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Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel

Page 4

by Lexi Archer

  “Man, I can’t believe how hot she is,” Brad went on, apparently taking my silence for permission to go on about my wife. “You usually don’t see a girl that hot with the first wives, but she puts all the senior partners’ pieces to shame! You did good man!”

  He held his hand up for a high five. I didn’t return the gesture. He held his hand up for a moment as though he expected me to slap it, but finally he got the message and pulled it down awkwardly like that’s what he’d meant to do all along.

  “I mean I wouldn’t have minded getting her back here for a little fun!” he said.

  “You’re talking about my fucking wife, asshole!” I hissed. I didn’t exactly shout, but I wanted to make it clear what he was saying was royally pissing me off.

  Except it wasn’t pissing me off. Not really. No, if anything it was turning me on. My cock was throbbing and it didn’t have anything to do with all the thoughts I had about what I’d done with my wife in this cubicle over the weekend. No, this time it had everything to do with the way he was talking about my wife. It had everything to do with how much I wished he actually had been able to convince her to come back here and fuck him.

  It was crazy, but there it was. I couldn’t help what turned me on. Even if I desperately didn’t want my wife to fuck this asshole as much as I desperately wanted her to fuck him. It wasn’t fair that I would be stuck with this ridiculous obsession.

  “Sorry man,” he said, holding up his hands. His voice might say he was sorry, but his tone and the look on his face made it clear he thought I was overreacting. If he thought this was overreacting, though, he had another thing coming. He was lucky I didn’t launch myself over the cubicle wall and punch a hole in that smarmy face. We’d see how well he was able to pick up legal assistants when he had a bloody and bruised nose.

  “I don’t know why you’re so touchy anyways. It’s not like it would be the first time someone’s wife went off with someone else at one of those parties.”

  My ears perked up at that.

  “What are you talking about?”

  Brad leaned forward over my cubicle wall again, seemingly forgetting that a moment ago I’d been on the verge of leaping a wall and punching his lights out. “Let’s just say that it can be pretty easy to take some of those trophy wives off their husband’s trophy shelf and give her a good dusting, if you catch my drift.”

  “You’re fucking one of the senior partners’ wives? Are you fucking crazy?”

  Brad didn’t respond in so many words. He put a finger to his nose and winked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “That’s a good way to get fired.”

  “So who was that guy you were talking with at the party?” Brad asked.

  I blinked at the abrupt change of subject. Maybe he didn’t like talking about banging the wives of men who could fire him and ruin him for ever getting a job in this city again. I’d certainly be nervous even hinting at admitting to that sort of thing. Though I suppose hinting is really all he’d done so far.

  I was immediately on guard. There was something about the way he leaned forward ever so slightly while his tone said he was doing his best to sound disinterested that had me suspicious. He wanted to know who Felix was. Though it’s not like I could tell him anything. He probably knew just as much as I did even though I’d been out talking with the guy the night before.

  “I really don’t know,” I said. “He’s just some guy.”

  “Some guy who could tell the senior partners what to do if the way they acted around him was any indication. It’d be good to know how a guy like that can pull off a trick like that.”

  “Yeah, well I don’t know and it’s not like I have any way of getting ahold of him,” I lied. I’m not sure why I lied. I just got the feeling that if I told him I had some way of getting in touch with Felix that would only fuel the speculation. I might never be able to get him out of my cube.

  “That’s a damn shame, man,” he said. “I’ve seen him a couple of times over the years. Usually right before all the seniors disappear with all those gorgeous pieces of tail they pull in with all their riches. I’d give a pretty penny to know what goes on when he shows up.”

  Even more interesting. Felix, the self-proclaimed expert in women, shows up and all the partners and their wives disappear. What was going on here?

  “Yeah, well I don’t know. And I have a lot of work I need to get done.”

  Brad leaned on my cube wall for another moment staring off into the distance. Finally he shook his head and looked down at me as though surprised to see me there.

  “What? Oh, right. You have fun with that research. Bet it’s a load of fun doing old Roth’s work. I was glad when I didn’t have to mess with that anymore,” he said.

  “Yeah, whatever. You should probably get back to whatever work you were supposed to be doing and spend less time talking about everyone’s wives you’re banging,” I muttered.

  “Hey man,” he said, laughing nervously and looking around. “That was just some joking around between bros, right? We don’t have to say anything about that to anyone else, right?”

  “If you get the hell away from my desk and don’t say anything about my wife ever again I might consider keeping my big mouth shut,” I said. “Otherwise the next time I see Roth I might mention that he should send out at PI after his wife when she goes to the gym or whatever it is you’re doing.”

  “Ha! Good one man,” he said, adjusting his tie and looking around again. “Just keep your fucking mouth shut, okay?”

  I sighed as he left. He was gone, but that didn’t change the fact that I couldn’t stop thinking about Anne. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I’d done with her at this desk. I couldn’t stop obsessing over what I would’ve liked to see Brad doing with her at this desk even though I thought he was even more of an asshole now than before. The guy could go fuck himself as far as I was concerned, and yet at the same time I couldn’t get the thought of him burying his cock in my wife and filling her with his come out of my head.

