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I Broke Into His Office (Love at First Crime Book 4)

Page 29

by Jessica Frances

I’m not sure I have ever heard Scarlett cry before, but I sure as shit don’t want that to be the last thing I hear before my ears begin to bleed then give up altogether.

  “Scarlett,” I gasp out, gaining her attention almost immediately. “I’m okay.”

  “You’re not! You were shot! Multiple times!”

  Having this snapped out is a crude reminder of the trauma I went through.

  “Mostly flesh wounds. Nothing serious!” Harvey assures me, not that Scarlett takes this in.

  “And your arms are black and blue, you have a huge shiner on your face, and—”

  “Just bruises. Nothing a little time won’t fix,” Harvey snaps again.

  “And you saw some awful shit. I’m so sorry.”

  Harvey doesn’t have a quick fix for that. I don’t think anyone in the world has a quick fix.

  What I saw was messed up. I’m not sure how to even begin to process it. Not only did I witness my father killing a man, but I was kidnapped, drugged, shot at, and then sat with someone I once called my best friend and watched him bleed to death beside me.

  No, I don’t know how I’m ever going to move past that.

  “You have me. You have us,” Harvey says, either reading my despair correctly or just stating a fact.

  Maybe both.

  He reaches around Scarlett to squeeze my hand, and I give him as much strength as I can muster back.

  He’s right; I do have him. And, as evidenced just minutes earlier, I have new friends and old. Hell, I have a lot to live for. Right now, I’m going to focus on that.

  “And sometime tomorrow, you’ll have your mom,” Scarlett interrupts.

  “What?” I gasp, half-thrilled to see her and half-terrified on how the hell I’m supposed to explain any of this.

  “She called me after dozens of unanswered calls from you and almost as many from Harvey,” she explains.

  I glance over to Harvey and notice he looks guilty.

  “I couldn’t …” He eyes me pleadingly, unable to go on.

  “Anyway, I just told her an incident happened and that you were in the hospital. Naturally, she lost her shit and started yelling at Marty to get her to Chicago ASAP.”

  I wince, knowing the lecture I’m about to get. Not only about what happened, but what has been happening since before I encouraged sending her away. Hell, she’s going to be pissed that I broke into Harvey’s office the night she was trying to set us up. I’m never going to live this down.

  “Scarlett, do you mind if I have some alone time with Nix?” Harvey speaks up.

  “Of course,” she agrees hesitantly, but then she gives me a small smile. “I’ll be back later.”

  “Do you have someone to get you home? I don’t think you should be driving—”

  “Relax, Dad,” Scarlett scoffs at Harvey, who looks properly incensed at being called that. “Cynthia is waiting for me. But expect me back soon.” The last part sounds like a threat.

  She leans over to give me a kiss, plus a sappy look full of tears and relief. “I’m so fucking glad you’re okay. If you scare me like that again, I swear I will tell the new builders to make your office walls out of glass so you and Harvey can never have office nooky again.”

  I laugh at her threat, nodding that I understand, which seems to satisfy her. Then I watch her walk out of the room, seeing a quick glimpse of Cynthia as the door opens before it begins closing again.

  I love that she’s already talking about the restaurant being rebuilt, as well as insinuating she’s going to be around to help. I don’t think I can do it all without her.

  “Your friend is weird,” Harvey grumbles, sitting his down in the chair and leaning over so both elbows are rested on the mattress, his gaze intent on mine.

  “Sasha,” is the one word I speak, and it immediately means I win.

  “Whatever.” He rolls his eyes, but then he suddenly leans over and kisses me.

  It isn’t nearly as long as I want, or as deep, but it solidifies that he’s here, that I made it out alive, and that we are okay. So, in reality, this kiss means everything.

  “I’m sorry we didn’t get to you sooner. As soon as Declan realized something happened, it was too late. The roads were chaos, and the fuckers O’Neal hired actually took down several buildings. There were a handful of holdups, reports of random shootings, and even suspicious packages being left in dozens of places full of civilians.”

  “Shit!” I gasp, coughing when my throat rebels the action.

