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Nelson's Brand

Page 26

by Diana Palmer

  When he raised his head, his breathing was labored. “I’m going to try to take this slow. But I’ve never wanted a woman as much as I want you.”

  “I want you, too,” she said, feeling just as breath less.

  “Are you on the pill or the patch, honey?”

  Kaylee’s cheeks grew warm. Discussing something so intimate was slightly embarrassing. But not addressing the issue a few years ago was the very reason she was at the Lonetree now.

  “I, um, haven’t had to worry about birth control,” she said, shaking her head.

  He sucked in a sharp breath. “Kaylee, I know I have no right to ask, but—”

  “There hasn’t been anyone else since that night with you,” she said quietly.

  Colt’s heart slammed against his ribs and he felt as if he might never breathe again. Kaylee had been a virgin three years ago, and the knowledge that he’d been the only man she’d ever made love with sent his blood pressure into stroke range.

  He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened them to gaze down at her. “I promise this time you don’t have to worry, honey.” Giving her a quick kiss, he bent to remove her tennis shoes and his boots, then straightened to tug her T-shirt from the waistband of her jeans. He slid his hands beneath the hem to lift the garment up and over her arms. “I’ll take care of protecting you.”

  With a smile that sent a surge of heat straight to the region south of his belt buckle, she began to unfasten the snaps on his chambray shirt. When she peeled it back and placed her warm palms on his heated skin, Colt felt as if a slow-burning fuse had been ignited deep inside him.

  “Did anyone ever tell you what a gorgeous body you have, cowboy?” she asked, running her hands over the muscles of his chest and abdomen.

  “Honey, I’ve been called a lot of things, but I don’t ever remember the word ‘gorgeous’ being used to describe me,” he said, chuckling. He started to tell her that she was the one who was beautiful, but she lightly grazed his flat nipples with the tips of her fingernails and a strangled groan came out instead.

  Her busy little hands stilled. “Do you want me to stop?”

  Unable to get his vocal cords to work, he shook his head and watched as she continued to trace the now puckered flesh.

  When they’d made love before, it had been an urgent coupling—a desperate attempt to escape the pain of losing Mitch. But this time was different. This time they were exploring, learning what was pleasing and what brought the most pleasure.

  No longer willing or able to keep from touching her, Colt reached behind Kaylee to unhook her plain white bra, then slid the straps from her shoulders to toss it on top of her shirt. His hands shook slightly as he cupped her firm breasts in his calloused palms, then chafed the tight tips with the pads of his thumbs.

  A soft moan escaped her lips. “Mmm.”

  “Feel good?” he asked as he continued to tease her.


  He leaned down to kiss one perfect coral bud, then took it into his mouth to taste her sweetness. When she swayed, he wrapped an arm around her waist to support her while he turned his attention to her other nipple.

  Raising his head, he kissed her forehead, her eyes and the tip of her nose. “So sweet. So perfect.”

  She moved to ease his shirt from his shoulders. “I think you’re overdressed, don’t you, cowboy?”

  “Not for long,” he said, reaching for his belt buckle.

  To his delight, she shook her head and shooed his hands away. “Let me take care of that for you.”

  “The last time you unfastened my belt, you were mad at me,” he said, remembering the night they spent in the motel on the way to the Lonetree.

  “You deserved that. You were running the risk of reinjuring your collarbone by doing too much, too soon,” she said, making short work of freeing the leather strap from the buckle.

  “But you’re not upset with me now?” he asked, grinning.

  She shook her head and started to release the button at his waistband. “At the moment, anger is the last thing I’m feeling.”

  Her fingers brushed his lower belly and he felt as if a surge of heat shot straight to his groin. Taking a deep breath, he reached for the belt encircling her small waist. Making quick work of unbuckling it, he released the button at the top of her jeans, unzipped them, then slid them and her sensible white cotton panties down her slender legs.

