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Come Back to me:Short Story

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by Terry , Candice

  When Ana’s mother began working the night shift, I stayed with her a majority of the time. She hated being alone and I hated being without her. The nights I could hold her while she slept were forever burned into my memory. I’d hold those memories for many long years to come.

  As eleventh grade winded down and our two month break passed, our senior year approached rapidly. Usually students can’t wait to make it to their senior year. I remember my friends in California always saying things like “When they made it to senior year “or “When they were a senior” and I use to be right there with them but now I was terrified. What would happen after graduation?

  This began to bother me so much throughout the year that before I knew it we only had a remaining three months left until graduation.

  Little did I know by then things would forever be changed.

  September arrived which was my favorite month. It was December I hated. September was still warm but with a cool breeze that swirled with promises of the cold to come but it was perfect short sleeve weather. It felt like any other day as Ana and I walked into class together and took our seats. Everyone around us chatted away about graduation which was now only two weeks away and what they would be doing.

  Ana was doodling on her notebook and I just watched her. She was so beautiful. I loved how she could sit what seemed like for hours drawing circles continuously and looking so peaceful. I knew things were weighing heavily on her mind. She had been accepted into three different colleges and was waiting to see which one I got into before she decided.

  My admiring AnaLee was shattered when Mrs.Fench frantically burst through the door pushing the old television set we’d sometimes watched during free time. After fiddling with wires and plug –ins she flicked the switch making the screen come alive. The scene left some gasping and others with absolutely no words.

  I knew what I was seeing would forever change lives around the world for many years to come; just didn’t know how badly it would affect mine.

  The helicopter circled high above the gray-white rolling smoke explaining that two planes were hijacked and crashed into the matching towers. Killing dozens instantly. Moments later the footage switched to the towers collapsing, once again taking several more lives with them.

  Nobody in the classroom seemed to breathe. It was horrific. A war zone.

  AnaLee slid her hand in mine and squeezed tightly. So many lost in the towers and on the planes. People who were just going about their everyday lives thinking they would reach wherever they were traveling, no one knowing soon they’d be taking their last breath.

  “Jayse.” I heard AnaLee’s frightened voice and looked over. Her eyes were filling with tears soon spilling over, rolling down her cheeks

  I rubbed her arm trying to show her comfort. “I know, baby.”

  “Jayse.” She shook her head and took her hand away to cover her mouth trying to smother a sob. “Was… Was one of those Alicia’s?”

  Chapter Seven: AnaLee

  Alica was Jayse’s sister. Very kind and sweet sister. I had seen her every once in a while after they moved across the street from us but since she was several years older she was grown and gone before I really got to know her . Alicia attended some fancy school in Boston and visited when she could but I'd seen more of her since her classes were over. Plus, she was highly interested in her brother’s new girlfriend. I expected scorn or at least the overprotective big sister but I only got watery smiles and welcoming hugs.

  “It’s nice to finally have another girl around ...well closer to my age than my mother.” She’d said the moment after first arriving. She would spend almost her entire visits with us.

  The last thing she told me before leaving for Boston was “Be good to him, AnaLee.” Smiling.

  Jayse looked to her as another mother. She did everything for him growing up. Tucked him in at night, kissed his scrapes after patching them up, and even taught him how to drive when she’d come home on break. That part I remember well actually. Jayse took out two mailboxes and I’m almost sure a neighbor’s cat.

  Looking at Jayse that morning while his world was shattered, ripped my heart open for him.

  “Alicia’s flight?” I asked again. When I still didn’t see any recognition I tried again. “Alicia’s new job. Her flight to California was scheduled to leave this morning.”

  His eyes widened and before I could say anything else he was out of his seat running for the door. I left my stuff and quickly followed.

  “Jayse!” He slowed down only a moment to grab my hand then was pulling me after him.

  Making it to his car we both scrambled in and floored it out of the parking lot. What would have normally taken twenty minutes from the school to make it to his white house with green shutters,took only ten. His mother’s car was sitting in the driveway along with his dad’s pickup truck.

  Without waiting for me, Jayse rushed inside. I opened the door only moments after it slamming but was immediately greeted with sounds of distraught.

  “I was on the phone with her! “ Jayse’s mother screamed. “I was talking to her!”

  Dread settled in my bones. Please I thought Please don’t let this be happening to him.

  Walking around the corner, what I saw made my heart drop even more. Jayse’s mother was on the floor and Jayse was holding her. His dad sat on the edge of the recliner with his head in his hands, shoulders quivering.

  I closed my eyes knowing this moment would forever be etched in my mind.

  “She was telling me how excited she was about her new job and how she would come visit for thanksgiving and Christmas. She was coming home!” Mrs. Broadson shook with her sobs.” Now she’s gone. She’s gone!”

  Jayse had tears rolling down his face. “ Mom, she might not have been on either of those planes.”

  His mother calmed a moment and looked Jayse in the face. “She’s gone baby. I can feel it. Like there is any empty spot in my heart.”

