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Queen Takes Checkmate (Their Vampire Queen Book 5)

Page 7

by Joely Sue Burkhart

  “Take your Blood and go to your queen,” Shara ordered.

  Virginia gave a dirty look at Carys, tipped her nose up, and stalked toward the exit. One of her Blood looked back over his shoulder with a snarl on his lips.

  Rumbling out a vicious growl, Daire crouched on my back.

  “Daire,” Shara said. “Let them go. I don’t care.”

  He blew out a disgusted sigh and paced around in a circle before flopping back down on my side with a huff.

  She looked thoughtfully at Carys. “You see probabilities? That’s what made you so valuable to Keisha?”

  Carys inclined her head. “Aye, exactly that, Your Majesty. The strategies are yours to devise. I can only tell you how likely your success or failure will be. The numbers appear in my head as you speak.”

  Shara rubbed her fingers over Llewellyn’s scalp in soothing circles. “So if I had refused to accept my mother’s Blood as my own…”

  Carys paled. “I see zeroes. Everywhere. I’m afraid that would have been certain death, Your Majesty.”

  “Please, just call me Shara.” She settled back more fully against Rik and breathed deeply. With Llewellyn curled against her, she stilled for several long moments. Her bond quieted, her thoughts drifting away as if she’d fallen asleep.

  With my full belly and Daire’s steady purr, it was all I could do not to drift away to nap with her. Her bond wound through me like a soft whisper, a sweet lullaby. I smelled sand and felt a night breeze on my face.

  “You,” she said with sudden conviction. I opened my eyes and lifted my head. She pointed at the group of queens, though her eyes were still closed. The remaining Blood shifted restlessly, the queens looking at one another. “No. You.”

  A woman stepped around and through the waiting queens. “Me?”

  Shara opened her eyes and sat up. “Yes. What’s your name?”

  “Gwenhwyfar Findabair, Your Majesty, though most people call me Gwen.”

  :Descended from Guinevere, the White Enchantress, Queen of Camelot,: Daire whispered in her bond.

  :King Arthur’s Guinevere?: Shara asked. :Like Knights of the Round Table?:

  :The very one.:

  The woman came closer, standing alone before our queen. Her long dark-brown hair hung in a thick braid over her shoulder and down to her waist. She was pretty but nothing much to look at. Though maybe I was too full of my queen’s enemies—and Shara’s blood—to care about any other queen.

  “Carys, what do you see as the probability of Gwen’s success in holding New York City for me?”

  Absently, Carys reached up and scratched under her owl’s wing. “As she stands here, now? It’s not very likely, Your Majesty.”

  Shara frowned, her head tilting as if she listened to a voice only she could hear. “Really? Because she’s my choice out of this group, at least.”

  Carys looked at the other queens one by one and nodded. “I agree. She has the highest probability of success out of these queens, at forty percent.”

  “That low? Do you not have any Blood, Gwen?”

  Gwen dropped her gaze to the floor, but not out of shyness. Her shoulders tensed, and she curled her fingers into fists at her sides. “No, Your Majesty. I’ve not been allowed Blood of my own.”

  “By Keisha?”

  Gwen raised her gaze to my queen’s, her green eyes burning with defiance. “Not directly. Keisha accepted my bond from another queen as payment for a debt, with the agreement that I could never call my own Blood.”

  Intrigued, even Llewellyn lifted his head from our queen’s breast, so he could focus on this new queen.

  “Who would make such a deal with Keisha Skye?” Shara asked.

  Gwen’s face hardened. “Elaine Shalott. Our courts agreed that we should become siblings to help quell the bad blood between our families. I never would have agreed if I’d known she’d been dabbling in shadowed magic. Once I willingly gave her my blood, it was too late. She was strong enough to forbid me from ever taking a Blood, which would give me the strength I needed to break free of her hold.”

  “How long have you been forbidden from calling your Blood?”

  “Nearly four hundred years.”