  When she stepped out of them, her gaze met his and the look in her violet eyes damn near brought him to his knees as she reached for the metal tab at the top of his fly. He held his breath as she eased the zipper down over his arousal straining insistently at the fabric of his boxer briefs. But when she placed her hands just inside the elastic band, and shoved them and his jeans down his legs, Colt felt as if he just might go into total meltdown.

  Suddenly looking uncertain, she stepped back. Noticing the direction of her gaze, he gave her a reassuring smile before pulling her to him. But the contrast of her soft femininity against his hard male flesh, the feel of her pebbled nipples pressing into his skin, hastened the sizzling fuse burning inside him and he had to take several deep breaths to hang on to his rapidly slipping control.

  “You feel so damned good,” he said through clenched teeth.


  Gazing at her pretty face, he noticed the blush of passion on her porcelain cheeks, and he could tell she was feeling the same burning need that he was. “Do you trust me, Kaylee?”


  He smiled. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “I-it’s been so long, Colt.”

  “I know, honey. But I promise this time there won’t be any discomfort.” He kissed her forehead. “I’m going to make sure that it’s nothing but pure pleasure for you.”

  He slid his hands down her back to cup her delightful bottom and pulled her to him. The feel of his arousal nestled against her soft warmth had him gritting his teeth and praying for the strength to go slow.

  “Don’t ever doubt that I’m attracted to you, Kaylee,” he finally managed to say. “Or that I want you.”

  He felt her tremble, then, without a word, she took his hand in hers and led him over to the side of his king-size bed. Pulling back the covers, she laid down, then smiled at him.

  “I’ll be right back, honey,” he said, walking into the adjoining bathroom.

  When he returned, he tucked a foil packet beneath his pillow and stretched out beside her on the bed. Taking her into his arms, he kissed her until they were both gasping for breath.

  “I want you to tell me what feels good,” he said, sliding his hand along her side.

  Kaylee’s skin tingled from Colt’s touch and heat flowed through her veins, threading its way to the very core of her being. A coil of need began to form in the pit of her stomach as his lips nibbled a path from the pulse fluttering at the base of her throat, over her collarbone and down the slope of her breast. He took the tight tip into his mouth, then flicked it with his tongue, causing her heart to skip a beat and her breathing to become shallow.

  Tangling her hands in his thick raven hair, she held him to her as wave after wave of pleasure swept over her and the coil in her belly tightened. The first time they’d made love, it had been hurried and reckless as they both tried to forget their grief. But this time they were taking their time as they explored each other and the compelling magnetism pulling them together.

  When Colt raised his head to gaze down at her, the look in his eyes stole her breath. “Honey, I want you so damned much I ache from it.”

  He lowered his head to kiss her as he slid his hand down to her hip. The feel of his firm lips on hers, his calloused palm on her skin and the insistence of his arousal pressed to her thigh caused Kaylee to bite her lower lip in an effort to stifle the moan threatening to escape. But when he moved his hand to the apex of her thighs, she shivered with a need like nothing she’d ever before experienced. His fingers searched for and found her pleasure point and she couldn’t h
old in the sound of her passion any longer.

  “What do you want, Kaylee?” he whispered close to her ear.

  “I want…you, Colt,” she said, barely recognizing the throaty voice as her own. Wanting to touch him as he touched her, she reached down to stroke him with infinite care. “Only you.”

  She felt a shudder run through his big body a moment before he groaned and buried his head in the curve of her neck. He caught her hand in his and brought it to his chest.

  “Honey, if you keep that up I’m not going to make it past the eight-second whistle.”

  “Then make love to me, Colt,” she said, wanting him more than she’d ever dreamed possible.

  He kissed her, then reached under his pillow. Once he had the condom in place, he took her in his arms and nudged her knees apart.

  Looking up into eyes so blue she felt as if she might drown in their depths, Kaylee was lost. His smoldering gaze held her captive as without a word, he gathered her close and slowly, gently, pressed forward to make their bodies one. She tensed and held her breath at the exquisite stretching.

  “Just relax, honey,” he said when he’d completely filled her.

