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Texas Pride

Page 27

by Kindle Alexander

  No one knew how bad Verne hurt at losing Kelly. He still mourned him every single day. The only official Last Will and Testament anyone could find made it clear Kitt was to keep Verne working on that farm for as long as Verne wanted, but Kitt with his big fancy ideas tried to come in and take over. Kelly cared for Verne, told him he loved him more than any other person he ever fucked, and Verne believed that with his whole heart.

  Since he left that ranch, Verne tried to get in Kitt’s way. He stopped the sale of everything he could. He used all his past contacts to work against Kitt. He’d set up rumors about Kitt using anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing chemicals. Verne thought it worked, but to listen to them talk now he could see Kitt was selling something to somebody. Besides, he’d seen those semi’s with his own eyes, rolling through town with the Circle K hay bales strapped on.

  He’d have to get more crafty. No way Kelly would go for this happening on his land. The Kelly ancestry would all have to be turning over in their graves. Artificial insemination? It just wasn’t right. Farmer’s made a living off their land. Not other people animals, doing God’s own work. That was stealing, and Kitt was clearly stealing from everyone.

  “Verne, I think you’re done for tonight,” the bartender said. Verne was too far gone in thought to reply. After a long pregnant pause, Verne moved his glassy eyed stare and focused on the bartender.

  “I’ll make sure he lives on!” With that, Verne wobbled off the seat, fell forward, but stayed on his feet, and kept his back to Kitt.

  His rented one bedroom was a five minute walk from the bar. Perfect amount of time to plan. He stepped out into the cool night air, saw the Kelly truck parked right up front and dug in his pants pocket for his pocket knife. He palmed it and never stopped walking. He mumbled as he jammed the knife in the front tire, then he went to the back tire. It didn’t matter the parking lot was full of people, or Kitt’s truck was directly under the only light in the parking lot. Verne was oblivious to everything but the plan formulating in his head.


  Kitt slid from the back seat of Jimmy’s crew cab pick-up truck and gave another quick thank you before absently shutting the door. The clouds covered the moon, and it took a minute for his eyes to adjust as he walked up the front porch steps to his cabin. It was somewhere around four in the morning. His truck was still out front of the bar, two tires were flat, and by the time he found out about it, the sheriff was involved. Verne sat cuffed in the back seat of the squad car, and Kitt went through twenty questions with the officer who brought him outside for a statement.

  A formal statement of what? Kitt didn’t know. Verne stared him down the entire time he talked to the officer which was pretty much the same look he’d gotten from Verne for most of his life. Verne hadn’t ever liked him. He gave Kitt that crazy eyed stare, and Kitt assumed all this meant Verne still hadn’t gotten over being fired.

  This wasn’t the first time Verne did something stupid like this, but it was the first time he’d done it so publically which meant his anger must really be festering. Lily mentioned seeing Verne in town a couple of times totally smashed, very early in the day. Gossip had Verne the town derelict. He couldn’t find more than a day job and drank pretty much all the time. Kitt also heard Verne went through every bit of his savings and regularly spouted claims to Kelly land, but never had it been this malicious before. Hell, he hadn’t even seen Verne inside the bar tonight.

  Once Verne got carted off to jail, the debate started on whether to change the tires there or leave it until tomorrow. He had a spare, so did Jimmy. They rolled up their sleeves and changed one tire with his spare and then the other tire with Jimmy’s spare which immediately went flat.

  The entire time they worked, a tipsy JoLynne sat outside, chatting with everyone about how ‘in love’ Kitt looked. How did she see that? What was even more odd and totally uncomfortable, most of the women agreed with Jojo. It was like an unseen radar every female in the place possessed. Kitt was so ready to get the hell out of there he couldn’t work those tires off his truck fast enough. The only good thing going Kitt’s way, Austin finally stopped texting about one forty-five in the morning, saying he was going to bed.

  Two hours from the time the bar gave last call, Kitt and Micah loaded in Jimmy’s truck and got a ride home. They owed Jimmy big since neither had to call for a ride.

