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Jack (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 1)

Page 22

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  We were pulling up to her house after the appointment and we were arguing once again about living arrangements.

  “Jack, I don’t want to move in with you yet. I need more time.”

  “More time for what? The baby is going to be here in another few months. We have to get you moved in and get the baby’s room set up. I don’t want to leave everything to the last minute.”

  “I’m just saying I need more time. Can’t you give me that?”

  “More time for what? To make sure I don’t bail on you? Haven’t you noticed yet that I’m not going anywhere?”

  I looked away. I didn’t want him to see the uncertainty in my eyes.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Jack said as he walked to the door. “Except for right now. I have to get back to work, but I’ll see you tonight. This conversation isn’t over.”

  Jack never came over that night and I had a hard time getting ahold of him over the next few days. I knew this would happen. It was getting too real and he was bolting. Drew came home from work and went right upstairs to take a shower. When he was done, he told me to go get dressed because he was taking me out. I ran upstairs and threw on a maternity dress. I was so excited to get out of the house.

  Drew took me to a nice restaurant downtown and I devoured my food. Ever since the morning sickness let up, I had a great appetite and I was making up for those months I couldn’t eat.

  “So what’s the special occasion,” I asked as I ate dessert.

  “This is a goodbye dinner.”

  “What?” My fork clattered to my plate. “You’re leaving? But you said you would be here. You promised me I would always have you.” My voice was rising and was bordering on sounding hysterical. Jack wasn’t talking to me and now Drew was leaving. This couldn’t be happening.

  “I’m not leaving. You are.”


  “You are going to live with Jack. Enough is enough, Harper. What more does the man have to do to prove that he’s sticking around?”

  “You can’t order me out of the house. I’m on the lease.”

  “I’m not ordering you out, but if you go back there, you won’t have any stuff. Anna and Luke came over to clear out all your stuff when we left the house.”

  “What,” I screeched. “What were you thinking, Drew? You had no right to do this.”

  “Just come with me and let me show you something. If you still aren’t convinced, I will take you back home along with all your stuff.”

  I glared at him and he had the decency to look properly chastised. “Fine.”

  We finished our dessert and then Drew took me over to Jack’s house. When we entered, the first thing I saw was a Christmas tree in the corner fully decorated with the ornaments we had picked out the previous Christmas. Jack led me down a hallway to the guest bedroom and opened the door. The bedroom had been converted into a nursery. It was painted blue with decals of diggers, backhoes, tractors, and various other machinery on the walls. There was a simple crib that had a mattress and fitted sheet already in it. There was a dresser with a picture of Jack and me and a few small decorations. A changing table sat along another wall, fully stocked with diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, pacifiers, vaseline, bibs, and burp cloths. Finally, in the corner, sat a cozy glider with a baby quilt on the back of the chair. There was a small table next to it and a lamp behind it.

  I walked around the room and took it all in. I opened the drawers to see several baby outfits, socks, sleepers, and sleep sacks. The bottom drawer had spare sheets and mattress protectors. It was the perfect room and he had thought of everything. I walked over to Jack and gave him a big hug.

  “Alright, fine. I’ll move in with you. I mean, my stuff is already here and moving is such a pain.”

  “I’m glad you see it my way. I was thinking if I could just get your stuff here, there would be no way you would want to pack and move back with Drew. Because I definitely wouldn’t be helping you. Now all we have to do is get married.”

  “I am not getting married when I’m pregnant. I don’t want my kid seeing pictures of our wedding day thinking we had a shotgun wedding.”

  “As long as there isn’t a shotgun at the wedding, it’s all good.”

  Drew snuck out and Jack dragged me back to our bedroom and started kissing me.

  We hadn’t had sex yet because I hadn’t been feeling well until a few weeks ago. When he started taking me out, I always wanted to go back to my house and Drew was always home. He had waited patiently for me, but now that I was back in our house, I knew he was going to take what was his. He ripped my clothes from my body and gave me a bruising kiss. Then he seemed to rein himself in.

  He pushed me back on the bed, being extra careful with me. He was up on his elbows, not allowing his body to lay on top of mine. Enough was enough. I was tired of being babied.

  “Jack, I’m not glass. I won’t break.”

  “I just don’t want to hurt the baby. What if I lay on you and he comes flying out of your vagina?”

  “Really, Jack? That’s not likely to happen.”

  “But are you sure? Have you researched it? Maybe we should google a little before we do this.”

  He got up and walked over to his laptop on his dresser and opened it. He started googling. After a few minutes, he turned around and scratched the back of his head. “Um. It says it’s not possible for me to push the baby out of you by laying on you during sex.”