  Shara’s heart ached, pulling us all closer to her so we could offer comfort in some small way. Daire purred louder, dueling with the whirring sound that rolled from Llewellyn’s chest. Rik rumbled softly—which for a rock troll, meant that it sounded like boulders tumbling down a cliff. I lifted my head higher and rubbed my cheek on her knee. I would have pushed my head under her arm, but my spiky spines might have poked her.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine being alone for so long, especially if I knew my Blood were out in the world somewhere, aching for me too, and I wasn’t allowed to call them to me.”

  Gwen swallowed hard and averted her gaze, visibly struggling not to break down. “She did it on purpose, in the hopes that she could find Lance first. So it has been between Camelot and Shalott for over a thousand years. We are doomed to be reborn and repeat the vicious cycle of our ancient pasts over and over.”

  “What about Arthur?”

  “The once and future king has doomed us to repeat this vicious cycle indefinitely.” Gwen jerked her head around, her eyes flashing. “Let’s just say the stories don’t begin to tell the truth and leave it at that, shall we?”

  Shara nodded, but I could feel the curiosity burning in her bond. “I would like to hear the truth someday.”

  Gwen inclined her head. “I’ll do as you wish, Your Majesty. I can do no less.”

  “That wasn’t an order, just a request to consider someday, when we know each other better.” Shara turned to Carys. “If she calls her Blood, what’s the probability that she can hold New York successfully?”

  “If she calls any of her knights other than Lance, the odds improve to sixty percent. If she can call Lance…” Carys closed her eyes a moment, her mouth moving slightly. “At least ninety percent success rate, Your Majesty. I won’t be able to tell for certain until I feel the bond spark, but the odds are very good.”

  Shara smiled. “So you need to call Lance. In the meantime, I’m willing to bet on your success. Gwen Findabair, would you do me the honor of becoming my queen sibling with the intent of helping me establish and hold Isador Tower in New York City?”

  “You honor me, Your Majesty.” Gwen dropped to her knees. Although tears sparkled on her cheeks, she smiled, and even my old bitter dragon heart softened at the way her face lit up with joy. I could suddenly see why the knights of old may have fought for her hand.

  The same way we Blood jostled one another to make our queen smile.

  Shara stood, Llewellyn and Rik each taking her arms to lift her up and over me so she could get to the other queen. Gwen immediately offered throat, but Shara hesitated with a wry smile twisting her lips. “I should warn you that my bite carries an orgasmic punch. Would you rather my Templar knight use his knife?”

  Gwen’s eyes widened, her mouth hanging open with surprise. I didn’t need a bond to know why.

  She was shocked that a queen of Shara’s stature was actually giving her a choice. That Shara cared about her preferences, sexual or otherwise.

  “Yes, please,” Gwen answered hesitantly, as if waiting for the trap to reveal itself.

  Shara nodded and Guillaume stepped closer with his smallest blade ready in his hand. “My lady,” he inclined his head to Gwen, but then went down on one knee for Shara. “My queen. Thank you for allowing me to be of service.”

  Gwen offered her wrist, and he made a small, neat cut in her skin.

  If I hadn’t been the dragon, goosebumps would have sprung up on my flesh. Instead, the spiny ridges flared all the way down to my tail. Not from the scent of this queen’s blood.

  But because I felt my queen’s hunger.

  I knew that thirst. I’d suffered centuries, unable to feed. Unable to quench the terrible thirst.

  Shara had ten Blood at her disposal and still burned for more. Despite
the throbbing of her fangs, she gently took the other woman’s hand in hers and lifted her wrist to her mouth.

  Gwen’s blood filled my queen with ancient strength. This queen didn’t currently have much power, but her potential was considerable, even without tasting Shara’s blood. Honeyed mead filled Shara’s senses, along with the clamor of war and the brutal clash of swords. Guinevere had always been at the heart of war. Through the centuries, she’d been blamed for Camelot’s downfall. Her infidelity with her husband’s knight had led to King Arthur’s downfall, so the stories went.

  I tasted secrets in Shara’s new bond. Dark secrets and old hurts. And yes, far in distant lands, the faint tug on her heart, as if fragile strings stretched almost too far, almost too thin, but held against the world.

  Gwen laughed softly, even though her tears fell harder. “He lives. He’s still free and he’s coming.”

  “Very nearly one-hundred percent likelihood of success,” Carys whispered hoarsely. “If he’s at her side, New York City will always be yours, Your Majesty.”

