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Nathan’s Montana Bride (Sweet Historical Mail Order Bride Romance) (Montana Ranchers Brides series)

Page 10

by Maya Stirling

  He took a deep breath and eventually things started to settle. With his pounding heart slowing he tried to compose himself.

  He knew he still had feelings for Abby. How could he not have feelings for someone who'd shown such character in dealing with Emma's problem. How could he not feel a strong desire for someone as beautiful as Abby. Nathan was irresistibly drawn to her. He found Abby bewitching and it had driven him crazy that they still hadn't made their union complete.

  But that had been his fault. He'd found it hard at first to move on from Lucy. He couldn't deny that he had been the one to hold back from Abby. And it had taken every fibre of his being to resist her. But the call of the past had been strong and impossible to ignore.

  After Emma had almost died? Well that single event had changed everything. He knew that the life he had to live was with Abby. He'd told her as much. Their future was as a couple.

  And now this?

  What was he to make of it? He couldn't have imagined that someone as healthy looking as Abby couldn't have children. He wondered how it had made her feel. What must it have taken for her to keep that from him? It must have burrowed away inside of her all this time. And she still had the guts to face life and start afresh in a faraway land. It showed Nathan what his wife was really made of.

  But no more children!

  That made Emma even more precious to Nathan. He couldn't let anything happen to her.

  Suddenly he heard the noise of a horse pulling up in the yard. He went to the window and looked down into the yard in front of the house.

  He saw a tall figure dismounting and hitching a horse to the rail.

  It was Trent!

  What was he doing here at this time?

  Nathan ran down quickly. There was no sign of Abby. He opened the door just as Trent was going to knock.

  The rancher's even features were pale. His face was covered in sweat and he was breathing fast. Nathan stepped out and closed the door behind him.

  "What's wrong Trent?"

  "I need your help."

  "My help? With what?"

  "I need you to come into Billings with me."


  "Right now"

  "Now? Why?"

  "I can't tell you. Not here," Trent looking up at the house.

  "It's a long way into town at this time, Trent."

  "I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important."

  "Can't you tell me what it's about?"

  Trent shook his head. "Not here. I can't be overheard," he said.

  Nathan sighed and frowned. Finally he said: "Okay Trent. I'll go with you. But you gotta fill me in on the way there."

  Trent sighed and his tight shoulders relaxed.

  Nathan started toward the stable. "I'll get my horse."

  "You'll need a gun too, Nathan," Trent said keeping his voice low.

  "My gun?"

  "Yeah. It might be wise considering where we're going," Trent said.

  Nathan gave Trent a querying look but could tell he wasn't going to get any more out of his fellow rancher.

  "Why me and not one your ranch hands?"

  Trent just shook his head and said nothing.

  With a sigh Nathan went inside and got a gun from his office. When he came back out Trent had already mounted his horse and looked eager to be leaving.

  This was turning out to be quite an evening, thought Nathan, when he and Trent rode off onto the moonlit trail that would take them into town.

  In her bedroom Abby awoke. She'd been sure she could hear voices below, in the yard. She wasn't sure, but one of them sounded a lot like Nathan's.

  She went to window just in time to see Nathan lift himself up onto the saddle of his horse. There was another rider who looked like he was impatiently waiting for Nathan. Abby squinted and saw that it was the rancher Trent who'd visited them.

  What is he doing here? Why is Nathan leaving with him? Abby started to race downstairs. She needed to know where Nathan was going. Surely it wasn't to do with what she'd told him earlier. He wasn't the kind of man to go racing off with a friend in the middle of the night. Where were they going anyway? It was dark, even though the moonlight would make it possible to see a trail.

  By the time she threw open the front door and stepped out onto the porch, the two riders were in the distance, leaving behind them a trail of dust.

  Had Nathan just left her? She couldn't believe he'd be this insensitive. There had to be a reason, but she couldn't fathom what it might be.

  She didn't even call to them. It was too late for that. She watched the two figures disappear into the moonlit, silvery darkness.

  Leaning against the door Abby wondered just how much worse this day could get.

  Nathan and Trent rode hard and fast to get to the town. The moonlight showed them the way across the plain and down into the steep valleys. It was a warm night. They didn't say much to each other until they were entering the edge of town. They slowed to walking pace, their horses sweating and breathing noisily after their exertions.

  "So what's all this about? What do you need me for?"Nathan demanded.

  "I need you because you're the only person Devlin will listen to."

  "How come?"

  "You know how worked up he can get after what happened with Ella," Trent said.

  Nathan recalled how Ella Brown had ditched Devlin earlier that year, just before they were to get married. She'd just changed her mind about the whole thing and had left town, never to be seen again. Devlin had been devastated, vowing never to look at another woman again as long as he lived. He'd thrown himself into work that had helped heal the pain. But Nathan knew that some pain never went away.

  "I know he can get itchy with a gun sometimes," Nathan said.

  "That's the thing. He's gotten himself worked up about something. And there's a woman involved. But it's not what you think," Trent said.

  "How come?"

  "You know the land agent, Cyrus Macleod?"

