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Viking Bride

Page 5

by Vivian Leigh

  The chill deepened as she got farther from the fire. Her dress and shift weren’t intended for the cold, not without a proper cloak. It was a fact she felt all too keenly when she stopped at the door.

  She eased the door open just far enough to let her slide outside. The cold hit her like a wall. It was worst on her bare feet. Snowflakes were already falling, and she could hardly see across the courtyard to the next longhouse. With no idea who would be friendly or not, she picked a direction and ran.

  All feeling fled her feet. Her chest felt like she’d been packed in snow. Even her lips hurt. Fat snowflakes tumbled down around her as she passed another longhouse. Finally, out of desperation, she picked a door. She had to get inside. Had to find a fire.

  She pounded the door as hard as she could. Her hands would barely clench, and the pounded came across more as tapping.

  The door jerked open, revealing a boy with sword. “What do you want?”

  “Help,” she croaked.

  “A girl? Hey--”

  Eliza crawled toward the warmth that oozed from the door, not hearing anything else he said. The boy backed up, letting her into the longhouse. She leaned against a post, checking to see if she could feel her toes. Everything below her knees felt like ice.

  Another Viking came up, but she couldn’t really see him. Everything was growing too dim. His voice rumbled, but the words were indistinct. Someone grabbed her arms, started dragging her. The warmth grew from pleasant to a discomforting tingle to needles of pain.

  Eliza whimpered. “Stop,” she whispered. “It hurts.”

  They responded, but she couldn’t understand the language. Too harsh. Too guttural. The only word she understood was “French.”

  Someone pulled at her dress. A hand brushed over her bare hip. I’ve escaped Ratface only to be raped by someone else. Her skin felt like it was on fire. Stabs of agony lanced through her, reducing her to tears.

  Someone pressed against her. Warm flesh. Here it comes, she thought. She tried to relax, knowing it would only hurt worse if she clenched when they penetrated her. The invasion never came. She was laying on something warm, soft. A fur. A body pressed against her on either side. Something patted her hair. Furs covered her from above, leaving only her face exposed to the air.

  Eliza shivered violently, whimpering. The glow of the fire faded, darkness closing in from all sides.


  She woke slowly. Her feet ached as if she’d walked a dozen leagues. Realization crept through her. She was trapped. Again. A strange longhouse. Bodies hemmed her in, and furs covered her. She twisted, trying to view her captors. Long blonde hair, full lips.

  That’s a woman!

  Eliza slid a hand forward, felt the curve of the girl’s hip, the swell of her breasts. The girl’s lips curved into a faint smile, though her breathing never wavered from its slow, steady rise and fall. Eliza twisted again, checking who was on the other side. Another girl, just as blonde, just as asleep.

  She glanced around the sleeping area and peered out into the rest of the longhouse. A few figures moved in the near darkness. Hunched. Slow. A pan clanged somewhere distant. Voices murmured.

  If they’re going to abuse me, they’re going about it in a very strange manner. She settled back down into the blankets, thinking. She’d been stolen by the two Vikings, right out of Kelnar’s longhouse. Whoever they were, he wasn’t going to be happy. Now she was in some strange house, and she had no idea if the people were friendly to Kelnar, outright traitors, or might just resent her once they knew who she was. As if they didn’t know. There weren’t many raven headed women in the village.

  What are my options then? Try to slip out right then. The old people could probably stop her, but if she was quick, she could get back outside. And then what? Freeze to death? Finding another friendly house wasn’t impossible, but it wasn’t a risk that made sense. Okay, so I stay. If they were friendly to Kelnar, they’d get her back to the longhouse with Karna sooner than later. Even if they weren’t friendly, they’d likely just hold her until Kelnar returned and then use her to bargain.

  She reached out a hand, felt the soft warmth of the girl beside her. And they seemed much less likely to hurt her than Ratface. The girl smiled again, and rolled into the touch. Eliza’s breath caught, afraid she’d woken the girl. A hand snaked over Eliza’s bare shoulder, tugging her close.