  Kitt opened his front door to see his television casting shadows from his bedroom door. A smile tugged at his lips, and Kitt realized again, for about the millionth time since meeting Austin, he had no say in his own life. Austin slept soundly in his bed, waiting for him to get home. Kitt dropped his suit jacket and tie on the chair, toed off his shoes and a groggy Austin opened his eyes.

  Kitt undressed and stopped by the bathroom to wash the black marks from the dirty tire off his hands. Austin moved in the middle of the bed, the covers were lifted and Kitt slid in, taking Austin in his arms.

  “I’m so glad you didn’t listen to me.” Kitt ran his nose along Austin’s neck, and into his hair, breathing him in.

  “I wanted you to be happy to see me.” Austin’s voice was laced in deep sleep as he nuzzled into Kitt. They lay in their normal position, Kitt on his back, Austin spread across him.

  “It’s been a night,” Kitt said, yawning loudly.

  “You smell like dirty rubber.”

  “That would be the double flats,” Kitt said, and Austin stayed quiet.

  “Did she win?” How did Austin so easily pickup that he didn’t want to talk about the flats?

  “Absolutely! Miss Spring Fling of the ball. I didn’t see her again until it was time to leave.”

  “Good for her! I got Mr. Spring Fling four years runnin’. Great honor indeed.” Austin chuckled, his breath tickling Kitt’s chest.

  “I knew you had to remember Spring Fling even though you acted like you never heard of it before!” Kitt said into the dark room.

  “I missed you tonight. Good night, I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Chapter 24

  “They aren’t here! Where the fuck are they?” Rich screamed into the walkie talkie. He’d swiped a hotel bell hop’s uniform and followed maid service inside the room. Three days of constant surveillance for nothing. Cara Collins evaded them! How the hell did she even know they were following her? They were stealth and she was blond, for God sakes!

  “What? Are you sure?” Mercedes responded back with a hiss. They’d been there for the better part of seventy-two hours watching for any sign of the pair. Cara and Seth had checked in through the front lobby. Being in open sight was one of the very best ways to hide. It was only because he and Rich followed them so closely from the wedding that they were even able to track Cara and Seth to Dallas. No one believed Cara and Austin could still be friends after such a public break-up, but there was no public acknowledgement showing Austin dismissed or fired Seth as his agent. It didn’t add up. If an agent stole a guy’s wife, surely, the guy would fire his agent. Except Austin hadn’t. So that had to mean something, but what?

  Since the only conclusion was to follow the honeymooners, they did. They switched out, guarding the front and back doors of the hotel waiting for Cara to make her move. A honeymoon in Dallas didn’t make sense. It wasn’t a romantic draw kind of place. Actually, it was March and already getting hot outside. Besides that, there was nothing to do here. No sights to see, no ocean to draw you in. Why would they come here if not for Austin? Texas was his hometown no matter how much he bashed living here as a child.

  “This has to be your fault! How did you let them slip by?” Rich stormed from the room, the maid’s eyes wide at his sudden outburst. He slammed the door and stalked down the hall toward the elevator. “You wait till I get my fucking hands on you! I should’ve called in Keefer! He has a fucking brain in his head!”

  “My fault! It’s your fault! You were the one with the connections here. You trusted those guys we hired to watch them! ” Mercedes hissed into the p

  “Fuck you! I trust him better than you! Fuck! What was I thinking calling you in on this. You wanna know what? Half of nothing’s what you’re worth. Which is exactly what we have right now, because of you!”

  The elevator doors opened and the two men stood staring at one another. The entire lobby turned, looking at them, and Rich resisted the urge to tackle Mercedes right there. That would surely land them in jail. He needed to think, get a plan and find Cara Collins.

  “They had to know we were watching. I’m done playing with them. How much money do you have?”

  “I’m not giving you any more money.” Mercedes dismissed Rich by turning and walking away.

  “I’m calling in Dunc,” Rich said quietly. That stopped Mercedes in his tracks. He pivoted on his heel, awe on his face, and stared at Rich.

  “No way, we can’t trust him.” Mercedes gave a half-hearted protest.