  “He will,” Gwen swore. “Nothing will keep him from me.”

  Shara lifted her head and licked her lips, her eyes blazing with hunger. She held her wrist to Guillaume, even as she turned to Carys and motioned her closer. Guillaume made the same neat cut on our queen’s wrist for Gwen, and then turned to cut Carys so our queen could formalize that bond as well.

  Carys went down on her knees and offered her bleeding wrist, but Shara didn’t reach for her. Instead, she stared at the owl.

  Her bonds surged with fresh strength, but she didn’t use any of that new power base to compel or force the giant bird.

  “What do you think, Winnifred?” Carys asked, stroking her fingers over the owl’s head. She tipped her head a moment, and then she beamed up at Shara. “She says you truly are the Great One’s daughter. We eagerly serve House Isador.”

  Guillaume snapped to attention and the rest of the Blood still in human shape joined him in saluting our queen with a fist over their hearts. “Long live Shara fucking Isador!”



  Two new bonds gleamed in my head. My two new sibling queens, Gwen and Carys, both on their knees, looked up at me with equal doses of awe and terror as they tasted the power burning in my blood and felt the surge in their own gifts.

  Isis’ blood flowed through me to them, stirring their magic to new heights. Both already felt stronger in my head. Gwen managed to take quite a bit of my blood, much more than Mayte had been able to take the first time. I could feel my power resonating in Gwen like a deep echo. She had plenty of depth to her power, and the social skills that would be beneficial here.

  Carys only took a few swallows and slouched back on her heels, her eyes fuzzy, as if she’d downed a pint or two at the pub rather than a little of my blood.

  “Oh, my.” She giggled, and the owl stepped closer to her neck and nestled up against her cheek. “That is… Wow. Yeah. Shara fucking Isador indeed.”

  Amused, I gave a nod to Guillaume, and he helped both women to their feet, though Carys needed a steadying hand.

  “Your Majesty, what are your orders?” Gwen asked.

  “I want the former Skye sibs sorted and formally sworn to Isador if they’re going to stay. If they want to leave, that’s fine.”

  Virginia stuck her head in the door. I thought she’d left already, but maybe she really didn’t have anywhere else to go. “What about our share of the Skye legacy?”

  I looked over at the two consiliari. Madeline scanned through a file on her tablet and whispered to Gina, who nodded and then spoke aloud. “Your Majesty, Madeline has already prepared a final tally for each queen’s share of the Skye legacy, according to the agreements between Keisha and each queen at the time of their sibling agreement.”

  I didn’t really care about the numbers. Gina knew that. So she must have a reason for discussing it. “I see. Madeline, what were the details of Virginia Athos’s agreement with House Skye?”

  “Virginia was to receive a set amount of one hundred thousand dollars each year she remained in House Skye, for a grand total of ten million, three hundred and thirty-three thousand dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar and prorated to include today.” Madeline looked up at me, making sure she had my attention. “But all funds were forfeited at Keisha Skye’s death.”

  “What? No!” Virginia strode back toward us, though a low snarl from Itztli kept her from coming within twenty paces of me. “That can’t be.”

  Madeline’s mouth quirked, her eyes gleaming as she tapped on the tablet and then proceeded to read. “‘Upon Keisha Skye’s death, all sibling agreements will pass seamlessly to her designated heir. If no heir has been declared in writing and legitimately recognized by the Triune, then this sibling agreement will be nullified, and all funds will revert to House Skye’s legacy account.’”

  Damn, she really was relishing this, especially the accounting and contract aspect. Even Gina grinned as the other consiliarius revealed the intricacies she’d deliberately written into the agreement to protect her house’s interest at the time.

  “As this court knows full well, Keisha Skye did not have an heir after her daughter’s death. She refused to name any other heir until she was able to have another child.”

  I wondered if Keisha had planned to name Tanza as her heir again, if she could ever be cured from the darkness living inside her, or if Keisha had some other contingency built into her legacy. It would be interesting to discuss with Madeline in private, but I didn’t care for these other queens to know the details.

  Virginia made a soft sound of dismay. “Then I’m truly damned. No house will take me in if I can’t offer a price.”

