Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel

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Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel Page 11

by Lexi Archer

  I sighed. “I don’t know. I’ll have to see what’s going on, won’t I? At the very least I’d hope she’d consult me before doing something like that.”

  “Smart boy,” Melissa said.

  The elevator hummed and came to a stop. An express elevator it wasn’t. Another green light over the door dinged happily and the doors opened. I steeled myself for what I’d see on the other side, knowing full well that there was a very good chance I wasn’t going to like it. I had to come up here, though. I had to know what was happening even if that knowing was pure torture.

  Nothing could have prepared me for what actually waited on the other side of the door, though.

  15: Lose to Win

  Melissa moved into the room, swaying her ass in a very seductive and distracting way, and took a place next to Felix and my wife, Anne. Her husband, David, Mr. Arnold, also stood there with one hand behind my wife’s back as he smiled.

  “What’s going on here?” I asked.

  “You passed,” Melissa said. “Congratulations.”

  I blinked. Confusion ruled me for a moment. I passed? What was she talking about? I didn’t even know I was taking a test. What the hell?

  Anne giggled and she moved across the room to wrap her arms around me. She leaned in and gave me a kiss. “I hope you’re not mad at me for playing along,” she said. “I knew what was at stake and you’ve worked so hard for this that it seemed like I’d be throwing your career away if I didn’t go with the plan.”

  “Go with the plan? What are you talking about?” I asked. “I have no idea what the hell is going on here.”

  “It’s simple, Edward,” Felix said, smiling and taking a step forward. He put his hands on Anne’s shoulders and you bet your ass I noticed the way she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. Maybe she was talking about playing along with them and whatever the hell it was they’d planned between them, but there was no doubt in my mind that there was a definite attraction there between my wife and the man who ran this club.

  “Simple?” I asked, when it seemed Felix got more than a little distracted by his hands on my wife. My cock positively throbbed in my pants as I thought about him doing a hell of a lot more than that with my wife.

  “Fairly simple,” Mr. Arnold said, taking a step forward to join Felix. His hand went down to Anne and ran along her side. A move that also wasn’t lost on me. Both of these men were enjoying running their hands all over her, and she seemed to be enjoying it as well. “You just made partner thanks in no small part to your lovely wife here.”

  My eyes narrowed. I looked at the two of them, and looked down to where their hands were all over Anne. Looked up to her standing there with her eyes closed and her lips parted as though she was really enjoying the attention. Well she might be enjoying the attention, but for the last time that evening my conscience reached out to tell me that this was all wrong. I was not going to make it to the top by sacrificing my wife, even if a part of me very much wanted to watch my wife being fucked by these two men.

  “No,” I said.

  Both of them stopped and glanced at each other, suddenly unsure. It was odd to see two men who were so supremely confident otherwise brought up short by a simple word like that. I got the feeling that neither Felix nor Mr. Arnold were very used to hearing that word, and their reaction almost would’ve been funny if the consequences weren’t so deadly serious for my future.

  Damn me and my stupid conscience.

  “No?” Mr. Arnold asked. “Edward, do you realize what we’re offering you here? Partner in the firm. Everything you’ve been working towards for so long could be yours.”

  “I know everything you’re offering, and I appreciate the opportunity. I’m still not going to take it, though. I’m not going to accept anything from the firm if it means the price is giving up my wife to you guys and making her do something she doesn’t want to.”

  Everyone standing before me looked back and forth at one another, still smiling. Not exactly the reaction I expected from a group that I’d just turned down. Especially a powerful group that didn’t seem like the types who were used to being turned down by the help, and I never for a moment thought that I was anything more than that to them in this moment even if they did just offer to promote me to their ranks.

  The surprises just kept coming, though. Anne took a step away from me, a small smile on her face. I worried that she might have decided she was going to take matters into her own hands. It wouldn’t be the first time she made a sacrifice in the name of my career, but in this case it was a sacrifice too far. I reached out and took her arm. As much as I might want to see her with another man, or woman for that matter, I didn’t want it to happen because she felt obligated to do it.

  That took all the fun and sexiness right out of the experience.

  “Anne, I’m serious,” I said. “I don’t want you to do this because you feel like you have to.”

  Anne turned to face me. She still had that funny thin smile on her face. She shook her head and moved a hand up to my cheek. Stroked it with her thumb as she searched my eyes.

  “Oh you silly man. I want you to know that I love you so much, but you can be dense sometimes. Don’t you realize what’s going on here?”

  I looked over her shoulder to where Melissa stood with Felix and David. They still had those funny smiles on their faces. As though they were in on some joke that I wasn’t. There was something I was missing here. Something that Anne was in on and she was waiting for me to figure it out.

  Something Anne was in on.

  It hit me.

  “You knew. All along. You were part of this,” I said.

  “Smart boy,” she said. She pulled her hand away from my cheek and walked over to Melissa. Put an arm around her and leaned in close. Very close. It was so fucking hot watching her getting up close and personal with anyone. I didn’t care if it was a woman or a man. All I knew was that it fed the obsession and I needed to see more of it. For the first time that evening I was cautiously hopeful that there might actually be more of it in store for me. It seemed impossible, but Anne never did anything without a reason, and there had to be a reason she was over there with all of them now while I stood here still a little confused and wondering what the hell just happened.