  “Here.” Harvey passes me more water then grabs a few pillows to prop me up better.

  “Why … throat?” I ask.

  “By the time the watch turned on, the signal wasn’t right. It kept cutting out. Turns out, you were in Lake Forest and there was some sort of signal jammer in place, not that it worked completely, thankfully. We called the police, and by the time we arrived, they were ready to breach the area. Once the house was cleared, we found your hiding place. It took twenty minutes to cut through the door, and by then, we found you unconscious and O’Neal dead.” He pauses at this, checking for a reaction, but I remain quiet, questioning what this has to do with my throat, though I am interested in his side of events.

  “We didn’t hear much of what went on, but your tip about a place underground was a good one. The police found a hidden entryway and were able to apprehend your father and one other man. Your father had taken a gunshot to the gut. He bled out before an ambulance could get him to a hospital.” Another pause.

  I really don’t know what to think. I’m grateful to have gotten through it, yet I’m also in shock. Mostly, I am relieved.

  My father is dead. He can’t hurt us anymore. He can’t come back at some later date to cause trouble.

  A man I always thought was, for better or worse, indestructible, is now dead. I don’t know how I should feel about that.

  “I’m nearly finished with the story,” Harvey says quietly, stroking my face once before grabbing my hand. “You heard your prognosis just before, but just to reiterate, nothing you won’t make a full recovery from. You were lucky none of the bullets hit any organs or major arteries. They were all just grazes. You’ve been here nearly two days, and for some of that, you were having terrible nightmares. I don’t know what you were seeing, but you woke me with the worst screams I have ever heard. I couldn’t get you to wake up, neither could the nurses. In the end, they had to sedate you.”

  I don’t recall any nightmares. I’m not sure I want to.

  “Look, I know you obviously can’t talk to me about it right now, but if you need to talk, I’m here for you. I know I haven’t been a prime example of opening up, but if it will help you, I will tell you anything. I’ll tell you everything. And I will always be here to listen if you need me.”

  I’m touched by his words, and aware that Harvey may not realize he has already opened up to me many times.

  “I should probably call a nurse to check on you.”

  I nod, but when he makes a move to leave, I grab his hand, having a little more strength this time, and hold on tightly.

  “Okay,” he agrees, sitting back down and pressing the button attached to the bed, instead. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Whether Harvey truly means that or not, I’m holding him to it.


  The next morning Harvey and I are awakened by a herd of wild animals storming into my room.

  Oh, wait, it’s just my mom.

  “Phoenix Conway! What the hell is going on?” she screeches, likely waking up every single person in this ward.

  “Mom,” I attempt to placate her, noticing my throat feels a little better now.

  “Don’t you mom me! I’ve had dozens of unanswered calls while you lie here in this hospital bed, possibly dying!”

  “Mom, I wasn’t—”

  “And what is this about your father putting a hit out on Harvey? What is this about him making you do his dirty work in his name? What is this about Donny kidnapping you then getting shot?” She is
shrieking now.

  Before Marty can offer her comfort, she then throws herself at Harvey.

  “You were supposed to keep him safe! You promised me!”

  “Mom!” I shout, wincing when that doesn’t do my throat any favors. “This isn’t Harvey’s fault. This is Dad’s fault, and Donny’s fault. Harvey has done nothing but protect me!” I snap at her, sitting up and ignoring the pain in my side as I reach out and grab Harvey’s hand, pulling him closer to me until he has no choice but to sit down on the edge of the mattress.

  A nurse interrupts then, wanting to know what all the commotion is about. Marty heads her off, shutting the door behind him as he no doubt uses his New Zealander charms to get her to ignore how crazy Mom is being right now.

  “I’m so sorry, Ms. Conway. I—”

  “No!” I snap at Harvey, refusing to let him apologize. “You want to know how Donny was able to kidnap me? It was because some asshole ran into us and knocked Harvey unconscious. He doesn’t have that bandage on his head, or bruises and cuts over his face and neck for fun, Mom. And through all this, he’s had my back. The only reason you weren’t told about it is because I knew you were safer in New Zealand. I didn’t want another target put on your back. Having one placed on Harvey was bad enough.”

