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Mason Caveman Instinct -- Gypsy Curse Book 4

Page 6

by Hazel Gower

  “Oh, really? I love babies and Sebastian is sooo cute.” She jumped up and down.

  Gathering her in my embrace, I guided her out of the daycare. “He’s a cutie if I do say so myself. Actually, why don’t I invite my Uncle and Aunt with their twins? We can invite my brother to our house and then you can play with all the children.”

  “More babies? Hell yes, call them now.” Her smile was contagious. The light was bright in her eyes. “Do you want children? I want them as soon as I can. I love children. They’re so trusting and full of love.”

  My chest pounded and I wanted to grab Alexa and hug her close. “I want children. I’m not sure if I’m ready now. I’m young and—”

  “I know you’re young, but I always wanted to have my children young. I want to have energy to play and keep up with my kids. I want to have my own tribe.” She practically skipped as I showed her each area of the gym. “If I have all my kids young, if anything happens to me when I’m older they’ll be safe to look after each other.”

  Children at my age, or any time in my twenties, had never been in my plan for life, but listening to Alexa, and thinking of what I knew about her, I understood why she’d want to start young and have more than one child. She was an only child and before me had no family and was alone. Her parents had had her when they were older. Maybe if they’d been younger then they may have had another, or Alexa would have been old enough not to go into the system.

  My heart seemed to swell as I thought of my own family. I was so lucky to have so many uncles, aunts, and cousins. I knew no matter what happened to my parents I’d always have support. Alexa needed to know that now she was with me she was a Silverman. She would always have family.

  “Bear, I, we, have lots of family. If anything ever happened to us, and I promise I’ll do everything within my power to make sure nothing does happen, we have family support, and any children we have will go to them.”

  I staggered back, not prepared for Alexa to throw herself at me and climb up me like I was a tree. Her lips smashed down on mine and I was shocked at first so it took me a moment to respond, but as I opened my mouth, she speared her tongue against mine and I matched her with renewed eagerness.

  A whoop and some whistles, had me easing away and looking around to see most of the people in the weight room staring at us, and the others pretending they didn’t see us.

  “You want children with me.” Alexa kissed both my cheeks before a quick one to my lips. “You said children. More than one.” She kissed my lips again. “You’ve made me so happy right now. I can’t wait to have our children.”

  My cock strained at her words. If you’d asked me last year when I wanted kids, I would have said not until my late twenties, but the thought of Alexa pregnant with my child, even though we were so young, had my body burning with a need so strong, I was eager to get her alone. “Alexa, you know you’re mine, right?” She nodded and my heart soared. “You’re my soulmate.” I slid her down my body and turned her so she was in front of me, hiding my erection. I shuffled us out of the room and to my office.

  IT WAS LIKE ALEXA HAD become a whole new person. I think our talk of children and family had brought her hope and comfort that she could have the future she wanted.

  Alexa was amazing with Sebastian. He was an adorable baby. A clone of his father. She didn’t give up a baby the whole time my aunt, uncle, brother and Bailey, were at the house, and the whole time Alexa had a megawatt smile on her face and her eyes sparkled with happiness. She played with Sebastian, Angelica, and Jake, spending more time with them than she did me or the other adults.

  As I watched her, I knew she would be an amazing mother. She may have been young, but seeing her with Sebastian, Angelica and Jake, I knew she was ready to start a family.

  I’D SPENT OVER THREE YEARS waking up terrified, ever since the incident with Randy, but since meeting Mason, I loved waking up each morning. It was having Mason with me and knowing I was cocooned in my own little save haven.

  Staring down at Mason’s chest, I slowly slid the sheet down revealing Mason in all his glory in only boxers. My body heated as I stared at his sculptured body. I tingled all over and I wanted to show him how I felt. I wanted to touch him and make him want me like I wanted him. I just didn’t know how to go about it. I didn’t like what was done to me when the men came on to me in foster care, so I didn’t want to jump on him and attack him without him wanting me.