  “Brad doesn’t work for the law firm, honey,” Anne said.

  “What? What are you talking about? I see him doing research and helping out the senior partners all the time!”

  Felix smiled and stepped forward. “I’m afraid that’s a bit of misdirection on my part. You see Brad is actually my employee. Part of his job is to find other employees working in your area who the firm feels is ready to move up, and to see if they are also ready to join my club.”

  I felt lightheaded. I mean ever since I got here I’d figured these guys were running some sort of freakshow where the way to get promoted was through your pants, but having them confirm it like that was crazy. It would be the grounds for one hell of a lawsuit if I thought I could ever prove any of this. I didn’t think my wife would be considered much of a reliable witness, though.

  My wife. Anne. She was in on this. Did that mean she wanted to go along with it?

  “So you pick people who are hot to move up in the firm? They have to join this club to get the promotion?”

  David chuckled and shook his head. “Dear Lord no. If we required someone to be attractive and open enough to get into this club then the firm would go out of business in a couple of years. Have you seen your typical lawyer?”

  That got a small laugh out of me. The man did have a point. The lawyers I saw, some of the older guys in our firm excepted, didn’t seem like the types who cared much about taking care of their bodies.

  “You get the promotion whether or not you decide to join the club, but let’s just say that opportunities for advancement do tend to be better for people who join,” Felix said.

  I looked at Anne. Locked eyes with her. Held her gaze for a long moment and waited for her response. A
fter a moment she nodded and I let out a sigh of trepidation and relief. The meaning there was clear. She wanted to do this. She wanted to have fun with this group in front of us. She’d been in on it all along. The little minx.

  “And you passed to get in with flying colors,” Melissa said. “It’s sort of a thing where you have to lose to win.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Again this is some misdirection on my part,” Felix said. “I have to make you think that you are being propositioned and see if you would cheat on your wife. My club is about sharing, not cheating. You passed. I had to see how you would react knowing your wife was somewhere in the club without you. How you would act when you were offered money and power in exchange for her, and you passed there as well.”

  David walked over and put a hand in my shoulder and stuck his other hand out for me to shake. For a moment I wondered if it was really a good idea to shake anyone’s hand in this place considering what they got up to here on the regular, but then I decided that there was a point where maybe I was being a bit too fastidious.

  I took his hand and shook it. He smiled.

  “Welcome to the club,” he said.

  “So what do we do now?”

  Melissa turned to look at Anne. She had a sparkle in her eyes that had my interest. I licked my lips as I thought of what they might be willing to get up to. Anne was staring at her with more than a little interest as well. It was obvious that both ladies were both very into each other.

  “I was thinking that you enjoy a little show before we all become part of the show,” David said.

  “Indeed,” Felix said. “And I believe this is one show that I’ll be participating in as well, if you don’t mind.”

  David looked surprised for a moment and then grinned. Turned back to me.

  “It appears that your lovely wife has inspired our club owner to break a rule he only breaks very rarely,” he said. “I believe Melissa was the last woman he broke that rule for, aren’t you honey?”

  I looked over to the women and my mouth dropped open. It might be hot thinking of Felix getting so turned on by my wife that he wanted to join in, but that was nothing compared to the sight of my wife making out pretty hot and heavy with another woman. Their hair tangled together and their arms ran up and down one another’s bodies as they came together in a mess of exploration.

  “Holy fuck,” I breathed.

  David patted me on the back and motioned to some chairs in front of a large round bed the women were angling towards. It seemed they’d been expecting something like this to happen when the night started.

  “You have no idea, Edward my boy,” he said. “No idea at all. This sort of thing happens all the time around here, and something tells me you’re really going to like it.”

  “I think I am.”

  16: Seduction

  It was strange watching two women coming together like this. It was something I’d fantasized about quite a bit over the years, what guy hadn’t, but watching it in person was so much different than fantasizing about my wife fucking another woman or watching a porno where the girls were coming together.

  The sounds were different. The sights were different. I could smell their arousal which was something I never got when I was watching a version of this on my computer late at night after I was pretty sure Anne ha already gone to bed and I wasn’t in danger of getting into trouble.

  Their kissing was far more hungry than I would have thought. I’d always read that girls kissing was supposed to be softer. I suppose that made sense on some level since the girls I’d made out with were always less insistent, but at the same time I guess I’d never kissed a guy to have the comparison.

  Melissa and Anne weren’t wasting any time, though. They were devouring each other. It made me wonder if Anne had picked Melissa out specifically because she was in on this whole mind game they were playing, or if she’d picked her out because she had a thing for her.

  Melissa’s hands moved down between my wife’s legs. Moved up and she started rubbing against her pussy, though her clothes were still in the way. Not that it stayed a problem for long. No, she deftly unsnapped Anne’s shorts and moved her hand down again, and a moment later there was a bulge the size of her hand in my wife’s shorts moving up and down as another woman fingered her for the first time.

