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Dancing in the Darkness

Page 10

by Lexa Luthor

  "Is this what you want?" Kal secured one hand on Charlie's waist, then rolled her hips and played with Charlie.

  "Ja," Charlie admitted aloud. Just yesterday she would have completely denied ever wanting to be with a Kalmar, especially an Alpha. But Kal was so enticing, beautiful, and dark that it pulled at something in Charlie, which scared her deeper still. But as Kal's cock pushed past her entrance, she forgot all her fears and enjoyed how good she felt.

  Kal continued easing into Charlie, letting them both feel it. Her growl was thick with passion and shook deep in her chest. She held onto Charlie with both hands and only halted when she reached Charlie's limit. Leaning forward, she pressed her front against Charlie's back, her hard nipples brushing against hot skin.

  For a brief instant, Charlie stared up at the painting that covered the wall from end to end and top to bottom. It reminded her of the countryside on Earth, but she knew it was a painting of Kander's landscape. Her eyes then screwed shut when Kal pulled out a little then pushed in, again and again.

  Kal continued stroking Charlie's tight walls by slowly rocking her hips back and forth. Her growls mixed with every one of Charlie's sweet moans.

  "Fuck," Charlie hissed. "It feels so good." She was almost sure it was better than last night, and maybe her body had adjusted to Kal's size better. There was little to no pain, and it encouraged her to move with Kal's motions. "You feel so good in me."

  Kal snarled in response and suddenly forced her body forward, pinning Charlie completely against the tub with her weight. She bowed her head, teeth grazing across flushed skin, and she whispered, "You smell sweeter than any Omega." For once, her confession told Charlie just enough.

  "Are you completely in me?" Charlie already suspected the answer, feeling more disappointed when Kal's soft laugh vibrated through her frame.

  "So concerned about how much of my cock is in you."

  Charlie turned her head to the side and tried stealing a glance but barely seeing Kal's face. "I want it all." She grinned at how easy it was to stroke an Alpha's ego. "Can you blame me?"

  Kal gently rolled her hips and bared her teeth when Charlie hissed under her. "You're taking more in than last night." She bit the ear that was so close now, then whispered, "You must want it all."

  Charlie's eyes fluttered, but she could do nothing to stop the words rolling off her tongue. "I've never felt this." She both heard and sensed Kal's thick purr that soothed her own internal struggle with their unusual circumstance.

  "You won't again," Kal said, grunting low then straightening up. She pulled her hips back farther, nearly pulling out her cock but suddenly drove into Charlie, who hissed low. "Ever." She adjusted her position and started steadily pumping into her. Her thick cock pushed through all the tightness, Charlie's body barely letting her cock draw back out. After a bit, she started going harder and caused Charlie to yell louder.

  Every drive back through her felt so good, and Charlie needed more. She grew louder when Kal went a little faster, but then it all suddenly ended. She snarled low and started rising up until Kal spoke to her.

  "The guards are at the door again. If you get any louder, I will stop." Kal sharply nudged her cock forward inside of Charlie. "Don't make me stop."

  Charlie groaned heavily and clawed the side of the tub. "Gag me if you have to, but just don't stop." If she'd known sooner, she could have used her techbit to set up a sound barrier.

  Kal teasingly rocked her hips a few times and earned moans from Charlie. "I'd rather not gag you." She then steadily returned to the earlier pace, thrusting and clawing against Charlie. She freed her right hand and slipped it down between Charlie's legs.

  "Fuuuck," Charlie rasped when Kal started rubbing her clit too. She clenched her teeth and held down her yells, only whimpers making it through. Her inner walls clenched and shuddered against the throbbing cock that hit her core. A soft sting started behind her eyes, and she felt the hot pressure start to overwhelm her. She gasped for air and realized she was so close, urgently rocking her hips against Kal.

  A low, thick growl erupted from Kal as she drove back in, deepest yet. Charlie's greedy, slick walls spasmed and locked down on her cock, clenching and demanding of her. Like Charlie, she started slipping down until she caught them both with a hand on the tub's side. With a snarl, Kal hooked her arms around Charlie, then lifted them both upright, bodies molded together. She nudged her cock inside of Charlie, who whined and clawed against her arms. Kal buried her face near Charlie's head, her teeth grazing delicate flesh but never biting into it.

