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Renegade Love (Rancheros)

Page 22

by Fletcher, Donna

  He was spent before her, though he did his best to help her finish and when she cried out, “one more, just one more’ he slipped his hand between them to massage her sensitive bud until she screamed out her final surrender.

  They both lay on their backs utterly spent, their bodies wet with perspiration and their breathing far from normal. They didn’t snuggle or touch each other, not even hold hands, so hot were their bodies.

  When her breathing had calmed enough for her to speak, Rosa said, “I’m wet.”


  They both laughed and Rosa playfully swatted his arm. “From sweat and it’s your fault.”

  He laughed again. “You challenged me.”

  “I’ll remember that.”

  “Please do. I’d love a repeat challenge.”

  She smiled and turned on her side. “And I love when you show me how much you love me.”

  Esteban did not want to return to that conversation so he said, “We need to a bath.”

  Rosa wasn’t upset by his lack of response to her remark. One day he would tell her and until then she would be patient, or at least she would try to be. “That would be nice, but it’s late and I don’t want to disturb the servants.”

  “We don’t need them,” he said and climbed over her, giving her a quick kiss as he got out of bed.

  She sat up. “What do you mean?”

  “There’s a small pond not far from here. We can bathe there.”

  It sounded delightful and Rosa couldn’t resist the thought. She hurried out of bed, grabbing the sheets and tossing them to the floor.

  “What are you doing?”

  “We can’t return all clean and fresh and sleep on sweaty sheets.”

  She went to the chest where the extra linens were kept and in no time had clean sheets on the bed.”

  “You know how to keep a bed?” he asked, coming up behind her and wrapping a large towel around his wife.

  “I had to do it for the Curros.”

  He turned her around to face him. “You’ll do it no more. It’s the servants’ job.”

  “I don’t mind doing it for us, especially since this might not be the only time it’s necessary.”

  He had been about to insist that she would do it no more and that was the end of it when he smiled at her explanation. “Only for us.”

  “Only us,” she repeated and kissed his cheek.

  He took her hand and led her from the room, out through the patio doors. It was a short walk, the path curvy and Rosa wondered if she would ever be able to find the place on her own.

  The pond was small and secluded and the two shed their towels and were in the cool water in no time. They scrubbed themselves with the soap Rosa had brought with her and Esteban helped her wash her hair. They didn’t hurry out after they finished. They bobbed in the water and Rosa listened to Esteban tell her about how his father had taught him to swim here, and how he and his family enjoyed picnics here.

  She couldn’t help but think of how she and Esteban would do the same with their children, though she didn’t dare say it. There would be time to discuss children and the future.

  When Rosa raised her hand to stifle a third yawn, Esteban announced that it was time for them to return and get some sleep. Esteban toweled her dry, refusing to listen to her protests that she could do it herself. When he was done he wrapped the towel snugly around her and sat her on a bench while he dried himself.

  She didn’t bother to protest any further. It wouldn’t get her anywhere and besides, their frenzied lovemaking had finally caught up with her and all she wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep.

  He squatted down in front of her and gave her a gentle kiss. “Tired?”

  “More than I realized,” she said lowering her head to his chest. He smelled so fresh and felt so comfortable that she could have fallen asleep right there and then.

  Esteban felt her fatigue slip over him and mingle with his own. He needed to get her back to their room and in bed where he could wrap himself around her, and they both could fall into a much needed sleep.

  He lifted her into his arms and she snuggled comfortably against him. After only a few steps he felt her arms around his neck go limp and he knew she was asleep. God, how he loved this woman. And he wondered there under the night stars if the heavens had sent her to him. He wasn’t one for prayers since they had failed him all those years ago, but he felt compelled to at least offer his thanks, to the stars, if nothing else, for sending her to him. He would be forever grateful and would forever keep her safe.

  He stopped suddenly hearing something. It was faint but he had detected it. He wasn’t far from their room, though with her in his arms he would be hard-pressed to protect her. He kept a steady pace and after a moment he realized that whoever followed him did not wish to attack or he would have done so already.

  A few more steps and he entered their bedchamber. He tucked his wife into bed, then tossed his towel with hers on the floor and pulled on a pair of trousers, grabbed his knife, and closed the patio doors behind him as he went to meet with whoever it was who wished to speak with him.

  He listened carefully and hearing the rustle of branches, he stepped beyond the outskirts of the patio and into the shadows.

  “I’m here. What do you want?”

  “I’ve a message for you,” the deep voice said.

  “Deliver it then and be on your way.”

  “The devil will meet you.”

  “When and where?” Esteban asked anxious to see this task done and see his family finally safe.

  The man gave him the details.

  He didn’t like the thought of leaving Rosa, but he had no choice. “I’ll be there,” he assured the man.

  “You know that you will owe the Devil.”

  “I know.”

  “Remember that when your debt is called in.”

  Esteban heard his retreating footfalls, though he doubted many would. The man was skilled in keeping his footing light. What was more disturbing though was that the man had gotten passed the posted guards. His family was not safe and he would have to discuss what precautions needed to be taken to amend that.