  The girl moaned softly as their breasts pressed against each other. She slipped a leg between Eliza’s thighs, snuggling in even closer. Her face found the crook between Eliza’s neck and shoulder.

  “Are you awake?” Eliza whispered.

  The girl murmured something too quiet to understand. Her breath set goosebumps quivering across Eliza’s skin.

  She’s just asleep. Eliza took a couple deep breaths, and her pulse started to settle back to normal. Then the girl started grinding her thigh up and down between Eliza’s legs. Her eyelids fluttered against Eliza’s neck.

  “Good morning,” she whispered. Her leg moved faster, sliding easily in the growing slickness. A hand found Eliza’s hip and stroked along the curve.

  Eliza moaned softly. “Where am I?”

  “Shh.” She held a finger to Eliza’s lips. “You’re safe. That’s all that matters.” The finger dipped inside her mouth, rubbing along the lower lip. It traced down, over her chin and along her neck to where it met soft kisses. The girl sucked her own finger, pressed herself even closer.

  Both her hands were on Eliza. One snaked under her hip, cupping her rump, the other wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her close. The girl’s kisses slid down her neck, sliding their bodies apart. Her mouth found Eliza’s breasts.

  Eliza turned her face into the furs beneath them, muffling her moans.

  Sweet, soft lips worked their way around her right breast. A hand stroked her woman parts, sliding up and down her aching slit. A finger dipped inside, taunting her.

  Eliza’s body shook.

  The girl’s teeth nipped at her, light little bites teasing at the sensitive skin. Then she find the most sensitive part.

  Eliza groaned into the furs, a full-throated roar.

  The girl’s fingers were inside her, seeking her spot, working back and forth. Her palm rubbed against the sensitive nub.

  A roaring filled Eliza’s ears. Her whole body vibrated in time with the thrusts. She imagined it was Kelnar touching her, pleasuring her, filling her.

  She moaned again, long and low, all thoughts blotted from her mind but that single roaring fire of goodness, that little piece of heaven that was all her own.

  The girl eased her motions even as Eliza returned from the whirlwind tour of heaven. She slithered up Eliza’s body until her lips were barely touching Eliza’s ear. “Am I as talented as Kelnar?”

  Eliza turned to whisper back, but the girl met her lips and pressed a deep, passionate kiss upon her. Her tongue was hot, eager. Eliza kissed her back tentatively, though she didn’t seem to notice.

  “Well, am I?” the girl asked, after she pulled away.

  “Just as talented, but in different ways,” Eliza conceded.

  The girl rolled to her back, staring at the ceiling. “Good.” She scooted farther away, propped herself on an elbow. “So how did you end up wandering around in the blizzard in just a dress?”

  “I ran into some difficulties with some men last night.”

  “Oh? What kind?”

  “Abduction, attempted rape, the usual.”

  The girl nodded sagely. “There are those that do not appreciate your presence.”

  “You certainly seemed to,” Eliza said, smiling.

  “Well, I’ve always been intrigued by exotic things.” She ran her tongue between her lips, then laughed quietly. “You are safe here, Eliza. We brought you into our bed half frozen and warmed you with our own bodies. My father is off with Kelnar, though on another boat. Not that we need his permission. The women run this house and leave my father free to attend to the political affairs of men.”

  “I need to get back to Kelnar’s house and see my… witch.” She nearly slipped and said mother, and Kelnar and her mother had both taken pains to explain how disastrous that could be.

  “Speak to my grandmother first. She is wise in the ways of the village.” The girl pushed the blanket away and crawled to a sitting position. Eliza realized that the cloth hanging over the dividing wall was actually dresses. The girl pulled one down and passed it to Eliza, then grabbed the other and slipped into it.

  Eliza expected to shiver as she pulled her dress into place, but the air had warmed in the time they’d been under the blankets. Once she was dressed, she followed the girl out to the corridor. “You never told me your name.”

  “Ingrid. Here, put on these slippers and we can go find my grandmother.”

  Eliza slid her feet into the leather shoes. Her toes still ached, but at least she could feel them. She hoped that meant she wouldn’t lose any of them.

