Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel

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Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel Page 12

by Lexi Archer

  I was so fixated on Anne pulling Melissa’s dress up, on her hands grasping the twin orbs that were Melissa’s gorgeous tits as they finally sprang free without a bra to hold them down, that I hardly noticed that there was another person climbing up on the bed with them.

  Felix. Felix had climbed on the bed behind my wife. And somehow while I’d been distracted by the girls going at it Felix had also managed to pull his shirt off revealing a thickly muscled body that was impressive. I mean I’m talking I’m a guy who spent plenty of time in the gym in the morning because that was the only time I could guarantee getting in with the crazy schedule I worked, but Felix was ripped. The kind of guy that most girls would probably kill for a chance to get with.

  And it looked like in that moment he was very concerned with getting with my wife. Fuck!

  A moan drew my attention back to the two women getting it on. Melissa seemed like she was heading for something major. I wondered if that was because she was so turned on about getting with Anne, or if it was just that women in general really did it for her. Either way, it was so different and so captivating watching these two women coming together. It seemed like today was a day for fulfilling all sorts of fantasies that I never thought I’d see come true.

  Now that Anne was willing to do this with Melissa it also brought some things she’d said over the years into sharp relief. I’d never asked her to get with another girl because I really did think it was rude for guys to just assume their girlfriend or wife would be willing to hop into bed with another woman. Now I was seeing that David was right, though. I really had been missing out on something all these years by not mentioning this to her sooner.

  Well that was a mistake I wasn’t going to make any more. I looked at Felix moving up behind my wife and resolved that from here on out this was an adventure that my wife and I were on together. I was going to tell her everything that I wanted from now on, because you never knew when the answer was going to be yes.

  I thought Felix might be so turned on that he got straight to fucking my wife, but it seemed he had other things in mind. My wife wasn’t the only one who was going to be tasting another woman this evening. She was positioned with her face down in between Melissa’s legs and that had her ass jutting up in the air behind her with her shorts still unbuttoned and unzipped, but also still very much on and protecting her treasures.

  Not for long, though. Felix wrapped his hands around her waist in a slow and sensual motion that allowed him to explore the curves of her hips and her ass. He looked down at her like a religious man reverently worshiping at the temple of his god, or goddess in this case. I licked my lips and nearly came as I watched this man who could have his pick of the hottest girls in the city looking down at my wife as though she was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. If he was acting then he was putting on one hell of a good show!

  Melissa started bucking her hips as Felix made contact. Anne hesitated for a moment, but then she was drawn into the distraction of having another woman come on her tongue and she allowed Felix to do whatever it was he was about to do. I had a few pretty good ideas running through my mind as he pulled her shorts down around the curve of her ass and down her thighs, stopping when he reached her knees which he obviously couldn’t get past considering she was planted firmly on the bed and firmly between Melissa’s thighs.

  And what a show that was. Melissa was humping my wife’s face with reckless abandon. Usually that was the sort of thing that irritated Anne when I tried it, but it seemed that she was willing to make one hell of an exception tonight. Again I wondered if that was because of the circumstances or if I was looking at some latent love for the ladies that had lain dormant in my beautiful and seemingly innocent wife all this time.

  Melissa seemed to be taking it almost too far. Her thighs squeezed shut and she threw her head back and screamed. Meanwhile Felix had moved forward and pressed his face in between my wife’s legs. She still had her panties on, apparently he wanted to go for a tease, but that was enough to send an electric jolt through her that pressed her forward. Right into Melissa’s waiting and willing body.

  Anne must’ve still been primed from Melissa’s explorations earlier, and it seemed that the feeling of a tongue pressing against her pussy was enough to push her over the edge once more. Soon Anne’s muffled screams were added to Melissa’s as these two beauties came right in front of us and I stared in rapt fascination. Three people on the bed, two lovers getting with my wife, and I was off to the side watching rather than being one of those lovers.

  Admittedly that hadn’t been the threesome fantasy I’d thought about, at least not until a few days ago, but damn was it hot! Even more hot than the old traditional threesome fantasy where I was the one in between two beautiful girls. I guess a lot could change in a few days.

  The moans reached a crescendo as Anne’s screaming into Melissa’s pussy must’ve set off vibrations that just caused her to continue down the road to one hell of a multiply orgasmic experience. Melissa grabbed at the bed and pulled up the sheets as she squeezed and held her eyes shut and her mouth was wide open as the room echoed with her gasps. The girls were so loud that I wondered if they might not be loud enough to be heard all the way down in the main room.

  Meanwhile Felix continued his work on my wife. Damn. I was so preoccupied by watching her with another woman that I wasn’t paying attention to the really important part. The bit where my wife was being taken by another man. The part where she was being so fucking naughty. Sure her getting with another woman was technically her stepping out on me, but there was something that made it hotter when it was a man rather than a woman. I couldn’t explain it. I just knew that it had my cock so fucking hard that it hurt in a very fucking good way!

  “Enjoying the show?” David asked. “I always like it when another guy gets involved. Not that watching the ladies enjoying one another isn’t fun, just…”

  I nodded at the echo of my own thoughts. It was like the man was reading my mind, but I understood. Oh did I understand! It was nice to hear I wasn’t the only crazy in the room, though.