  Hovering over him, I rubbed my hands over his chest, leaned down and brushed my lips over his nipples, and slowly made my way down his hard six-pack chest. His moan encouraged me to continue my exploring. Kissing my way over and down his body I paused at his, er, dick, straining against his boxers. Slowly, I pulled them down and his, um, cock—I resisted the urge to giggle as I tried to think of what to call his penis—popped out and I studied it. I hadn’t seen one this close up. The head reminded me of a mushroom and it was long and very thick. I wrapped both my hands around the shaft leaving just the head peeking out above my fingers. Leaning closer, I licked the tip a couple of times, and his moans grew louder and then, I felt his fingers thread through my hair.

  “Feels so good. Mmm, Alexa.” He drew out my name and I hummed with delight that he was enjoying what I did.

  I pulled away and gazed up at him. “I’m doing it right?”

  His eyes opened and I saw the blazing passion in them, and then they widened and his mouth gaped open for a moment before he snapped it shut on a grunt. “Alexa, you shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “Why? I want to show you how I feel. I want you to know that I want you.” His long drawn out groan had me preening.

  “Oh, bear, I want you too, but you aren’t ready. I don’t want you to do something that you’re not ready for.” I squeezed his cock and pumped my hands up and down. “Alexa, you need to stop. If you don’t . . . ” He shook his head. “If you don’t stop I’ll come.” He arched up into my touch. Leaning down again I sucked in the mushroom head and moved down, taking as much of him as I could while I pumped him. “Fuck, that feels to damn good. You should stop. Oh, sooo good.” Spurred on, I continued sucking, licking, and pumping.

  My body felt hot. My breasts ached and my wet pussy pulsed. I’d never been turned on by anyone but Mason and pleasing him had made me hot and needy. I was so lost in pleasuring him that I didn’t feel the hands that hooked under my arms and pulled me up his body.

  “I’m going to come. I don’t want to blow my load in your mouth.”

  I frowned. I wanted him to finish. Shaking my head, I stared into his eyes that were so dark with lust they almost looked completely black. “Why not? I want to make you happy.”

  “Bear, you make me more than happy. What you just did felt beyond amazing.”

  “Let me finish you, please,” I begged. I was determined. Wiggling down, I wrapped my fingers around his dick again and tugged.

  “Bear, you’re making it really hard for me to keep being a gentleman and let me go at a slow pace.” He moaned and jerked his hips. Easing away, I stared down and watched his muscles flex and strain. Fascinated, I stared transfixed as he moaned and groaned, but kept his gaze on me. He grunted. “Alexa.” A white creamy substance erupted and landed on his tense muscular chest. Curious and unable to resist, I leaned down and licked at some of the cum on his stomach. “Bear, you drive me crazy,”

  Grinning up at him, I kissed my way up his body and squealed in surprise when he rolled, his fingers hooking into my tank top and lifting it up and off. I rose up, helping him, and he used my tank to wipe his chest. “I made you happy?”

  “Alexa, you’re amazing. That felt so good. You didn’t have to do that. I don’t want to push you before you’re ready.”

  My body tingled and I smirked at him. “I’m ready. I really liked what I did.”

  He covered my body and I shivered in anticipation. He ran his lips up and down my neck as his hands roved my body. “I’m going to make you feel good.”

  “Mmm, yes. Yes


  He chuckled. “So polite.” He nibbled at my shoulder and kissed his way to my uncovered breasts. “You’re so beautiful.” He suckled my breasts, swapping between the two, and I closed my eyes in bliss. When I felt his fingers slip between the folds of my pussy, my eyes shot open. His thumb circled my nub and I squealed as joy shot through me.

  Mason kissed his way down my body and hooked his fingers into my undies. “Lift.” I eased up and he slipped my panties down and off and settled between my legs. I had a moment of embarrassment and tried to close my legs, but I couldn’t because he was between them. “Let me give you pleasure, too.”

  Without saying a word, I spread my legs and took a deep calming breath. I trusted Mason and what he’d done to me so far had felt beyond amazing. His warm breath fanned over my most private place and tingles shot through my body. I arched up and gasped when his tongue swiped across my pussy lips. Pleasure flowed as he buried his face and started licking me. Oh. My. God. I’d masturbated before, but this was next level feeling. His fingers explored, rubbing my clit and settling between my folds where his tongue was running up and down my pussy lips. When a thick finger sank into me as he licked over my nub, I jumped from the tingling sensation it pulsed through my body.

