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Texas Pride

Page 2

by Kindle Alexander


  Four hours into the awards ceremony, Austin wanted to hang himself. The never-ending tears of acceptance speeches rang like a sledge hammer through his head giving him one hell of a splitting headache. At least at the other award shows, they served alcohol to help take the edge off the tedious boredom and in your face egomaniacs. Seriously, the whole industry just thought too highly of themselves. In what world was it ever okay to have a room full of people sit for hours, stewing in their own greatness? All while they waited to see if they’d won a trophy of a naked man with no dick… It was such a joke.

  Austin didn’t have to worry about his appearance tonight. His hair was sculpted in place, designed not to move even in gale force winds. He didn’t have to worry about the make-up either because much to his staff’s regret, he’d refused to wear any tonight. Austin drew the line at make-up after he was spray tanned, clean shaven, and if he was willing to admit it, even waxed.

  To top it all off, Austin was brawny and built with muscle. The idea of wearing a form fitted tuxedo with a stupidly tight silk necktie that seriously limited his breathing by half was just plain crazy. The seating in this old building was impossible. These tiny seats had to have been made for children, not for grown ass men.

  Nearly an hour later, the night finally began to wear down with only three awards left: Best Actor, Best Director and Best Movie. Austin was nominated for his role as a down on his luck guy who turned multi-millionaire, only to lose it all on a sick son he didn’t know he had. He wasn’t sure the simple, low budget role truly rang award worthy, yet the entire cast sat behind him. He could hear their giddy whispers buzz through the air, but he just wasn’t emotionally in the same place with them.

  He felt like a caged animal begging to be set free.

  The Best Actor nominees were announced while scenes from their films were shown. It took several minutes to get through it all. The regulars were there: Clooney, Pitt, Penn. As Austin’s name was read, the cast sitting behind him clapped a little louder throwing in a few whoops and hollers. Cara leaned in to whisper in his ear as the camera panned in on him.

  “Focus in, Austin. They’re reading your name. It’s almost over.” She kissed his cheek. He smiled the smile he knew people loved and lifted his head to watch the clip of the movie. The actress giving the award, Meryl Streep, fanned herself after watching him cry by his dying son’s hospital bed before she opened the envelope and grinned.

  “And the Oscar goes to… Austin Grainger!”

  He kept the smile on his face and stood. Cara stood with him. It was like he was in robot mode. She kissed him lightly on the lips before he turned to have the young director hug him tight.

  “You deserve this, Austin.” The director held him a moment longer in the tight embrace. Austin pulled back to see tears in the young man’s eyes. He forced himself to turn, reminding his brain this meant so much to so many.

  Austin took the steps up to the stage as various well-wishers congratulated him along the way. Meryl stood waiting for him and handed him the trophy before hugging and kissing him on the cheek. She’d been one of his mentors from the very beginning when he’d played her son in one of his very first roles.

  He accepted the award and turned to the audience united in a standing ovation still clapping wildly for him. The fact that he couldn’t even muster a serious emotion at winning this award and having his colleagues and peers cheer him on proved beyond any doubt he was more than just burned out.

  Austin was a man in hiding and past tired of it all. A stray thought occurred to him as he took a deep breath, preparing to speak. He wondered if he would be standing here right now if anyone in this room knew the truth about him.

  “Thank you, Meryl. This is such an honor. I want to thank…” And then he started the long list of acknowledgments in the memorized acceptance speech he’d prepared. When he was done, they kept him back stage. It seemed the organizers finally clued in on just how late they ran.

  Next, the winner of the Director’s award was announced. Not surprising, his film’s director won. Immediately following that presentation, they won the award for Best Picture, requiring the entire crew to go up on stage. Austin stood in the back, letting everyone else involved in the film have their moment.


  “This is it for you. You’re ending your career, leaving it all behind. I understand you’re taking off right after this interview?” Katie Seymour of Good Morning America asked. They sat together in the back of the cleared out Kodak Theater. It was four in the morning, and Austin had done the entire press circuit just like his contract required him to do.

