The Boy Is Mine - The Finale (BWWM Romance)
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“I know. Now that we’re all alone, what are you going to do with me?”
“I have an idea,” he said as he stepped away from me and pushed all of the poker chips and cards to the floor. “I’m going to fuck you right here on my dining room table.”
My eyes widened, “Really?”
“Unless you have a problem with that.”
“I don’t have a problem with that. I’m game.”
“Then get naked.”
I didn’t need him to tell me twice. I quickly ridded myself of my clothing and he followed suit.
“I’m so hungry, are you willing to feed me?” He asked.
I laughed, “Are you talking about what I think you’re talking about?”
“I’m pretty sure that I am.”
“You’re such a perv!”
“Give me what I want. Sit on the table and lie back.”
He walked to the head of his table and took a seat. I walked over and hoisted myself up and sat in front of him with my legs closed. He leaned in and took one of my nipples into his mouth. I loved the way his tongue felt as he played with it between his teeth. He placed his hand around my throat and pushed me back so that I would lie down. He placed gentle kisses against my kneecaps and coaxed my legs open.
His warm wet mouth trailed kisses up my thighs and to my center. He gently blew on my clit and kissed down my thigh again. I was squirming against his mouth. I needed him to dive right in. As if on cue, he gave my pussy one long slow and sensuous lick.
“Lift your legs for me baby, place your feet on the table.”
I did as he asked. I’ve never felt so exposed in my life. It was one of the hottest experiences I’ve had in my life. He licked wildly at my pussy. His licks and slurps could be heard throughout the room. I loved every minute of it. My orgasm was coming quickly. Before I could erupt, he pulled his mouth from me and inserted a finger. His wiggled his index against my g-spot and suckled my clit. I came instantly. I couldn’t have held it back even if I wanted to. My juices poured from me and into his mouth. He continued to lick and suck until my orgasm was finished.
Before I could catch my breath, he was pushing himself inside of me. He lifted my legs to his shoulders and sank deep into my hole. It felt as if fireworks were going off inside of my body. With just one stroke, my entire body shook and released again.
“Wow, someone needed that,” he said.
“I need you,” I admitted.
He looked at me intently and lowered my legs so that they could wrap around his waist. I sat up and placed my weight onto my arms. His mouth claimed mine as he thrusted inside of me over and over again. I’m not sure if I’d ever felt more connected to him than in that moment. It’s cheesy, but the sex got more and more intense each time.
He gave a groan and I knew he was close.
“Cum for me baby,” I whispered against his lips. “Give me what I want.”
He grunted and fucked me harder until his entire body froze. Michael pumped his seed inside of me with the intensity of a fire hose.
I laid back against the table to catch my breath. He stood up and disappeared. I was too spent to care about where he went. He returned with a towel and began to clean me up. I felt like a very lucky woman.
“I’m feeling psycho! I’m not going to let him do this to me and get away with it.”
My days had gotten so busy that I didn’t know if I was coming or going. I was thinking about hiring another assistant and possibly another agent. I couldn’t believe it: I was having Nicole-type of problems. I could only hope that a company in Paris would recruit me, pay me the big bucks and move me there. That would be perfect. I didn’t want to leave Michael but a girl could dream about a better life.
It had been two weeks since I’d been taken on Michael’s dining room table. I’m pretty sure that I’d spent at least an hour each day thinking about that night. We’d had sex since then but that was just hot. We would have to do it again, I wondered if he was up for a repeat.
It was towards the end of my day and I had to meet a potential client. I wanted two of my models to be the faces for their new campaign. I was beyond nervous because they had a very successful chain of boutiques in the south and they weren’t my usual market. It was time for me to expand my horizons, especially since the look of my models were changing. My model Portia set my business on fire and I’d signed over six new girls that were more mainstream.
I can’t deny that I felt a little bit like a sellout, but it was time for me to follow the money. Mainstream is where the money and deals were being made. The girls that I had on my roster I considered to be the “in betweeners” because they were too small to be in the plus market and too big to be in the straight size market. I was a little nervous about how they would be received but people love them. This is partially due to the outcry for “real size” models. The brands don’t want to hire plus size models, so the models that I provide are a great compromise. A woman who is 5’10 and a size 6 isn’t large by any stretch of the imagination but it’s still money in my account.
“You better get out of here,” Lenny said.
I was ready to snap at him because my nerves were already frazzled but it was hard to be upset with a man that was standing there with your favorite green tea, your iPad, portfolio and your purse. He was awesome and he was only doing his job. I rose from my desk and looked to the left of me.