  I fought for an anchor, gripping the sheets as the onslaught continued. He didn’t let up as I begged him. “Please. Yes, please. More. Oh, I need more. Please.” He ate me out like it was his last meal and it was his favorite.

  My body shook with my building orgasm. I was grinding myself against Mason, and completely let myself go. I rocked over him as his fingers delved in and out as he sucked on my nub and pressed down on it, applying just the right amount of pressure. I was going to blow.

  Letting go of the sheets I cupped my breasts and caressed my tips, mewling with pleasure. When Mason pushed in with two fingers and sucked on my clit I pinched my nipples. “Mason,” I screamed as I shattered into a blissful orgasm.

  “Thank God the rooms are sound proof, bear, cos you’re loud.” He crawled up and hugged me to him. If I hadn’t been so happy I would have commented, but I was too content to speak.

  THE TV WASN’T LOUD AS we sat snuggled watching Netflix. Mason trailed the pads of his fingers up and down my shoulder. “Are you happy?”

  I nodded then realized he couldn’t see me. “Yes. You make me happy.”

  “Good. I always want to make you happy.” He brought my hand up and kissed my knuckles. “What do you want to do when you finish your schooling? University, TAFE, or explore the world?”

  “All I want, all I’ve ever wanted, is a family. I don’t want to travel. I want a home. I want a bunch of children and I want them young.” I knelt up so I could talk face to face. “I don’t want to be old like my parents when I have children. I want to be able to have them young so I can have a lot of them. What do you want?” Staring into his gaze, I tried to see if he didn’t like what I’d said. He didn’t frown or look like he wanted an escape or show any sign that he was scared of what I’d just told him.

  “All I want is you.”

  Rolling my eyes, I smiled at Mason. He was perfect to me. “You’re too good to me. You have to elaborate please, there has to be more you want.”

  “I want you to be happy. If a bunch of kids will do that, I’ll give you an army full.”

  “Do you really mean it?” I bounced on the seat and settled myself over his lap straddling him before I smashed my lips over his.

  His chuckled and his body shook with it. I loved the sound of his happiness.

  I WAS WORRIED SICK. TERRIFIED that The Devil’s Queens would somehow get Alexa. I wanted to keep her locked in the house where I knew she was safe. I’d used that word a lot since meeting Alexa, but I knew with her having gone so many years without any feeling of security, it was important to both of us.

  Alexa came to work with me, but spent ninety percent of her time in the daycare. We didn’t go anywhere now without high security. I wasn’t chancing The Devil’s Queens getting a hold of Alexa.

  Today I had not one, but two surprises for Alexa. With the high security at the moment I had to make sure the guards knew even the slightest change in any plans I made. Going to the security house, I opened it and met the head of security team, Darren, and the head of my aunt’s, Brand. Brett and Tony sat watching the monitors.

  “Mason, is there a change of plans today? I’ll call back the men. I already had them on route to the location,” Darren stated.

  I nodded. “Yes, only minor though. I decided to give Alexa a puppy, too. I know she’s going to love the trained adult German Shepherd, but I know she would be over the moon for a puppy.”

  “Whipped.” It had been muttered under his breath but I heard it and knew just who’d said it.

  “Tony.” The big man turned and I narrowed my gaze at him. “I’m not going to fire you. I promised Alexa I wouldn’t.” I looked him up and down and shook my head. “Do you know she stuck up for you, even though you’ve treated her rudely? Darren, could you call my mother? I’m sure she’ll find something for Tony.” Turning from Tony, I looked at Darren and Brand. “The same woman who trains the security dogs has one puppy because a couple had to pull out of the deal. I jumped at the chance. I’ve spoken to a vet and the woman and we got the okay to get the puppy a couple of days early.”

  “That’s great, Mr. Silverman. Miss Jennings will be ecstatic.” Darren winked. “Good thing it isn’t much of a change in plans, just adding a puppy as well as a trained guard dog. We will be there longer, but the security we have in place won’t need changing.”