  Felix devoured my wife’s pussy like he was a starving man and that was the only sustenance he’d found for weeks. His eyes were closed and he had a look of pure rapt pleasure on his face. At least on the part of his face that I could see. Admittedly it was difficult to see everything because he was buried in her backside, but still.

  Anne’s moans were growing louder and louder. Of course she couldn’t see a thing since her face was still buried in Melissa’s eagerly waiting pussy, but I wondered if my wife had any idea that I wasn’t the one buried in her pussy. Surely she had to know something was going on there. How could she not know that it wasn’t her husband back there? She’d felt my tongue inside her so many times.

  I liked to think I would be able to know immediately if it wasn’t my wife giving me a blowjob or fucking me. Maybe part of the reason she was so turned on was precisely because she knew it had to be Felix or David back there giving her the tongue fucking of a lifetime! My cock twitched and strained to be free.

  I leaned in closer to David. “So do we get to take part in this? Or is this all just a show and we sit back and enjoy it?”

  David grinned. “You’re free to join in any time, my boy,” he said. “I like to sit back and enjoy the show, but I can understand if you’d want to get in on that.”

  Oh how I wanted to get in on that. I’d never needed something so much in my entire life. This went so far beyond any want or need I’d ever had. I felt in a daze as I stood and made my way across the room. As I got on my knees on the bed and moved over to Melissa. She seemed to sense a subtle shift in the bed beneath her and she looked up and smiled at me. For a moment she broke through the lust-fueled haze that had taken hold of her.

  “Enjoying the show?” she asked.

  “I think it’s time for me to join the show,” I said.

  I pulled my shirt off in record time. I was still in my shirt and tie from work and butto
ns flew across the room and landed on the floor with little clicks as I ripped my clothes off. In a moment I was completely nude standing over her on my knees with my cock proudly displayed for her. Melissa went cross-eyed as she stared up at my cock and I felt a moment of pride that she would be that turned on by the sight of my dick. It was always nice to know that the ladies appreciated what you had on offer!

  “Enjoying the show?” I asked in an echo of her words to me.

  “I think I’m going to enjoy it very much,” she said, licking her lips.

  Well then. It seemed that it was time for us to get on with the show. I moved down and pressed my cock against her mouth. I wasn’t sure how this would work since she was in a bit of an awkward position with her body lying back on the bed to give my wife better access. Only when I looked down between her legs I saw that Anne was staring straight up at me with a look of something that wasn’t quite surprise, but at the same time she wasn’t exactly just rolling with everything.

  She knew. She knew that wasn’t me down between her legs. She knew it was another man. Her face was slick with another woman’s arousal and yet she still seemed a little shocked that it was someone other than her husband down there between her legs.

  Only from the way she was continually gasping and grinding back against Felix on the bed it also seemed that she was still enjoying it. Maybe more so now than when she thought it was me!

  I smiled. Tried to let her know without verbalizing it that it was okay. I’m not sure if she needed that, but she seemed to be a little hesitant for that brief moment. Then she closed her eyes and allowed herself to be carried away on the pleasures that were no doubt coursing through her body and threatening to overwhelm her.

  Meanwhile I was having a hell of a time trying to get everything to work out properly with Melissa. Her tongue ran around the head of my cock and it seemed like she was really trying to get at it. That felt really good, and it was nice to see a girl as hot as her trying to get at me with all her might, but at the end of the day we weren’t going to be able to do any porn star contortions to get this to work.

  “I think Anne’s done,” I said. “Maybe a change in position?”

  Melissa flipped over and Anne barely managed to get out of the way in time. I had to keep myself from laughing at the look on my wife’s face as she watched another woman so eager to get with me that she very nearly knocked my wife over. She looked pouty for a moment, but then Felix must have found some new depth that he hadn’t reached before because she leaned down and moaned into the bed rather than getting too pissed off.

  Yeah, she was enjoying this.

  Melissa pushed me back on the bed and climbed over me. I was treated to a glorious top down view as she stared down at me with her tight body on display. She pulled the dress the rest of the way off, it was already a crumpled mess just around her shoulders, and then there was nothing but her glory above me. Another man’s wife above me, ready to be taken. Ready to have the kind of fun that I’d only dreamed about having with another woman aside from Anne. This was another thing that I thought might never happen, but damn was it worth it now that it was about to.

  “What about protection?” I asked.

  “Birth control,” she purred. “And I hate to sound like a cliche, but you’re clean, right?”

  “Well yeah?” I said. “Anne and I have only been with each other up until tonight. Pretty sure there’s nothing going on there.”

  “Good,” she said. She leaned down over me and her breasts hung pendulous over me. I couldn’t help but lean up and indulge myself by having a little taste. Her nipples felt different in my mouth from Anne’s. They were a little bigger. The texture and the taste was different. If anything that added to the experience and sent me into a sexual frenzy.

  When I came up for air she was smiling down at me. “Enjoying yourself there Tiger?”

  “Not nearly as much as I’m about to,” I said.

