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Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel

Page 13

by Lexi Archer

  Anne gave my had a squeeze. Her moans also got louder. I could only imagine her pussy grasping at Felix’s cock. I knew how wonderful that felt. How difficult it was to resist the siren call of her body when we were really getting into it while we fucked. Felix had an intense look on his face like he was trying to hold back, trying to enjoy the pleasures my wife had to offer for as long as possible, but there must’ve been something she did to push him over the edge as well because he let out a mighty grunt and thrust up inside her one final time as well.

  Two beautiful wives. Two men who weren’t their husbands. Two cocks twitching deep inside their bodies and bathing their pussies with strange seed. It was all so dizzying and overwhelming that I felt myself blacking out for a moment. When I came back around, I couldn’t have been out for more than a couple of breaths, both women were smiling down at me. Anne actually leaned down over Felix and planted a kiss on my lips. A kiss that mixed her own taste with a tangy taste that I could only guess was the remains of Melissa’s juices still on her face from when she was eating another woman’s pussy like a champion.

  “How was that honey? Are you still mad at me for lying to you just a little?”

  “Not at all,” I said, falling back on the bed. “Not at all.”

  This had been fucking intense, and considering everything else I’d seen happening at the club I couldn’t wait to see what new adventures were waiting for us as we embarked on this new chapter of our marriage!

  17: Afterglow

  “So Brad was in on it the whole time?”

  Anne leaned in and kissed me again. A lingering kiss that had her tongue exploring my mouth. She seemed to be doing that a lot as she told me all the details of what had happened that night a week ago.

  It had been one hell of a dizzying week. I was out of my cubicle down with all the other junior associates. I’d been moved into a nice office of my own with a decent view of the city. If I wanted a corner office of my own with an even nicer view of the city then I’d have to work for that. Being part of the club got me perks at the office, but they weren’t going to give me the keys to the kingdom unless I could deliver results.

  “That night we were talking at the party was the night he told me how you’d been selected. The night he told me what they had planned, and they wanted to know if I was willing to go along with it,” Anne said.

  “I’m surprised. You never seemed like the type to go wild like that,” I said.

  Anne smacked me lightly on the chest. “Maybe part of that is because you never asked me if I was the type to go wild like that. Did you ever think of that, mister?”

  I had to nod to the logic of that. I’d always assumed my wife wouldn’t be interested in that sort of thing. I’d assumed and I’d been wrong. So very wrong. Dead wrong. I should’ve asked her for threesomes and every other depraved thing my erotic imagination could come up with a long time ago, but we’d certainly made up for lost time in the past week!

  Every night at the club. Every night with a different set of partners. People who were already starting to become friends as well as a group of insanely hot people we fucked around with on the regular. It was difficult to do the sort of things we were doing with them and not become at least a little friendly.

  “I still can’t believe that guy was working for Felix all along. I guess that does explain why he’s been stuck down in the cubicles for so long without getting advanced, though,” I said.

  From talking with Felix I understood that Brad was paid handsomely for the job he did, too. Good work if you could get it, I suppose. It still seemed odd to think of the smarmy asshole who was always walking around like he owned his place as actually being the kind of guy who actually worked for a man who was powerful enough that he might as well own the place for all the senior partners were always bowing and scraping whenever Felix was around.

  Amazing. Everything about the past couple of weeks was nothing short of surprising and amazing.

  “So I was thinking. They’re having cheerleader night in a couple of days and I need to have a good outfit,” Anne said. “What would you say to going to Lingerique to help me pick something out?”

  I had to remind myself that I was the kind of man who made the kind of money that we could afford to go to a place like Lingerique now. We were still in the old apartment, to be sure, but already we were looking for new places that were more in line with my new level of income. That was something that was going to take some getting used to, but as far as problems went it was a really good one to have.

  I smiled. “That sounds great, honey.”

  “I love you babe,” she said, smiling right back at me. “Together forever, right?”

  “You know it!”

  A Note From Lexi

  What you have before you is an idea that quite literally came to me in a dream. Usually I sit down and outline for awhile and spitball ideas until I come up with a new angle on the hotwife story, but this is one case where I woke up early in the morning and immediately fired up the computer and started typing because I was terrified that I’d forget some aspect of the story if I went back to sleep.

  Unfortunately for me I woke up before I got to the end where things were presumably about to get really good. Fortunately for you I wrote down where I thought things were going and now you get to enjoy the rest of the story where I didn’t. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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  Lexi’s Latest:

  A man finds comfort in the arm’s of his best friend’s wife after a nasty breakup and discovers maybe monogamy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be!