  I snorted and really tried not to laugh, but it was just too funny. Jack leapt on the bed next to me and then began teasing me by running his hands all over my body, but never touching my most intimate places. I needed to feel his hands on me.

  “Touch my boobs, Jack.” His hands trailed up to each breast and massaged me, then he pinched my nipples. “Y-yeah. That’s good.”

  “What else do you want, pretty girl?”

  “I want…I want you to touch my pussy.” His hand moved south, but instead of touching me, he trailed his hand down my leg and ran his fingertips up my inner thigh, around my mound, and down the other thigh. I was quivering with need and started to beg. “Please, Jack, just touch me.”

  “You’ve kept me waiting and now it’s your turn to wait.” He got off the bed and walked around to the side where I was laying. He grabbed his cock and stroked it. “Open your mouth.”

  I turned my head to the side and opened wide for him. I started to suck on him and I could feel my pussy dampen. I loved to have him in my mouth. I sucked and licked him and felt him grow harder in my mouth. I gently tugged his balls with my other hand and my core tightened when he groaned. His hand slid down my stomach to my pussy and he slid his fingers through my wet folds. His fingers pumped into my channel as his cock pumped in my mouth. My legs were quivering and we both knew I was getting close. His fingers rubbed my clit and I groaned as he pumped harder and faster. He rubbed faster and faster against my clit and I clamped my legs together as I shouted my release. He thrust one more time into my mouth and I felt warm liquid shoot down my throat. He stood there breathing deeply and slowly pulled himself from my sore jaw.

  “That was fantastic, baby. I’m gonna fuck your mouth a lot over the next few months.”

  “As long as you fuck my pussy too, I’ll let you do whatever you want to my mouth.”

  His eyes darkened. “I’m gonna hold you to that.”



  “Jack, I think today’s the day.”

  “The day for what, baby?” He rolled over in bed to see me sitting on the edge.

  “To have the baby.”

  Jack jumped up from the bed and ran to the dresser. He pulled his pants out and started to put them on, but changed course and started running to the bathroom. He got caught up in his pants leg and fell flat on his face. He struggled to get his pants on and then ran to the bathroom and was back out a minute later. I followed him as he ran into the living room and grabbed the car keys and the hospital bag. He ran out the door and I heard h
im get in and start the car. I watched from the window as he pulled out and headed into town. Laughing, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, then went back to the window to wait for him. About five minutes later, he was back and running through the door.

  “I’m so sorry, honey. I was in such a rush to leave that I forgot you. Is that what you’re wearing?” I was still in my bathrobe, drinking my water.

  “I said today was the day, but it’s not time yet. Besides, they won’t let you in the hospital without a shirt and shoes.” He looked down at himself and chuckled.

  “I still have awhile before we can head to the hospital. The contractions are just starting. I went about my morning of getting breakfast and taking a shower. Every time a contraction hit, Jack was standing next to me in case I needed him. It was getting on my nerves. The contractions started to get really painful and every time one hit, I felt like I was going to black out. My vision would cloud over and no amount of walking seemed to help. I had called the hospital, but my contractions were still too erratic so the nurse said they would turn me away if I showed up. About an hour later, I couldn’t take it anymore. I called her doctor and they got me in to be checked.

  “Jack, we need to leave now. The doctor can get me in to be checked.”

  “Okay, just let me go to the bathroom really quick.”

  “Alright, I’ll make my way to the car.” I headed out the door and twenty minutes was still sitting there. Sitting made the contractions more painful and I needed to go find him or I would end up having this baby in the driveway. Where was he? I walked back inside to see him doing the dishes. What. The. Fuck.

  “Seriously? You’re doing the dishes now?”

  “I needed to do some cleaning up before we left.”

  “Jack. I told you I needed to go in. This morning you were in such a rush that you left without me and now you need to do the dishes?”

  “Well, I had to go to the bathroom and then I didn’t want to bring the baby home to a dirty house. We can’t bring a baby around germs. What if the hospital doesn’t let us bring him home?”

  “Seriously, Jack. It will be fine. Now, my contractions are getting closer, so unless you want to start wearing your balls as a necklace, can we please go?”

  “Ya know, just once, I wish you wouldn’t threaten to cut off my balls. There are other ways of making your point.”

  “But none so effective.”

