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Jack (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 1)

Page 12

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “Jack, are you sure you want to do all of this today? We have plenty of time to get this all done.”

  “We might as well do it today. That way you can decorate when you need to take breaks from writing.”

  When we arrived at Walmart, let’s just say I was not overly impressed with the selection. I wanted a really tall, full tree that was a beautiful, dark green and really thick. I didn’t see that and apparently Jack wasn’t impressed either. He practically dragged me out of the store muttering about shit trees and that we were going to order online. We unloaded the bags when we got home and Jack pulled up a website online to look at trees.

  “Here, pick out a tree and order it.”

  He handed me his bank card and I started to scroll through the different options. There were a ton, so I though maybe I should narrow it down by price.

  “Okay. Should we get a white tree or a green tree?”

  “Well, of course we need a green tree, but you should get a white tree also for your new room.”

  “Um, that’s not really necessary. That’s an awful lot of money to spend for Christmas decorating. Besides, I don’t even have any ornaments to add to the tree and the room isn’t finished yet.”

  “Really? You don’t have any ornaments from when you were a kid?”

  “We didn’t do that in my family.”

  I turned back to the computer and started searching through the trees. I thought Jack would walk away, but he stayed behind me looking through a magazine. It was obvious he was trying not to pay attention, but every once in awhile, he would tell me a tree wasn’t tall enough or full enough. Then, the color was wrong and the needles were wrong. Next thing I knew, he was sitting next to me, putting in his specifications in the filter section. He soon had a beautiful, green tree picked out. Then he went on to the white trees and went through the same process. Once the trees were paid for, he told me he had some details to work out at the garage and he would be back in a few hours.

  I went over to the bags and started to unload everything. After all the tags were off, I tried to decide where I wanted everything. It was hard without having the trees up yet. I put everything off to the side and decided to write for a few hours. I was completely immersed in writing my book when Jack walked in.

  “Pack your bags. We’re taking a little trip.”

  He walked off towards the bedroom without another word. I furrowed my brows at his brusque statement and quickly saved my book. I rushed down the hall to figure out what was going on.

  “What do you mean we’re taking a trip? Where are we going?”

  Jack walked out of the closet and threw two bags on the bed. “Pack enough for a few days. We’re taking a road trip. Pack warm clothes.”

  I stood stunned for a minute, but he turned and gave me a look that said not to argue with him. I quickly packed and we were on the road fifteen minutes later. We dropped the dog off at Luke and Anna’s house on the way out of town.

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  We sat in silence for a while, but when I couldn’t take it anymore, I turned to Jack and stared. Sensing my gaze, he glanced over at me.


  “I don’t understand. What is all this about? All the sudden you want to do all this Christmas decorating. Why?”

  “It’s not that I don’t like Christmas, it’s just that my dad was killed right before Christmas and it kind of sucked all the fun out of the holiday. We still celebrate, but it’s always difficult.” He shrugged. “I don’t know. I see how excited you get and I just want to make it special for you.”

  Good Lord. This man was so sweet. I was definitely in the Christmas spirit now. Since his thoughts had changed, I now felt more at ease to decorate and get excited for the holiday season.

  “Thank you, Jack.”

  I smiled at him and then turned on the radio. Jack took out his phone and hooked it up to the jack in the truck. Christmas music filled the air and I felt warmth spread through my body as I sang along with the music. After a while, I dozed off in the passenger seat. When Jack shook me awake, I looked up to see a cute little German village. It was fully decked out in Christmas decorations. There were Christmas lights on the streets, the lamp posts were decorated with garland, and there were Merry Christmas signs hung across the street made from garland and lights. It was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. It had even snowed recently, giving it a Christmas wonderland feel.

  “Where are we?”

  “Frankenmuth, Michigan.”

  “This place is amazing! What are we doing here?”

  “That surprise is for tomorrow. For now, we’re checking into our hotel and taking a walk around the town.”

  We parked next to a German style hotel called The Drury Inn. Jack grabbed our bags and we headed inside. He checked us in and we took the elevator to their second story room that overlooked the streets of town. It was beautiful. We got settled in our room, then went downstairs to take a walk around town. We walked down near a lake and sat on a bench to enjoy the scenery. Snow started to fall and Jack pulled me in close to keep me warm. We sat there enjoying the view for a half hour before we got up and explored the town a little more. As we walked, Jack told me about the history of the town and pointed out things he thought I would like.

  We made our way back to the Inn and got ready for bed. Neither of us were up for much tonight. We’d had a long drive and wanted to go to sleep. The next morning, we slept until eight o’clock and then went downstairs for breakfast. I was eager to find out what this trip was about and started pestering him as soon as I woke up. He didn’t give an inch. We got in the truck and drove a short distance down the road where I saw lawn Christmas decorations all around a parking lot. Then I saw the sign, Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland, and practically screamed with joy. I still didn’t know what this place was, but I was really excited. As we walked through the doors, my jaw about dropped to the floor. There were so many Christmas ornaments and decorations.

  I started dragging Jack around by the hand. “Jack, look at this one! How cute is this! Oh my gosh, have you ever seen anything like this?”

