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Bared for Her Bear

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  Taking hold of the root of his cock he stroked it a few times. His gaze jumped from her ass to her eyes then back to her bottom again. “Spread your ass for me, Kitten.” Reaching behind her she grabbed each cheek and pulled them apart. Her labia spread wide, and the cool air teased her cleft.

  “Fuck, you’re so pink and wet.” He stepped closer, and his body heat was ten times more powerful without his clothes on. He ran his finger down her slit and pushed it into her pussy. Immediately she clamped her inner muscles down on the digit. He grunted in approval. Her inner thighs and pussy were so sensitive from the scruff along his cheek when he had eaten her out. A brilliant image of him thrusting his cock in and out of her coursed through her mind in vivid detail. Ary wanted to be sore and aching from how hard and fast he fucked her. That thought shocked her, but not enough to let her fear take hold. She wanted this, and by God she would have it. He reached down, grabbed a condom from his wallet in the back of his jeans, and sheathed himself. His length pressed between her pussy lips, and a groan spilled from both of them. He dug his hands into her hips, and she knew there would be bruises, but that only made her wetter. He used his foot to kick her feet farther apart and nestled his lean hips between her thighs. That first touch of his cock head to her pussy sent a thrill up her spine. He rubbed himself against her, up and down and faster and harder until she was moving her ass back against him, pleading without words that she wanted him buried inside of her.

  “You’re a greedy little thing.” There was nothing but strained heat in his words, and she prayed he didn’t get off on torturing her. As nice as that sounded she wanted to be fucked good and hard, and right now.

  Looking over her shoulder she narrowed her eyes. The feline in her unsheathed her claws. She didn’t know how bears fucked, but her cat wanted it now. She was done with this teasing bullshit. His lips twitched, and she knew he thought this was just too funny. She was still good and intoxicated, but coherent enough that she wasn’t going to back down. Lifting her ass, which caused the tip of his dick to slide partially into her pussy, had his jaw clenching and a soft moan spilling from her.

  “Just shove that big dick in my pussy. That’s why I’m here, right?” Where in the hell had that come from? She blamed the alcohol and her hormones for the fierce fire that came from her.

  A flicker of emotion passed over his face, but it was gone as soon as it arrived. She didn’t know what he was trying to hide, but she knew her words had sparked something inside of him. A glance down at where he held onto her hips showed his own claws had come out. It wasn’t unheard of for some shifters to partially turn into their inner animals during extreme emotions. The very thought of Charlie’s bear coming out, even if it was just his claws, had her pussy moistening to the point that wetness slipped down her inner thighs. She tried again to push herself back on his shaft, but he tightened his hold on her.

  “I don’t know what kind of males you fucked back in the day, but bears are the ones in control.” He reared his hand back and slapped her ass hard enough that her flesh stung something fierce. “I fuck you, not the other way around. Do you understand, Kitten?” He spanked her again, and she closed her eyes in bliss. The alpha in him called out to her, and she wanted to do whatever he said. Her past lovers had never been like this, and that sent a wave of delicious ecstasy through her. Charlie liked to be in control, and she wanted him to use that dominance on her.

  She licked her lips. “Yeah, I understand.” They stared at each other for several seconds, and the only warning she got before he took her completely was his nails digging into her flesh. He shoved all of those hard, thick inches into her, and she cried out in pleasure/pain. Never had she felt so stretched, so full, so totally taken with only one thrust. Her inner muscles clenched along his length, and he grunted.

  “You keep doing shit like that and I won’t last ten fucking minutes inside of you.” She breathed out and rested her head on the back of the couch. Her legs were spread as wide as they could go, and she knew he had a prime shot of her asshole and pussy. He let go of her waist and spread her cheeks so wide she knew he was watching his cock move in and out of her body. “Fucking hell, Ary.” He picked up speed and slammed harder into her. “Your cunt is so fucking tight.” He thrust into her again and again until she couldn’t see straight, and couldn’t suck enough air into her lungs. Sweat formed on her body, and she felt her orgasm started to churn inside of her, threatening her that what was happening would end far too soon. He worked his dick inside of her in deep, long strokes, and she curled her hands into the butter soft leather.

