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Douluo Dalu - Volume 11 - Vigorous God

Page 4

by Tang Jia San Shao

  “He also has a very tenacious character.”

  Tang San followed behind Xiao Wu out of the forest,

  “If I hadn’t disabled his joints, I don’t know how long he would’ve kept at it.”

  Tai Long basically hadn’t stood a chance before Tang San’s Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step and Controlling Crane Catching Dragon. He was indeed much more powerful physically than Tang San, but without the chance to use it he had been completely at Tang San’s mercy.

  In the end Tang San didn’t have any choice but to use restraining techniques to disable the joints of his four limbs to end the fight.

  Xiao Wu pulled Tang San’s hand,

  “Let’s go, we’ll go eat.”

  Tang San nodded, his gaze on Xiao Wu somewhat absentminded.

  “What? You don’t recognize me?”

  Xiao Wu smiled.

  Tang San hurriedly shook his head, covering up his embarrassment,

  “Let’s go, today you decide where you want to go and I’ll accompany you.”

  The Academy was really conveniently placed in the city, stepping out of the great gate was a spacious street. Heaven Dou City was indeed worthy of being Heaven Dou Empire’s capital, the streets were wide and clean, and the stores plentiful. An endless stream of people bustling with activity flowed by.

  As a result of the delay with Tai Long, as Tang San and Xiao Wu entered several restaurants they found they were all full. Unconsciously they headed towards the city center.

  “Ge. Is there someplace over there?”

  Xiao Wu asked as she pointed to a dome building not far ahead.

  That building appeared quite peculiar. It was perfectly round, just like half a sphere rising from the ground. Above wasn’t any written sign, only a hammer pattern.

  Tang San’s heart twitched, immediately recalling what Grandmaster had said. That hammer couldn’t be the forging hammer that symbolized blacksmiths,

  “That seems to be an auction house. The symbol above should be an auctioneers gavel.”

  Xiao Wu’s eyes brightened,

  “Auction house? Can we go take a look? I remember Grandmaster saying that only the two great imperial capitals have auctions of the highest standard, even selling spirit bones.”

  That Tang San knew about the auction house was naturally because of spirit bones. That was a treasure Grandmaster had yearned for. In some sense, as long as they had enough spirit power, practically any Spirit Master could obtain a spirit ring, only the quality might vary. But spirit bones were different.

  The rarity of spirit bones made them the exclusive domain of a small number of Spirit Masters. Anyone who had a spirit bone would try to cover it up, to keep others from knowing. Because the events where spirit bones had led to bloodshed were too many to count. Even the most common spirit bones could be sold for sky high prices.

  Despite Spirit Hall clearly forbidding Spirit Masters from hunting spirit beasts for spirit bones, there were still a lot of over-confident Spirit Masters who took the chance out of desperation. Of course, very few would part with their spirit bones, and for the most part they were traded for another.

  Exchanged for a spirit bone that was more suitable or perhaps some precious treasure.

  Tang San was also interested in the auction house,

  “Xiao Wu, let’s find something to eat first. We’ll take a look afterwards.”

  Speaking of food, Xiao Wu couldn’t help being angry:

  “It’s all because of that fellow Tai Long holding us up that those small delicious shops outside the Academy were all filled up. These restaurants all have too good business, there isn’t even room to sit.”

  Tang San helplessly shrugged:

  “We can’t go to the auction house hungry. In this great Heaven Dou City there must inevitably be someplace to eat.”

  Xiao Wu suddenly smiled:

  “Look over there. They’re selling quick meals. We’ll go have a bit to eat.”

  Tang San followed Xiao Wu’s finger and saw an old man pushing a food cart. On the cart were several woks, and to the side were bamboo baskets with lids to keep them warm.

  “Boss, what do you have?”

  Xiao Wu bounced over to ask.

  The old man immediately smiled on seeing the adorable Xiao WU:

  “Little miss, my boxed meals are absolutely delicious. Today’s business has been pretty good, there’s not a lot left. I’ll make it cheap for you. Two copper spirit coins for one is enough. How about it?”