  They picked their way through the longhouse and stopped near the fire in the middle. A group of half a dozen gray haired people sat on ornately carved stools and chatted quietly.

  Ingrid tapped one of the ladies on the shoulder. “Amma, may I speak to you a moment.”

  The old woman turned and smiled, displaying gaps in her teeth. “Of course, child. Here or…?”

  “Somewhere quieter.”

  The old lady rose, then paused, staring at Eliza. “Who’s your friend, Ingrid?”

  “That’s the thing I need to talk to you about, Amma.”

  The woman pursed her lips, nodded once. She turned back to the group by the first, all of whom were watching curiously. “I’ll be back presently.”

  “So who are you, child?” the old woman asked Eliza, once they were out of earshot of everyone else.

  “I’m Eliza.”

  “Ah. That accent. You are someone’s captive, yes? Ingrid should know better than to take in strays.”

  “She’s not a stray, Amma. She’s Kelnar’s new consort.”

  The old woman’s expression darkened. “Is that right? What are you doing here?”

  “I was abducted last night, but I managed to escape and it was snowing and I didn’t have anywhere else to go.”

  “And so you ended up on my doorstep?” She lifted a hand to her forehead. “Gods above, but you’re not the kind of trouble we need, not with the men gone.”

  “Amma, we can’t just send her out into the cold. The men tried to take advantage of her. They’d be all too happy to get their hands on her again.”

  “I’m not a fool, child. I know.” She patted Eliza’s shoulder. “I will send a message to Karna. The chief’s witch knows you, yes?”

  Eliza nodded.

  “Very well. She can arrange for your safety. For now, remain here, but stay out of sight.”

  Ingrid tugged on her grandmother’s sleeve as she tried to leave. “But Amma, Kelnar’s people will be searching for her.”

  “And they won’t be the only ones. We’re loyal here, as loyal as any Norsemen are to another, but that does not mean as much as it could, not when a foreign woman is in question. There are many among the village who do not love this girl.”

  Ingrid’s face fell. “Yes, Amma.”

  Eliza had a feeling about what that meant. Given half a chance, someone would have her roped like a sow and dumped right back into Ratface’s greasy hands.

  She followed Ingrid back to the sleeping cubby, her heart just as heavy as it had been when she’d been tied to a post mere hours before.


  The day dragged past noon, Eliza sitting in the re-arranged cubby, trying to knit with that weird, looping style that the Norse people used. Ingrid and the other girl, Brynja, sat with her, chatting blithely. Ingrid never mentioned their little liaison, and Brynja acted as if nothing had happened. Maybe she really hadn’t noticed, but she’d been up and dressed when they’d returned from talking to Ingrid’s amma.

  “So what’s he really like?” Brynja asked Eliza. “Is he gentle when you’re alone, or is he the strong, fierce warrior something that goes all the way to the sleeping pallet?”

  “He’s gentle,” Eliza confirmed. “Gentle as a kitten with trimmed nails, most of the time. When he gets in a mood, though, he makes his public persona look like the kitten.”

  Brynja grinned. “How many times have you lain with him?”

  “Brynja!” Ingrid exclaimed. “Not everyone kisses and tells like you.”

  “Pfft. Have I told you about your brother Karl?”

  Ingrid’s face turned crimson. “You did not!”

  “Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t.” Brynja winked at Eliza. “So how many?”

  “I’d rather not say…”

  “You little minx, you haven’t even lain with him yet, have you?” Brynja grinned. “I told you he would be saving her. And everyone is so jealous.”

  “Err… Well…” Eliza wasn’t sure what to say. She’d made love with Kelnar many times, but now Brynja thought it would be better if she hadn’t? These Viking women confused her.

  “No, don’t try to claim you have now. The secret is out.” Brynja looped her bone needle through her stitching, pulling the string tighter. “There are those that resent you, you know?”

  “Believe me, I know. I ran into two of them last night and it wasn’t pleasant.”