  She felt his body quiver as he fought for control. A muscle jerked along his lean jaw and she could tell what his restraint was costing him.

  Touching his cheeks with trembling fingers, she pulled his handsome face down to kiss his firm, warm lips. “Colt, I need—”

  He opened his eyes and gave her a look that caused her pulse to race. “Kaylee, I want to make this last, but it’s been so long and you feel so damn good.”

  She felt the same way. But unable to find the words to express what she needed, she simply wrapped her legs around his narrow hips as she tried to get closer.

  “Honey, I think you’re going to kill me,” he said, groaning.

  He threaded his fingers in her hair and kissed her passionately as he pulled back then moved forward. Her body responded with an answering motion and together they found the rhythm that would take them to a place only lovers go.

  Her heart swelled with emotion as he cradled her in his arms and her world was reduced to just the two of them—one man, one woman coming together in the age-old dance of love. Surrounded by Colt, being filled by him, quickly had Kaylee climbing toward the peak, reaching for the unknown. Heat flowed through her and she moaned from the tightening of the coil deep inside her.

  Apparently sensing her readiness, Colt quickened the pace. “Let it happen, Kaylee. I’m right here with you, honey.”

  Suddenly feeling as if stars had burst within her soul, she spun out of control, her universe reduced to the man holding her body to his. Light danced behind her closed eyes and pleasure shimmered over every cell in her being as with one final thrust Colt joined her and together they soared on the current of perfect fulfillment.

  Drifting back to reality, love so pure it brought tears to her eyes filled her and she held him close, reluctant for the moment to end. She wasn’t sure where their relationship was headed, or if they had a future together. But the one thing that would never change, no matter what happened between them, was the depth of her love for him.

  At the age of ten she’d loved him with a child’s innocent adoration. But at twenty-four, she loved him with a woman’s passionate heart. And she knew beyond a shadow of doubt that she always would.

  “We have one more stop to make before we start back home,” Annie said.

  Grinning, Samantha nodded. “We always save the best for last.”

  As they all walked out of the restaurant where they’d had lunch, Kaylee watched the two women exchange a knowing smile. She’d seen that look before. It was the same amused expression they’d worn the night they baby-sat Amber.

  “What’s going on?” She looked from one woman to the other. “Is there something I should know about?”

  “It’s nothing really,” Samantha said, shaking her head. “Annie and I just need to buy some new, um, under things.”

  Kaylee laughed. “Since when is buying underwear special?”

  “It’s where we shop that makes the difference,” Annie and Samantha said in unison.

  Kaylee frowned. “Where do you—” She stopped suddenly. “Oh, dear heavens! You two shop at the—”

  “Sleek and Sassy Lady Lingerie Boutique,” Annie said, laughing.

  Samantha suddenly looked uncertain. “Kaylee, I, uh, that is, we don’t know what your relationship is with Colt, and it’s none of our business. If you’d rather not go shopping for lingerie, we’ll understand.”

  “Absolutely,” Annie said, nodding.

  Kaylee nibbled on her lower lip. She remembered the expressions on Brant’s and Morgan’s faces when the shopping trip was mentioned. The two men hadn’t been able to hide their anticipation for what their wives might bring home.

  “I’ve never worn anything but plain white cotton,” she said, thinking out loud. Her cheeks heated as she tried to decide how to ask a question that might be a little too personal. “I don’t mean to be nosy, but do your husbands really like what you buy?”

  Looking relieved that Kaylee hadn’t been offended, both women laughed.

  “There are four things that the Wakefield men have in common,” Annie said. “Black hair, blue eyes, their love of the Lonetree Ranch, and…they have a deep appreciation for the Sleek and Sassy Lady Lingerie Boutique.”

  “We’re betting Colt is no different,” Samantha added, grinning.

  “I…oh, heavens,” Kaylee stammered, blushing.

  Did she really have the nerve to buy sexy underwear? Would Colt like seeing her in provocative undies? Something told her that he would be just as enthusiastic about it as his older brothers.

