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Why Stars Chase the Sun

Page 25

by C. R. Ellis

  But it wasn’t Jasmine.

  “Yeah, you are,” he replied through a smirk.

  I launched myself at the man in front of me, hoping he wasn’t a figment of my imagination. When I didn’t fall on my face, I decided it was the real Emmett standing at my door.

  “Emmett! Is this real life?!” I squealed into his neck as his arms secured me against his body.

  “It’s real life, pretty girl,” he assured me with a laugh, moving one hand to cradle my head and press his lips to my temple.

  Setting me down, one of his hands blindly reached behind him to shove the door closed. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I felt his eyes on me. I returned the favor, appreciating the sight of this breathtaking man who would never stop surprising me. His hair was a blonde mess of contained chaos; like he’d attempted to tame the locks hours ago, but had combed his fingers through it so many times that it had reverted back to the early-morning-Emmett hair I loved. He was wearing the pair of jeans I’d informed him were my favorites, and a red button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled halfway up his arms. The shirt strained against his shoulders, clinging to his muscles in all the right ways.

  Emmett belonged on the cover of a magazine, where women everywhere could ogle and appreciate his perfect features.

  Then again, a lengthy scan of his body made me rethink my willingness to share him.

  Nope. Sorry, ladies. He’s mine. Find your own sex god to worship.

  “So…what’s the occasion? Need a Tex-Mex fix?”

  His head shook and his tongue darted out to lick his lips. “Nah. Needed a Jade fix,” he corrected. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful, Jade.”

  I grinned, reaching my hands up to hang over his shoulders when his traveled the length of my sides. “Well, I was supposed to have a FaceTime date with some guy from Boston.”

  “Some guy, huh?” he asked, playfully smacking my ass and pulling me closer.

  “No, not just ‘some guy.’ The best guy.”

  He swallowed sharply, and my eyes darted down to track the movement over his Adam’s apple. “Did you count the flowers?”

  “Thirty. One for every year earth has been graced with your presence?”

  Dimples sprouted and framed his ridiculously charming smile. “Not quite, Tiny. One flower for every day I’ve had you in my life. Thirty days of you making me the happiest I’ve ever been.”

  “Best month ever,” I added, weaving my fingers through his hair and breathing in the fresh ocean scent that followed Emmett everywhere he went.

  “Best month ever,” he echoed before bringing his mouth down to collide with mine. I moaned, welcoming the sensation of his tongue rolling against mine. Nine days. Nine days was all I needed to find out how much it was possible to miss another human.

  I leaned closer, gripping his neck and tugging him down. I pressed my chest into him, aching for more. More contact, more pressure, more of this kiss, which was undoubtedly ruining me for any future kisses not like this one. This kiss was hot, messy, feel-it-in-your-bones deep, and greedy.

  When it came to Emmett, though, I was unapologetically greedy. Unapologetically needy. And always unapologetically desperate. A day, a month, a year—it didn’t matter, I knew I’d always feel this way about him.

  He’s my forever. This was always meant to be my forever.

  I poured everything I felt into this kiss, wanting him to taste my love for him before voicing it. My hands wound under his arms and latched on to his back. He groaned into my mouth when I pressed up on my toes to dig my hips into his. “Jade,” he begged, pulling back and resting his forehead against mine. “You’re killing me. We have dinner reservations,” he told me with a devilish grin, aware of how I’d react to his logic. “And we are not blowing them off this time.”

  My bottom lip pushed out in a pout. “Why not?”

  “Did you actually think all of this,” he paused to rake his eyes over my body. “Was for a FaceTime date?” he asked, mischief dancing in those ocean eyes.

  Pieces clicked into place in my mind. Should’ve known Jas was up to something.

  “Oh, you’re good, Boston. But you know I don’t need a nice restaurant or fancy plans to enjoy being with you. I’m just glad you’re here.”

  “I know, pretty girl. But you look amazing, and I wanna take you out so everyone in Austin knows you’re mine.”

  My mouth fell open. “Really?”