  “I’m going to come.” She gasped out, and even though she wanted to feel it claim her she didn’t want it to end yet.

  “You’ll come when I fucking say it’s time, Ary.” Droplets of Charlie’s sweat landed on her back, and she arched up, wanting it covering her. As strange as that sounded, she wanted to feel his pheromones seeping into her, wanted his musk surrounding her, and wanted his big body curving around hers. As if her unspoken desire was said aloud Charlie leaned forward so his sweat-slicked chest rubbed along her back. He continued to thrust into her, and she forced herself to hold off on coming. He pumped three more times into her and pulled out. Before disappointment could fill her he had her turned around and lifted into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He thrust into her with expertise and bounced her up and down on his cock. Charlie ran his teeth along the base of her neck before gently sinking them in just enough that pain sparked inside of her. He started walking out of the living room with his dick still shoved deep inside of her, and she thought for sure he was leading her to his room, but clearly he couldn’t make it that far. He pushed her against the wall in the hallway and pounded into her. She let her head fall back and closed her eyes in ecstasy.

  “It’s so fucking good.” He grunted out against her neck and continued thrusting into her.

  “I can’t hold off any longer.” Curling her nails into his biceps she bit her bottom lip. He instantly stopped moving inside of her. She groaned in frustration. They both panted out, and she swore she could feel his erection pulse inside of her, getting bigger and thicker. They stared at each other for a heartbeat, and the lust that bounced between them could have started fires. In a few quick strides he was up the stairs and had them in a bedroom with the door slammed shut behind him. The room was too dark to really see anything, but she didn’t need a visual. All she cared about was getting off with this Wylde bear’s huge dick inside of her. He all but threw her onto the center of his mattress, and before she could complain he was on top of her with a hand gripping each of her thighs. With an iron-like grip on each of her legs Charlie pushed them open. Her labia parted, but she was too wet and aroused to give a damn what she must look like down there. The monstrous dick that rose from between his thighs looked like it could do some damage, and by the tenderness of her pussy she knew it did. She flicked her eyes to his face and saw him looking at her splayed pussy.

  “Fucking hell, Kitten.” His massive chest rose and fell from the force of his breathing. The sting of pain from his fingers digging into the sensitive flesh had her pleasure increasing. Who knew she had masochistic tendencies? “I am going to tear you up.” His filthy fucking words had her hips lifting on their own. He certainly had showed her exactly what he was made of, but she wanted so much more. His eyes bored into hers. “You want that, don’t you? You want me fucking you so damn hard you won’t be able to sit for a week.” Good lord, the bear was insanely arousing with his dirty bedroom talk. “Ask me to fuck you raw, tell me you want my cock so far inside of your cunt you can’t see straight.”

  The air left her, and she knew there had to be a word in there somewhere, but if there was it was unintelligible. Did he actually expect her to answer? He was going to be disappointed, because she couldn’t form a coherent sentence with what he was doing to her.

  “Christ, baby. If you thought I fucked you hard back in the living room you haven�
��t seen anything yet.” A tingling sensation traveled throughout her whole body at his sandpaper sounding voice. His animalistic masculinity was something to be rivaled, and his fierce, strong, and intimidating presence made her feel like his prey. The corded muscle and tendons that were laced and bulging right underneath his flesh had the urge of claw at him, lick and nip his flesh, and consume him just as he was doing to her, move through her like a freight train on crack. The thick crest of his shaft pressed against the entrance of her pussy, and he held her eyes for a suspended moment before slowly pushing into her. Inch after thick inch tunneled into her sensitive pussy, and he was so deliciously forceful with his ministrations that her body slid up the bed until her head met the headboard. A shocked cry left her when he bottomed out inside of her, his dick head slamming into her cervix. She knew her eyes were wide, and tears of pleasure/pain slipped out and trailed down her temples.