  “Yes. I’m done, this is it for me. It’s time to get back to the basics.” Austin perched on his director’s style chair gently bouncing his leg. He was antsy to be done, counting the minutes until he never ever in his life had to do this again.

  “It’s hard being this famous? Maybe not cracked up to be what everyone thinks it is?”

  “It’s hard when you can’t leave your house without the constant flash of cameras following you everywhere you go.” Austin nodded as he spoke. “I love so many parts of all this. The professionals I’ve met along the way, and my fans, but the media’s become too tough, too aggressive. It’s no kind of life.”

  “What about the rumors? Are any of those hard to deal with, Austin?” Katie leaned forward, getting more serious as she spoke, but he didn’t bite. He leaned back and became more casual as he sat there.

  “Nah, not at all. I don’t listen to any of that mess.” Austin forced his leg to still and put his game face on as he answered that question. He was an award winning actor; surely he could pull off passive.

  “None?” she persisted.

  “No, not any. I won’t let anyone tell me about them either. I stay away from all that. The gossip, the made-up stories, reviews…I don’t pay attention to any of it,” Austin replied.

  “So there’s no chance I can ask you about some of them now, or the constant speculation on your sexuality.” The way she said it, it was a question as well as a statement.

  “No, I don’t address any of it.” It was the absolute truth.

  “It’s four in the morning here in California, but seven in New York. You’ve been so gracious to stay up and talk to us. Thank you so much, and we wish you well on your future endeavors. But, I have to say that you will be missed. And, I for one will be looking forward to your return.”

  Austin stayed quiet, letting the anchor finish while the screen went black before he stood up.

  Katie got up to shake his hand. “Good luck.”

  Austin’s tie hung open around his neck, along with the first few buttons on his dress shirt. He held his Oscar in his hand as they expected him to do. His agent stood off to the side like he’d done most of the night. Now, he came forward to take the trophy. “Thank you for signing all those photos. My nieces will love them.”

  “Anytime,” Austin said as he tried to distance himself from the situation by taking a couple of steps backward toward the dressing rooms.

  “Good luck! You deserve to find that peace you’re looking for,” Katie called after him. Her gaze never left his. But Katie was gay. She got it, and it was clear in her eyes.

  “Thank you,” he muttered with a nod. The sentiment felt sincere, so sincere it caught him off guard. He turned away, his legs eating up the distance to the dressing room he’d been assigned for the night. Seth’s legs worked double time to stay caught up with him.

  “Austin, a car’s waiting to take you to the airport.” They walked briskly, now side by side as he shrugged off his jacket handing it over to his agent.

  “Where’s Cara?” Austin loosened the cuff links on his shirt as he entered the small room.

  “She’s at one of the parties.” Seth reached for the shirt before it hit the floor.

  “Is she being watched?” Austin asked. He dropped his slacks, looking Seth directly in the eye.

  “Yep,” Seth said. “She’s g
ot a couple of guards on her. I’ll go there when we’re done.”

  Austin didn’t say anything more. Instead, he turned to dig through the small backpack for his jeans. As good as Cara was at putting on airs in this fake world of Hollywood, she had also entrenched herself deeply in its culture. Up until recently, she’d always been discreet with her partying, but lately, things had changed. Her drug and alcohol use spiraled out of control. Her bed partners changed weekly, causing a new cast of characters to constantly filter through their lives. It was risky and the leaks were starting to fill the tabloids. They were watched too closely for it not to be noticed.

  Austin’s game plan involved getting her acting jobs in the majors. She wasn’t ready for the big roles, but she could handle the romantic comedies, no problem. Austin called in favors signing her on to several back to back films. He hoped it might push her back to getting control over some of her wayward ways. Seth agreed to be her agent. He’d watch her, keep her focused and on task.

  “Stay with her all the time and let me know if I need to get involved. I’m hoping it calms when she gets on set and I get gone,” Austin said shrugging his jeans up over his hips.

  “You know I will.” Seth nodded keeping it brief. He didn’t agree with Austin taking off like this. They’d been over it so many times, but Seth never could sway him from his course. Austin needed this too badly to let anything stand in his way.

