Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel

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Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel Page 10

by Lexi Archer

  And with that she leaned in and pressed her lips against mine. It was odd. An insanely attractive woman was kissing me and yet all I could think about was Anne. Only this time Anne was right behind me running her hands along my back instead of back at the apartment with no idea that I was making out with another woman.

  Melissa was insistent, and I allowed myself to give over to the fantasy. Anne gave me permission, after all, and it was surprising how quickly all the navel gazing wondering about Anne’s motives disappeared when I had a hot woman pressing her body against me and shoving hr tongue down my throat. I wrapped my arms around her and she let out an appreciative mewling moan that went straight down my throat via her tongue and on to my cock right after.

  She didn’t waste any time, either. In a flash she was on top of me while at the same time I felt Anne leaning in close and running her tongue around my earlobe. I shivered. I’d never even known that was an erogenous zone, and yet here we were and holy fucking shit was that hot. Melissa pressed her pussy down against me and I could feel the heat even through her dress and my pants. She was hot, primed, and ready to go.

  Anne’s hands continued moving up and down my body. Melissa pulled away and I was treated to the particularly captivating sight of my wife running her hands up and down another woman’s body. That was almost enough for me to blow my load right there. Fuck! To go from never thinking this was possible to having the top male fantasy in the world coming true right in front of me was so fucking hot.

  “Enjoying yourself so far darling?” Melissa asked.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered.

  Melissa looked over her shoulder to the balcony. I followed her gaze and saw Mr. Arnold, though I suppose I could call him David now that I was making out with his wife, staring down at us with the same sort of hunger I felt when I thought of other men getting with my wife.

  “I think my husband likes it too,” Melissa said, turning her attention back to me. “That’s a good thing. Very good things always happen to the guys my husband decides he likes.”

  Amazing. The entire time I’d been working my ass off at the firm to try and get recognized, and it turns out that the way people were really promoted was by showing up at this club and fucking for their promotion. Though I suppose they probably wouldn’t invite someone if they weren’t good at their job in addition to being attractive enough to fit in at the club. That would’ve been a good way to run a business into the ground trying that sort of thing.

  I didn’t have much time to think about that, though. Melissa descended on me again, her mouth opening to mine and her tongue moving in and dueling with mine. Her taste was different from Anne. The feel of her body, slightly more petite with smaller breasts, was so different from Anne. The way she moved on top of me was different from my wife.

  My wife.

  Surprisingly that added a layer of arousal on top of knowing that I was making out with an insanely hot chick. I’d made out with plenty of insanely hot chicks over the years even before I got with Anne, but this time around knowing that it was another man’s wife who was committing the ultimate married sin made it hotter. It was as though the obsession I had about my wife fucking other men translated to any man’s wife fucking another man.

  Even if I was the other man doing the fucking. Well, not quite fucking. More like heavy petting for the moment.

  I allowed myself to get lost in that heavy petting. I moved my hands down to cup her ass and the heat there was incredible. Her ass was so tight. It was the kind of ass you wanted to slap. It was the kind of ass that made you glad to be a man if you were stuck behind a girl walking up the stairs and you were treated to nothing but the sight of a woman’s ass cheeks moving back and forth in a pair of tight pants. It was the sort of ass that would make men fantasize and seduce a man who was worth more than most of the people at this very exclusive club.

  And for the moment it was all mine. I pulled her dress up and was pleasantly surrpised to realize that it seemed she wasn’t wearing any panties. Naughty girl. Though upon moving my hand up even more it seemed it was a thong. Whatever. I moved my hand down and along her pussy lips, exploring the warm wet contours of another woman’s pleasure for the first time in years. It was odd how every pussy could feel the same and yet be so different at the same time.

  It was the differences that made it so hot. It was the differences that turned me on so much. It was the difference that told me this wasn’t my wife. Melissa gasped into my mouth and I waited for the feeling of Anne doing something to add to the moment, but it never came. I realized she’d stopped running her hands all over me a few minutes ago, and I’d been so lost in my exploration of another woman that I didn’t think anything of it.

  Well I certainly thought something of it as soon as I realized she wasn’t there. Was she just sitting back and watching? I had to struggle for a moment because Melissa was really getting into it, but I managed to disentangle myself from her. She looked down at me with a disappointed pout.

  “What’s wrong baby?” she asked.

  I looked over to the side of the chaise where Anne had been sitting. She wasn’t there. It was empty except for me and Melissa. I frantically looked all around for any sign of my wife, but again I was met with disappointment. She was nowhere to be seen.

  “Where did Anne go?” I asked. “Did you see her go somewhere?”

  Melissa shrugged. “Around here? If she disappeared that probably means she found someone to go play with. I mean that is what this club is all about.”

  “But that wasn’t supposed to happen. We were supposed to be in this together,” I said.

  Melissa frowned. “You mean the two of you don’t have an arrangement? I figured…”

  “Not exactly,” I said. “I mean we came to the club tonight to have some fun, but we haven’t really talked all this out yet. We were sort of feeling things out, I guess.”