  With those words Jayse completely shut down.

  The days seemed longer as we waited to hear the devastating news. Exactly one week later their worst fears had been confirmed. Alicia had boarded flight 11. She was gone.

  Alicia’s funeral was held for closest family and friends only. Jayse stood beside me staring at the empty casket in front of us. When his mother asked if he wanted to say a few words he shifted his body still wearing the blank expression that had taken over his face, before saying “Why? She’s not really in there.” Then turned back to stare at the casket again.

  When the service was over and people started leaving Jayse stayed frozen.

  “Jayse? Baby? It’s time to go.” I gently tugged on his arm hoping he would give in and let me lead him to the car. All I wanted to do was lay with him in the bed and hold him while he cried. He hadn’t cried since the day of the tragedy. He’d barely talked.

  Jayse didn’t even spare me a glance. “Then go.”

  My eyes started to well up and I took a step back. “What? Y-You want me to leave?”

  Finally looking at me, he shrugged. “There’s no reason for you to stay.”

  Without another word I turned and left with tears racing down my face.

  Chapter Eight: Jayse

  I should have gone after her after the funeral but I didn’t .I hated for her to see me like that. I felt empty. Broken. I wanted to cry most of the time…but didn’t.

  That’s why I let her walk away. I knew her having to watch me go through so much pain, hurt her even more.

  I sat in Alicia’s old room for hours. Mom never did like to throw things away so Alicia’s room sat just as it had the day she moved to Boston, minus the clutter Alicia liked to keep it in. High school memories were pinned all over the wall. Her poms poms still sat on her head board. When visiting she would stay in her room like old times, always laughing when she crossed over into the past. Alicia was always outgoing and just about everyone that met her immediately loved her. She tried to pretend like she was the bratty big sister w
hile in front of my friends but she was actually the most kind person besides my mother and Ana, I knew. I had slept in this room with her many nights. We use to laugh until odd hours of the night finally falling asleep in a tangle. Mom would wake the next morning to find us at opposite ends of the bed with our feet in the others face. She found it amusing and had several pictures to prove it.

  Now even when passing by her door I want to break down in tears and curse the world for taking her from me. From her family. I’d never again hear that loud obnoxious laugh echoing through the halls. Thinking of her caused an ache to start in my chest, almost like something was trying to pull itself apart...or back together again.

  I ached now. Not only for Alicia but for AnaLee. She had tried to be there for me and I pushed her away. Two days passed, I had not returned to school. I didn’t return her phone calls. I mainly stayed in my room with my back against the bed, staring at the ceiling.

  It hurt too much to do anything else. I wanted those assholes to pay. I wanted to hurt their family the way mine had been hurt. Most of all I wanted them to give me my sister back.

  Chapter Nine: AnaLee

  Jayse had yet to return to school. Two days had passed since the funeral and graduation was now only two more days away.

  Seniors were lining the halls cleaning out lockers and handing in books for their last time. I cleaned out my locker along with Jayse’s and turned in both of our stuff. Before leaving we were to pick up our cap and gown. We wouldn’t have to return until Friday to get our diplomas. It was kind of bittersweet for me. I wasn’t a big fan of school but this was a place I had been coming to for years and part of me was sad that I wouldn’t be returning next school year.

  I’d definitely had a different picture of what today would be like. In my head Jayse would be walking beside me with his hand around my waist maybe whooping and hollering as we walked out the double doors then we would ride home playing loud music and singing along. Today was supposed to be a happy day. But it wasn’t

  After picking up our caps and gowns I headed to Jayse’s house to leave it all with his mom. I had dropped by the day after the funeral but he wouldn’t’ come out of his room. His mother said he’d been shut up since they got home from the cemetery. When his house came into view my heart broke a little more.

  I parked my white Honda in our driveway and walked across the road to Jayse’s front step. Three knocks later his mother answered the door.

  Her eyes were still puffy, just like they had been the last time I seen her and her hair was wrapped in a messy bun. Wiping her hands on her apron, she gave me a kind smile.

  “Hello Ana.” She greeted then wrapped me in a hug urging me inside.

  I patted her back in comfort then released her. “I just wanted to drop this by for Jayse. The ceremony line up is at six 0’clock.” I said handing her the garment bag that held the graduation attire.

  She unzipped it, giving a proud smile when her eyes landed on the school colors.

  “Oh my baby boy is all grown up now.” She lightly rubbed the silk- like sash where the year was embroidered.

  “ How are you?” I asked.

  Dropping her hand ,she looked at me sadly.” It’s tough. I never imagined I’d outlive one of my children.” She wiped under her eyes.

  I glanced toward the steps that led to his room nervously shoving my hands in my back pockets.

  “How is he?”

  Mrs.Broadson sighed also glancing at the staircase.. “About the same.” She paused and looked at me. “He needs you Ana. Now more than ever.”

  I hung my head. “I don’t know about that. He wanted me to leave. I thought I could help him with his grieving but...I can’t."