  “Thank you.”

  Xiao Wu quickly pulled out four copper spirit coins from her chest,

  “I want two. Ge, come eat quickly.”

  The boss uncovered several lids, two spicy and two plain, arranged very well. In those bamboo baskets were snow white big steamed buns, and although they were no longer hot, they were still warm.

  Xiao Wu first held out a steamed bun for Tang San before picking up one for herself, taking the dishes the old man held out, eating with big mouthfuls. Even though these were just cheap take-away meals, she still ate happily.

  Tang San stood next to Xiao Wu, eating the meal with her. Looking at Xiao Wu’s content lovable countenance, for a moment he couldn’t help feel a bit silly.

  Xiao Wu would from time to time pick up meat from her own meal and place it in Tang San’s bowl, herself only eating some vegetables and meat leftovers.

  “Xiao Wu, you eat too.”

  Xiao Wu smiled:

  “I don’t eat so much. Besides, while your body is growing, Grandmaster said that you boys need to eat more meat. Otherwise you won’t have strength.”

  The simple words struck firmly at the softest spot in Tang San’s heart. In an instant the perplexion and bewilderment of the last several days seemed to be thrown off, and Tang San stood there stupidly looking at Xiao Wu, a somewhat odd radiance in his eyes.

  “Ge, what’s up with you? Why have you been distracted these last few days? Are you ill?”

  Xiao Wu raised her hand to feel Tang San’s forehead.

  Tang San set down the steamed bun and grasped Xiao Wu’s hand, in that split second flash of understanding just now he suddenly had a realization. Looking at Xiao Wu’s concerned cute face in front of him, Tang San felt hot blood boiling in his heart,

  “Xiao Wu, whatever happens, I will always protect you by your side like now, you will forever be my most cherished Xiao Wu.”

  Xiao Wu stared blankly. Although she didn’t understand just why Tang San was saying this now, her heart was still warmed, and with a sweet smile said:

  “Ge, I know you’re the best to me. Eat quickly. Otherwise it’ll get cold.”

  Tang San picked up the steamed bun once again. Perhaps it was because of undoing the knot in his heart, his appetite suddenly became vigorous, eating the steamed bun and dishes in big mouthfuls, his face once again brimming with his habitual smile.

  The old man had before seen Tang San and Xiao Wu as children, and believed they would be unable to eat much and so given a cheap price. But seeing Tang San eat more and more he couldn’t help frowning in concern. A buffet style seller meeting a great stomach king, that was a tragedy for him.

  Tang San ate until bursting before finishing the meal.

  “Boss, thank you. Your meal was delicious.”

  Tang San nodded very courteously to the boss, and with a flick of his wrist a silver spirit coin landed on the counter.

  “Young man, what’s this?”

  The boss stared blankly, and hastily called out to Tang San and Xiao Wu who were already leaving.

  Tang San turned his head and smiled:

  “It’s what you deserve.”

  Saying this, he pulled Xiao Wu away with large strides. To him, this wasn’t just as simple as lunch.

  Xiao Wu felt Tang San’s hand grip hers tightly, and the smiling expression on his face seemed to have recovered to normal. She was always astute, and without asking anything headed towards the auction house in an elated mood.

  When they
came close they could truly appreciate the scale of the round building.

  By Tang San’s estimation, this half sphere sprouting from the ground had a diameter of at least five hundred meters, and was eighty meters tall at its peak. Even though it was inferior to the Great Spirit Arenas he had seen before, he knew that this place was only an auction house and didn’t need room for spectators.

  Moreover, this was the capital of Heaven Dou Empire, and every spot of land was worth its size in gold. From this could be clearly seen how significant the position of the auction house was in Heaven Dou City, and how profound its background.

  The auction house’s entrance was semicircular, and just like the auction house itself was milky white. In front of the door stood four tall young women.

  These young women had clearly passed rigorous selection. Not only were they all about one meter seventy five tall, their figures extremely well shaped, and without need to mention their pretty appearance was had a great amount of sex appeal. They appeared twenty years old at most.