  At least I was pretty sure it was the first time. That seemed like the sort of thing Anne would’ve brought up if it had happened to her before.

  Anne’s reaction to another woman’s hands down her pants was immediate and it was so hot. She broke off from the makeout session and threw her head back, her eyes squeezed shut. I leaned forward and licked my lips as I watched my wife coming with another person for the first time since we’d gotten together. It was everything I’d imagined, and yet again watching it happen in person made it so much hotter than anything I’d ever imagined.

  Anne’s head flew from side to side and her hair flopped back and forth as she screamed and arched her back, bucking in time with Melissa’s fingers moving in and out of her body down below. Sweat beaded on her forehead and moved down to her T-shirt which was starting to soak through because of the sheer amount of perspiration she was letting out.

  Melissa seemed to be enjoying herself as well even though she wasn’t getting anything in the way of personalized attention. She stared down at Anne with a goofy grin on her face, and then she started using her other hand to pull up on Anne’s T-shirt to reveal the treasures down below.

  The other men sitting next to me leaned forward at this as well and it was almost enough to make me want to laugh. Here were two men who regularly had access to all sorts of beautiful women through this club, and yet they were leaning forward and drooling like a couple of wolves at the sight of my wife’s body.

  It was actually pretty fucking hot, when I thought about it. They had access to the hottest women in the city and yet still my wife was enough to have them drooling like that. It had my cock throbbing so fucking hard. Almost more than the thrill I was getting from watching my wife getting down and dirty like this.

  Anne’s cries settled down and she fell back against the large fluffy bed staring up and breathing heavily. It seemed my beautiful innocent wife needed a moment to recover from her first girl on girl experience, but not much.

  No, a moment later she flipped Melissa around and then my wife was the aggressor. Again she put her mouth against Melissa’s and the two of them entered into the forbidden girl-on-girl dance for a second time. I thought they might get so distracted with all the making out that they forgot about us or about doing anything other than kissing, but then Anne’s hands moved down. Down. Between Melissa’s legs.

  Now it was Melissa’s turn to throw her head back and moan as Anne’s hands explored her body. My wife’s hand moved up under Melissa’s dress and disappeared, but this time around it didn’t seem that she was going to keep Melissa’s clothes on even though Melissa had done that with her. No, in a flash she was pulling up until Melissa was completely exposed, and fuck was she hot. Her pussy was smooth and slick with arousal, and she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

  “Enjoying that surprise?” David asked, leaning in close to me.

  “Damn,” I breathed.

  That was nothing compared to what was about to go down, though. Quite literally. Anne wanted to expose Melissa, but once her pussy was on display she stopped and moved down between the gorgeous trophy wife’s legs again. Her tongue flicked out and in a flash I was treated to the incredible and nearly overwhelming sight of my wife going down on another woman! Fuck!

  I never would’ve thought Anne would go for something like this. I figured if anyone was going to go down on anyone it would be Melissa going down on Anne. Never in my wildest imagination did I think my wife would be the one who was given over so completely to her lust that she had to taste another woman.

  And yet again here we were and here it was happening right in front of me. I desperately wanted to jerk off.
I needed some sort of release from this, but I wasn’t about to do that in front of Felix and David. Neither one of them were jerking off, and I didn’t want to screw something up by getting so turned on that I committed a faux pas.

  “Has your wife ever done that before?” David asked.

  “Never. This is her first time with a girl, though I think this is something we’re going to try more often now!”

  “You never brought it up?” David asked. “A girl that hot I would be after her for a little girl on girl all the time. That’s part of the reason Melissa is out there giving us this show. She didn’t think she’d be into it either, but she tells me no one eats her out like another woman. I guess they know what they want.”

  “I guess I just never thought she’d go for it so I never brought it up,” I said. “I’m starting to wish I had, though!”

  “Answer’s always no if you don’t ask, Edward. That’s something you’ll have to learn as you move up in the firm.”

  It was a good lesson to remember. Especially if it would result in a show like this! I wanted more than anything to jump on that bed and climb in between the two of them, but at the same time I didn’t want to enjoy the captivating sight before me. Sure I had a feeling this is something that I was going to see a lot more of considering how eager Anne was to dive in, but at the same time this was the first time and I wanted to enjoy it!

  Anne continued going at Melissa’s pussy like a champion pussy eater. I knew she was fucking talented when it came to giving blowjobs, but I never would have thought she’d be this skilled at eating another woman out. Or perhaps it was that Melissa knew this was Anne’s first time with another girl and she was getting off on that.

  Whatever the reason, I was pretty stoked watching it happen! Yet another thing to add to the list of sexual things I never thought I’d get to enjoy watching my wife do, and now it was playing out right in front of me. Damn.

  Anne moved her hands up along Melissa’s frame, pulling the dress up as she went. Inch after inch of Melissa’s body was revealed and now it was my turn to lean forward and stare at the sexy flesh of another man’s wife. What can I say? Anne was hot, but Melissa was fucking hot too. Even hotter considering it was my wife who was causing her body to buck and gyrate as their two bodies came together.


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