  “Look at me.” Charlie’s voice was distorted as he issued the command, and when she did as he said everything around her faded until there was only this one moment in time. He hovered above her, his upper body blocking out the moonlight that spilled through the window. “I want you to watch while I slam my cock into your tight little pussy.” There had never been a time when she had been with a male and just their words had her blood racing and her skin tightening. Ary lifted up and braced herself on her elbows. He slowly pulled out of her, and she watched as his length became visible inch after glorious inch. His thickness was wet from her pussy cream, and right when she thought he would torment her with just the tip lodged in her entrance, he thrust back into her. He did this over and over again, forcing her to watch as he took her to new heights. Arms shaking and breath leaving her in uneven gasps, Ary knew she couldn’t hold out much longer. She needed to come, wanted to so desperately she could taste it on the tip of her tongue.


  Charlie watched his dick slide in and out of Ary’s tight cunt. Her flesh was pink and wet, swollen and gripped him like an iron-fist. Never had he wanted to fuck a female as badly as he did her. When he had seen her in the bar his bear had stood to its full height and clawed to take her. He had plenty of willing females, had sensed their arousal as it thickened the air when he and his brothers entered the bar, but she had stood out like a flower in the desert. Her scent, like soap and spearmint, was a strange combination, but it called out to him, had him aching to claim her and mark her. His nails curled further into her flesh, and he smelt her blood. It was a tangy aroma that tickled his nose and had his hips propelling into her with a force that astounded even him. It was like his bear wanted out and needed to take her in the most primal of ways. Even now he was forcing himself to stay in human form, but it was a damn hard feat, and one he had never encountered before.

  The slickness of her pussy and the suctioning warmth that surrounded him had his orgasm rushing precariously close to the surface. He didn’t want it to end, not when he had never felt anything as good this little ocelot. His dick was harder than he had ever remembered, and his balls felt like they would explode with every thrust inside of her.

  “Yeah, Kitten.” He pushed into her and pulled back out. The nickname had just spilled from him, but he liked the way it sounded rolling off his tongue. He had never been with an ocelot shifter, but then again that hadn’t been what called to him. Her luscious curves had him imagining himself with his face buried between them, and her long blonde hair had him picturing it fisted in his hand. Dipping his head to her hip he removed his hand and ran his tongue around the crescent shaped wounds. The instinct to heal and care for her was as strong inside of him as breathing, and he wasn’t entirely sure he liked the emotion. He liked where his life was, and that involved sleeping with a random, willing female, doing a job that he actually enjoyed completing, and only worrying about himself and his brothers. Yet here was this slip of a female, making him feel these unaccustomed emotions and having his bear going fucking crazy. It had been a while since he last fucked, so maybe that was where all of this was coming from? Immediately after he thought that he knew that wasn’t the case. This female was unlike any before. They may have only known each other for a few hours, and this may have started out as a one-night fuck, but Charlie knew there was no damn way he could just let her walk away, not if his human side and inner animal both wanted her in the worst kind of way.

  Her moans were soft and breathy, and he worked his hips against her. It was taking all of his strength to hold off the inevitable. He let his eyes travel up her rounded belly, the kind he absolutely loved, and to her large breasts. He had always been more of an ass-man, and boy did she have one killer ass, but her tits were like the fruit of the gods. They were full and had a slope to them, with strawberry colored nipples. Thrusting as hard and fast as he was caused the large globes to bounce up and down obscenely, but fuck did he like the look of them doing just that. His mouth watered for a taste, but at the moment he couldn’t move as he became immobilized when she lifted her hips to meet him thrust for thrust. He pulled out because he needed to take a deep fucking breath or he’d lose it right then. This was so not like him, to want to come like a randy fucking teenager after only a few strokes, but hell she drove him crazy.

  Fuck, this was good, she was good, and he wanted every damn part of her.

