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Douluo Dalu - Volume 11 - Vigorous God

Page 9

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Tai Nuo stared at Tai Long,

  “For the sake of a woman, you directly profited. How you are like your father in those years. But you didn’t make a mistake, for the sake of the woman you like you must advance bravely. Back then I chased after your ma just like that. But in those days I challenged a lot of Spirit Masters that were more powerful than me. How it must vex you now to be unable to defeat someone younger than you, this isn’t just the result of hard work.”

  Tai Long carefully disputed it:

  “But, father, I seem to be cultivating the fastest in the history of our clan, even when you were my age you weren’t as strong as me.”

  “Scoundrel, what are you trying to say?”

  Tai Nuo glowered.

  Tai Long helplessly said:

  “My meaning is that it isn’t your son not living up to expectations, but rather that the opponent is too strong. I really don’t know how that kid has cultivated, it seems he’s no more than fifteen or sixteen, how could he possess such formidable spirit power? Don’t tell me he’s a person from the seven great schools?”

  Hearing his son’s words, Tai Nuo couldn’t help shiver in his heart, lowering his voice to say:

  “Let’s go back first. To my knowledge there isn’t any formidable school with a Blue Silver Grass Spirit. I really wouldn’t have expected Blue Silver Grass to be able to become this formidable. Especially those last several strands he used, even my defense couldn’t completely block them, otherwise I wouldn’t have been poisoned. Let’s go, we’ll go back to ask your grandpa, maybe he knows.”


  Tai Long’s facial expression immediately became bitter,

  “No need. Father, we both lost so much face, if we let grandpa know, he won’t just sort us out. Besides, if by some chance the elder runs off to our Academy just like you, I won’t be able to keep studying.”

  Tai Nuo snorted,

  “One of our clan’s strength is protecting weak points, so what? You have an opinion? We have to inform your grandpa about this. I still don’t believe a child is capable of being that strong. Listen to what the elder says, visiting to stir up trouble isn’t losing face. Losing face is stirring up trouble and still letting others leave. If your father can’t release this anger, it’ll choke me to death.”

  The two sturdy silhouettes gradually disappeared into the distance. Father and son both with faces swollen like pig heads, complexions white like paper. It was really one sorry figure after another.


  Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School

  Ning Rongrong sat on a sofa in the main hall and constantly swung her slender legs, her red lips pouting so hard one could hang a soy sauce jar from them.

  She had been back for more than half a day but there wasn’t a trace of her father, and her excitement was gradually weakening.

  In front of Ning Rongrong was an old man with a withered face slowly sipping tea. Even though he was sitting down, his stature was still astonishing. It wasn’t that he had the robustness of swelling muscles, but his whole frame was extremely astonishing.

  When he sat in the originally very spacious sofa he clearly made it seem narrow.

  His clothes seemed to be entirely propped up by his skeleton, muscles and skin were both withered, his eye sockets were deep caves, and if seen late at night it would simply be like an immense cranium. On his scalp were only a few sparse wisps of white or grey hair. Where he could be ugly he was ugly.

  “My little princess, don’t be angry. I’m sure your father will be back quickly.”

  The withered old man put down his teacup, speaking to Ning Rongrong.

  His voice was extremely hoarse, like the wind rustling dead leaves, giving listeners a bad feeling.

  Ning Rongrong leapt up from the sofa, running over to sit in the withered old man’s lap. With her fair skin, next to the enormous old man she was like a doll. Raising her hands she grabbed the old man’s white hair,

  “I don’t care, someone has been gone for so long, but when returning with great difficulty daddy isn’t present. Isn’t he deliberately hiding from me? Grandpa Bone, you have to back me up.”

  The shriveled skin on the withered old man’s face twitched once, somewhat not knowing whether to laugh or cry saying:

  “My little princess, you shouldn’t keep playing with that little withered grass on your grandpa Bone’s head. Otherwise I’ll really become bald, and be even more teased by that cheap grandpa Sword of yours. You want me to support you, what can I do, don’t tell me there’s still someone in the school who would tease you?”