  I made my way back to the car and we headed to the doctor’s office. The doctor examined me and said that I was four centimeters dilated and we could head over to the hospital. She called ahead and let them know I was on my way, then apologized for the rude nurse on the phone. Hospital protocol is that you are checked and if you are far enough along they admit you, but if you aren’t, they ask you to come back later. I never should have been told to wait it out at home, at least not if I was in that much pain.

  We headed to the car, but I had to walk slowly. Now the contractions were coming every three to four minutes and they were really painful. We pulled up to the hospital, but had parked at the wrong entrance and I had to walk over to the correct elevator. Jack was parking the car, so I decided to start making my way to the other side of the hospital. I figured that by the time I got there he would catch up. Every time I passed a hospital employee, they asked me if I was okay. Probably because I was doing my deep breathing and working through contractions the whole walk.

  “Miss, are you okay?” Deep breath in, deep breath out.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I’m just heading up to the maternity floor.”

  There was a group standing outside the elevators. The whole group got on, but there wasn’t enough room for me. No one offered to move over and let me get on. I continued to stand there waiting for another five minutes, cursing the people that didn’t have enough decency to let me on. Could they not see me trying to get through each contraction? Perhaps I should have started screaming in pain. Then they would have stepped out of my way.

  Jack arrived and we headed up to the maternity floor. I got all checked in and the anesthesiologist arrived in no time. I got her epidural and was feeling no pain. Jack had squeezed my hand the whole time and it hurt more than the epidural had.

  I laid there thinking about how my mother had once told me that she didn’t remember any pain when I was born. She even told me that she slept while having contractions. I didn’t see how that was possible. I had intense pain from about four hours on. Now that the drugs had kicked in, I finally dozed a little, but honestly, I was too excited to sleep.

  A few hours later, the nurse came in to check me and I told her that I felt like I had to poop. She lifted the gown to check me and gasped.

  “Wow. That’s a lot of hair.”

  I knew she was talking about the baby’s head because Jack had just helped me trim myself. I didn’t want to show up at the hospital with a full bush. No matter what people say, I wanted to be presentable to the people that would be so intimately acquainted with me. The nurse pulled out her phone and called the doctor.

  “You need to come now. This baby is already on its way out.”

  “What?” Jack jumped up from the chair. “Hurry! Put your hands down there and catch it. If my baby falls and hits his head, I will sue your ass.”

  “Sir, calm down. The baby won’t ‘fall out’. I didn’t mean to worry you. I was just letting the doctor know that he is ready to be born.”

  Jack seemed to calm down when he heard that. I started laughing at him. He was being ridiculous. The doctor came in and gave me the all clear to start pushing. Jack started creeping down to the end of the bed and there was no way I would stand for that. I didn’t want him to see my hoo hoo all stretched out, even for the birth of our child.

  “Jack! What do you think you’re doing? Get back up here by my head.”

  “I want to see our baby being born.”

  “No. You are not seeing this. I don’t want to and I don’t want you to either. Once that’s in your head, you can never unsee it.” Then I turned to the nurse. “And please clean him up before you put him on me. I really can’t handle all the goop and I don’t want to throw up on my baby.”

  The nurse smiled and chuckled a little. “Of course. Now, get ready to push.” I pushed twice and my son was born. Another nurse stepped in and took the baby and placed him on my chest. I just stared at him with wide eyes. Not because I was amazed at the child I had just pushed out of a rather small hole, but because I had specifically asked for him to be cleaned up first and now there was a bloody pile of goop on me. I was very close to panicking.

  “Don’t worry. Everything is fine with him. He’s breathing.”

  Then I heard the baby cry and the nurse smiled. “See? He’s fine.” The other nurse stepped in and took him from my chest and cleaned him up. She must have seen the panic on my face when the other nurse hadn’t taken him right to the incubator to be cleaned.

  Jack leaned in and kissed her. “He’s alright, baby. Don’t worry.”

  “I’m not worried. I was looking at him and thinking ‘Why is this kid on me? He’s all goopy.’ not ‘Why isn’t this kid breathing?’.”

  I knew it sounded bad, but I really didn’t want to hold him until he was cleaned. Hand me a worst mother of the year award for freaking out at having my gross newborn on me. The nurse finished cleaning him and handed him off to Jack, who was waiting eagerly next to the nurses. He smiled down at his son and it was something I would always remember because he was standing under a light and it was reflecting all around Jack and my newborn son. He walked over to me and placed him in my arms.

  “Meet your son, Harper. What should we name him?”

  I stared down at my son with so much love. He was absolutely perfect and even though he wasn’t biologically Jack’s, I wanted to give our son his grandpa’s name.

  “Ethan. Ethan Graham Huntley.”





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