  "I know he's a royal pain in the rear," Nathan answered. He'd had to deal with Macleod on more than one occasion. Not an easy man. And not always on the straight and narrow either.

  "Don't tell me this is about Elise."

  Trent nodded. "She's in the middle of it alright."

  "I didn't know Devlin was hot on Elise."

  "He's not. It's what she's about to do that's riling him. She getting married."

  "What! To Devlin?"

  Trent laughed. "No. He's not that crazy. You know what she's like. She's a firebrand and no mistake. Devlin couldn't tame her if he tried."

  Nathan did know what she was like. He'd met her at socials. Couldn't take five minutes in her company even if she was one of the prettiest twenty year old women in town.

  Her pa being the town land agent for now gave her all the airs and graces of being above the plain folk in town.

  "Who's she marrying?"

  "Bart Caulfield."

  "Devlin's neighbour?"


  "What in hell's gotten into Bart to go doing a thing like marrying the craziest woman in town? Apart from the obvious."

  "Elise's pa has arranged the marriage. Seems there's what you might call mutual benefit for the rancher and the land agent."

  "Like what?"

  "If Bart marries her he gets those water access rights that Devlin has been trying to get."

  "But if that happens Devlin's ranch won't have enough water access. He'll go out of business."

  "He'll lose his ranch."

  "What about her. Does she want to marry Bart?"

  Trent paused. "That's the other thing. Word is it's gonna be a forced marriage."

  "Her pa can't do that to her. Can he?"

  "Seems like he's hell bent on forcing his daughter down the aisle. In return for something from Bart."

  Nathan was shocked. Marriage was a precious institution not to be spoiled by selfish, commercial interest. Although he didn't much like Elise she didn't deserve to be stuck in a loveless marria
ge with a man like Bart.

  "What's Devlin gonna do about it. I can't see he's got any way of stopping it going ahead."

  Trent lowered his head and went silent for a moment.

  "What is it Trent? What's Devlin gonna do?"

  Trent turned and looked at Nathan.

  "Devlin says he's gonna kill Bart Caulfield."


  Where was Nathan? Abby sat by Emma's bedside watching the rise and fall of the little girl's chest as she slept soundly.

  Abby couldn't stop thinking about Nathan.

  Montana may be beautiful in many ways but it was also outlaw country. There were many dangers, especially at night. Even although Nathan was with Trent who had seemed like a no-nonsense kind of guy, still Abby was gripped with fear at thought of her husband being out there.

  She thought about his reaction to her account of how she'd discovered her apparent infertility. Was it true? Was she incapable of bearing children?

  Things hadn't improved as far as she could tell since arriving in Montana. Maybe once she'd settled in the whole problem would resolve.

  It all hinged on how happy she could be and right now she didn't know whether Nathan even still wanted her as his wife.

  Emma shifted in the bed, as if sensing Abby's unease.

  All Abby could do was look after Emma and wait and hope that Nathan would come back to her.

  And the sooner he came back the quicker they could start getting on with their life.

  She couldn't wait to see him again.

  Whenever that would be.

  Nathan followed Trent into the saloon. What was Devlin doing in a place like this? He wasn't one given to heavy drinking.

  The place stank of booze and the rowdy clientele was kicking up a storm about some trouble at the gambling wheel.

  Nathan gazed around the room. Then he saw Devlin. He was seated at a corner table. Leaning his head forward, he was examining the contents of a shot glass. The rancher looked plain miserable. He'd every right to be, Nathan figured. No man could stand the loss of everything he'd spent years building up from nothing.

  Nathan and Trent sat down at the table.

  "Hey partner," said Nathan faking enthusiasm. "What's up?"

  Devlin raised his head. The booze had taken its toll. Devlin's eyes looked glazed. His handsome dark features had a loose, sad look. His black hair was disheveled and he hadn't shaved for a while. He was a strong guy, physically and mentally but right now wasn't one of his best moments.

  "What do you both want?"

  "We came to stop you doing something stupid," said Trent.

  Devlin took a swig of his drink. "Has to be done. No other way."

  "You know that's not true," said Nathan. "Killing Bart Caulfield is only gonna make things worse."

  Devlin smiled and shook his head. "Who says I'm gonna kill him?"

  "That's what Trent told me," said Nathan.

  "Why would I do such a fool thing as that? I'm just gonna scare him into changing his mind. I'm not plannin' on killing anyone."

  Nathan looked at Trent. Neither man looked completely convinced.

  "I'm going to lose everything if I don't try and change his mind," continued Devlin. "I won't let him take everything away from me."

  "But you know what Bart Caulfield is like Devlin. He's got a short temper and he thinks he's fast with a gun," said Trent. "Anything could happen if you face him down."

  "Anyway. You're not the killing kind," declared Nathan.

  "Who says?"

  "I say."

  "So what do you think I can do?"

  "Ask him to call the wedding off. Negotiate."

  "With Bart and that darned land agent?"

  "Both of 'em," said Trent.

  "No way. He's gonna have her. Then he gets everything. Including Elise."

  Nathan thought for a moment. An idea had come to him out if the blue. Surely it couldn't be that simple.

  "When is Bart due to wed Elise?"