  Weakened by the orgasm and a good fuck, Charlie completely relied on Kal to keep her standing until she could find her strength again. As she regained a minor ounce of control, Kal's low rumble soothed and grounded her. Deep in her, Kal's length remained buried and filled her with a strange comfort. Slowly, the lightheadedness faded away, and she moaned when her snaking fingers brushed across Kal's exposed cock between her legs. Briefly, she wondered if Kal was unwilling to free her because it was a bittersweet end to their time together. In reality, they had very different lives, and nothing about them was compatible but the really good sex.

  Seeming to sense Charlie's thoughts, Kal bent her knees, inched out a bit of her cock, and then ordered huskily, "Lean over the tub."

  Once free of Kal's thick arms, Charlie leaned over the side again and took a deep breath, which further eased her body. Slowly, she felt Kal withdraw from her, and she moaned in disappointment. Behind her, she heard the water move, so she turned and found Kal against the tub's wall. Charlie instantly sunk into the steamy water and groaned loudly. From across the tub, she felt a hungry stare, but she chose to shut her eyes, knowing they'd never leave the room if this kept going between them.

  After a few ticks, Kal's movements peaked Charlie's interests, and she frowned when Kal nearly finished bathing with her.

  Going underwater, Kal removed soapy lather from her hair and brought the bar over to Charlie. "Finish getting ready while I retrieve your guard." After she deposited the soap into her small hand, Kal went to the steps and ascended them.

  Unknowingly holding her breath, Charlie openly studied the beautiful Alpha body that left the tub, then snapped her jaw shut once the soap's fragrance caught her nose. She enjoyed the sandalwood's spice that would wash away Kal's scent on her. By the time she exited the bath, Kal was long gone, but a towel had been left on the counter for her. Once dried, Charlie deposited the towel and went into the bedroom just as Kal returned from the living room.

  Unlike Kal, Charlie was still naked and stiffened, nervously smiling at her lover from across the room. It was strange and also fair that it was now Charlie on display before Kal, similar to yesterday.

  "Your guard will be here shortly," Kal informed.

  Broken from the awkward moment, Charlie went over to her clothes on the bench and prepared hastily before the Omega guard came for her. Behind her, she heard movements around the room and even metal tapping against metal. Nearly done, Charlie jammed her feet into the boots and sat down on the bench to lace them.

  Kal entered the bathroom and returned just as Charlie stood up. Like Charlie, she was back in her normal attire from yesterday and smelled just as fresh. Only her hair was still damp, which had been brushed only moments ago.

  "What about the other guards?" Charlie asked.

  "I dismissed them," Kal explained and escorted Charlie to the double doors.

  "My guard…." Charlie paused beside the sealed doors and turned to Kal. "My guard is an Omega. I didn't think there were any soldiers that were Omegas."

  A deep hum rumbled in Kal's chest before she reminded, "Much has changed since your last time here."

  "Ja, didn't get the memo," Charlie muttered and dragged her fingers through her wet hair. "What's the Omega's name?"


  "Andren," Charlie repeated softly, then saw Kal's hand on the door ring but hesitated to open it.

  Kal shifted closer but never allowed them to touc
h, knowing the consequences. "Come to my office at the fourteenth hour."

  Narrowing her eyes, Charlie weighed the order and knew it wasn't for sex but gave a low nod and swallowed after she realized she needed to end their time together properly. "Tah," she offered in thanks, "For last night." She cleared her throat when Kal raised an eyebrow at her.

  Bending forward, Kal brushed her lips near Charlie's ear and teased huskily, "Put it toward your fee for returning the Omega."

  Charlie smirked and joked, "I'll consider it a sign-on bonus." She shivered when Kal straightened up but left her distinct scent under Charlie's nose, causing her clit to ache again.

  Kal yanked the door open and revealed the Omega guard, Andren, waiting in the foyer. As Charlie passed her, she whispered, "Tah."