  Mom looks from me, to Harvey, and then back to me, before she bursts into tears, stealing me away from Harvey’s side so she can hug me tightly and painfully to her.

  “I’m sorry. I was just so worried,” she cries into my shoulder, soaking my hospital gown and leaving mascara stains behind.

  “I know. And I’m sorry to have done that to you, but I’m fine, and Harvey didn’t do anything wrong.”

  She nods into my shoulder, sniffling a little before she pulls away to look at Harvey. “I’m sorry, Harvey. I know it isn’t your fault.”

  “It is my fault,” he contradicts us. “I should have protected your son better, and—”

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” I snap at him, throwing my hands up at them both, which hurts like a bitch. “How the hell is any of this your fault?”

  “I knew there was a chance something was going to happen. We never should have gone to Teagan and—”

  “So, what? We should have just stayed indoors and never gone outside?”

  “I’m not saying that, but I should have—”

  “What? Somehow avoided the car that was driving in the dead of night with no headlights?”

  “But I—”

  “Should have been wearing a helmet to protect your head better? Should have been able to teleport us out of there? Should have been in eight places at once to know exactly what my father was planning? Tell me, what exactly should you have been doing?”

  He’s quiet after my rant. I can’t tell if I got through to him or not.

  “Right, well, I guess that’s settled,” Mom says carefully, pulling my chin so she can assess my face. “If that man wasn’t already dead, I would kill him myself.”

  “I’d help you get rid of the body,” Harvey offers which, weirdly enough, gets him a happy smile from Mom.

  “I knew I liked you for a reason.”

  I roll my eyes at this totally ridiculous bonding moment, but I keep my mouth shut since I like that they are making up, even if it is in a strange way.

  “So, when are you both able to pack up your things and come to New Zealand with me?”

  “What?” I gape, wondering briefly if I blacked out for part of our conversation.

  We didn’t agree to go on a trip overseas, did we?

  “Well, I think the police will need a statement from Nix, and I’m not sure how soon the restaurant will get sorted out. You need to be here for some of that,” Harvey mentions slowly, his eyes on me.

  “Pish-posh. You can definitely get a few weeks away. Enjoy the sunshine and get away from this snow.”

  “Mom,” I hiss at her. “Harvey has work, and in case you’ve forgotten, we only met each other a couple weeks ago, and since then, a lot of shit has gone down. How about you let things settle before you start pushing us into travelling overseas together?”

  She huffs like I’m completely unreasonable. “Fine, but what is your work like in February?” she asks Harvey.

  He laughs at her generosity of a whole extra month to get to properly know each other.

  “You are unbelievable,” I mutter, unable to remove the smile off my lips.

  This moment is surreal, and after what just happened, the best outcome I could have ever wished for. Yes, Mom is annoying me right now, but I will take her overbearing, pushy ways over never seeing her again.

  I am so incredibly lucky, and I know I will appreciate every single day I have with the people I care about.

  And yes, I will even happily take a vacation with Harvey if he will have me, even though it’s way too soon in our relationship, and it will mean hanging out with my mom.

  Life is too short to not take leaps and risks.

  Chapter 22

  “What do you mean he’s gone? Gone where? To change his clothes?” Scarlett demands after asking where Harvey is.

  “Something came up—”

  “His boyfriend is lying in a hospital bed after almost dying, and something came up?” she screeches, as if Harvey hasn’t been by my side almost constantly since I woke up.

  “That’s not being fair on him. He—”

  “He’s freaking out,” Sasha cuts in. “You’re the first guy he’s opened up to, and what do you do? Nearly go and get yourself killed,” she accuses.

  “I didn’t exactly go out of my way to—”

  “That wasn’t Nix’s fault,” Teagan cuts in, and I feel relief until she keeps going. “Harvey chose Nix, even after he knew how much trouble that was going to be.”