  I looked at Gwen. “Do you wish to accept Virginia as our sibling?”

  She didn’t mask her disgust. “Not unless you order it, Your Majesty.”

  I turned to Madeline. “Give her the sum Keisha promised to her. Give any of the queens who wish to leave their share of the legacy. I don’t want it, and I don’t want them if they wish to leave.”

  Madeline’s eyes widened but she nodded. “At once, Your Majesty.”

  I looked over at the waiting queens. “Gwen will meet with you one by one and decide whether you’re welcome to stay, or if she wishes you to leave. You may leave if you wish. Either way, you’ll be paid your share of the Skye legacy. I want this resolved as quickly as possible.”

  I met Gina’s gaze and before I could ask if she’d talked with Madeline about my offer for her to stay on as my second consiliarius, she nodded imperceptibly. “If there are any new amendments to the sibling agreements, I’ll discuss them with my consiliari tomorrow.”

  Gwen stared at me, her eyes wide, though she didn’t dare question me in front of the others. I read her shock in the bond. She hadn’t really expected much freedom and power to make decisions on behalf of my house.

  But the Great One’s approval bubbled up inside me every time I looked at my new sibling. Gwen Findabair was Isis’ choice to rule New York City.

  :I trust you to decide who to keep and who should leave. You know them personally. If you have any reason to doubt or question their intent, send them packing. I don’t want anyone here that doesn’t want to be with us.:

  She twitched slightly at my touch in her mind, and then replied hesitantly, as if shocked that I would allow such liberties. :As you wish, Your Majesty.:

  She inclined her head and said aloud, “We’ll go through the complete registry and write new sibling agreements for each queen and house.”

  “Call me Shara, please. All of you. Gina, let’s schedule a meeting for us first thing tomorrow to discuss contracts and Gwen’s choices so far.”

  Gina smiled. “Of course. Let’s shoot for one tomorrow afternoon, but if we need to move it to two, I’ll keep our calendars open.”

  Madeline had a polite, blank look on her face that didn’t disguise her confusion, Carys was still higher than a kite, and Gwen had a puzzled look
on her face as she said hesitantly, “I thought you said first thing tomorrow? So shouldn’t we meet in the morning?”

  I laughed out loud as I tucked my arm around Rik’s. “On a good day, I’m a late riser, and after the day this has been, I’ll probably want to sleep for a week. So even getting here by tomorrow afternoon will be a feat. Madeline, we’ll formalize a consiliarius agreement first, and then Gwen and Carys can join us for the sibling discussion.”

  Gina nodded, already moving away with the determined stride of a general going to war. “Get some sleep, Shara. We’ve got things well in hand here.”

  Just the thought of finally slipping away in the warmth and safety of my bed made my knees sag. Rik scooped me up and headed for the door. Closing my eyes, I rested against him, soaking in his heat.

  A muffled oomph made me open my eyes and I rose up to look back over Rik’s shoulder. Guillaume blocked Carys from following after me. “Her Majesty has no need of you at this time.”

  “But… but… I need to be with her. At all times. I’ve seen the probabilities.” Carys raised her voice enough the owl flapped her wings restlessly. “Please, Shara, I must come with you. You may need my gift at a moment’s notice.”

  I liked the woman well enough, but it still seemed weird to have people living with me.

  Daire snorted in our bond. :We live with you and that’s not weird.:

  :But you’re my Blood. You’re mine. I want you with me always.:

  :She’s yours too.:

  I glanced back at her, waiting to see if I felt any physical attraction for her. I’d been surprised about how much I’d enjoyed having Mayte in my bed, but I didn’t feel any desire when I looked at Carys. I loved her candor and wit, but I didn’t see myself sleeping with her. Let alone fucking her.

  Her eyes went round, her lips pursing with surprise. Evidently, she’d picked up on my thoughts through our new bond. :I have no such aspirations, Your Majesty, not for you, or any person, to be honest. Winnifred is my only companion.:

  Daire rubbed against Rik’s legs and flicked his tail up to brush over my fingers. :She’s still yours, and you don’t have to fuck every sibling you take. Think of her as a sister, or the crazy spinster aunt with a thousand cats.:


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