  Austin tugged on his t-shirt while walking out the back doors of the studio to his waiting car. For the first time in ten years, the clothes he wore were his choice, not from the collection of the highest bidding designer who paid him to wear their clothes anytime a camera might be around. It felt good to wear a pair of Wranglers and a vintage MTV t-shirt he’d owned before he ever got started acting.

  The back door of the Kodak Theater opened to a parking lot. A chain link fence surrounded the lot where about a hundred fans stood behind security waiting for him. Austin took the rare minute and went over to the fence. These times were too few anymore when he just got to be one on one with his fans.

  Austin stayed and signed every last autograph. He spoke quietly with each fan. Seth and his bodyguards stood close by waiting for him, but no one rushed him. They let him have this moment. When he got through it all, he slid in the backseat of his car. He watched the crowd as he pulled away and gave a wave. Without question, Austin knew this would be the only thing he missed in leaving Hollywood behind.

  Chapter 2

  A vibration jarred Kitt awake and it took him a second to acclimate to his surroundings. White and black chrome took shape as he opened his eyes, not the polished finish of his hand built log cabin back on the farm. The bed felt about the same – or maybe not. Kitt had just spent lots of time in this bed over the last few years; maybe that’s why it felt like home.

  Kitt turned his head to look over at the nightstand. The alarm clock read a quarter after six in the morning. He was alone in bed so he took the minute to stretch his long body out. A smile came to his lips at the rolling ache in his sore muscles after hours of deeply gratifying marathon style sex he’d shared with his super hot bed partner. Sean knew him well and easily manipulated him with all the right moves. Sean also loved to bottom letting Kitt bend, torture and dominate him in every way.

  “Good morning. I knew you would want to get on the road. I made coffee and have a bagel wrapped and ready to go.” Sean came through the bedroom door carrying two cups of steaming hot coffee. Kitt scooted up on the bed, leaning against the headboard to take the cup, not quite ready to give up the comfort of the moment. Sean sat on the end of the bed, tucking one of his long legs underneath him. He was tall, dark and exceedingly handsome. There had to be some Spanish or Mediterranean deep his ancestry. Over all the years spent together, Kitt had never asked about it, but saw it so clearly in the deep dark chocolate eyes and olive complexion. Sean also had a thick brush of long eyelashes sweeping up and down every time he blinked. Kitt’s arousal stirred to life just looking at the man.

  “You were incredible last night, Kitt. I’m glad you finally got the time to come up and see me,” Sean said before taking a sip of his coffee.

  “I’ve been busy. I needed it though. Thanks for fittin’ me in.” He gave a small kick in Sean’s direction and brushed a hand through his light brown hair.

  “You’ve been spending time in the sun with no sunscreen, Kitt. I keep telling you it’s bad for your skin. You need to spray tan, it’s healthier and everyone’s doing it.” Sean eyed Kitt closely. “The sun’s changed your hair color, I like the gold and auburn highlights. It’s longer than I’ve ever seen you wear it. I like this new look, but you need sunscreen!” Sean scooted closer to Kitt as he spoke. He laid his coffee on the night stand. They had been in this relationship for the past five years, ever since meeting when Kitt was on spring break from Grad school, floating the river in New Braunfels.

  “I need to take the time to get it cut. It’s in the way.” Kitt let Sean take his cup, and watched him sweep a hand down Kitt’s chest. Sean lowered the sheet covering his half aroused cock.

  “I think you need one for the road. Maybe it’ll entice you back to my bed sooner. You know you’re my favorite bed partner. No one’s built like you. I guess it’s just that home grown, corn fed thing I keep hearing about with you farm boys.” Sean took Kitt’s dick in his hand, skillfully bringing it fully back to life.

  “Hmm…” Kitt sucked his breath in at the feel of Sean’s hands moving on him. “We went all night. I can’t believe you want more.” He rolled his hips forward, his cock begging for Sean’s tongue.

  “I always want you, Kitt. I never turn you down. Besides, all these committed relationships and marriage fighters are really putting a damper on the available men out there,” Sean said leaning in to slant his mouth over Kitt’s. He opened immediately for Sean’s sensual assault, snaking his hands up Sean’s back to pull him against his chest.