  “I can; he owes me a favor. Now, how much money do you have? It’s gonna be expensive.” Rich palmed his phone and dialed. Three calls later, he was connected with an ominous sounding voice, covered with a voice over machine. Rich’s heart began to pound rapidly in his chest as he realized he was speaking to Dunc.

  “We need any information you can find on Cara Collins, Seth Walker and Austin Grainger.” Rich blurted into the phone.

  “Five thousand a day, two day minimum.” The electronic voice said back.

  “That’s crazy!” Rich almost laughed at the absurdity of the cost. “That’s the deal,” the voice said.

  “Okay! Okay but I want some guarantees. This story goes nowhere else.” Rich was completely frazzled. Ten thousand dollars. Was it worth it? If they found Austin, it would be worth that times one hundred percent more.

  “Deal! Paypal, Dunc666. I’ll begin when the cash hits my account. You have thirty minutes. I’ll contact you when I find something. Do not make contact with me.” The phone went dead.

  “We need ten thousand,” Rich said, looking up at Mercedes

  “Ten thousand dollars!” Mercedes went nuts, and again the lobby was back to staring at them.

  “Shut up! Just think of what we’ll make if we find Grainger,” Rich hissed, grabbing hold of Mercede’s arm, pushing him through the hotel and out the front doors.

  “Damn it! That’s my life savings,” Mercedes said back. “No!”

  “We have twenty-six minutes, come on!”


  Kitt pulled the cinch tight on the saddle, mentally going over everything to make sure he was completely packed and ready for the cattle drive. The route they were taking would drive them to the far reaches of the local reservoir. They would round it, and then back home along the National Forest. There would be no cell phone signal, no electronics, and nothing for the entire length of the trip. If Kitt forgot anything, it would make the trip that much more torturous.

  “I’ll keep an eye on the horses. The Grainger farm has tons of men employed, but they don’t know shit about ranchin’,” Jose said, following along behind Kitt, making sure all the packs were tied down properly on his horse and nothing could come loose.

  “They’re Austin’s security. Keep an eye on Hooch, even if you have to bring him over here, which is actually probably the best idea. Get ’em all and bring them over here.” Kitt locked his rifle in the saddle before he lifted his foot into the stirrup, and climbed on Bullet. Jose looked up at Kitt, shielding his eyes from the early morning sun.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to get arrested as a horse thief. That’s still a hangable offense here in Texas,” Jose joked.

  “I’ll tell Mike when I get over there. Keep things under control here until I get back.” Kitt turned toward the Grainger farm where Mike waited for him.

  Kitt kicked Bullet into a trot until they reached the other property. There was a gate now between the property lines with remote control access making it easier to get from one side to the other. Kitt opened Bullet up to a full run heading straight for the gate. He was behind this morning and knew as much as he wasn’t looking forward to this cattle drive, the kids and teacher were double time excited. He and Mike needed to get over to Micah’s and quit throwing the whole thing behind schedule.

  Mike stood outside the barn, cinching his horse. Austin sat on the porch, drinking a cup of coffee, watching Kitt closely as he rode up. Kitt tried hard to ignore him. Austin was just so good looking with the sun hitting him just right. As he rode up closer to the barn, Mike pointed Kitt toward Austin.

  “The boss wants to see you before we go. I’m gonna be a minute, I’m still loadin’.” Mike never stopped packing his saddles. Kitt slung a leg over his horse and looked over at Austin. He hadn’t moved since he rode up. Kitt hesitated. He didn’t want go over there. They’d said their goodbyes not three hours ago, and it hadn’t gone well. Austin couldn’t understand why he was going away for three days and wanted Kitt to back out. He’d made the mistake of telling Austin he hadn’t planned on going this year, but felt obligated. Austin jumped on that one. It even got to the point, Austin demanded he not go, or at the very least, come home after the first night. He declared he never left Kitt for more than one day at a time, but Kitt didn’t budge. He’d obligated himself, and it meant he must go. Austin wasn’t without power. He could get underneath Kitt’s skin faster than anyone, and if Kitt walked over there now, it would just make the leaving that much harder in the end.

  “If you don’t come over here, I’ll come there!” Austin yelled out across the yard. He stood at the edge of the porch, closest to him. “I don’t think you want that.”