  “Jade. You serious?” he asked, eyebrows shooting halfway up his forehead. When I didn’t respond, he clarified for me, pulling my hands into his. “I’m not sure which part is surprising to you, so I’ll elaborate on both. You, in this dress, is what fantasies are made of. So believe me when I say you look really fucking gorgeous. Just know, though, Tiny,” he paused to lock our eyes and run his pointer finger along my cheek, “you could be wearing anything and I’d still think you looked amazing and want you to be mine. I’ve wanted you to be mine since the moment I saw you walking toward me at the lake. I knew if you showed up my life would never be the same, and I’d want you to be mine. And now I want everyone to know.”

  I felt the tears bubbling up in my eyes, but I refused to let them spill and ruin my makeup for the second time today. “I think I’ve been yours since that morning. You mean more to me after one month than anyone has ever meant to me. Thirty days, Emmett. Thirty days is all it took for me to fall completely, madly in love with you.”

  He wiped away two rogue tears from my face before pulling me into his arms again. “Took you long enough. I’ve loved you since the night we met.”

  I was about to argue he couldn't possibly have known, when he cut me off. “Wanna know how I knew?”

  I nodded.

  “You asked me for a truth, something nobody else knew. Some random, superficial bullshit was on the tip of my tongue. But then the roof story was spilling from my lips. The story was something incredibly personal that not even John and Emily knew, and there I was telling you all about it. Twenty minutes of talking to you, and your light, your goodness, was already making me better just for being in your presence. That is how I know I’ve loved you all along.”

  “Damn it, Emmett,” I cried through a blur of tears.

  He just smiled down at me and wiped away the tears I could no longer stop. “Go dry these eyes, I’m taking you out,” he instructed, bringing his lips down to mine. My body responded the only way it ever responded to Emmett—with fireworks exploding, making sure I felt my love for this man everywhere. I kissed him hard and deep, exactly the way I loved him.

  I was sure he could feel the pounding of my heart against his chest when I pressed into him. An underlying desperation passed between our lips, one I was sure would make him decide the reservations could wait after all.

  But somehow, through a groan, he was able to pull away and nod his head toward my bedroom. “I wanna make our dinner reservations, but I’m only human, so if you’re not out here in three minutes, we’re gonna miss them,” he threatened, chest heaving and eyes burning into dark blue wildfires.

  I started trying to kick off my shoes, already willing to forgo the reservations altogether. He caught on to my plan and shook his head. “Later, I promise,” he vowed, flashing me a dimple-baring smile. “I’ll make it worth your while to wait. Three hours. Then you won’t be able to keep me from dragging you to the bedroom.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that, Boston,” I called over my shoulder, walking toward my bedroom. My smile was so broad, so all-consuming, I could hardly focus on anything else when I stopped in front of the mirror.

  Over the course of four weeks, Emmett Sinclair had brought out the entire spectrum of human emotions within me, but the only one I felt right now was the one I’d probably felt just as long as he had.


  Chapter 22


  “Right this way,” called the hostess as she picked up two leather-bound menus. The restaurant sat cliff-side, offering diners a spectacular view of the sparkling n
avy blue waters of the lake below. The exterior combined light stucco and white stonework, with a large wrought iron sign hanging over the entrance that read Cucina di Carmela. The rustic-chic interior featured exposed wooden beams and twinkle lights hanging from the ceiling. Beige walls displayed paintings of Tuscany’s rolling hills. A rear wall made entirely of glass drew attention toward the view beyond the restaurant.

  Emmett’s hand remained wrapped tightly around mine the entire walk through the restaurant. When we reached our window-front table, he let go only long enough for me to get seated before his hands were gripping my face, tilting my head back so he could kiss me, his lips melting into mine. I was lost to the kiss, arching back to invite him deeper and encourage his invasion.

  I’d always welcome Emmett’s lips to press against any part of me.

  When he pulled away and dropped into the seat across from me, I didn’t try to hide the contented look on my face. His crooked smirk and the arch in his brow told me he knew exactly how I felt.