“When did you grab my purse?”
“I just did but you were in the twilight zone. You didn’t notice me.”
“Oh, I swear you make my life easier.”
“That’s my job. Do you want me to bring your car around front? I can drive you if you like.”
Usually I would want to drive myself but I don’t think that I have the patience. “I’m going to take you up on that offer.”
“It’s okay, Jasmine told me that I’ll have to teach you how to let me do my job.” He gave a slight smirk.
I smacked my lips, “I hate it when she’s right. I’m so accustomed to doing everything myself that it’s hard for me to relinquish control.”
“Believe me, I’ve noticed.”
“Oh, hush and get the car.”
“Yes ma’am.”
I grinned as I watched him walk out of the door. I had to hand it to Jasmine, she was right. I couldn’t imagine having to operate my business without him. He had a doctor’s appointment a week before and needed a couple of hours off. I felt completely disorganized. He didn’t know it but I planned on giving him a huge raise once we reached the six-month mark.
A half hour later, Lenny was dropping me off at the front door.
“Just text me when you’re ready and I’ll be here within five minutes. I’m going to handle some paper work at the Starbucks down the street.”
I took a deep cleansing breath, “Okay.”
“Stop it, you’ve got this. You don’t need to be nervous.”
“You act like you know me.”
“I know enough. I know that you doubt yourself way too much. Look at everything you’ve built. These companies are beating down your door to work with you, that’s for a reason. Go in there and be confident; you’ve already got the deal, trust me. Just go in there and seal it.”
“How did you become so smart?”
“I have four sisters remember? You chicks are notorious for doubting yourselves.”
I laughed loudly, “Bye Lenny. I’ll text or call you soon.”
He was like the little white brother that I never had. It was sad, but I liked him more than the brothers I’d been born with. My brothers were just slow. You would think that I don’t love my brothers but I promise you that I do. They just happen to annoy the hell out of me.
I got out of the car and walked towards the restaurant. I kept playing the script Lenny put in my head. I was twenty minutes early for the meeting so I had time to breathe and get it together. It was now or never.
An hour later, I was practically skipping out of the restaurant. I had, in fact, sealed the deal and they’d chosen two of my new models. I couldn’t wait to call the girls and let them know they had been chosen. I had to be careful and not get greedy. I walked down the street and looked for the car. I almost freaked out until I realized Lenny had it. I exhaled in relief. I was going to have to get used to having someone drive me. I also didn’t like having to wait. I was accustomed to hopping in my car and driving off.
I fished my phone out of my purse and let him know I was ready. I felt a little silly because I was standing outside of the glass window of the restaurant on the corner. I must have looked like a frazzled idiot to the people inside. I turned around to see if anyone was staring at me. Thankfully, no one was but that was going to be the least of my problems as I spotted something that made my heart race.
When I looked inside, I saw Michael was sitting at one of the booths. He was sitting across from a really good-looking blonde woman. My stomach dropped. I was so tired of the same fucking script over and over again. I stepped to the side of the building so that I was near the brick wall, but I could still see clearly. I felt like a Grade-A creeper.
I didn’t want to spy but I needed to see if this was a business meeting or if it was personal. Their interaction looked very friendly. The girl’s body language showed that she was interested and they looked very comfortable with each other. My heart began to race. The waitress brought them a bottle of wine and I was ready to flip the hell out. The woman was dressed in a pencil skirt and crisp white shirt. She wore a killer pair of hot pink pumps, and she continually played with her hair. She was clearly flirting with my man.
I debated about whether I should storm in and confront him but time had shown me that flipping out wasn’t the best idea. I didn’t want to embarrass him or myself. It was possible the situation wasn’t what it looked like. He was a business owner and he had to meet different people. To ease my mind, I pulled out my phone and called him. I would just ask him what he is up to and then he would reassure me. That would make me feel better. The phone began to ring and I watched as he looked at the phone and picked it up. He stared at it for a while and I then got his voicemail. He rejected my call.
I sent him a text message asking him what he was up to. Before I could do anything that I would regret, Lenny pulled to the corner with my car. I made myself get in, even though every fiber of my being was screaming for me to go inside the restaurant to give him a piece of my mind.
“So, how did it go?” Lenny asked.
“Umm, it went great.”
“Uh oh, what happened?”
“What do you mean?”
“You don’t look like a woman that’s just closed a huge deal.”
I tried to shake off the funk I was in as I waited for Michael’s response. “No, I’m okay. The meeting went really well, you were right.”
“Told ya!”