  He returned to his bed chamber, slipped out of his clothes and joined his sleeping wife in bed. He eased himself around her, settling her close against him, her warm backside tucked snugly against his groin. He would miss her and worry over her safety, knowing there wasn’t anyone who could protect her as well as he could. But this meeting had to take place. It was the only way he could get to Pacquito before he did even more damage.

  He fell into a restless slumber, not looking forward to leaving his wife, but looking forward to meeting the devil.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Esteban decided that it would be best if he didn’t tell anyone that he had to leave until it came time to do so. He didn’t want to cause his family needless worry, though he also did not want to simply leave without a word as he had been doing. He would not do that to Rosa again, especially after he, himself, had experienced how it felt to return home and find his wife gone. He would not have her waking one morning to be told that he had left. He would discuss his departure with her beforehand. He smiled, knowing she would argue with him about leaving and in the end—they would make love—and he would take his leave.

  His smile faded. It was more difficult now to leave her than ever before and to leave his home, but then she had made a home again for him. He had been spending more time with his father discussing the running of the ranch and quite enjoying it. It reminded him of when he was young and his father would take him with him when he inspected the many sections of their land and explain how one day this would be all his.

  The land, his inheritance, it all hadn’t mattered to him after a while, now it mattered again and it mattered because of Rosa. He wanted a life with her, he wanted children with her... he wanted to grow old with her.

  His gut tightened at the thought, for now, what he had once thought he’d never have, had
become possible and he’d be damned if he let anyone rob him of it this time. He hurried his pace to join his wife for breakfast. She had woken before him and was dressed and about to leave when he had stretched awake.

  She had smiled at him and hurried over to give him a quick kiss before telling him to take his time that she intended to go see that breakfast was served on the patio. He had had a different idea and she hadn’t objected, but then she never objected or rejected his touch or kiss. She always responded so willingly. She actually wanted him as much as he wanted her or perhaps it was that she loved him just as much as he loved her.

  He smiled at the memory of her tossing the covers off him, hoisting up her skirt and easing herself down on him with a passionate sigh that had him nearly coming there and then. Fortunately, their little tryst lasted longer and she had left him quite satisfied when she waved to him before hurrying out the door.

  He walked through the hacienda, his pace slowing as he took note of changes he had not noticed before. Vases of fresh cut flowers were everywhere and some of Rosa’s drawings hung in plain frames on the walls. No longer did the servants run in fright from him, they smiled and bobbed their heads his way. Some even sang softly as they worked. It was as if the place had sprung to life after lying dormant far too long.

  Laughter interrupted his thoughts and he followed the happy sound. He stopped just before stepping out to the patio and watched his wife scooping up a young boy no older than four years who had climbed on one of the chairs and had grabbed a handful of fresh cut fruit from a crystal bowl.

  “If you are hungry, Emil, ask me and I will see you are fed,” she said smiling.

  The little lad nodded vigorously. “I hungry.”

  Esteban smiled. Rosa would make a good mother, always smiling and tolerant of her children’s antics. They would love her as much as he loved her. He stepped out onto the patio just as a servant woman came running into view.

  She froze as soon as she saw Esteban, and then rushed forward, her head bent as she approached. “Please, Don Esteban, forgive my foolish son, he means no harm.” She reached out to take her son from Rosa.

  “Of course he didn’t, Carlita,” Rosa said handing the boy over to her.

  “I turned away only a moment to hang the wash and he was gone,” Carlita said as if trying to explain.

  “Emil is a fast one. I’ve seen him run.” Rosa reached out and playfully poked the boy. He laughed. “He was hungry and no doubt drawn to the delicious scent of the food.”

  “Does he get enough to eat?” Esteban snapped and realized he had responded too harshly when both women turned wide eyes on him.

  Rosa laughed and shook her head. “He’s four, Esteban, he’s always hungry.”

  Carlita nodded. “That he is.”

  Esteban walked over and patted the boy on the head. “You come to Dolores whenever you’re hungry, Emil, she will always have a treat for you just like she did for me.”

  Carlita’s mouth dropped open, though Emil smiled wide and nodded happily.

  “Thank you, thank you for your generosity, Don Esteban,” Carlita said and turned and hurried off, Emil waving at Rosa and Esteban from over his mother’s shoulder.

  Esteban reached out, his hands going to his wife’s waist and drawing her close. “Do you know all the servants’ names?”

  “I know many, especially Emil, for he’s a curious little fellow, which leaves his mother always trying to find him or in search of him.”

  “You do well with children.”

  “I do enjoy them, but how can you not? They are so innocent and find such joy in so many things.”

  “Until life steals their innocence and they learn how harsh life can be.”

  Rosa was aware that he spoke about himself and her heart went out to him. She could not imagine living through what Esteban had endured and still continued to endure. He was free, yet he wasn’t free. And he continued to keep himself removed from those he loved, but no more. She wouldn’t let him. She had admired Gaby’s strength and fortitude, especially when it came to those she loved. The spirited woman had let nothing stand in her way and Rosa was glad that she had managed to gain some of Gaby’s resilience while there.

  She pressed her cheek to her husband’s and whispered, “We will teach our children well and they will know joy and much more.”