  Melissa frowned. “That can be dangerous at a place like this, hon. Do you like the idea of sharing your wife? Because she sure as shit seemed to like the idea of sharing you.”

  “Or she shared me so she could have a chance to get away and have her fun,” I said, feeling defeated.

  “Maybe, but you wouldn’t be at this club if you didn’t enjoy the idea of her doing that on some level.”

  I sighed. She had a point. The fact remained that Anne was somewhere out there in this club and she wasn’t with me. I thought we were supposed to be in this together.

  “I need to find her,” I said.

  “Oh hon, I don’t think this is going to end well, but I’ll come with you,” Melissa said.

  I glanced at her, suddenly confused. “Why would you do that?”

  Melissa grinned. “I like a little fireworks as much as the next girl.”

  I sighed and rolled my eyes. That wasn’t promising, but if she wanted to come along she could come along. I needed to find my wife!

  14: Frantic

  I figured the best way to figure out where she was would be to go to the balconies. After all, they had a direct view down to where all the action was happening. It would be faster than looking into each room individually, and there would be the added benefit of not pissing anyone off if I interrupted their fun.

  I ran down the first length looking down into each room in turn, and at every step of the way I was disappointed. Well I guess it wouldn’t be fair to say I was disappointed. After all there were insanely hot women down in those rooms putting on one hell of a live show for their husbands up above, it’s just that none of those women were my wife.

  “Maybe she’s on the other side,” I said.

  I glanced around and looked for Felix. Maybe he would know where my wife was. He didn’t seem to be on this side of the club, though, and he certainly hadn’t been down in any of those rooms. I wondered if he ever sampled the merchandise he was selling. It seemed like a bad idea for business, getting entangled with people on a personal level like that, but then again he was the one running what amounted t
o a wife swapping sex club in the first place.

  That was already getting pretty fucking personal without throwing personally fucking into the mix.

  “I don’t know,” Melissa said. “What if she isn’t?”

  I didn’t listen to her. I ran down the stairs and up to the balcony on the other side. I did the same routine where I looked down into each room in turn. Most of them were dark enough that it made it difficult to really see what was going on down there, but after a moment of letting my eyes adjust to the darkness I could see that my wife wasn’t down in any of those rooms either. A few husbands cast irritated glances at me as we moved past them, but I ignored them.

  Maybe I was ignoring some unspoken etiquette of this club. Club etiquette could go pound sand, as far as I was concerned. What I needed was to find Anne. The thought of her somewhere in this club with another man fueled a jealous flame deep inside me. The thought of her somewhere in this club with another man twisted my stomach. It had my cock harder than I think it had ever been before in my life.

  Talk about a confusing fucked up jumble of emotions.

  “Where else would she be?” I muttered. I turned to Melissa. “You’ve been at this club for awhile, right? You must know if there’s some other place they could be.”

  “Well there is one other place,” Melissa said. “Only it’s not a place people get to see all that often.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The VIP lounge,” Melissa said.

  “The VIP lounge?” I said. “What does that even mean? Everyone here is super rich. Aren’t you all VIPs just by being part of the club?”

  Melissa shrugged. A move that caused one strap of her dress to fall down which very nearly led to her having a wardrobe malfunction right in front of me. Normally that would’ve been enough to draw my attention, but not today. Not right now. Not with my Anne somewhere in this club doing God knows what with some random guy.

  Or maybe not a random guy. VIP club. I was starting to have my suspicions about what was going on here. I was starting to think that maybe my wife being spirited away from me hadn’t been the work of some random stud.

  “I mean it makes sense, doesn’t it?” Melissa said. “When you’re in a club where everyone is exclusive and rich that means you have to have some sort of distinction. There are always haves and have nots, even if you’re fucking rich. That’s what the VIP club is about.”

  I licked my lips. I had a feeling I already knew the answer, but I still had to ask.

  “And how would you go about getting into the VIP club?” I asked.

  “That’s simple enough,” Melissa said. “You have to be the hottest of the hot. Hot enough that you catch the interest of the sort of man who’s surrounded by nothing but beauty day in and day out.”

  “Felix,” I said.

  “Yup,” Melissa said. She sighed wistfully and a small smile played across her face. “I had my own time in the VIP lounge, and it was wonderful.”

  “Oh yeah? What happened then?”

  “The same thing that always happens. Something new came along and I wasn’t in the VIP lounge anymore,” Melissa said. “Not that I can complain too much. There are some girls who join the club and never get to go up there.”

  I frowned. I didn’t like the idea of my wife being up there all alone with him for some reason. All alone. And suddenly it hit me exactly why I had such a problem.

  “Melissa, when you visited the VIP lounge did your husband come with you? Seems to me the whole point of this club is that people get it on with each other while their partners watch.”

  “Well yeah, that is the whole point. There wouldn’t be much use in going to a VIP lounge if I didn’t have David with me, would there?”

  “So why is Anne up there alone right now without me, assuming that is where she disappeared to and that she’s not going back to the apartment and looking up divorce attorneys?”