“I know,” I grinned. “I was going to call Amy and Jaslen to let them know the good news but I’m going to let you do it.”
“Wow! You’re learning fast.”
“I try.”
My phone buzzed and I almost leapt from my seat. I shakily pulled up my text message to see what Michael said.
To: Me
From: Mikey
In a meeting, will be busy this evening, call u 2moro
I was pissed. If Lenny hadn’t been driving, I would have turned the car around and raised hell.
“You okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine.”
“I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s get you back to your car. Call the girls and let them know to meet me in the morning.”
“Will do.”
The rest of our drive was silent. My thoughts were going a mile a minute and I couldn’t believe Michael had just played me like that. He could have answered his damn phone if he weren't up to no good. It was happening again. I’d gotten with someone who wasn’t any damn good…again.
When I got back to my office, I didn’t even go in. I called Jasmine to see if she was at home and thankfully, she was. I went straight to her house to vent before I blew up.
Jasmine was standing in her doorway when I arrived. I walked right in and headed for her couch. “Okay, so what’s your issue?” Jasmine said when she sat across from me.
“Girl, you better talk to me before I go crazy on his ass.”
“What did he do?”
“I saw him sitting in a restaurant with some bitch. I called him and he ignored my call. Then I texted him and he texted me back saying that he would speak to me tomorrow. He claimed that he was in a meeting and busy all day. What the fuck is that? Why does he think ignoring me for an entire day is okay?”
“Patrice, it could’ve really been a meeting.”
I shook my head quickly, “Unless he’s meeting with escorts.”
“Really Patrice?” Jasmine scolded. “There are women out there that are drop dead gorgeous and respected in their field. Stop assuming the worse all the damn time. You have to be mistaken.”
“I know what I saw and I’m going with my gut.”
“If I remember correctly, your gut lies to you all the time.”
“Shut up, Jasmine.”
“No need to get snippy.”
“I’m going to wait outside of his apartment and he’s going to need Jesus if he brings that slut with him.”
“Girl, that’s psycho!”
“I’m feeling psycho! I’m not going to let him do this to me and get away with it.”
“You need to just breathe girl because you’re tripping.”
I paced outside Michael’s apartment. While I knew I was being a bit of a psycho, I reasoned that I was already there and I wanted to sort everything out. The longer I waited, the angrier I became. I sat on his steps and played games on my iPad and phone. I could have sat in my car but I didn’t want to miss his arrival.
Was this his secret? Does he have a thing for hookers? Is he a sex addict? My mind was racing and the more I thought about it, the worse they became.
I looked down at my watch and saw that it was 10:30pm. What kind of meeting lasts that long with one person? ‘Maybe he purchased her for the entire day,’ I thought to myself. I don’t know why I made her into a hooker, but it made me feel better. It was hard not to feel insecure when your boyfriend is around models all damn day.
Eventually, he came home. I saw him exit his car and noticed a little pep in his step. I pretty much snarled when he arrived. I rose to my feet and slapped him hard across the face; I wanted to slap the smile off.
After that, I went off: “Wow, it’s almost eleven o’clock and you’re just getting home! You’re such a fucking liar! You claimed that you were out on business but you were out with some bitch! If you wanted to date other women than you should’ve been upfront about it. I don’t deserve this shit. I’ve been nothing but good to you.”
“Whoa, hold on Patrice. What in the hell are you talking about?” He asked while rubbing his face tenderly.
I paid extra attention to his body language. The dumb look on his face made me want to attack him again. Before I got the chance, he firmly held my wrists to prevent me.
“Talk to me,” he said.
“I saw you with that blonde bitch at the bar earlier. You then lied to me and said that you were in a meeting! Don’t even try to deny it. I was at the restaurant right next door. I saw the two of you getting real cozy.”
A look of understanding crossed his face and he laughed. He shook his head, “You’re something else. Do you know that?”
“Excuse you?”
He leaned in and kissed me on the forehead, “I’m going to release your hands but don’t hit me again.”
I was confused. I wanted to stay upset but I was curious as to what he had to say. How can he be laughing at a
time like this? He released my hands and opened his door. He looked at me with amusement, “Are you coming in?”
“I guess.” I pouted.
He laughed some more. I didn’t see what was so damned funny.
“I’m going to get you a drink babe,” he said, “You’ve had a long day.”
“I need to know why you think this is hilarious.”
He ignored me as I followed him up the stairs to his condo. He opened the door and ushered me in, still laughing.
“Stop laughing at me and tell me what’s going on,” I demanded.