  Fucked. Up.

  He’d been pretty curious about that Felix guy, too. For that matter I was still pretty curious about him. About what he did for the firm. The fact that he disappeared around the same time as all the senior partners and their gorgeous wives really had me curious. I wanted to know more. I wanted to know who he was that he could order around the senior partners like that. I wanted to know what it was he did.

  And if it had anything to do with everyone disappearing along with their insanely hot wives.

  I pulled out my wallet and fished out the man’s card. Just his name and his number. I thought back to our conversation. He told me to call him if I had any questions. Well I certainly had a hell of a lot of questions, and I wanted answers, damn it. I sighed. I should be focusing on work, but instead I was going to give this guy a call.

  To my surprise when I started dialing the number it came up almost immediately in the system. It was the first thing that autofilled, and the system was designed so that numbers that were called often showed up for everyone. That had led to some embarrassing moments before everyone got the memo that it wasn’t a good idea to call anyone potentially embarrassing from their line. It really wasn’t a good idea to call them a lot.

  One junior associate had been fired for calling an escort service on the job. I figured that would’ve been Brad when they first announced the search, but it ended up being a quiet guy who did most of his work off in the corner. Didn’t even know his name.

  I finished dialing the number and it occurred to me as the phone was ringing that it might not be a good idea to call this guy from my office phone. But by the time the thought occurred to me it was already too late. He picked up and I recognized that same accented voice I’d heard at the party the night before.

  “Hello, this is Felix.”

  “Felix. Um, this is Edward,” I said. It occurred to me that I didn’t really know what to say. I didn’t even really know why I was call
ing the guy. Just that I felt compelled to do so.

  “Edward! So good to hear from you. How are you? How is your lovely wife? Did the two of you enjoy the party?”

  “Um, I’m doing fine. She’s doing well, at work right now. We had a pretty good time, I guess.”

  I blushed and looked around at my desk. Yeah, we had a pretty good time together. A really fucking good time. The sort of time that probably would’ve gotten me fired if anyone caught us having it.

  “I’m glad you called. Let’s have lunch, how does that sound?”

  I glanced at my calendar. I had a meeting with Mr. Roth in a half hour that was probably going to take the majority of the afternoon. Not because we had anything important to go over. I was just dropping off some paperwork with a minimal amount of research he’d asked for. No, the main reason was that Roth tended to go on and on. He was a man who was in love with the sound of his own voice, and I’d be stuck chatting with him for a good chunk of the afternoon so I’d gone ahead and blocked it off.

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that. I have a meeting with Mr. Roth that starts pretty soon and it’s probably going to go long,” I said.

  Felix chuckled on the other side. I thought I heard some sort of odd noise in the background. Like he was down at the street level or something.

  “Yes, he does go on, doesn’t he? A good man otherwise, but he can talk your ear off. Here, let me take care of that for you,” he said. “I assume the appointment is on his calendar?”

  “Yes it is, but…”

  “One moment, please,” he said.

  The line went silent. As though he’d muted his microphone. Or maybe he’d switched to another line. Either way, I couldn’t hear anything happening on the other side any longer. I was more and more curious. Especially when there was a ding on my computer to let me know my calendar had been updated. The calendar helpfully asked if I wanted to update it on my screen and I shrugged and told it to go ahead. A moment later the appointment disappeared, and then Felix was back on the other line.

  “I just spoke with Mr. Roth’s secretary and your afternoon should have been cleared out. Are you seeing that on your end?” he asked.

  I stared in astonishment. “How the hell did you do that?”

  “You’ll learn more at lunch, I promise,” he said. “Perhaps we could meet at Smith’s Steakhouse?”

  Damn. Smith’s Steakhouse was about as pricey as you could get for charred cow in this city. I also wasn’t sure I had the kind of scratch to cover a lunch like that. Anne might be my loving wife, but she’d fucking kill me if she thought I spent a couple hundred dollars on one meal. We wouldn’t have that kind of cash until I made partner.

  “I don’t know about…”

  “I assure you it will be my treat. No problem. So how about it?”

  “Um, I guess? Yeah?”

  This was getting more and more interesting. The more I learned about this Felix guy the more I wanted to know. Needless to say I couldn’t wait for lunch.

  6: Lunch

  I immediately felt like I was out of my element when I stepped into Smith’s. The place was one of those restaurants that exuded atmosphere. It was the sort of place that made you feel really fucking out of place if you weren’t in the right tax bracket.

  Sure I wore a suit and tie like all the other people here, but I was younger than most of the people here. Well, except for a few lucky bastards who either had some of their parents’ money or they’d been lucky enough to hit it big early on and now they were coasting on their early success.

  The suits were also all expensive cuts. The sort of brands I couldn’t hope to afford if I didn’t make partner. I shuddered to think of all my hard work being for nothing. Of going back to our hometown and hanging out my shingle to work on divorces and drunks and the occasional criminal offense. I wasn’t going back to that, damn it. Still, I felt immediately out of place in my department store digs. I didn’t even bother to get them tailored to fit me better because who had the time?