  “Maybe this was a bad idea,” Samantha said, frowning.

  Annie shook her head. “Forget we mentioned it, Kaylee.”

  Kaylee took a deep breath, then smiled at her two friends. “Actually, I think…” She giggled nervously. “…I’d like to see if Colt has the same appreciation for lingerie that his brothers have.”

  Samantha laughed. “Then let’s go see what we can find that will knock that man’s socks off.”

  An hour later Kaylee walked out of the mall carrying several bags with the Sleek and Sassy Lady logo on them. Colt had given her his credit card, but she’d used her own money for the lingerie. She wasn’t about to use his card for her underwear. Some things were highly personal and sexy undies were one of them.

  “I really like that white lace teddy you bought,” Annie said, juggling her own bags as she dug for the keys to her SUV. “As soon as I have the baby I think I’ll go back and buy one in royal blue.”

  “I like that emerald camisole and matching thong,” Samantha added. “With your peaches-and-cream complexion and auburn hair, it’s really going to look nice, Kaylee.”

  “I just hope I have the nerve to wear this stuff,” Kaylee said, laughing. “It’s all so different from my white cotton—”

  “Granny panties,” Samantha and Annie said at the same time.

  “Well, I wasn’t going to call them that,” Kaylee said, laughing. “But I’d say that’s a pretty accurate description.”

  “When are you going to spring your new look on Colt?” Samantha asked as they stored the packages in the back of Annie’s SUV.

  “I’m not sure, but it’ll have to be soon.” Kaylee felt a pang of sadness knife through her. “I’m due back at my job soon.”

  “You’re not staying?” Samantha asked, clearly shocked. “But I thought—”

  Kaylee shrugged one shoulder. She and Colt hadn’t discussed what would happen when it was time for her to return to Oklahoma. “It’s complicated.”

  “Are you going to the PBR finals with Colt?” Annie asked.

  “I…can’t.” Kaylee shook her head and took a deep, steadying breath. “Not after what happened to Mitch.”

  Annie reached out to hug her. “I hope you’re able to work it out between you two.”

  “I do, too
,” Samantha said, hugging Kaylee when Annie released her. “We want you to stay on at the Lonetree.”

  Kaylee fought her threatening tears as they got into the SUV and drove from the mall parking lot onto the highway. She wanted nothing more than for her, Colt and Amber to be a family and to live on the Lonetree Ranch together.

  But Colt was a bull rider, and although she couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to him, she wouldn’t ask him to give that up. It would be like asking him to give up who he was. And that was something she just couldn’t do.

  Chapter Nine

  Colt waited impatiently while Kaylee went upstairs to put away some laundry she’d done as soon as she’d returned from shopping with Annie and Samantha. “This is one surprise I think your mommy’s going to like,” he told Amber as he helped her into her little jean jacket.

  He frowned as he glanced toward the stairs. What could be taking Kaylee so long? She’d told him she’d be right back, but that had been fifteen minutes ago.

  When she finally walked across the loft area, then started down the stairs, she was smiling. “You both look quite smug. Were you waiting on me for a reason?”

  Nodding, Colt caught her around the waist and pulled her to him. “We’ve missed you something awful,” he said, giving her a quick kiss.

  “I missed you, too.” She smiled. “What did you two do while I was gone, watch television the whole time?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. We visited with Morgan and Brant for a while this morning—”

  “But I thought they were supposed to be watching the boys,” Kaylee said, frowning.

  “They had Bettylou Milford baby-sit while they brought…er, ran an errand for me.” He shrugged nonchalantly in an effort to dismiss the importance of their visit.

  “Doggie,” Amber said, grinning.

  “Did you see a doggie?” Kaylee asked, smiling at their daughter.

  “Yes,” Amber said, shaking her head negatively.

  Colt was thankful Kaylee had no idea that Amber was referring to the horse his brothers had brought over earlier. To keep her from asking questions, he hurried on. “After Brant and Morgan left, Amber and I made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and watched the veggie show.”


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