  I felt her hand press against my cheek, lifting my chin.” Dear, you don’t really believe that do you?” I looked away. “He’s hurting unbearably right now and I’m sure he hated for you to see it.”

  Tears sprung to my eyes, spilling over.” I know, but I don’t know what to do.”

  Mrs. Broadson kindly wiped the tear from my face then gave my arm a light pat. “Go on up. Just go talk to him.”

  I nodded while swiping at my eyes. “Okay.”

  “ Good. Now I have to finish supper before Mr.Broadson gets home. That man don’t like his dinner to be late. They weren’t kidding when they said a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” She said while turning back to the stove.

  I hesitated a moment longer then took the first step.

  Chapter Ten: Jayse

  Her voice was what pulled me out of my thoughts. I heard her the second my mother opened the door. I stood and went over to my bedroom door, cracking it open a little bit. I so badly wanted her to walk up the steps. I missed her blue eyes, her smile. I can’t think of a time that I haven’t seen Ana at least once a day …even if it was in passing while taking the trash out. She was usually over here playing video games or I was at her house watching wrestling. Anything we could find to do-we did.

  Two days away from her felt like an eternity and caused the ache already in my chest to amplify. Just when I almost had myself talked into going downstairs, I heard my mother talking to AnaLee.

  “He needs you Ana. Now more than ever.”

  Ana’s reply was soft and sad. Her words broke my heart a little more.

  “I don’t know about that. He wanted me to leave. I thought I could help him with his grieving but… I can’t ”

  I leaned back against the wall. I’d told her she had no reason to stay. I hadn’t meant it. I had already lost Alicia, I couldn’t lose AnaLee too. I was stepping out my door when I heard her coming up the steps.

  I stood with the door open waiting for her to come into view.

  And oh god. When she did it was like being blinded by the beauty of a thousand angels. I took her in from the shoes she wore to the thin headband placed in her long, now smooth,hair. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears when she looked at me. Ana was gorgeous.

  She stopped at the sight of me,biting her lip nervously.

  “Jayse.” She said softly.

  Seeing the pain on her face made me close my eyes in regret. As much as I hated it, I felt tears well behind my closed lids. When I opened them a tear rolled down my cheek. Ana looked like she might start crying too.

  I strode over to her, grasping her waist and pulled her to me. I hooked my hand under the back of her leg and wrapped her around me while nuzzling my face in her neck. I could feel her body shaking slightly and I couldn’t hold back my tears anymore. I slid us down until I felt the floor under us and squeezed her tight while running my hand down the back of her hair. With her in my lap so close to me. I finally felt safe enough to let all my pain out.

  Ana kissed the side of my face over and over then pulled me even closer to her. I might have known it since the day I moved in next door but nothing compared to what I felt now-I loved this girl more than ever and hoped I could one day spend the rest of my life with her.

  Chapter Eleven: AnaLee

  I held Jayse’s hand tight as we made our way through the parking lot to the double doors of the gym. Today was the day. The day forever started.

  We were both suited up in our gowns, holding the hats in our free hand. Jayse's frame filled up th long slinky material.His hair, a little longer than he normally kept it, was swoop over to the side, causing him to have to flick his head to put it back in place. He looked amazing. I knew I wore a big smile on my face but I was happy and not just because I finally made it through high school but because Jayse was beside me. If it were possible that’s where I’d demand he stay until the end of time but as we started to line up we had to part ways.

  Thirty minutes later, the music started and everyone began walking to the section of seats positioned in front of the stage. My stomach was full of butterflies. I’d often find myself wondering what would happen after school. I was positive there was a future for Jayse and I, I just wasn’t sure what that meant. Would we move in together? Did he want to marry me? Would w
e have kids? If so, how many? Would they have his eyes?

  I guess all girls did that but I wanted all of those things badly and we had never really discussed plans pass graduation.

  After the principal said a few words then introduced the Valedictorian to give his speech we were all asked to stand. I bounced a little from the excitement. I tried to look for Jayse’s head through the sea of bodies in front of me but when I found him it was his eyes I met. He was turned around smiling brightly at me. It was nice to see that smile again. I thought back to his house. I had never seen Jayse so upset. I loved that he trusted me enough to hold him while he cried. That boy was my everything. My world. When he hurt I hurt.

  I puckered my lips giving him an air kiss then he turned back, walking forward when it was his rows turn to make their way toward the stage.

  “Jayse Joshua Broadson.” The principal announced causing several hoots and hollers to circulate around the room.

  Jayse still smiling took his diploma while shaking our principal’s hand. I couldn’t help but tear up in happiness at the moment.

  It was soon my turn and I could hear my mother cheering for me from the stands. I was glad she got to make it with the crazy hours she worked at the nursing home. As I took my diploma I heard a loud “That’s my girl.”

  I looked down to see Jayse cupping his hands around his mouth, letting out a whooping noise. I laughed and shook my head.


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