  Kitt didn’t. After another pause, he rolled his eyes to the heavens and did the walk of shame across the yard, through the gate and up the steps. Austin had gone inside when he hit the gate and Kitt followed him in.

  “Austin…” It’s as far as he got before Austin was wrapped around him, thrusting his tongue forward. Austin kissed him as if there was a threat of never seeing him again. After a minute, Austin pulled away, leaving Kitt stunned, wanting more, and pulling Austin back to him.

  “Stay...please stay. I’ll leverage the washer in and I’ll bottom. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I like to bottom. I’ll bottom from this point out. Stay here Kitt…I’ll miss you too badly, and I have a bad feeling about this.” Austin leaned his head against Kitt’s forehead.

  “Austin, please don’t do this again. I’m having Jose come get the horses. He can keep a better eye on them over at my place. Do you have a problem with that?” Kitt eyes stayed focused on the lips just inches from his mouth, and he leaned in for a soft, lingering kiss.

  “Kitt, stay here, please.” It was the third time in a matter of days that Austin mentioned a bad feeling, but when he asked about it earlier, Austin couldn’t place it. It was just a gut level instinct.

  “You go over there with Jose and keep our horses working, every day. I’ll be back in three days. I’ll call you immediately. Don’t jerk off! Be ready for me.” Kitt lifted a hand to Austin’s head and cut off whatever he was about to say by kissing him deeply, holding him in just the angle to delve deeper into the kiss.

  “I have to go, miss me. I’ll miss you.” With that, Kitt left. Mike was waiting, mounted and ready to go. Kitt didn’t pause, but climbed back on Bullet, and they rode off together toward Micah’s place.

  Chapter 25

  “Boys, watch your flank!” Kitt yelled, keeping his eyes on the herd. Bullet moved instinctively with Kitt’s simplest body movements. This time, they moved toward the stray wayward cattle leaving the herd as the two boys bolted from the huddle they were talking in. They weren’t super steady in their saddles, their horses jerked, but luckily, it was enough of a commotion for the cows trying to make their escape. They rushed back together with the others, and it didn’t cause too big a problem.

  Kitt pulled back on his reins, guiding Bullet back to his designated position of bringing up the rear. And, the irony of it didn’t get lost on him. From this angle, he was forced to cover
all sides, helping the kids whose cattle ran astray. It was taxing and Kitt was past exhausted. When he was a kid, he loved doing the cattle drive. He and his buddies took it so seriously. Kylie loved to go every year when she was in school. She was the whole reason why he always volunteered to chaperone. He wanted to be there for her if she needed him. Now, it was different. Outside of Micah’s boys and a few others, Kitt didn’t see too many of these kids truly interested in making agriculture their life after high school.

  Besides the immediate fatigue that set in under these kinds of conditions, Kitt hadn’t talked to Austin since he left a day and a half ago. It made him edgy. No matter how he tried, Kitt could never find cell phone signal during breaks, or where they camped for the night. Last night, he’d even gone out and up a small mountain and still couldn’t get high enough for signal coverage. Kitt missed Austin. If they were a normal couple, Austin could be here now. However, if they were an outted couple, no way the school would have either of them here. He couldn’t see two gay men being allowed to escort the kids out like this. Which, at this point, didn’t seem like such a bad thing. Damn, but he was past ready to get home.

  “Jonathon, watch ahead!” Kitt yelled. He knew he couldn’t be heard. He kicked Bullet into gear, tugging the reins to the left and galloped after the cows leaving the pack. The teenager never saw it, just kept looking completely dazed and confused out toward the miles of nothing to the side of them.


  With a swipe of his t-shirt sleeve, Austin wiped the sweat from his brow. His breath panted, his chest heaved. Both he and Jose had been working the horses for most of the afternoon, just as Kitt instructed them to do. Jose carried the same ways about him as Kitt did with these animals. They responded to him with a simple gentle touch or voice. They connected on a different level. As for Austin, not so much. Every move, every instruction, was more difficult and caused him to have to do twice the work to get them to do what they were supposed to do.


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