  “Told you, I want everyone to know you’re mine, Jade,” he reminded me, dropping his gaze to my chest before sweeping his eyes back up. The smirk fell off his face completely, replaced by a heated look designed to make me squirm. His voice dropped low and husky, sending a shiver down my spine. “Though, I’m kinda regretting my decision to come out in public. Do I really have to sit across from you looking like you do after going so many days without touching you? This shit’s gonna be torture.”

  I couldn’t help but appreciate what my appearance did to him as I scooted forward to marginally adjust my cleavage and rub my foot against his leg. “Thought you wanted to stake a claim on me, Boston? You know, write it in the sky, shout it from the rooftops, alert the news,” I teased, waggling my eyebrows.

  “You’re right. Don’t think the roof would be any good though, and the sky will have to wait. But I can make sure everyone here knows,” he said, pushing his chair back to stand up.

  My mouth fell into an “O,” and I immediately grabbed his hand, shaking my head. “You’re crazy! I was joking,” I pleaded at a whisper-yell, tugging his hand and holding back the laughter threatening to consume my body.

  A glance to the left of Emmett alerted me to an elderly couple seated a few feet away from our table, who had undoubtedly just heard and seen our entire exchange. I dropped my eyes from Emmett to them and smiled weakly, about to apologize for disrupting their dinner.

  Emmett beat me to it.

  He angled his body toward them, capturing their attention with nothing more than the flash of his pearly-whites and a quick wink sent my way. “I’m absolutely crazy about this gorgeous woman. She owns my heart, my body, and my soul. I love her, and I’m not hiding from it, not running away. I fucking love her,” he declared, eyes darting from them to me. “Sorry,” he mumbled, not sounding the least bit sorry for dropping an f-bomb to an adorable couple in their eighties. “Just wanted you to know.”

  They smiled, reaching for each other’s hands across the table. “Wonderful. Happy for ya,” the cute old man responded.

  The woman, whose brown eyes and bright red lipstick immediately reminded me of my grandma, leaned toward me and lifted a hand to shield Emmett’s view of her mouth. “Don’t let this one get away, honey, he’s a real looker. Seems like he’d be a real firecracker in the bedroom, which is important. Trust me,” she whispered, giving Emmett one last look before turning back to give me a wink.

  I laughed. “Couldn’t agree more.”

  Emmett smiled and sank back into his chair. He sighed, like a weight had just been lifted off his shoulders.

  “Feel better now?”

  He nodded with a dimpled grin. “I meant every word, Jade. I’m done holding back anything you make me feel, and I’m also done being in a different city.”

  “You are?” I asked, my voice cracking with excitement.

  His response was interrupted by our waiter, who stopped to take our order. I quickly scanned the menu and settled on seafood linguine, and Emmett ordered chicken marsala. I knew the menu probably offered a million mouth-watering dishes, but I couldn’t bring myself to care what I ate. And I knew my view of the lake was incredible, but who needed a body of water to look at when you’ve got the body of Emmett Sinclair to marvel at instead?

  Emmett picked up right where we left off after our waiter hurried away. “Yes. I’ll have to split time between here and Boston, but not for long. Looks like you’re stuck with me, pretty girl.”

  I could’ve launched myself over the table and tackled him. But I restrained myself and stared at him with wide eyes instead. “Emmett, are you serious? Don’t you dare joke about this,” I warned.

  “Swear to you, I’m not joking. Axtero’s a done deal, and I’m going in this week to get a feel for things before completely taking over. I have to return to Boston for a while next week, but I moved up my timeline and decided I’d rather fly a few hours occasionally than spend any more time away from you.”

  Happiness swelled inside my chest and spread through my limbs.

  “You’re here,” I repeated softly, shifting in my chair and fidgeting with one of the short tassels lining the end of the tablecloth.

  His hand glided across the table to close around mine, and he traced circles along the soft patch of skin between my thumb and index finger. For a minute, Emmett just held my hand, conveying unspoken promises with each stroke.

  His touch was reassuring and soothing, and so…Emmett. My eyes traveled from his fingers, to the tattoo on his arm, to his lips, before finally landing on his eyes. “Does this mean you’ve figured out how to take down Voldemort?”

