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Revealing Destiny

Page 18

by C. J. Corbin

  “Who says I don't?" he said waggling his eyebrows. "I’m bad. I’m a pack rat. It’s all my ex-wife used to complain about.” He disappeared into the kitchen and I heard the refrigerator open. “Do you want a beer? Oh yeah… that’s right, baby on board. All I have is bottled water. Is that okay?”

  “That’s fine,” I replied, “bring the bottle.” I really didn’t want to drink out of glass from his kitchen.

  He joined me back at the dining room table and we sat. The pizza smelled good; it was from our neighborhood pizzeria. I hadn’t had their pizza in years, and, not surprisingly, my mouth began to water.

  Ryan took a long drag on his beer and leaned back in his chair. It appeared as if he was studying me.

  “What?” I finally asked him.

  He leaned forward and took a big bite of pizza. “I forgot how beautiful you are.”

  “Oh, stop it Ryan.” Much as I would have preferred it not to happen, a blush began rising.

  “No, I mean it. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to embarrass you. But, you’re more than pretty. And, I let you go.”

  I laughed and raised my eyebrows, “As I recall, you didn’t so much as let me go as it was the cute little blonde who wore really short skirts pulled you in.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s right,” he chuckled, “her. Funny, I don’t even remember her name.”

  “Besides, you and this mess,” I waved at the living room, “would have driven me nuts.”

  “I take it your fiancé is not messy like me.”

  “No, Michael is very organized. He has to be, he’s a wildlife photographer. I’ve seen him take two hundred photos in the span of ten minutes. He has thousands of photographs.”

  “So it’s the romance writer and the wildlife photographer. Kind of poetic,” he mused.

  I laughed, "Okay, now we need to stop talking about me."

  He laughed with me, "Okay, good - that means we get to talk about my favorite subject. Me!"

  Ryan was fun. He had me in stitches with stories about the antics of his students. Along with teaching P.E., he also taught chemistry. And, more than one female student was madly in love with him. His stories reminded me a bit of Michael and his fans.

  Our evening was over too quickly. We both promised to try to keep in touch, and Ryan vowed he would soon hire a housekeeper. After arriving back at Dad's house, I realized I’d left my phone on the dining room table. Michael's email was long and chatty.

  "Hey babe, I'm glad you received the flowers. I miss you. A lot. It's still cold here. The polar bears are magnificent. The scientists are using a new kind of laser technology called LIDAR to track the polar bear dens. It's fascinating. Now that we're able to place where the dens are on a map, we can make sure that any oil or gas exploration is being kept far away from them. I'll tell you more about it when I see you."

  His email made me smile; his enthusiasm about wildlife always seemed to bubble over in him. He continued with more news about the expedition and gossip about the biologists who were with him. I had no idea who or what he was writing about, but I appreciated the email nonetheless. I could actually see the article for National Geographic forming in his mind. He’d already earned the title of a renowned wildlife photographer, now it seemed that the title of wildlife conservationist would be tacked on too.

  "Let me know how the movie is coming along. Everyone here is very impressed I have a famous fiancée, very soon to be wife. I miss you so much babe, that it hurts. These three weeks are killing me but our reunion will be that much sweeter."

  His email ended with hugs and kisses in the form of Xs and Os. I pulled out my iPad and quickly tapped out my reply. I didn't have as much news as he did, but I let him know about the movie, and how much I missed him.

  The next day was a movie free day and Nancy collected me. We were going shopping! Somehow, she’d talked me into endless store visiting as only she could do. As we were finishing up in the fourth baby store in Beverly Hills, I tugged on her sleeve as she again pushed my hand away when I tried to pay for the purchases.

  "Elizabeth, stop it." She handed the clerk her black American Express card, "I told you this day is on Marcus and me." She laughed, "Well, Marcus doesn't know about it yet. But, he did tell me to make sure I had fun with you! Are we having fun?"

  I shook my head and grinned. "Marcus is going to fall over when he sees the bills."

  "Oh, nonsense. He loves to spoil me." She paused, "OMG! I sound just like Simone!" Nancy shuddered a bit, "I hope she's not growing on me!"

  "Things still bad between the two of you?"

  She gave me a droll look, "Really, Elizabeth? You have to ask that? That woman will not change. Ever. She can be so mean and spiteful. Let's not talk about her, she'll just ruin our day." She held up a small, yellow embroidered jumper, "Isn't this just the cutest outfit ever?"

  I saw the price tag of $125.00 for the piece of clothing floating by and I'm sure my eyes jumped out of my head but I remained silent. I finished giving the clerk my home address to have everything shipped.

  As we left the store, I said, "My feet hurt, I need to sit down for a while." If not to rest my tired legs, at least to stem the flow of money out of Marcus's pockets.

  "Me too." Nancy pointed to a small restaurant down the block. "I've been there before. It's good, all organic, and should make Michael happy."

  After we ordered drinks, I peered at my friend over the menu. She looked up and caught my face.

  "What?" She asked.

  I smiled, "Did you ever think we'd be doing this?"

  "What? Eating? We do all the time. That's what makes us such great friends."

  "No. You know what I mean." I spread my arms out and then pointed at her, "You know, baby, weddings."

  Laughing, she replied, "Oh that. No. Maybe not. But then, who knows? Maybe yes." She nodded her head, "Yes. Definitely yes. You know, fate is a strange thing. Sometimes, it knows exactly what you want and you get it."

  I grinned, "So this is fate?"