  “Great. I thought I’d let you know. We’ll be ready to go in half an hour or so.”

  I’d hoped what had happened with Tony was a one-off occurrence. After I’d spoken to the other guards who’d been with Alexa and I when we went shopping, and I’d learned what he had said I spoken to Darren and we gave him his official first warning. Now, this will be his second warning. I’m going to have to ask Darren to keep a closer eye on him. I’m hoping he is just having an off day. I’d never had a problem with him before, but then again, I’d never really been in a relationship with a woman.

  Tony had been on my security team for two years and this was the first issue that I’d had with him. Alexa was my priority and I assured myself as I entered the house and made my way to her, that he wasn’t being fired, just moved.

  When I made it back to our room, I found Alexa still asleep, but on my side hugging my pillow. Since waking up in hospital she’d only spent one night—the one when Tony had opened his big mouth—without me in the same room. Since sleeping in the same bed, Alexa had become attached to me and snuggled against my body.

  Going to the bed, I sat on the edge, leaned down and kissed my way from her shoulder up her neck and connected my lips to hers, kissing her awake.

  “Mmm, I want to wake up this way every day.”

  “I can do that.” Her arms wrapped around my neck and she dragged me down to rest at her side.

  “Do we have to get out of bed?”

  “I have a surprise for you. If we stay in bed you won’t get it.”

  I smiled when she bolted up and straddled my lap, beaming down at me. “You have a surprise? For me?” She bounced on my lap and I groaned as her arse hit my hard dick.

  “Aahhh, Bear, you drive me crazy.” Holding her waist to stop her bouncing, I gritted my teeth as she ground her hips down and her cotton covered pussy brushed over my straining cock. I wished I didn’t have my shorts and boxers on. Her giggle drove me nuts as my whole body heated with pure need.

  “I like that you want me. I want you to feel the same way I do for you.” Her cheeks and chest were as red as a tomato, her teeth nibbled on her bottom lip, and her eyes shined with her innocence.

  “Alexa, I always want you.” I pulled her down and took her lips to mine. I got lost in her taste as I slipped my tongue in and tangled it with hers. My hands explored her body and my need for her rose as my pleasure buil
t. I knew though, if we continued, we wouldn’t get to the dog and puppy surprise and I’d push Alexa to do something I didn’t think she was ready for yet. She’d sucked me off and explored my body, and I’d returned the favor by eating her out, but we hadn’t had sex. I craved that kind of intimacy with her, but I didn’t think she was ready, not with the nightmares she still had, although lately they were becoming less frequent. There was a constant fight with my body and head because I wanted to sink myself into her, but I knew now wasn’t the time. We needed more time together first. Tearing my mouth from hers on a groan, I rested my forehead against hers. “We need to stop or you’ll miss your surprise.”

  “Oh. Okay.” She sighed long and loud. “Can I have a clue what my surprise is?” Staring at her, with her beaming smile and glowing skin, it was hard to think that two months ago she’d been hurt, in pain, dirty, and homeless.

  Easing her off me, I stood and backed up. “All I’ll say is you’ll love my surprise. It’s something you want.”

  She eased up and stretched, her breasts thrust out, and I gritted my teeth and took a step back so I wouldn’t go to her. “You’re so good to me.” She beamed at me and I backed up further.

  “I’ll go down and get your breakfast ready. You okay to eat it in the car?” I turned and made my way out of the room, but I heard her reply.

  “Yep. I’m eager for my surprise.”

  HER SMILE SPREAD WIDE AS I parked at the breeder’s farm. I had stopped about five minutes before we got there and put a blindfold on her so she didn’t see the sign on the way in.

  “Can I take the blindfold off now?”

  “Wait, I’ll come around.” I got out of the car and went around and opened her door. Alexa had already undone her seat belt and was trying to take the blindfold off, but I’d done the knots too tight. Gently, I eased it off without undoing it.

  Alexa blinked a couple of times, slipped out of the car and stretched as she gazed around. “A farm?” She raised her brow at me. “I would ask if you bought it, but this doesn’t look quite as extravagant as I would expect for a Silverman.”


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