  It went on and on as we made their way through the store. By the time I was done shopping, I had an ornament for each of the guys that depicted their profession, an ornament for Anna and Jack with a snowman and snowwoman that said they were expecting, and one for Agnes that was about baking. I had also picked out a Christmas pickle that you hide in the tree for Jack and myself. They also had a station where you could place special orders and have ornaments personalized. I placed quite a hefty order of those also. Jack had picked something out also, but he wouldn’t let me see. We brought our ornaments to the counter and paid, then headed back out to the truck. We stopped by the Bavarian Inn for lunch and made reservations for Frankenmuth Brewery for dinner. We went back to the hotel to relax after our morning of shopping.

  A nap sounded heavenly after all that shopping and Jack had to return phone calls, so I laid down for a while. Jack had left one of the guys at the garage in charge, but he left on such short notice that he wanted to check in. After I woke up from my nap, we spent the afternoon in bed watching movies. At five thirty, after I took a shower and cleaned up, we made their way to the brewery. We had a great dinner and then headed back to the hotel. We would be leaving early in the morning, but that didn’t stop Jack from making love to me for a good part of the night. I was was floating on cloud nine. It had been a perfect trip.

  A week later, Jack asked me to go over and check on his mother. He said that she didn’t sound right on the phone and could I go spend a few hours with her. I happily agreed, as she was the closest thing to an actual mother that I had. I loved spending time with her. Agnes seemed perfectly normal when I got there, but I spent a few hours with her anyway. Maybe Jack was just overreacting. After our visit, I drove home with my thoughts glued to the plot of my book.

  “Stop,” I heard as I walked through the door. Jack st
epped out from behind the door and wrapped his arms around me. His lips caressed my cheek and I smiled at the gesture. His hand came up to cover my eyes as he whispered in my ear, “No peeking.” He guided me through the house towards what felt like my new room. I hadn’t been in there yet because the decorators hadn’t been in to finish it, something Jack had insisted on.

  “Are you ready, baby?”

  I nodded and Jack removed his hand. The room was completely done. It had windows along all three walls that were trimmed in white. The walls were painted a medium blue and the floor was a plush tan carpet. There was a desk by one window and my laptop sat on top. There was a couch in the center of the room with a table and two arm chairs and a coffee table in the center. Off in the far corner of the room was a reading nook with a lamp next to it. There was a small table next to the chair that would hold a book and a cup of coffee. I turned to face Jack and saw that he had installed a gas fireplace also. How did I not notice that? It would be perfect for cold days, but the best thing about the whole room was the white Christmas tree in the corner between the fireplace and the desk. It had lights, but hadn’t been decorated yet.

  “Babe, how did you get all this done?”

  “I had the decorator come over when we went to Michigan. Then she came over this morning when you were at Ma’s and put in the finishing touches. Go ahead and walk around. This space is yours.”

  With a huge smile on my face, I sat in each chair, at the desk, looked at the fire, and imagined how I was going to decorate her tree.

  “This is the best present ever. I can’t believe what a great job they did with everything. This is becoming my favorite room.”

  “Well, I hope there’s still one other room you prefer over this,” Jack said with a wicked grin.

  “Yes, you’re right. I think I prefer the kitchen.” Jack slapped my ass. “You’re such a smartass.”

  I kissed him and he pulled me in to deepen the kiss. I could feel him hardening against my belly and reached down to stroke him through his jeans. He let out a growl and pulled me towards the bedroom. In a flash, I was thrown through the air, landing on the bed, with a hot, sexy body climbing over me. He was kissing me like it was the last time he would see me. I wound my arms around his neck and slid them down to his shoulders. I felt all his taut muscles as they rippled with his movements. I pushed him back and started slowly unbuttoning my blouse. I sat up and slowly shrugged the blouse down my shoulders and let it slide down my arms. I stood up and popped the button on my jeans. I watched the fire burn in his eyes as I shimmied my jeans to the floor and stepped out. I was standing in just my bra and panties as his gaze traveled the length of my body. I could feel the moisture building between my legs as I walked forward to stand between Jack’s legs. I pulled his shirt up over his head and stepped back when he tried to take off my bra.

  “Nuh uh. We’re doing things my way tonight.”

  I pulled him to a standing position and rid him of his boxers and jeans, then knelt down so I was eye level with his cock. I leaned forward and slowly licked him from base to tip and swirled my tongue around the swell of his cock. As I guided him into my mouth, I relaxed my throat and took him all the way in. He fisted my hair and started to move, but I pulled back and gave him a stern look. He released my hair and moaned as I continued to swallow his cock. I knew he didn’t have much more patience, so I stood up and released the back of my bra and let it fall down my arms to the floor. My fingers hooked in the sides of my panties and slid them down my legs.

  “Go stand at the end of the bed,” I said as I crawled over to the head of the bed.

  I sat with my back against the headboard and raised my knees up. I spread my legs and reached down to touch my pussy.

  “You’re going to watch me touch myself.”

  I started to stroke my pussy with one hand while my other hand massaged my breasts. I moaned as I watched him reach down and slowly stroke his cock. My speed increased as I watched him stroke a little faster, my breathing becoming erratic.