  “Hey, I’m usually the most boring man on the—”

  “He’s definitely freaking out. I bet he’s off at some seedy bar trying to drink his feelings away,” Sasha heartlessly tells me.

  “He’s not at—”

  “Harvey doesn’t do seedy bars. Maybe a gay bar, though,” Teagan interjects.

  “Are you guys shitting me right now?” I snap, not that anyone is paying me any attention.

  “Well, who is going to take him home, then?” Scarlett asks the room.

  “Oh, I know!” Sasha pulls out her phone. I only need one guess as to whom she is messaging.

  “Sasha, do not ask Conner to take me home from—”

  “Done!” she announces, placing her cell away and smirking evilly at me.

  “Mom said she would—”

  “Actually, I just got a call from her. Marty and her are delayed. Some sort of accident on the roads or something,” Scarlett tells me.

  I can’t tell if she’s lying or not. And since I have no phone, no money, and no keys, I can’t even confirm if she is right or argue with her.

  “Fine, but he can take me to Harvey’s apartment—”

  “And you’ll get in how?” Ava brings up the flaw in my plan.

  “I’m not going to Conner’s house,” I snap at Sasha, though she never actually mentioned that.

  “I have a spare set of your apartment keys here,” Scarlett says, dangling my keys, which I don’t even recall giving her.

  Why would I give her a spare set? I wasn’t even aware I had a spare set.

  “So, it’s settled, then!” Sasha happily announces, clapping her hands.

  “Let’s change the subject,” Cynthia offers, pointing at me when she has all our attention. “What happens now with the restaurant?”

  “I don’t know.” I sigh. This is just another stress that I’m not sure what to do about. “I guess once the investigation is concluded, we can begin rebuilding.”

  “Good luck with that in this weather. I drove past it yesterday and the roof collapsed. The place is covered in snow,” Sasha informs.

  I wince, thinking of how perfect I had it and now everything is gone.

  “You know, you should consider rebuilding it with an
apartment on top,” Scarlett tells me.

  “Why do that?” Cynthia asks, while I consider the idea.

  “His place is a dump. Like seriously, it’s awful,” Scarlett explains before turning to face me. “Just think, you can have proper heating, and there will be no more walking through backstreets or in the snow to get home late at night.”

  “I admit, that is tempting, but I don’t have the money for something like that. Even if I could get approval, the insurance money won’t cover it,” I tell her, speculating over how much money it would actually take. I have a bit of savings, but I’m not sure I have enough to cover something like that.

  “No, but I bet an investment from a rich foreigner will,” she sing-songs.

  “Who?” Cynthia asks, gazing at me like maybe I have a secret side she didn’t know about.

  “Marty Brown. He’s going to be Nix’s stepdad,” Scarlett informs them, information that I was only just told this morning. How did she find out so fast?

  I feel too old to suddenly be getting a stepfather. Even so, I already know Marty will make a fine one. Besides, he really can’t do worse than my actual dad.

  “How do you know about that?” I ask.

  “Your mom already called and invited me to the wedding,” she says with a laugh.

  I roll my eyes. Of course she has.

  “Conner, my single, hot, great driver friend can help you with the restaurant,” Sasha offers, a sly smile on her lips.

  I only just resist snapping at her that I have no interest in Conner, so she should stop pimping him out.

  “Help me with what, exactly?” I ask warily, already aware of how he “helped” me before.

  “His older brother works for city council. I bet he can ask for a favor to get your approval pushed through.”

  “And what would this favor cost me? A date?” I ask on another eye roll.

  “No, but I’ll think of something.” She smiles evilly now.

  I want to tell her not to bother, but part of me wonders if Scarlett is onto something, and a friend who has connections could be important later on.

  I shake my head, listening as the talk unsurprisingly shifts to babies. More specifically, where Kiera and Jensen are and if Teagan is going to find out what she is having. Unfortunately, I don’t have any alcohol near me to dull my boredom. Luckily, though, I don’t have to put up with this for much longer. My discharge papers are being sorted out now, and hopefully, I will be home before long. No baby talk within hearing distance.


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