  Startled, Charlie nearly asked Kal to repeat the thank you that'd fallen from the normally hardened High Commander's lips. As she glanced up, into the cool green eyes, she saw a spark of life hidden in them, and she wanted to grab onto it. Perhaps Kal was remembering a piece of her past and would lose it any tick. If Charlie could learn what it was, then at least she would remember it for Kal, but her chance was lost when Andren cleared her throat.

  Kal looked to Andren and ordered, "See that she eats." Her features were veiled and ever the High Commander.

  "Ja, Kal," Andren replied and started across to the open elevator.

  Charlie followed and stood next to Andren in the lift, which shortly closed its gate. For a moment, today's plans started formulating in her head, and it would be a busy day. Before eating, she would catch up with her crew and make sure they were okay. Starr had probably paced a hole into the bedroom's floor by now. After a heavy sigh, she glanced over and narrowed her eyes at the sly smirk on Andren's face.

  "If you say a word," Charlie threatened, "I will launch you into outer space myself, Andren." She nearly laughed when Andren went from smug to pure shock in one tick. Satisfied that Andren understood her, she watched the lift's gate slide open for them.

  Andren went out first, ever the guard but paused at the opening and argued, "Why do you think Kal chose me as your guard?"

  Chapter 7

  Walking faster, Charlie hurried out of the elevator and left Andren scrambling after her. She knew the way to Kal's office and also knew she was close to being late again. She cursed herself for getting distracted with the walk through the city with Starr, but they both had needed it, and the fresh air cleared their heads. Even if time was longer on Kander than on Earth, it somehow still managed to get away from Charlie.

  Andren puffed loudly when they paused in front of the guarded doors to the office. "Kal is expecting her."

  Charlie grumbled at how every Kalmar refused to use her name, as if it were a sin.

  One guard knocked on the door, warning the High Commander first, then poking his head in to receive muffled orders. He turned back to Charlie and signaled for her to enter the office.

  Kal was coming from the sofa and silently instructed the guard to leave them. Once he was gone, she lowered her attention to Charlie but remained eerily still.

  A tremble passed through Charlie, yet she held Kal's intense gaze, never breaking under it. Just as she parted her lips, she saw a movement behind Kal and instinctively reached for her gun, still surprised by its unexpected absence.

  "There is somebody who wishes to see you," Kal explained and stepped aside as the second person came up to her side.

  With a furrow stretched across her brow, Charlie cut her eyes to the Omega and nearly lost her jaw to the floor. "By the gods of the galaxy," she whispered in awe.

  "Turen, Charlie."

  After the warm hello, Charlie rushed across the short distance and enveloped Dorlon into the strongest hug. When Dorlon chuckled, she laughed back and tightened her arms impossibly harder. "It's so good to see you after so long." She forced herself to withdraw, yet her hands remained on her friend's padded shoulders.

  "You too, my friend." Dorlon was still slightly taller than Charlie and had the most beautiful brown eyes. She had grown into adulthood well, even bulkier than Charlie would expect of an Omega. She once had long black hair, but it was now shoulder length and framed her round features.

  Charlie released Dorlon, then suddenly was punched hard in the shoulder. She hissed, bent forward, and clutched her injury, glaring at her old friend. Everyone from her past seemed to have the need to greet her this way.

  "That's for leaving without a goodbye."

  "Goddamn it, Dorlon." Charlie snarled, then glowered at her after straightening up.

  "I should give you one for every year." Dorlon folded her arms and stared coolly at Charlie.

  Rolling her shoulder, Charlie shook her head and was tongue-tied for once as she really took in Dorlon, who stood with a rigid posture. Not only was Dorlon's punch strong, but she dressed like a warrior with two laser guns on her hips and a sword hilt protruding past her head. After a confused headshake, Charlie stated, "You're a warrior."

  "Dorlon is one of my commanders," Kal cut in, and her voice was filled with pride. "She is the commander of the Kardos province."

  "Wow," Charlie whispered, then smiled at Dorlon. "You went from drowning in a river to commanding the province." Slowly, her smile shifted into a grin when Dorlon cracked her own smirk, but Dorlon turned serious toward the High Commander.

  As if sensing the situation, Kal huffed low before a soft thunder rolled in her chest. "I must attend to a few things. You both may remain here to visit."