  They wore long dresses that even concealed their arms, without revealing any skin. But the dresses were extremely tight fitting, an amply drew the outlines of their beautiful curves.

  The snow white dresses were embroidered with silver designs that vaguely resembled words, but neither Tang San nor Xiao Wu could make them out. The four young women all moved identically, with both hands held up in front and smiling, and though the smiles were professional, they still easily gave people a good impression.

  Chapter 073: Heaven Dou Auction

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  Seeing two people approach, one of the four young women took three steps forward to greet them, bowing slightly as she spoke:

  “Guests, is there anything you require assistance with?”

  Xiao Wu said:

  “This is the auction house. We want to go in for a look.”

  The young woman was stunned, even though she didn’t hold any contempt because of Tang San and Xiao Wu’s age, it was still the first time she had ever seen visitors like this. But she still patiently said:

  “I’m sorry, honored guests, may I ask whether you have the bidding qualifications certificate?”

  Xiao Wu stared blankly,

  “Bidding qualifications certificate? What kind of thing is that?”

  The young woman smiled slightly, saying:

  “Only guests possessing a bidding qualifications certificate may enter the auction house to bid. Certification exists in several different levels, of them the threshold to enter is ten thousand gold spirit coins. In other words, you must prove you have assets to an amount of ten thousand gold spirit coins and can participate in bidding. This is to ensure people cannot enter to bid maliciously. Please forgive me.”

  Xiao Wu turned her head to look at Tang San,

  “Ge, do you have ten thousand gold spirit coins?”

  Tang San somewhat helplessly shook his head. Even though he had earned a lot at the Great Spirit Arena, a figure like ten thousand gold spirit coins was still too much.

  Seeing Xiao Wu’s disappointed expression, Tang San couldn’t help saying:

  “Isn’t there some other way to get inside?”

  The young lady said:

  “It’s still possible under another condition: if you are selling something you can also enter the auction hall. But to sell something requires passing our Heaven Dou Auction’s special appraiser’s valuation, the value must exceed ten thousand gold spirit coins for qualifications to join the auction. If the auction is successful we will take ten percent of the sale price as commission.”

  Selling something? Tang San and Xiao Wu looked face to face, and Tang San’s heart twitched. Searching his chest pocket he pulled out an item.

  It was a black little case, only about palm sized, on top were fastened rings and locks, the case was completely black, and on the front was a set of tiny holes.

  “Then we’ll auction this.”

  Tang San flashed the little case in his hand.

  “What is this?”

  The young lady wasn’t scornful when Tang San took this thing out, having worked here for a time she knew that sometimes the more bizarre an item was the more valuable it was.

  Xiao Wu feigned mystery:

  “Don’t you have appraisers? Didn’t you say before that you had appraisers to have a look at the value, right?”

  The young lady had realized that this went beyond her, and hastily held out an inviting hand,

  “Please follow me.”

  While speaking, she started walking into the auction house with small steps.

  Inside the auction house wasn’t any feeling of glorious splendor. The floor was milky white marble, and on all the walls were all kinds of reliefs. The relief sculptures didn’t have a lot of color, appearing simple and forthright, extremely elegant. Besides the reliefs were still some display windows on the walls. Inside were arranged goods like porcelain or armor and such. If they didn’t know what this place was, Tang San and Xiao Wu might have mistaken it for a museum. The young woman who led them all the way acted very professionally, pausing every ten steps or so to make an inviting gesture, accurately showing the direction. She took Tang San and Xiao Wu straight to the side of the gall, where a signboard with the words ‘appraisal’ hung over a room.

  Inside the room was a row of tables, behind which stood eight black-robed appraisers, all of different ages, hastily valuing some goods.

  The young lady said to Tang San and Xiao Wu:

  “This is the room for ordinary appraisals. If I may I would trouble you guests as to the characteristics of the item.”

  While speaking, she brought the two to an appraiser on the left, handing over the small case.

  “Appraiser number one, I would trouble you. These two guests wish to put this item up for auction.”