  Devlin frowned. "What's that got to do with anything?"

  "Just tell me when the wedding planned for."

  "In a week's time."

  "Bart's not wasting any time is he?"

  "He wants those water rights."

  "And he's too old for Elise."

  "By a wide margin I'd guess."

  "So you're telling me I should to what?"

  "Hell, Devlin. You're just not getting it are you?" said Nathan impatiently. "Marry the darned woman. That way you stop the deal, Elise's old man might just see his way to giving you the water access rights to you instead of Bart, you get a pretty wife and you save her from marrying someone old enough to be her pa."

  Devlin paused and seemed to be giving it some deep thought.

  Trent punched Nathan playfully on the arm. "I think you got something there buddy. Devlin your problem will be sorted if you just marry Elise."

  "I don't want to marry Elise. I don't want to marry anything. Not after what happened before."

  "I know that. But it's just gonna be a marriage in name only. You both get what you want and then later maybe you can both go your own ways."

  "It sounds...cold. So calculating."

  "It's better than you getting yourself hanged," said Trent.

  Devlin ran a finger around his collar. "I guess you're right there."

  "Give me your gun," Nathan said firmly.

  Devlin sighed, reached down and handed his gun to Nathan.

  "Now finish up your drink. We got to get you home." Nathan picked up Devlin's hat off the table and handed it to him. "If you're gonna stand any chance if persuading Elise to marry before Bart Caulfield does you gotta be at your best. You're gonna be busy for the next few days."

  Nathan took one look at Devlin and figured he and Trent really had their work cut out for them.

  Nathan knew what Elise was like. She was a real hellion. Devlin was in for a fight if he was going to marry and tame her.

  Devlin was a good looking guy. In fact he was the most handsome of the three of them. He figured Elise would have to work hard to resist Devlin's charms.

  But the only thing was, could Devlin survive courting and marrying the most beautiful, but feisty girl in town?


  Riding back on his own to the ranch Nathan had plenty of time to think about Abby. She was the only thing he could think of. Now that Devlin had been prevented from doing something foolish, Nathan could consider what Abby had told him only hours before.

  Was it true? Would they never have any more children? He couldn't believe it. When he thought about her description of her troubles it seemed as if her problem had been almost an emotional reaction to the doubts about moving to Montana.

  Now that she was actually here, surely she would feel different; her body would be more at ease; her mind settled because of the security he was providing her at the ranch. Already having Emma as a daughter must, in some way, convince her that she already was mother, someone who could nurture and grow a young child into a fine and beautiful adult.

  Nathan was sure that deep down Abby must be well on the way to a recovery, that she must already be a different woman to the one that had suffered back in Boston.

  Nathan looked at the early dawn light edging over the distant horizon. Montana could do that to people. It could change them; make them different ; make them better. And with Nathan and Emma by her side he was convinced that Abby would be better and different.

  Seeing how easily a man like Devlin could have thrown everything he had away had reminded Nathan of just what was important. He only had to think of how he'd almost lost Emma to feel the burning need to get home as fast as he could.

  Nathan wasn't going to lose Abby. Not after having fought so hard to bring her to Montana.

  In any case, Abby said the doctor had told her she might not be able to conceive. It was only a possibility she might not be able to. Not a certainty.

  Nathan spurred his horse on picking up speed towa
rd the distant ranch. There was only one way to see if that was true and he already knew the best place to find out.

  Abby opened her eyes and saw Nathan's smiling face gazing down at her.

  She pulled the bedcovers up to her chin. She was surprised to see him here in the bedroom.

  Nathan was kneeling by the side of Abby's bed.

  "Nathan? What are you doing here?"

  "That's a darned fool question," he answered with a smile.

  "What time is it?"

  "About six in the morning. It's going to be a beautiful day," he declared.

  "Emma! How is Emma?" Abby asked sitting up.

  "Emma's fine. I just checked on her. Mrs.Wardle is with her."

  Abby tried to fix her mussed up hair.

  "I must look a sight," she said.

  Nathan reached over and moved some stray hair away from her face. "You look just beautiful," he said softly.

  Abby felt her heart quicken. "Where'd you go last night?"

  "I went to stop a good friend doing something real foolish. But I'll tell you about that later. Right now I want you to get yourself ready."

  "For what?"

  "We're going somewhere special," he said smiling.

  Abby noticed that there was glint in Nathan's eyes. He looked so different from the man who'd sloped off and ridden into the night.


  "You'll see," he said.

  "Nathan. About last night. What I told you..."

  Nathan reached over and placed a finger over Abby's lips. "Don't talk about that now. There's nothing to say. It's okay. I understand why you did what you did. And I want you to know that it's okay. Everything is going to be fine. Trust me."

  Abby's throat tightened and she felt her eyes begin to moisten. "Really? You mean that?"

  Nathan smiled. "Of course I do."

  Abby threw her arms around Nathan. He turned his head and kissed Abby. His soft lips were warmer than the skin of his face which still had the cool of the morning on it. The kiss went on a long time.

  Abby got dressed quickly. Nathan had told her to pack some extra clothing and any other necessaries she'd need. They were going to be away from the ranch for a short time, he told her.


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