  Melissa’s eyes went wide for a moment and her mouth hung open. “Oh. Yeah, that is weird. You should probably find your wife. I’ve been with Felix, and I’d hate to see what happens if he took a personal interest in a girl.”

  “A personal interest? What would you call going up to the VIP lounge?”

  “A passing fancy on his part. This is different, though,” she said.

  I frowned. I didn’t like this one bit. This whole thing had happened way too fucking fast. I just didn’t know enough about this lifestyle. There were too many forbidden temptations on offer here. And now it appeared that Anne had given into one of those temptations. Or at the very least she was being led up to this fabled VIP lounge where Felix could really start putting the moves on my woman. My sweet innocent wife who’d never been with another man. My sweet innocent wife who I desperately wanted to see with another man.

  Not on these terms, though. Not like this. I frowned and felt a deep resolve settling in the pit of my stomach where worry and arousal had been warring for the past few minutes ever since I realized Anne was no longer beside me on that chaise lounge.

  “How would you like to visit the VIP lounge again, Melissa?” I asked.

  Melissa glanced across the room to her husband and then back to me. Shrugged again as though this wasn’t a huge deal for her. It amazed me that she could be so blase about this. It made me wonder what this club did to people that the idea of a man’s wife being stolen right out from under him could not be a big deal.

  Then again, wasn’t that what this place was all about? This place was dangerous. I should’ve never come here in the first place. To be fair I didn’t know what the place was on my first visit, but I definitely should’ve never agreed to bring Anne here. I should’ve dealt with her anger back at the apartment and considered myself lucky that she was only mad at me.

  “I guess I could go up there again,” Melissa said. “Usually I’d bring David along, but I think I’ll make an exception this time because this is too interesting. Assuming you can even get up there.”

  “If my wife is up there then I’ll get up there, damn it,” I said.

  “I admire your tenacity, but if they decide they don’t want you up there then you’re going to be out of luck,” Melissa said.

  “We’ll see about that,” I said. “Could you take me wherever this VIP place is?”

  Melissa led me down the stairs and to the back of the main room. I looked up and realized there was a large mirror running the length of the second level. I’d been so busy looking at everyone cavorting and carrying on in the club that I hadn’t paid that much attention to my surroundings. Now that I really got a good look at it, though, it occurred to me that the thing might be a two way mirror so people could look out on what was going on down on the club floor or in the balconies without people being able to look at what was happening.

  Melissa led me down a side hall that was cleverly hidden. I didn’t even realize there was a hall there until we stepped around the wall leading back. The whole thing was painted the same color as the back wall and cleverly concealed so you wouldn’t be able to see it until you were right on top of it.

  On the other side of the room there was another hall with signs pointing to restrooms. Well I guess that made sense. When you had to go, you had to go, even in the middle of an upscale sex club. Though of course they wouldn’t want that sort of thing out in the open.

  We reached the end of our non-restroom hall and stood in front of a door with a single button and an intercom.

  “This is it?” I said.

  “This is it,” Melissa said. “The elevator to the VIP lounge. The only way to get up there is being granted access by pressing that button.”

  “Seems like a hell of a fire hazard,” I said.

  “I’m sure there are emergency stairs somewhere,” Melissa said. “But is that what you really care about considering your wife is up there right now doing God knows what with Felix? Trust me, I know just how persuasive he can be when he gets a woman all alone.”

  I took a deep breath. S
he was right. Anne was probably up there and I had no idea what she might be doing. My imagination was helpfully providing a laundry list of things she could be doing, though all the images running through my head were a hell of a lot more interesting than any laundry I’d ever done.

  “You’re right,” I said. “We need to get up there.”

  “Just be ready for disappointment,” Melissa said. “Not everyone who pushes that button gets the response they want.”

  I pushed the button anyways. I wasn’t going to be stopped. If I didn’t get up there through this elevator then I’d find the emergency stairs I knew had to be out there somewhere to comply with the fire code and follow them up until I got to Felix’s private domain and interrupted whatever party was going on.

  Only no such heroics were necessary. No sooner had I pushed the button than a little green light came on over the door and it opened with a friendly ding revealing an elevator that was barely big enough for more than a few people. Then again at a club like this where the whole purpose seemed to be getting up close and personal with people it made sense that the elevator would provide an equally cozy experience.

  “Interesting,” Melissa said with a raised eyebrow. “Looks like you get access to the inner sanctum after all.”

  “I told you I’d get up there,” I said. “No matter what.”

  I stepped into the elevator and Melissa followed. I noted the way she crowded in close to me even though there was technically enough room for the two of us to fit in here without getting up close and personal. Not that I minded her getting in close like that. Not really. Though admittedly thoughts of Anne doing the same thing right at this moment were distracting me from the sexy on offer from Melissa.

  “So what are you going to do if we get up there and it turns out your wife is having the sort of fun you’re afraid she’s having?” Melissa asked. “Do you get mad or do you join in?”


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