  “Among the women, she means,” Ingrid said. “The men just lust after things that are… exotic.”

  Eliza raised an eyebrow, but kept silent when Ingrid shook her head ever so slightly. “Well, I don’t intend to cause strife amongst your people. I didn’t ask to be torn from my village and dragged halfway across the world.”

  “Halfway? The world is bigger than you think. Why, my Elard says that—“

  “Eliza, come speak with me a moment.” Ingrid’s amma cut into the conversation. She beckoned Eliza with a crooked finger.

  “Sure,” Eliza said, rising.

  The old woman took her a few paces away. “I spoke to the witch Karna earlier. She says to move to another longhouse tonight. There are men searching the village for you, but Kelnar’s ship is already sailing home. She says he’ll be back in the village in a few days’ time.”

  “Why can’t I just stay here until then?”

  “It will be safer if you move around. We don’t know who the spies are, but if we move you every evening after dark, they won’t have a chance to drag you out of bed again.”

  Eliza pushed a hand through her raven hair. It sounded dubious. It sounded worse than dubious. If that’s what her mother thought she should do, she didn’t see how she had much choice. Kelnar meant to make her his queen, but he couldn’t do that if she were dead or dragged off to one of the other villages.

  “Very well.”

  “Stay quiet there with Ingrid and Brynja. We’ll get you moved after dark.” The little woman tottered away, leaving Eliza to go back to her new friends.

  “Is everything okay?” Ingrid asked.

  “I think so. I’m moving to another house this evening.”

  Ingrid’s face fell. “That stinks. I was looking forward to…”

  “Well, it’s supposed to be for my own safety,” Eliza said, trying to cover the silence.

  “Ah, that’s too bad,” Brynja said. “I was looking forward to more juicy stories.”

  The two Viking girls passed the rest of the afternoon sharing all the village gossip that Karna hadn’t known or hadn’t deemed worthy of comment. It was a pleasant few hours, among the most pleasant Eliza had spent since the Vikings had raided her village. Well, other than the ones with Kelnar. Her thoughts constantly returned to Kelnar, hoping he was safe, hoping that his return was a result of success, and not something tragic.

  Chapter 10


  The man that came for her had a limp and four missing fingers on his right hand. He had the stale, smoky smell of the older Vikings, and the disposition of a side of ham. At least he had the courtesy to wait while Ingrid and Brynja gave h
er a hug and a kiss and wished her well. Amma was all too happy to see her leave, hardly waiting for her to be through the door before ordering the boy standing watch to close it.

  “Where are going?” Eliza asked, pulling her borrowed cloak tight.

  The man grunted, pointed vaguely across the village.

  Great, a man of many words. Few other people were out in the early darkness, at least in their part of the village. Nearer the shoreline a couple bonfires burned, and shadows milled about them. Eliza and her guide trudged on for a spell, passing a dozen or more houses, winding deep into the heart of the village. Eliza recognized a particularly impressive stag carving, and knew she wasn’t very far from Kelnar’s house. Hope rose in her chest.

  They turned left where they should have turned right if she were going to reunite with Karna and Cordith. The hope withered. What had Amma said? A few days until Kelnar returned? She could bear them.

  Her guide stopped at a house with hounds carved into the doorframe and rapped on the wood. The door opened, and a surly face with a black eye peered out. It broken into a smile as the guide shoved Eliza in the back, pushing her into the man’s waiting arms.

  “Oh sweet cheeks, I’ve missed you,” Ratface said. “You’re a naughty girl for running off like that.”

  Eliza tore her arm from his grasp, but the man behind her had a dagger drawn and ready. “In,” he growled.

  Ratface hauled her inside and the wounded one followed. No one else moved in the dim interior.

  The frustration and fear were a physical thing, threatening to cripple her. Eliza decided she’d had enough.

  She kicked hard against Ratface’s kneecap, making him cry out. Another kick followed the first, this one aimed between his legs. He folded up like a wet blanket, and went to ground with both hands jammed between his thighs.

  “Cut it out, girl,” the guide hissed, waving his dagger around.


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