  Ning Rongrong pondered, and said:

  “This as well. Hmph, no matter, anyway once daddy returns I’ll definitely have him give me something nice to appease me. Grandpa Bone, you have to speak on my side.”

  In order to keep the few remaining wisps of hair, the withered old man had no choice but to helplessly nod repeatedly. If his current appearance was seen by outsiders from the Spirit Master world, who knew how startled they might be. That the most secretive among Title Douluo, Bone Doluo, would be treated like this by a little girl, perhaps nobody would believe it even if told.

  “I knew grandpa Bone was the best.”

  Ning Rongrong didn’t seem to feel a bit like this old grandpa Bone was ugly, kissing him hard on the cheek and the jumping off his lap.

  Watching the lively Ning Rongrong, a warm indulgence was revealed in the Bone Douluo’s eyes. He could be said to have watched Ning Rongrong grow up, and this little she-devil’s spoiled nature could be said to have been caused by him and Ning Rongrong’s other grandpa Sword.

  “I heard our little she-devil has returned? Where is she, Rongrong, come quickly, let daddy have a look.”

  At this moment someone finally arrived to lift the siege.

  Hearing this voice, Ning Rongrong first excitedly wanted to run meet him, but then remembered she was still angry and hastily faced in the other direction, turning her back to the door.

  That charming appearance seemed a bit funny to the Bone Douluo sitting on the sofa.

  Part 3 (TL by Bagelson)

  A timid and elegant middle aged man stepped into the hall accompanied by a white dressed old man. If Tang San and Xiao Wu had been here now they would certainly have recognized him, precisely the person they met before at the auction house, that even prince Xue Xing didn’t dare provoke.

  And this man was also Ning Rongrong’s father, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s master, enjoying the name of the Continent’s foremost Support Spirit Master, Ning Fengzhi.

  Ning Fengzhi looked at his daughter and hurriedly walked forward,

  “Silly girl, what are you doing with your back to daddy. It’s been a year. Daddy missed you so much!”

  Ning Rongrong turned around sharply,

  “Missed me? It would be a wonder if you didn’t long for me to be away from home.”

  Ning Fengzhi seeing his seething daughter couldn’t help but inwardly feel his heart fall. First sitting down on the sofa he held out a hand to pull over his daughter, but didn’t expect Ning Rongrong to turn around and dodge away.

  Not catching his daughter startled Ning Fengzhi. Even though he was an auxiliary system Spirit Master, reaching an enormous spirit power of more than the seventieth rank still had powerful transforming effect on his body, making him much stronger than ordinary people.

  Ning Rongrong had inherited his spirit and was also auxiliary system. Even though he was only grabbing in passing, he still didn’t move slowly, but he had actually been easily dodged by his daughter.

  Ning Rongrong wasn’t aware of her father’s shock and directly turned to that white dressed old man, throwing herself into his arms,

  “Grandpa Sword, Grandpa Sword, I’ve missed you to death. Wuuu……”

  Meeting her family again after a long time, Ning Rongrong was after all a young girl. Moved, she immediately started to cry.

  The white dressed old man hastily drew her into a tight embrac

  “Good girl, my little darling, you’ve come back, grandpa Sword also missed you! Missed you desperately.”

  Ning Rongrong raised her head,


  The white dressed old man firmly said:

  “Of course really, if you don’t believe me just ask your grandpa Bone.”

  Ning Rongrong blinked her clear big eyes,

  “But, just now grandpa Bone told me, he missed me a little bit more than you.”


  The white dressed old man didn’t give the wizened old man a bit of face,

  “Clearly I missed you more.”

  “You’re bullshitting.”

  The wizened old man suddenly stood up from the sofa. His terrifying height approached two meters fifty, and with his hoarse voice he seemed even more frightful.

  “Not convinced? Let’s go, we’ll find somewhere to settle it.”

  The white dressed old man stuck out his chest, glaring fearlessly.

  “Alright, alright. Uncle Sword, uncle Bone, you’ve fought for a lifetime. Rongrong just got back, just let it go today.”

  Ning Fengzhi helplessly looked at the two old men in front of him.


  The white clothed old man and wizened old man snorted practically simultaneously. None of them looked at each other, and both their gazes fell on Ning Rongrong.

  Ning Rongrong’s eyes were big and round:

  “I have a way to prove which grandpa who missed me the most.”

  Ning Fengzhi clapped a hand to his forehead. A little she-devil was after all a little she-devil, the place was lively as soon as she was back. He couldn’t help saying:

  “Rongrong, don’t be irresponsible.”

  Ning Rongrong stuck out her tongue at her father, she was clearly not a bit afraid of her dad. Otherwise she wouldn’t be called the little she-devil in the first place,

  “You didn’t miss me, and you won’t even let the grandpas miss me! I’ve run back from far away and you’re not home. Grandpas, like this, both of you give Rongrong a present, and the one whose gift Rongrong likes the most, is the one who missed Rongrong the most.”


  The two old men looked face to face, inwardly simultaneously recalling how they’d been maneouvered.

  Ning Fengzhi restrained a smile and said:

  “Alright Rongrong, come here quickly. Let daddy have a look at you. Who said daddy didn’t miss you. Daddy’s prepared a present for you, but if you’re not a good girl you can’t have it.”

  “A present? What is it?”

  Hearing the word ‘present’, Ning Rongrong was clearly interested at once, and ran over in front of her father.

  Ning Fengzhi calmly raised his hand to pull in his daughter, but who could have expected that Ning Rongrong would turn around again, still dodging his hand. Pouting she said:

  “The present first, otherwise no hug.”

  This time it wasn’t just Ning Fengzhi who was startled, the two old men both couldn’t help look at each other with shock.

  Because of the special nature of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, even a Title Douluo couldn’t see how much spirit power she had.

  Ning Fengzhi’s heart twitched, and he asked:

  “Rongrong, first tell daddy your spirit power rank. If you’ve made progress, daddy can give you the present.”

  Hearing her father ask about her spirit power, Ning Rongrong immediately straightened with pride,

  “Daddy, my natural talent is even better than yours. I haven’t been goofing off in this year. My spirit power didn’t rise that much, just a tolerable ten ranks.”

  “So little. Rongrong, you must work hard, hold on, how much did you say?”

  Ning Fengzhi knew his daughter only too well. From childhood what she disliked the most was cultivation. Even though she had talent, she always had to be forced to train a moment in exchange for all sorts of benefits.

  As he became aware that Ning Rongrong said ‘ten ranks’, his expression was disbelieving.

  Ning Rongrong blinked with her big eyes, and very innocently looked at her father,

  “I said ten ranks! It’s really not much, but I worked hard.”

  Ning Fengzhi’s voice had changed slightly,

  “Ten ranks? When you left you had twenty seven ranks. Then you’re saying you’re already rank thirty seven? You wouldn’t lie to daddy.”

  Ning Rongrong said:

  “Bad daddy, not believing others. Even if Rongrong was a bit naughty before, I would never lie. If you don’t believe it, let grandpa’s have a look.”

  While speaking, she directly ran over in front of the white dressed old man, holding out her little hand.

  The white dressed old man grabbed Ning Rongrong’s hand, and after a little while his expression turned to surprise,

  “Fengzhi, it’s true. This girl’s spirit power has reached the thirty seventh rank. This really is too inconceivable. I’ve never heard of someone that could gain ten ranks of spirit power in one year. Even that kid called the youngest Spirit Master ever couldn’t do it. Don’t tell me our Rongrong really is a genius? Or is that Shrek Academy so awesome.”

  Ning Rongrong curiously said:

  “Grandpa Sword, how did you know I went to Shrek Academy?”

  The white dressed old man said:

  “How couldn’t I know? You’re the darling treasure of our hearts. Your daddy has always grasped your whereabouts.”

  Ning Fengzhi’s expression had turned serious. Both he and the two clan guests before him clearly understood the process of Spirit Master cultivation.

  A Spirit Master who wanted to increase cultivation had to do it step by step. Doing it too impetuously would lead to life threatening danger.

  The Spirit Master world also had a kind of nefarious cultivation method, trading one’s own vitality for increased cultivation speed. He in no way wished for his daughter to be taught that kind of cultivation method at Shrek Academy.

  If that was the case……

  Thinking of this, there was a deadly energy in Ning Fengzhi’s eyes.

  The white dressed old man and the wizened old man clearly also thought of this possibility. Their expressions dropped simultaneously.

  Ning Rongrong looked at the two grandpa’s, looked again at her father, and somewhat baffled said:

  “What’s going on with you? Why aren’t you saying anything?”

  Ning Fengzhi stood up, walking over to his daughter,

  “Rongrong, immediately tell us everything about cultivating at Shrek Academy over this past year, you can’t omit anything. I want to know how you could improve this quickly.”

  If his daughter had truly cultivated with that nefarious method, it was after all only for one year. As the leading scholar of auxiliary system Spirit Masters there might still be a way to revert it.

  Ning Rongrong baffled looked at her father,

  “Daddy, is something wrong? I’ve cultivated properly. You call me lazy, but I’ve gained this much spirit power now, so why are you so nervous?”

  Ning Fengzhi grimly said:

  “I’m afraid you might’ve taken a wrong step. Daddy isn’t joking with you. Quickly tell me your entire cultivation process.”

  Even though Ning Rongrong ordinarily didn’t fear her father, when Ning Fengzhi was truly serious she was still scared,

  “Originally I secretly ran away to Shrek Academy. After enrolling I discovered I was actually the weakest one.”

  Ning Rongrong immediately began to talk about everything that happened since entering Shrek Academy, giving an account of her cultivation process at Shrek Academy. Regarding the Shrek Seven Devils, she simply described them in a few sentences.

  When Ning Rongrong talked about how the other Shrek Seven Devils excluded her at first, the wizened old man to the side couldn’t help saying:

  “Rongrong, are you sure you didn’t make a mistake, were those children with you there all stronger th
an you?”

  Ning Rongrong giggled, saying:

  “I knew you wouldn’t believe me. Our dean Flender has a saying, Shrek Academy only accepts monsters, not ordinary people. He calls us little monsters.”

  The white dressed old man said:

  “If it’s really like you say, then those little monsters of yours really are little monsters. Shrek Academy indeed deserves its reputation. But even like this I can’t believe he could teach you to cultivate ten ranks of spirit power in one year.”

  Ning Rongrong said:

  “Just listen…... “

  She talked about Grandmaster coming to Shrek Academy and starting to advance their training. Listening to her description, Ning Fengzhi and the two old men gradually displayed expressions of sudden understanding. At the same time they couldn’t help feeling inwardly admiring.

  Ning Rongrong spoke up to entering the new Shrek Academy to cultivate,

  “...... Two months ago. After I reached the thirtieth rank, with the teachers’ help I obtained my third spirit ring.”

  Chapter 076: Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s Astonishment

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  “Hold on.”

  Ning Fengzhi interrupted Ning Rongrong,

  “That Grandmaster really is a character. Your spirit power grew by three or four ranks in one year under his instruction, that’s still very ordinary. I greatly admire his education of you. But according to what you said, two months ago you were still at the thirty first rank. But two months later you’ve already reached the thirty seventh rank, how did this come about?”

  Ning Rongrong smiled mysteriously:

  “Actually, half a month ago I was still at the thirty first rank. These last six ranks were practically done in a day.”

  “Rongrong, you mustn’t frighten grandpa.”

  The wizened old man couldn’t help opening his eyes wide. He knew that the more that nefarious cultivation method increased cultivation speed, the more vitality it consumed. Gaining six ranks in one day, that might expend decades life.

  A giggle escaped from Ning Rongrong:

  “What are you up to, I still thought to give you a nice surprise but how did it turn into alarm. It’s actually nothing. I just ate a kind of herb and gained this much strength.”


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