  “Stroke that pussy, pretty girl. God, you are so fucking sexy.”

  I began panting and slid a finger inside as I watched his eyes turn molten. He groaned and threw his head back as he pumped his cock. He lowered his head back to meet my gaze and stared me down as he beat his cock. I could feel her orgasm building and couldn’t hold back as I called his name. He came seconds later in his hand, breathing hard and saying my name. My chest was heaving as he walked over to me and held out his hand.

  “Lick it.”

  A thrill ran through me as I reached forward and swiped my tongue over his hand and watched his eyes darken. I licked until his hand was clean and then sucked his thumb into my mouth and ran my tongue around it. He picked up my hand and sucked the juices off my fingers and then licked his lips. I glanced down and saw that he was at half mast again. I looked up at him through my lashes and gave him a sexy smirk. It was almost a challenge.

  Jack picked me up and threw me back against the headboard. “Now it’s my turn. Stay.”

  His eyes bored into me and I could see the lust in his eyes as he turned and walked into the closet. He returned a moment later with a tie and wrapped it around one of my wrists and then drew it threw the slat in the headboard, then tied it to the other wrist. His hands caressed my breast and he cupped it in his hand as his thumb brushed my nipple. My head fell back in pleasure when he took his now hard cock and slapped it against my pussy. A moan fell from my throat when he put the very tip into my pussy, but then stopped and pulled out. He did this several times, torturing me with every stroke. Then he slammed into me with such force that my head slammed into the headboard.

  “Oh God, Jack. More.”

  He fucked me hard and I loved it, needing more from him. He ran his hands along my breasts down to my clit and rubbed his thumb in circles. Then he pulled out and I whimpered at the loss. He flipped me over and pulled my knees up. Then he went to the headboard and slid the tie down the slat to the mattress. I was yanked back against his cock and I couldn’t move with my arms being stretched as they were. He slammed into me from behind and I felt so full, I thought I would explode. His hand worked my clit and I was over the edge in a matter of seconds. His fingers replaced his cock and he pumped his fingers in my dripping pussy.

  “God, you’re so wet. Perfect. Just how I need you.”

  Then he moved his slickened fingers to my ass and pushed one finger inside. I squirmed at the burn as he pulled his fingers out and did it again.

  “Push out.”

  I did as he said and could feel the burn ease up. He did it again and again adding another finger after a few times. Then he pulled out his fingers and thrust his cock into my pussy a few more times before I felt him again at my back entrance.

  “Time for hole number three.”

  Then he started to push in and I wasn’t prepared for his thickness. This was nothing like having his fingers there.

  “Push out, baby. I won’t hurt you.”

  I wanted so badly to believe what he said, so I did as he asked, even though it still burned. He stopped and waited for me to let him know I was ready. When he eased in further, I wasn’t sure I liked it, but I didn’t stop him as he started to move. I felt extremely full, but the lines of pain and pleasure were still blurred. I was about to tell him to stop when he leaned over and kissed my shoulder.

  “Trust me, baby.”

  Then he wrapped his arm around me and started playing with my nipples. He was pulling and pinching them and I could feel herself getting wetter. He started moving, thrusting again and this time started to rub his thumb against my clit. I could feel an orgasm building as he started to pound into me. It actually started to feel good and I started to push back into him.

  “Fuck yeah, baby. Give me more. Fuck my cock.”

  Knowing that he liked it so much spurred me on and I slammed my ass back onto him again and again as he strummed my clit. His balls slapped my pussy and pushed me over the edge. I was screaming
and moaning his name.

  “God, Jack. Yes, harder.”

  He grabbed me by the hips and slammed into me a few more times, his skin slapping against mine. He fucked me so hard, I wasn’t sure I would be able to sit in the morning. As he pinched my nipples, I came again on the waves of the last orgasm. He thrust into me twice more before he stilled deep inside me. He slowly pulled out and then collapsed on the bed next to me.

  “I can’t move my legs out of this position. I’m gonna need some help.”

  He laughed and got up to move my legs straight. Then he untied my wrists and carried me into the bathroom. He started to run a bath for me, filling it with bath salts, then gave me a kiss and left. I went to the bathroom and then got in the tub and soaked, feeling deliciously sore.



  Harper and I agreed that since we spent so much on the addition, we would just exchange small presents Christmas morning. I had been trying to come up with a great idea for her, but I was really struggling. I wanted something to symbolize our time together, but Harper really wasn’t the type to wear jewelry. Then I remembered that Bronner’s customized their ornaments. I went online and found enough ornaments to memorialize our relationship.

  Every year, about a week before Christmas, my mom and I got together and made ravioli for Christmas Eve dinner. We made them from scratch and then used the left over dough to make fatties. Fatties were dough rolled into a pencil shape that you fried in olive oil until golden brown, then heavily salted. Harper came with me and learned how to make the ravioli and sang Christmas songs.

  “So, Jack, I thought your family was English and Scottish? Where does ravioli come from?” Harper asked as she sipped some wine.

  “Dad’s side of the family is English and Scottish, but Ma’s side is Italian.”

  “Really? That is so cool. No wonder you have some mad baking skills.”


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