  Damn if she didn’t know just how to squeeze at his heart. That his wife thought of having children with him thrilled him and made him more determined than ever to see this done with Pacquito.

  He turned his face to capture her lips in a possessive kiss. She was his and his alone. Her body melted against his and he wished their clothes could fade away so that he could feel and touch her warm flesh. He couldn’t get enough of this beautiful woman who he had been lucky enough to have as a wife.

  A gentle cough brought an abrupt stop to their kiss, and they both turned to see Dona Valerianna step out onto the patio.

  “It’s a lovely morning. I am so pleased to be enjoying it out under the sun and with my loving family. I only wish Alejandro wasn’t delayed in joining us,” Dona Valerianna said as she went to take a seat.

  Esteban went to his mother’s side and pulled out a chair for her, though before she sat he kissed her cheek and said, “You’re more radiant than the sun today, Madre.”

  Dona Valerianna’s hand went to her chest and her eyes glistened with tears and with a tender smile, she said, “I have so missed hearing your never-ending compliments.”

  Esteban kissed her cheek again and hesitated, though only for a moment before saying, “And I have greatly missed saying them.”

  Dona Valerianna stepped around the chair and hugged her son, as if he had finally, at last, fully returned home to her.

  Esteban hugged her tightly, so relieved to feel his mother’s arms around him after all these years.

  Dona Valerianna took her seat with a joyful smile. “What a lovely and colorful table you have had set, Rosa.”

  The three were soon engaged in a lively conversation, the first since Rosa’s arrival there. Meals had always been so rigid and formal and much too uncomfortable to be able to fully enjoy a meal. It was beginning to feel like a family and Rosa was beginning to feel that Esteban hadn’t been the only one to have come home... she had as well... at least she hoped she had.

  The alarm bell tolled, startling the three of them.

  Esteban was out of his seat in a flash and warned, “In the house and stay there until I come for you both.”

  “Be careful,” Rosa said but her husband had already turned the corner and disappeared.

  “Come, Rosa,” Dona Valerianna said holding out her hand. “We must do as Esteban says and remain safe in the house.”

  How could Rose simply wait in the house until someone brought news to her? She wanted to know what was going on. “You go, I’ll be right along. I want to make sure Dolores is all right.”

  “She will be fine. You must listen to your husband.”

  Rosa was growing tired of commands, always listening and following orders. Having had a taste of true freedom on her trip to Los Angeles, she had since found it difficult to be so compliant. Gaby had amazed her in the way she dealt with people, a smile and a nod, and then usually getting her way in the end.

  “I will join you as soon as I see to Dolores,” Rosa said and turned to hurry to the kitchen, though watching from the corner of her eye to make certain that Dona Valerianna went inside. The woman did, closing the patio doors behind her.

  Rosa entered the kitchen to find a frantic Carlita and Dolores searching the kitchen.

  “Madre de Dios,” Carlita said through tears. “I cannot find Emil and renegades have been spotted on Cesare land. “What if they took him?”

  Though Rosa’s stomach roiled at the possibility that Emil should suffer as Esteban had done, she kept her calm and attempted to reassure the fearful woman. “He probably hid as soon as he heard the warning bell.”

  Carlita nodded. “He does kno
w what the bell means.” She wrung her hands. “Oh, God, please let it be so.”

  “Go to your other children,” Dolores said and get them settled. I will go see if I can find Emil and bring him to you.”

  “Gracias, gracias,” Carlita said hugging the woman, and then hurried off.

  “Do you know where he could be?” Rosa asked.

  “He loves to go to the orchard when his mother picks the fruit and fill himself with what he can get. I wouldn’t be surprise if that’s where he is.”

  “He did try to grab a handful of fruit from the bowl on the table earlier.”

  “Since he wasn’t successful, I’d say he’s at the orchard.” Dolores pushed Rosa out the door. “You take shelter in the house and wait for the all clear. I’m going to find Emil.”

  “Not alone you’re not,” Rosa insisted and before Dolores could argue, Rosa headed for the orchard.

  Rosa heard the screams as she approached the orange orchard. Her heart began to beat wildly and fear prickled along her skin. She stopped and turned to Dolores, a few feet behind her. “Hurry and get help.”

  “You go. I’ll help the boy.”

  Rosa’s noble birth surfaced. “I gave you an order, now hurry and do as I say.”

  Dolores stared wide-eyed at her for a moment, and then with a nod she turned and hurried off.

  Rosa didn’t hesitate, she charged straight ahead, scooping up oranges as she went. She caught sight of Emil squirming and fighting to get away from the man who held him firmly in his arms. It was the same man who had almost assaulted her in this very orchard.

  She didn’t waste time thinking over what she should do. She ran full speed screaming, “Put him down.” Then she started throwing oranges, her only weapon, at the man.

  A couple missed, then one after another caught him in the shoulder and the face. Emil wisely kept himself scrunched down over the man’s arm to avoid being hit. Rosa didn’t stop the bombardment. She ripped oranges off the trees as she went and continued her assault. The man didn’t have a choice. He dropped Emil and shielded himself with his arms.


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