  His lips twitched. “I have a plan. I promise I’ll tell you everything, but I don’t wanna spend tonight talking about him, Jade.”

  I nodded, although I was dying to know what he’d been working on so diligently for the past week and a half. “I understand. So tell me about Hope and Caroline instead.”

  He’d told me a little about Hope here and there, but I was curious about his sister and niece.

  Emmett’s eyes lit up, and he immediately launched into stories about Hope, telling me how smart and driven she’d always been since she was a kid and how she was always headstrong and resilient. She was dealt some obstacles no child should have to face, but had risen above and become a remarkable person.

  “Hope has the biggest heart, and she’s a fantastic mom. I can’t wait for you to meet them,” he gushed, his voice filling with pride. He reached into his pocket to fish out his phone and pulled up a photo before passing the device to me. “That’s Caroline. Her first tooth just broke through yesterday.”

  An image of a chubby-cheeked baby filled the screen. She had short, reddish-gold hair extending in all directions, light gray eyes, the cutest tiny hands gripping a toy giraffe, and an open-mouthed smile proudly showing her new bottom tooth. She was propped up in a swing, wearing a yellow onesie with “I have the Best Uncle EVER” in sparkly blue print.

  I’d seen cute babies before, but Caroline was probably the cutest I’d ever seen. Being Emmett’s niece might’ve had something to do with it; I wouldn’t have expected anything less considering the gene pool she’d fallen into.

  Images of mini Emmetts flooded my mind. I had no doubt he’d been an adorable baby, all big eyes and long lashes, dimpled smiles and blonde curls. My lips twisted as I studied the photo, feeling my heart swell at both the thought of baby Emmett and the image of baby Caroline.

  Luckily, the scream from my ovaries for me to jump on the baby-making train, specifically with the man in front of me, wasn’t an external reaction Emmett could detect. I hauled in a much needed lungful of air before lifting my eyes from the screen.

  “Emmett, she’s adorable,” I exclaimed, still holding his phone captive. “I can’t wait to meet her. Her cheeks are so chubby and perfect.” I studied the photo again, not even trying to hide my newfound adoration for his niece.

  “Thanks, Tiny.” He grinned, slipping his phone back into
his pocket after I finally relinquished my hold on it. “They’re coming to Austin in November. Speaking of…are you free on November 18?”

  “Nothing is ringing a bell, but I’d have to check my calendar. November is typically a bit slower for us. What’s the occasion?”

  “Just a dinner party thing to celebrate Axtero becoming part of J.S. Innovations.”

  His causal shrug and distracted gaze out to the water didn’t fool me. Emmett was trying to downplay the magnitude of this shindig, but I knew better. This dinner was important, and I had a feeling it was more than just a “dinner party thing.” I’d bet money it was a black-tie event, complete with penguin-suited waiters and a speech made by the man of the hour. My man.

  I leaned over the table and cleared my throat. “Holy shit, Emmett. It’s a freaking party for you, isn’t it? To celebrate you being the new CEO. Of course I’ll be there.”

  He relaxed into his chair and flashed a smile that said I was right. “It’s not a big deal.”

  I shook my head. “It’s a huge deal! Everyone at Axtero will love you, and this dinner party thing is going to be great. I’m so excited!”

  He laughed. “That makes one of us.”

  “You’re not excited? Not even a little? It’s a party in your honor, Boston.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m ready to get things off the ground with Axtero. And I’m excited to have you there with me, pretty girl, but I don’t need a big party. I’m not a big crowd kinda guy. I don’t enjoy or deserve the spotlight.”

  “I disagree, Boston. You do deserve a big party. This is a big deal. Hope and Colby and Caroline are coming, right? And I’m sure John and Emily are too?” I paused for confirmation before continuing, “See, this is going to be the party of the year. I’m gonna make sure it is.”

  “Oh, yeah? How so?”

  “I’ll be by your side the entire time. I’m sure we can find a way to calm your nerves. I’ve been told I have a pretty talented mouth.”


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