  It all started with a crush. Madison. She was an obsession for Sean and Kyle. Only Sean got the girl and Kyle got nothing. Then Sean found a new obsession. He had Madison, but what he wanted more than anything was for other men to have Madison!

  He had the sexiest girl at the water park, but their relationship was a secret. The only problem was that meant other men felt free to hit on her, and he liked it!

  Lexi’s Novels:

  Betting My Bride:

  A whirlwind destination wedding leads to a bet with his brand new bride that will lead them into a forbidden world of watching and sharing!

  Dark Fantasy

  A husband who wants to watch. A wife with a taste for dark meat. A friend willing to help the sexy couple. What could go wrong?

  Digital Dalliance

  A faithful wife. A suspicious husband. An online game that lets temptation sneak right into their house even as it lets the husband watch every moment of that temptation…

  Her New Boss

  A beautiful young wife. A husband obsessed with watching her with another man. A sexy new boss who desperately wants to lead her astray…

  House Party

  It’s a wild night as three couples become one at a crazy house party that spirals out of control!

  Honeymoon Seduction

  An island honeymoon. A blushing bride flirting with the sexy beach server. A husband who realizes he likes watching his wife with another man…

  Kate’s Naughty Costume

  A weekend away at a convention becomes so much more when his wife dons a sexy costume that makes her irresistible, and her husband finds he loves it!

  Lisa’s Little Lie

  Lisa strayed in college. Matt is obsessed with the idea of her straying. When their secrets are revealed it will change
their marriage and sex lives forever!

  Model Bride

  A blushing bride-to-be. An indecent proposal from a “modeling agent” who has a lot more than casting on his mind. A naughty wedding night with another man!

  My Roommate and My Girl

  Brandi is a good girl. The waiting for marriage type. Then she met Anthony, a chocolate god and her fiance's new roommate. Is she still the waiting for marriage type?


  He doesn’t know who to believe as his girlfriend steps out and her sexy roommate swears she’s cheating! Who’s telling the truth?

  Taking the Team

  An innocent wife never thought she’d stray until she met a sexy basketball player in one of her lab courses!

  Ten Year Reunion

  Jealousy over his wife’s old boyfriend becomes an obsession with seeing his wife get with her old flame as her ten year reunion approaches!

  Three Hearts, Two Nights, One Love

  Dave wants to watch Laura with another man. Kristi, Laura's best friend, might be able to help. And the three of them might discover something incredible by the end of their vacation!


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  Builder's Price - Share his wife with two sexy builders, get some money off their new house. A real deal considering he'd gladly share her for free!

  Cocktail Cove - An innocent day on the water turns naughty as a young married couple meets some sexy coworkers and gets sucked into the temptations in the lake's biggest party cove!

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  Bonus Novel! Betting My Bride

  Enjoy this free bonus novel, Betting My Bride! All the sexy wife sharing you love!

  1: A Newly Wealthy Man

  I stared in disbelief at the balance in my bank account. I blinked and looked again to make sure I wasn't just seeing things. I still had a hard time believing the number I was seeing there.

  I was used to being a poor college kid. Well, now I was a poor college graduate living off of the good will of my gorgeous fiancée who'd managed to get a job right out of school. I chuckled as I thought of that. She'd gone into business and I'd gone into computer science, but it turned out the job market wasn't exactly the land of milk and honey I was promised when I was going through the program.

  Before I'd figured it'd only be a matter of time before I got a job, to be sure, but it was still a pain in the ass to wait.

  Only now it looked like the waiting was over. It looked like I wasn't going to have to wait for any callbacks on those interviews I'd done for entry-level positions that asked for five years of experience so they could justify not paying me what I was worth. No, I could tell them to take the job and shove it, and I hadn't even formally entered the job market yet!

  Seven figures. A seven figure payday for a st
upid game I'd thrown together over the course of a couple of weekends. The smart phone equivalent of a combination maze and puzzle game with a few funny animations thrown in for good measure and self-generating levels of increasing complexity. The thing had been gathering steam over the past couple of months until bam, it made me a multimillionaire in the space of a month. It had taken off in a way I never could have imagined. And I hadn't even started programming any add-ons or new content. When I started that the real money would come pouring in.

  In short I'd done the code monkey equivalent of being struck by lightning sent down from on high by Zeus himself. I'd won the lottery. Sure I'd had a lot to do with it making the game and everything, but I'd seen enough apps fail miserably, some I'd done myself, that I knew how big and how rare this was. Though now that I had this one huge success it was having a spillover effect on other things I'd put out and they were starting to rocket up as well which was just adding to the pot as my name reached a critical mass.


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