  I looked around for Felix but didn’t see him anywhere. Maybe he hadn’t arrived yet. I looked to the door and when I turned around I nearly jumped out of my skin because there he was smiling at me and extending a hand.

  “Edward,” he said with that slight accent. “So glad you could make it. Please, follow me. I’ve arranged a private dining room for us.”

  Damn. A private dining room? I didn’t voice that thought, but… damn. This place was expensive enough. I could only imagine how much he was laying down for a private room. I also found myself wondering exactly what the hell it was he wanted from me that he was willing to put down that kind of money. For the first time since I started talking to this guy it occurred to me that I might want to be just a little on guard, but at the same time it seemed like it was too late for those second thoughts considering I was already here.


  He led me back to a small room with just a single table. It would’ve been a pretty nice place to take a date. I felt a stab of fear as I wondered if maybe that’s what he thought this was. That would’ve been really awkward, but then again he’d made such a production of talking about my wife that it didn’t seem like he’d invite me out here to try to get it on with me or something. Surely he had to realize I was straight.

  “Please, have a seat,” he said.

  So I sat and we made small talk for a little while. The waiter came to take our orders and I did that instinctive thing from growing up poor where I tried to order the cheapest thing on the menu, but Felix said he was having none of it and his guests only had the best. He ended up ordering a really nice steak for both of us, and once more I was left wondering what the hell was going on here and how I found myself in this situation in the first place.

  “So, did you have fun at the party?” he asked. “I saw you go over to talk to your wife and that Brad gentleman. I trust things were going well between the two of them?”

  I stopped to think about that. Sure things were going well between the two of them. I had a sneaking suspicion that if my wife had a few more drinks then she might’ve been willing to go off into the cubicles with him rather than with her husband. I didn’t know whether I was more excited at that idea or disappointed that it didn’t happen, which was a fucked up way to think about the woman I love hopping on some other guy’s cock.

  Yeah, it was fucking complicated. Not that I had any intention of going into any of that with this guy. I had just met him, after all, and had that one conversation.

  “Things were okay, I suppose,” I said.

  “And after that? Did the two of you have fun in the cubicles?”

  I very nearly choked on my drink. “How did you know about that?”

  Felix grinned and it suddenly hit me. I’d heard a noise down there when we were about to finish up. I’d been sure that was Brad down there being his usual creepy self spying on me, but it occurred to me that maybe it wasn’t Brad at all. Maybe it was someone else.

  “You were there, weren’t you?”

  Felix shrugged. “I must apologize, but I have to say that I was intrigued.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “What exactly were you intrigued by? Me or my wife?”

  “I must admit that your wife is an intoxicating woman, but more than that I was interested in how you would react to the thoughts we talked about. To the idea of her with another man. I wondered if you would lose control to the point that you would do something there in the office, and it appears that I was correct.”

  I stared, dumbfounded. Who the hell was this guy? “You’re like some sort of perverted Yoda or something.”

  Felix nodded ever so slightly. “A crude example, but I suppose I could see where someone might think that way. The important thing is that I was right, though. It seems that the idea of your wife being with another man is something that interests you, am I correct? Or did I perhaps misread the situation?”

  Something about his smile said he didn’t think there was a chance he’d misread
the situation. And I knew he was right too, damn it, as much as I hated that he was.

  “So what if I did think the idea was interesting? Does that make me horrible or something?”

  “Not horrible. Merely interesting,” Felix said, taking a drink from his glass.

  “Interesting? How so?”

  “A man in your situation, a man who is interested in his wife with another man, is very interesting indeed. Especially when the wife is as beautiful and seemingly innocent as yours, though I suppose she wasn’t so innocent the night of that party.”

  “When she was with me,” I said. “I don’t think she would ever actually do something like that. Especially not with someone like Brad.”

  “Perhaps. Perhaps not. I wonder what might have happened if she stayed a little longer? If she maybe had another drink? Did you ever stop to think on that?”

  Did I stop to think on that? It was the only thing I could think of ever since that party. It kept running through my mind. It was all I could think of when I jerked off. Anne downing drinks and then going a little farther than she maybe should have with another man. I don’t know why it suddenly became such an obsession, and it certainly wasn’t helping that Felix kept bringing it up.

  Why did he keep bringing it up?

  “You could say that I’ve been thinking about it here and there,” I said. “What’s it to you?”

  Felix grinned and leaned back. He spread his arms wide along with that grin. “As I said, I am an expert in women. I have to be in my line of work.”

  Now we were getting down to it. I leaned forward over the table, trying not to get my tie in my steak. It would be a shame to ruin a perfectly good steak like that with a tie that cost a fraction of what this hunk of charred cow cost.

  “So are you going to tell me what exactly it is that you do? That is the whole reason I came out to this lunch, after all.”

  Felix smiled and chuckled. “I guess you could say I run a club.”


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