  Chapter Four

  Charlie arched his neck, and the tendons strained from the force of it. He placed his hand back on her hip, but the tingling sensation of his tongue lavishing her wounds, and his huge cock thrusting in and out of her, was still so fresh. She had been shocked at first when he did the act, because although they were having sex his tending to the small cuts he created was overly intimate. His nails dug deeper into her, and the wetness of her blood slid down her side. If she was a human she might have been horrified by the animalistic quality of this intimate act, but at heart they were both wild creatures, Charlie more so than most males, and the pain he inflicted only made her soar higher. Not able to hold herself up any longer Ary dropped back on the bed. Her back bowed when the head of his shaft scraped along her G-spot.

  “Pull your pussy lips apart. Let me see all that pink, wet perfection.” Holy hell, the man had a freaking way about him that drove her absolutely insane. Ary reached down and spread her labia apart. For once in her life she didn’t care what her body looked like, or the rolls that didn’t go away even when she lay down. Charlie growled deep in his throat, and she felt her eyes widen as a flicker of his inner beast showed itself. It disappeared as fast as it had appeared, but she had seen it nonetheless, and the fact his bear flashed right before her proved he was just as lost in this sexual frenzy as she was. His cock stretched her wide, and her inner muscles clenched around his girth. Apparently he had enough, because only moments after she spread herself wide for him, he was barking at her to place her hands above her head.

  Being stretched out before him like some kind of offering sent a heady rush through her. His thrusts were faster, more determined. The light sprinkling of hair on his chest was wet from his sweat. He seemed so big above her, pumping into her body like he owned the damn thing. In the next second he had both of her knees pressed to her chest and slammed in and out with so much power her orgasm exploded through her. Arms and legs numb, she heard his grunt as her cunt tightened around his dick.

  “That’s it. Milk my fucking cock, Kitten.” Over and over he slid in and out of her, prolonging the intensity of her climax until she was thrashing her head back and forth on the bed, not knowing if she would ever come down from the high. Her clit swelled with each down stroke he made, and when his thrusting increased even more she knew he was going to come. “One more time, baby. Just one more fucking time.” She didn’t know what he meant until he placed his thumb right over her clit and rubbed it back and forth. Crying out as another orgasm washed through her, she found her hand clasping his biceps and her nails digging in. “Shit. Your pussy is so damn tight and hot. I could fuck you all night long and never get enough.” His sweat dripped onto
her bouncing breasts, mixing with her own and sliding along her skin.

  Once, twice, and on the third thrust he buried his erection so far in her that his big balls slapped against her ass. Ary could do nothing but ride out her own pleasure, but she forced her eyes to stay open and watch Charlie come long and hard. The dark blond strands of his hair were stuck to his forehead, and his low rumble of completion that seemed to vibrate the whole room ensnared her. He came and came, his big body straining, and his cock twitching in her pussy.

  “God, Ary.” He wasn’t looking at her, and his words were low, almost like he was talking to himself. “It’s so…” His whole body shook, and although his orgasm was quite possibly the longest one in history, he never stopped slowly thrusting inside of her. With one final groan he stilled, and his entire huge frame shook as he finished coming. It was the hottest thing she had seen. There was the sensation of his dick swelling even further, and then a wave of warmth filled her. Beads of sweat dripped down his chest, and the sight was erotically tantalizing. “It’s so fucking good.”

  She would never get tired of hearing him say those words, or hearing him curse. He could swear all night long, and still she’d want more.

  The rumors that the Wylde Brothers were … wild ... were so far from the truth. Charlie was so much more than that. He was controlling, dominant, and had claimed her in the short time she had been in his presence. She was now one of the many that were a notch on his bedpost, but holy shit was it worth it. Ary now knew the true depth of how untamed a bear in bed could really be. He collapsed on top of her, and the monumental weight of him pushed her into the mattress. She gasped for air before he mumbled his apology through a chuckle. They lay side-by-side, their breathing erratic and identical, and neither moved or spoke for several long moments. When Charlie stood and made his way to the bathroom, she took a second to stare at the perfectly sculpted shoulders, the defined back, and his hotter than Hades ass. Wetness slid from her pussy, and she squeezed her thighs together. She was so sore down there that all she could do was smile. Charlie Wylde had ruined her for all other guys. Well, dammit.


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