  It became a battle of tongues as Kitt reached his hands low sliding them in the waistband of Sean’s workout shorts. As he’d expected, there was no underwear in the way, just Sean, hard and ready. Sean tore from the kiss, licking and nibbling his way to softly whisper in Kitt’s ear. “Let me suck you just the way you like it before you go. Something to remember me by.”

  Sean pulled away, looking Kitt in the eyes. “Come in my mouth...don’t push me away. I know you’re clean and I love your taste. No one tastes like you.”

  He didn’t wait for an answer, but trailed kisses down Kitt’s chest, taking special care around each nipple. He worked his tongue slowly, licking over each defined abdominal muscle in Kitt’s stomach. God, how Kitt loved that move! He tightened his grip in Sean’s thick, silky black hair, and pushed him lower. The chuckling coming from below had Kitt again rolling his hips forward as his dick was lifted to position. Sean placed a simple, firm kiss on his broad head, and then slid Kitt’s hard as steel cock deep into his mouth.

  Sean had a way with blow jobs. He rolled his tongue around Kitt’s dick, sucking him in deeply until he hit the back of Sean’s throat. The gentle scrape of teeth, along with a swirl of his tongue caused Kitt to buck his hips forward, to thrust himself deeper inside Sean’s mouth. Sean never failed to take him as far as he needed to go, deep throating him time and time again.

  It didn’t take long before Kitt’s spine began to tingle. He bucked his hips now in earnest as he fucked Sean’s mouth. Kitt rolled his head back, exhaling sharply. He tightened his hold on Sean’s hair, keeping him right there as Kitt fucked him hard with his hips. Kitt’s heart pounded when wave after wave of hot, creamy release exploded from his body. True to Sean’s word, he drank it all down, never pulling away from the deep thrusting Kitt continued to make until there was nothing left but the sated feelings taking over his body.

  Sean stayed on him. He cleaned Kitt’s cock with his tongue before releasing him to kiss his way back up Kitt’s chest. Kitt slid his hand up to cover his nipple as Sean’s tongue tried to slide across it.
Every nerve ending in his body was in overload and his nipples were just too sensitive to allow Sean to suck on them like he liked to do after sex. Another one of those sexy chuckles sounded off as Sean rose from the bed. Kitt opened one eye and watched Sean walk across the bedroom, dropping his workout shorts as he went.

  “I have work this morning, and you need to get back on the road, or so you told me several times last night.”

  Kitt watched the enticingly hot bubble butt bounce back and forth as Sean strutted into his closet. It took him a minute longer to finally look over at the clock to see it was already a quarter to seven, fifteen minutes later than he’d intended to leave. Kitt forced his sated body to move. He took a moment, just placing both feet on the plush rug before he pushed himself up, relieved when he stayed on his feet. The ache from earlier made itself known. His thighs hurt from the hours of thrusting he’d done, and his arms were sore from holding Sean’s ass and legs just the way he wanted them. The best part though, his ass hurt. He’d been used pretty solidly last night which was a little different for him and Sean.

  Kitt moved his sore limbs across the room to a chair where his clothes were discarded last night. Sean was a clean freak, and even as the clothes were torn away, he always took the minute to fold them neatly on the chair. Everything had a place in Sean’s life, and Kitt wondered about the workout shorts still lying in the middle of the floor. Kitt assumed he left them there to prove he could, but it had to be eating Sean up inside.

  He decided to give Sean a break and picked up the shorts, casually folding them before dropping them on the dresser where the television sat. He turned the TV on, hoping to catch a few minutes of local news to get an idea on the traffic this morning.

  All Kitt had was the clothes he’d worn last night. He began to dress, pulling on his plaid button down with one eye focused on the television. Sean reappeared from the closet wearing dark slacks, a crisp white dress shirt, a crimson silk tie hanging around his shoulders, and some sort of matching expensive looking loafers. His sexy fuck buddy was hot as hell, and tying his tie as he spoke.


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