  Nancy raised her eyebrows and wriggled them, "Or our destiny." She laughed, "Yes, we were destined to be here."

  "Do you really believe in destiny?"

  "Of course," she answered, "Don't you?"

  I grew silent, "I don't know. I guess so. I mean, look how Michael and I came together."

  She raised her sparkling water to me as if to toast me, "Definitely destiny."

  "And how about you?"

  "Me?" She questioned.


  Nancy pressed her lips together and said cryptically, "We'll see. Not all destinies are revealed right away." She turned her attention back to the menu, "Now what do you feel like eating?"


  I completed the week meeting the actors chosen for the movie. Apparently, it was important to Raven Jay I understand her vision. She knew it was important to the fans for the story to be captured correctly, especially if there were going to be sequels. My ears perked at the mention of sequels. I had thought it could go in that direction, but I hadn't really dared to hope.

  Dad and I hadn't spent as much time together as I had planned. He’d always been closer to Lisa and they still shared that closeness. I had to admit it myself it irked me a bit and I was also jealous of the attention he paid to her.

  Michael emailed me he'd be calling on Saturday morning as soon as he reached Churchill. He’d be spending the weekend there, bathing I hoped and eating normal food before he returned to the lodge on Sunday. I know he was getting very tired of eating the vegetarian style food they provided, mainly pasta and canned tomato sauce. He’d even ventured into the kitchen to lend a hand, but they told him continually he could have extra fish to compensate for the lack of meat.

  Before my phone actually had the opportunity to ring, I slid my finger across the front of it to answer breathless, "Hello, Michael."


  His voice sent a tremor through me. I inhaled deeply like I was trying to pull his scent through the phone. "I mis
s you so much." Tears began to well in my eyes.

  "Oh baby, I miss you too." His voice was so deep I could hear a hitch in the sound as if he was trying not to let the emotion overtake him. "How are you? How's the baby?"

  "We're fine. You know you don't need to worry about us."

  "But I do, babe, all the time. I think of you every minute." His voice faltered again.

  I had to sniffle back my tears, "How are you?

  "Cold." He laughed. "Oh Elizabeth, you have no idea how fricken cold it is. My teeth can't chatter enough. I forgot how cold, cold can be. I already warned Tommy and Marcus."

  He may have been cold, but his voice was sending fire through me. It started at my core and fanned out. With every word he spoke, the heat curled through me, and tickled me so much so that the place between my legs began to tingle with anticipation. I wriggled on my bed and closed my eyes.

  "Babe, are you still there?" His voice was deliciously low as it purred through my ear. I must have stopped speaking.

  "Yes." I said, barely able to speak the words. "Where are you?" I asked.

  He sounded puzzled, "In town."

  "No," I replied with almost a little impatience in my voice. "Where are you? Are you somewhere private? Can you talk?"

  "I thought we were talking. But, yeah, I'm up in my room. I'm about ready to take a shower."

  "Are you naked?" I hoped he was. He needed to be. I leaned back against the pillows on the bed.

  It was as if a light came on in Michael's voice. His voice dropped at least an octave and it grew gruff, "Do you want me to be?"

  "Yes." I hissed. My voice, too, dropped. "Do you have Wi-Fi?" I pulled my t-shirt over my head while I wriggled out of my panties. My hand brushed against my breasts, and my nipples which were already dusty red responded by tightening into hard buds. I could feel the moisture grow between my legs.

  "Skype," he said simply.

  "Now," I answered just as simply.

  I reached for my iPad as the familiar tone began to ring. My fingers brushed over the front and Michael's face popped up on the screen. I set the iPad up on the bedside table. I could hear his gasp as I came into view.

  "You're naked," he murmured breathlessly.

  "Mmmm..." I murmured back as I gently rubbed a finger against one of my nipples. "Want to see?" I asked as I scooted back against the wall.

  "Damn, Elizabeth. Now I miss you even more."

  "Show me you," I purred.

  I heard a zipper and a flush of movement. He angled the screen and there he was. Michael. My lover in all his glory. His hand was firmly wrapped around his engorged manhood, then he moved his hand so that I could see him fully. The sight of him went through me and instinctively I spread my legs apart.

  "Oh baby, yes." His voice was a drug for me.

  Closing my eyes as I slowly dragged my hand across my center, electricity bolted through me when I dipped my finger in search of that pulsing button. So much need. I felt the velvety softness of my own body. Wetness lubricated my fingers while I slowly spread them over the heat. The feeling intensified as I brushed my hand up and down.

  "Can you see what I'm doing?" I whispered breathlessly. "You always do this, and I love how slow you go."

  I opened my eyes again to look at the screen. Michael was looking intently at me, his hand slowly stroking himself. He moved his fingers up and down in a languid movement, every few strokes he would circle the crown and I could hear his breathing become quicker.

  "Open up more for me," he instructed, barely able to speak the words.

  I did as he requested, moving my fingers across to spread myself wider. Doing so made me feel incredibly sexy and instead of the air-cooling me, it only increased the fire licking across my body.

  "Put your fingers inside," he said softly.

  Complying, I gasped, "Oh Michael, I want you in me!"

  "I am, baby. That's me you feel."

  He increased the speed of his hands movements, encompassing his full length, which now almost lay straight across his belly. His eyes were wide-open while I watched him pleasure himself, and I could feel his hand stroking me. My fingers alternating between plunging deep inside and then rubbing against the hard nub of my sex. My nipples were super sensitive and I pulled at them causing me to cry out with moans of pleasure. