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Dawkins - The Blind Mischief-Maker

Page 5

by Sam Fryman

  The way to true knowledge requires modesty, and we have explained the physiology of that situation in our works on kundalini. If there is a God, and a kingdom of heaven (i.e. as an elevated state of consciousness), which we don’t insist, but is our personal opinion based to some degree on our own experience, then Richard Dawkins is not going to be sent to burn in hell, he is just going to be left outside in the cold lonely prison of the intellect, with some feminist woman like his wife telling him what to think and feel until his own pain grows to the point he is able to see his mistake.

  For example, his delusion regarding the writings and experiences of mystics is such that he says things like:

  Mystics exult in mystery and want it to stay mysterious.

  No, you are so wrong Mr Dawkins. Mystics want to share their vision with everybody, but the reason they are unable is that they reach a place where they see that to understand the underlying Nature of the universe is possible, but it is not possible to express it fully or even satisfactorily in a verbal way.

  Do you think that an almighty God who can create a whole universe and all its life forms effortlessly will submit to one of its petty creations being able to explain all its actions in a book, in some human proposed theory?

  The mystic discovers the limitations of the human intellect, and sees the unbelievable awesome power of God, the Cosmic Intelligence and becomes humbled.

  The rational scientist – and as we have seen, in this case, a not very rational one – sees only his own grandiose yet incomplete theories, and becomes arrogant.

  Richard Dawkins whom we have now also seen is a feminist advocate and sympathiser has written this insulting book, The God Delusion, coached and supported by his feminist wife against his doubts to do so, in just the same way the other blockbuster of 2006, The Da Vinci Code was also the product of a talented man being coached and directed by a feminist woman, to support the feminist cause.

  (if the women themselves had openly written the books, it would have been far too obvious, so they had to use these unwitting puppet men).

  Cannot even the rational scientists who disagree with us see the clear hand of the feminist agenda in both cases?

  The removal of “God” runs parallel to the disempowerment of “patriarchy”, which put in its simplest terms means the disempowerment of fathers, the disempowerment of men, as is clear from the Gore Vidal quote above.

  Part of the result of this is the totalitarian attack on freedom of thought and speech that we are seeing increasingly in our society, as this book of Dawkins’ here also demonstrates.

  Why is that?

  Because feminists hate real men, men who think and act for themselves without needing to consult a woman first for permission.

  So this is the inconsideration and tyrannical stance that the feminists have gradually introduced into society which we discover not only in our own social lives, but reflected in the ultra-authoritarian current British government of Tony Blair, which went to war without the genuine consent of either parliament or the people, and has introduced literally thousands of laws restricting its own people’s freedom, and put them under surveillance more so than any “free” people ever have been, but never apologises, never explains.

  As a further sign of this tyranny, of which we see Richard Dawkins’s latest book as a further assault on decency and freedom, with its basically feminist, anti-Christian, anti-Muslim, anti-religious agenda, there has just appeared in the news in early 2007 a new campaign against celebrities speaking their minds in an “unscientific way”, giving out “bad science” to the public.

  As is the standard practices for totalitarian states, easy targets were “named and shamed” in this campaign, such as Heather Mills and Madonna, who it appears were clearly chosen as celebrities already currently under public displeasure, and therefore pretty much defenceless.

  There is a huge leaflet campaign, and each leaflet contains phone numbers of scientists that such public figures are supposed to telephone first, before even they open their mouths, to check their “facts”, even though the truth of any scientific issue, especially medical ones, is rarely clear cut, and there are generally battalions of scientists themselves lined up on opposing sides of the issues, such as in the case of the Atkins Diet.

  But our point is, the authorities want to rein in and dictatorially gag even the celebrities from expressing any view contrary to the official position of the state on scientific matters, questions relevant to us all, like no doubt GM food and so on.

  We advise the reader whether “deist”, “atheist” or whatever shade of dehumanising and depersonalising label Richard Dawkins and his kind want to put upon you, to ponder very seriously this last point. That is, if you want the freedom to think and express your own thoughts, you had better realise that such freedom can only ever be maintained by fully allowing the next person to express their viewpoint however crazy it may seem to you.

  For our clinching argument is that while we are fully tolerant of Richard Dawkins expressing himself – as we said, our only complaint is that he is calling it science and thus deceiving millions who would not otherwise be duped – the problem and cause of our words is that he apparently does not feel fully tolerant – nor do his supporters – of allowing us to freely express our alternative view.

  That is the difference.

  That is why in his current form, one could legitimately regard Richard Dawkins as a tyrant, and your author could not be so described.

  It’s simply an issue of tolerance versus intolerance, human freedom versus repression of human freedom, or otherwise we would have nothing whatsoever to say about the man, and indeed these are certainly our last words on him for the foreseeable future.

  Also by the same author

  A Mens Liberation Guide to Women 4th edition

  An Innocent Woman’s Guide to Men

  How to Meditate

  Kundalini - Preventing the Apocalypse

  A Mens and Womens Liberation Update

  The Myth of the Teenage Rebellion

  What Is Intelligence?

  Kundalini - A Personal Experience

  Feminal Farm - a short satirical novel

  The Innocent Persons Guide to Law

  Understanding Female Sexuality and Porn

  Freedom of Speech & Maitreya

  An Innocent Persons Guide to the Da Vinci Code

  How the Feminists Stole Psychology

  Hearing Voices and Psychic Phenomena

  The Psychology of Soaps

  Is Competition Necessary?

  On Drugs and Alcohol

  The Importance of Thinkers

  The Demonisation of the Innocents

  The Psychology of Prejudice

  Science and Fear

  The Scientist and the Guru

  Respect for Age

  A Waste of Paper

  Saying No to Peer Pressure

  Smashing the Da Vinci Code

  If Men Went on Strike

  A Message to Readers

  Why Size Doesn’t Matter

  Afraid of Women

  The Feminist Offenders Register

  The Truth about Obsessive Compulsive Disorders

  Why Capitalism Doesn't Work

  Time for Dawkins to Retire - Sam Fryman

  The Dawkins Delusion - Sam Fryman

  All Sam Fryman’s works are currently available free of charge via the link

  as .lit files which can be read with the free Microsoft Reader



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