  “Oh I think you’re about to enjoy yourself a hell of a lot more than you could imagine,” she said.

  I was about to ask her what she was going on about, but she looked over her shoulder to something happening behind her. I couldn’t quite see what that something was since she was in the way, but from the way my wife was moaning and gasping it seemed like there was certainly something fucking hot going on back there. Suddenly getting with Melissa didn’t seem quite as important as getting to see whatever the hell it was Anne was doing with Felix!

  I didn’t have to wait long to have my wish granted, though. I felt the bed shifting under someone moving and then Felix fell down beside me. He looked over with a huge grin and I was pretty sure that grin was almost entirely a result of him being with Anne. His face was covered in her juices just as much as Anne had been covered in Melissa’s moments ago. It was so hot seeing the evidence of another man face fucking my wife right there in front of me!

  “Your wife is quite the woman,” he said.

  “I’m just getting started,” Anne growled.

  And then she appeared. She moved on top of him and the two girls were side by side with me and Felix under them, our cocks pressing up and begging for their waiting pussies which were dripping and oh so ready for us to enjoy their hidden pleasures. Anne looked down at me and she held my gaze as she started moving down on Felix’s cock which seemed like it might be just a tad bit bigger than mine. Anne had always said I was more than enough for her, but looking at the way she closed her eyes and gasped in pleasure as she moved down on another man’s cock had me seriously questioning whether or not she meant that or it was just something she said to make me feel better about myself.

  It was too late to worry about that too much, though. She was moving down on his cock and there was nothing that was going to stop it. Her pussy lips parted and the head of his cock disappeared inside my wife, followed shortly by the rest of his dick as she moved slowly down the length of his shaft, giving herself time to adjust as she got used to the feeling of a new man pressing inside her and filling her completely.

  It was happening. My wife was being filled by another man. She was being taken completely and utterly, and we were past the point of no return. Both of us were past that point of no return, because no sooner had my gorgeous wife, a woman who’d only been with me since we got married, and now that was blown all to hell in the best possible way!

  She bottomed out and I stared at that spot where they came together. All of us sat there on the bed frozen for a moment as we all stared at one another. Anne and I were still dealing with a touch of disbelief. Felix and Melissa, for their part, looked like they were used to this sort of thing. Hardly a surprise considering Felix owned this place and Melissa seemed like a regular.

  That surprise only lasted for a moment, though, before nature took over and we all started doing what comes to people who are buried deep inside insanely hot women. I wrapped my arms around Melissa, around another man’s wife which was enough to fill me with a dizzying arousal that was almost as intense as what I felt watching Anne do her thing with another man, and pulled her up and then down again.

  I spared a thought for Kathryn. She was down there somewhere in the building with no idea that Melissa was the trophy wife who got to get with me tonight. Then again if we were really going to join this club then I figured it was only a matter of time before I ended up with the lovely Kathryn even if she didn’t get the prize this evening.

  Assuming that was even something she was after. It occurred to me that her whole role in this evening could have been simply that she was out there to try and seduce me, and she never had any interest.

  I doubted that, though.

  Melissa bottoming out on my cock brought me back to my immediate surroundings. Back to the gasps and moans as I laid back beside Felix and felt this gorgeous woman bouncing up and down. Her tits, perfect cones that weren’t too big and weren’t too small, bounced up and down with every thrust and her head was thrown back as she gasped and screamed every time she moved up and d
own on my dick.

  She wasn’t the only one gasping and moaning with reckless abandon. Anne was even more captivating. I’d seen her fucking so many times that it was a familiar sight for me, and yet this was the first time I’d seen her fucking another man. The first time I’d had the pleasure of watching my wife fucking a man from the outside, and it was amazing. It was everything I’d fantasized about over the past couple of days and so much more!

  Anne looked down at me and smiled as her tits bounced up and down while she bounced on another man’s cock. She reached out for one of my hands which I disengaged from Melissa’s waist. Anne’s fingers wrapped around mine as she held my hand in a near death grip. I held on for dear life, though. I could feel Felix’s thrusts moving up through Anne’s body and I stared.

  I didn’t think Melissa would mind too much. She knew how the game was played at this place. Given how her husband acted about her she had to know that I would want to stare at my beautiful wife in this delicious moment. How could a man not stare at a woman that beautiful being taken by another man?

  Felix’s cock was slick with my wife’s juices. No doubt slick with his own spit where he’d taken the time to taste her and truly enjoy her, for that matter.

  The rush of sensations washing over me really was too much. Felix fucking my wife. Melissa fucking me. Seeing these two hotties completely losing it as they bounced on our dicks. Knowing that David was off to the side somewhere watching everything and enjoying the same feelings I had whenever I thought of my wife with another man. I’d been so worked up all evening and this was the capper after watching my wife fucking another woman.

  I couldn’t help it. I wanted to last forever, but it was all too much hitting me all at once. I threw my head back against the bed and let out a whimper. I looked up at Melissa and nodded, and she bottomed out one final time and concentrated on grinding her body against mine, what little hair she had down there grinding against my own, as I exploded inside her.


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