  The appraiser subconsciously accepted the metal box. As his gaze fell on it he immediately displayed an astonished expression, turning it over for a look as he said:

  “Forgive my ignorance, may I ask what this is? The manufacture is extremely elaborate, but I don’t know what applications it has?”

  Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

  “I call it a Powder Shooting Shadow[ (含沙射影) It first appeared in the fight against Zhao Wuji. The name is an idiom that means “attacking someone by innuendo”.], it’s a kind of weapon.”


  The appraiser was even more astonished, this was the first time he had seen such a delicate weapon. Originally he had still looked down on Tang San and Xiao Wu as just a pair of youths, but right now the disdain vanished,

  “Is it possible to see a demonstration?”


  Tang San picked up the Powder Projecting Shadow from the appraiser’s hand,

  “My item is poisonous. I’m afraid here isn’t the best.”

  Hearing the word ‘poisonous’, it wasn’t just the appraiser in front of them that paid attention. The seven appraisers to the side couldn’t help cast glances towards them, their expressions filled with astonishment.

  Appraiser number one somewhat embarrassed said:

  “If you’re unable to prove its effect, there is also nothing we can do to set its price. Our auction house has a special area dedicated to testing weapons, shall we go there to take a look?”

  Tang San nodded.


  The young woman in charge of receiving visitors didn’t leave them, and still followed at their side together with appraiser number one. They brought Tang San and Xiao Wu through a sliding door behind the appraisal area.

  Perhaps the owner of this auction house was very fond of circles, but even the interior doors of the auction house were semi circular, giving a very thorough feeling.

  Tang San couldn’t help sighing in admiration from just a brief observation, not only was the scale of the auction house large, but moreover everything was clear and orderly, the division of work explicit. The apprai
ser brought them to a weapons laboratory about one hundred square meters in size, the four walls of the room were covered in tightly fitting steel plates, and was completely empty.

  Tang San gestured at the receiving young woman and the appraiser to move behind him, raised the Powder Shooting Shadow in his right hand and lightly pressed the trigger.

  Chichichichichichi—— A continuous series of low squeaking sounds echoed, followed by a yellow mist drifting out. Tang San had added this new poison mist not long ago. After the Powder Shooting Shadow had undergone his improvements it could also shoot three times, just like the Godly Zhuge Crossbow. Only its power was a bit weaker than the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, but each time it could shoot thirty six steel needles.

  Tang Sect’s mechanical hidden weapons were mainly sorted according to power. Like the reason the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle was ranked among the best wasn’t because of how concentrated its attack was, but rather its attack power.

  The Godly Zhuge Crossbow’s attack power was already frightening, three times that of the Powder Shooting Shadow.

  But the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle was five times stronger than the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, its shooting speed and penetrating power could be imagined, it was basically an undodgeable hidden weapon.

  A succession of intense jingling sounds rose from the wall ten meters away. Tang San stretched out his hand, urging his spirit power and using Controlling Crane Catching Dragon to gather the poison mist, one finger shooting out a strand of Blue Silver Grass to absorb it.

  He pointed to the opposite wall:


  The appraiser quickly walked forward. As he saw the state of the steel wall, he couldn’t help breathing in deeply,

  “Such a potent weapon.”

  The three cun long steel needles hadn’t quite pierced into the steel plate halfway, the tail ends still quivering. From the blue liquid color it could be seen they were poisoned, and that still didn’t include the yellow mist that puffed out when they were fired. Such penetrating power was already something common Spirit Masters couldn’t withstand.

  Tang San said:

  “My Powder Shooting Shadow can shoot three times after being loaded with steel needles, each time accompanied by a confusion type poison mist. The steel needles themselves are coated in paralysing poison, and the toxin will take effect as soon as they have pierced the skin. By my calculations, it would be a certain kill against a thirtieth rank spirit master or lower. Against thirtieth rank or higher, Spirit Masters without the ability to resist poison should very easily be affected. The steel needles are easy to make and can be reused. I can also offer a bottle of paralysis poison.”


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