

  “Just follow the GPS.”

  “I need to drop off Caleb’s car. I can’t keep it.”

  “Just keep it for another day. He doesn’t care so much about the car as he does about his weekend with you.”

  “Well, he’s not collecting on his weekend.”

  “How about a week? It will get you out of town, and I can clean up the mess you made.”

  “The mess I made? You dragged me into this mess. And I won’t go with Caleb for a week. Did you run this by Greyson? I would love to hear his thoughts on the subject.”

  “I know what he would say. I also know my brother. Nadia, I don’t want him to hurt you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Greyson is all about work. He’s not the kind of man who will settle down and get married. At least not right now. He might be attentive towards you, but in a couple of weeks he’ll be working on the next big project and forget you. He’s hurt a lot of women.”

  “I already know he doesn’t want to settle down. I don’t want any commitments from him. I honestly don’t know what I want.”

  “You should think about that. Find out what you want. See if he’s able to commit to it. Nadia, don’t sell yourself short.”

  “Greyson would kick your ass if he heard you.”

  “He probably would. But he’d also know I’m right.”

  I wanted to smile but had too many worries pressing on me. David was protecting me like a brother. It meant a lot to me seeing as I never had a brother.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Did Greyson pick that t-shirt for you to wear?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “It’s my favorite. I would wear it every weekend.”

  “I thought I caught a sliver of mischievousness when he handed it to me.”

  “I’m sure he thought I would go through the roof.”

  “But you won’t?”

  “No, it’s cute on you. My life has changed in the last couple of years. I don’t care about a favorite t-shirt.”

  “What have you been doing?”

  “Nadia, I can’t tell you. But I need to leave soon. If I can’t wrap things up in the next couple of days, Greyson will need to sort it out. But you’ll be safe. I’ll make sure.”

  David punched in the code for Greyson’s gate. The iron gate rolled open. I drove past it and up the long driveway. A sprawling white three-story mansion loomed in the distance. A single light in a corner window was the only sign of life. I was expecting to see a valet with a house of this size and grandeur.

  “Park in the garage,” David instructed. “I don’t want any one to see your car.”

  “You mean Caleb’s car.”

  “He seriously couldn’t care less about the car.”

  “I guess that’s what happens when you have too much money. You stop caring about things.”

  “Maybe about things but not people.”

  I parked in an empty garage stall and killed the engine. Four shiny cars were parked in the other stalls. Each one had to be well over a hundred grand.

  “Should I have dressed up? I feel as if I’m entering a palace to meet the crowned matriarch.”

  He chuckled. “Greyson is the only one here and he dressed you.”

  I followed David to the front door. Greyson was already there with his arms crossed.

  “What’s going on?” He barked at David. “The message you sent me was useless. I’ve been waiting here for the last half hour trying to figure out if I misunderstood and should have gone somewhere else.”

  “You’re here, so it worked.”

  “Next time give me more information.”

  “Are you going to let us in?

  Greyson scowled but stepped back to let David through. He wrapped his arms around me when I stepped in.

  “What’s going on?” He asked.

  “Do you have any beer?” David asked. “I could seriously go for one. Preferably ice cold.”

  “I have no idea what I have. I haven’t been home in six months.”

  “Six months?” I asked as my eyes darted from the chandelier to the marble floors.

  “I don’t consider this my home. It’s a large house that has my name on the mailbox.”

  “Then why keep it?”

  He smiled. “I like it. It’s a nice retreat away from the casino. I’ll show you around. We need to find David a beer before he comes unglued.”

  I had a hard time believing David would come unglued over a beer. He was in control at all times. He didn’t even blink when Greyson found us in bed together, but it’s probably because he enjoyed watching Greyson fume.

  We found David a beer in the kitchen refrigerator, grabbing a couple extra for us and a few more for later. The kitchen was all marble and stainless steel with an island as large as Mya’s swimming pool.

  He led me to the great room. I nabbed a cushy chair. David sat in one opposite of me which left the couch for Greyson. He chose to uproot me and sit down, bringing me with him. His arms were warm and welcoming. I didn’t mind the transplant.

  David narrowed his eyes at Greyson. I could visualize the cusses forming in his head.

  “Now what?” Greyson asked. “Why are your eyes shooting daggers at me?”

  “You know damn well what I’m thinking.”

  “I might.”

  “Then we don’t need to discuss it.”

  “No, we don’t.”

  “So,” I interjected, “you weren’t the only one to find David and me in bed. Dagor, or one of his guys, broke into my apartment last night and stole Gus.”

  Greyson grew rigid beneath me; not in the fun sexy way.

  “When I saw him tonight he said if I didn’t stay in line Gus was the first to go and then he mentioned Roy. He knows who I am, Greyson. He knows all about me. He’s not going to help with the money. He said he’s turning the tables.”

  “We need to get you out
of town,” Greyson said.

  “I told her she should go away with Caleb for the week,” David said. His smirk grew into a full smile as Greyson’s jaw clenched.

  I shook my head. “That’ll make it worse. I’m staying so I can find Gus. What I don’t understand is why he would still want me. He knows I’m not the kind of girl I was pretending to be.”

  “I think he has his eye on the prize,” David said. “You intrigued him and now it’s a game of power. He’ll want to bend you to his will through fear.”

  “Well, it won’t work,” I said, attempting to be brave. Dagor was already succeeding at fear tactics. I didn’t want to follow where that road would take me.

  “Are you telling me if he managed to kidnap Roy you wouldn’t do whatever Dagor asked to keep him safe?”

  Shit! I rested my head in the palm of my hand to prevent tears.

  David sighed. “You know you would. We all would when faced with losing a loved one.”

  “Okay, we know what Dagor wants,” Greyson said. “How do we fix this? We only wanted information about the counterfeit money. Now we have a giant mess on our hands.”

  “I’ll stay at Nadia’s place tonight to make it appear she’s behaving herself,” David said. “It will buy us time.”

  “What if they break in again? They’ll know I’m not at home.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  My eyes shot to David. “What does that mean?”

  “It means don’t worry.”

  I turned to Greyson. “Should I be worried?”

  “No. Let him do what he wants. He’s not the kind of guy who will go around riddling people with bullets. It’ll keep him busy and out of my hair.”

  David smiled. “Bullets are too messy anyways.”

  I arched my brow looking from brother to brother. What the hell did I get myself into?

  Greyson mindlessly played with the ends of my hair. “Nadia, don’t worry about David. He doesn’t hurt any one unless it’s in self defense.”

  “Okay, I won’t worry about David. What am I going to do?”

  “Stay here tonight. We’ll figure something out tomorrow.”

  “Can I go to bed? I’m tired and every inch of me hurts.”


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