  "Tah, Kal."

  Before Charlie could offer her appreciation too, Kal was already gone from the room. Briefly, it crossed her mind that Kal had gone out of her way to set up the reunion between her and Dorlon. The gesture softened her opinion about the normally stoic ruler. She sighed then asked teasingly, "So how have you been, Commander Dorlon?"

  Dorlon rolled her eyes and said, "Sit down with me." She returned to the sofa and remained quiet once Charlie sat beside her.

  "You look good," Charlie commented first.

  "So do you."

  Charlie chuckled and sunk into the comfortable sofa, still wrapping her mind around the fact that Dorlon was here. "Space has been kinder than last time."

  "I thought you had enough of that damn place."

  After a shrug, Charlie argued, "You know I've always loved the stars."

  Dorlon grunted, then dragged her fingers through her dark hair.

  "Thanks for the job, by the way." Charlie tilted her head, then asked, "How did you know I was a merc?"

  "We still get space traders in Kardos, and your name has traveled across the galaxy." Dorlon indicated Charlie's features. "A blond-haired human merc with a mouth doesn't go unnoticed anywhere."

  Charlie crossed her legs and grinned at the smart remark, remembering her old nickname from childhood. "I'm hardly Chatty Charlie anymore."

  "I find that hard to believe," Dorlon debated.

  Early on in their friendship, Charlie had talked her to death until finally Dorlon gave in to her, and a tentative tolerance started between them. It was so long ago that Charlie almost believed it was another lifetime. So much had changed since then, and she wondered exactly how much, now that she'd been gone from Kander.

  "How did you become the commander of Kardos?"

  "Kal asked," Dorlon simply answered.

  Charlie faltered for a tick and tried understanding how and why Dorlon was chosen, especially over an Alpha. After a moment, something that Kal had mentioned came back to her. "You mentored Kal."

  "I did," Dorlon whispered.

  "How long have you known each other?" Charlie tried masking her excitement at the prospect of Dorlon knowing Kal before the ascension to power.

  "Ten years now."

  Sitting up, Charlie nearly grabbed Dorlon but restrained herself, unsure how comfortable Dorlon really was with physical contact these days. "So you knew her before she was Kal?"

  "Ja. I trained her before and after her ascension." Dorlon narrowed her
eyes and said, "But who she was is long gone and replaced by Kalatas."

  Charlie shook her head after Dorlon read her mind. She nibbled on her lip and asked, "How do you like being a commander?"

  Dorlon laughed softly and admitted, "It's not what I imagined doing with my life, but I love it."

  "How are things in Kardos? Our villages?"

  "Things have improved since you left."

  Wanting to believe it, Charlie recalled the ugly treatment from many Kalmar during her recent adventures out in the streets. She was grateful that Andren and Starr's guard had accompanied them. "Have you found a mate yet?"

  Dorlon sighed heavy, then indicated her body and explained, "This does not lend to a mate, especially an Alpha."

  Charlie knew her old friend meant both the warrior and commander lifestyle. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of Alphas that fell under Dorlon's leadership, and most probably disliked her for it. However, as she studied the Omega, she knew that Dorlon had removed herself from her station in life and become something much more. Still, she understood a Kalmar's natural need to mate and to ignore it went against their biology.

  "Perhaps there is still one for you," Charlie assured, gently.

  Dorlon seemed unconcerned and stated, "I serve my people and that is enough."

  After a grumble, Charlie quipped, "You sound like the High Commander."

  "Kal honors her calling as do I." Dorlon stared deep into Charlie and told softly, "She is special and more than any Kal before her."

  "Because she is a Carnec Alpha?"

  Dorlon grinned a little, then nodded once. "Kalatas chose her because she is a Carnec Alpha and because she is both Omega and mostly Alpha."

  Charlie quietly considered Kal's unique biology as a Carnec Alpha and why the god of Kander would pick this type of Alpha over all the rest.

  "Kalatas is limited to what the Alpha vessel is capable of comprehending, of how the Alpha can think… of what the Alpha can achieve, if anything." Dorlon smiled thinly and said proudly, "As a Carnec Alpha, Kal can reach more than just Alphas."


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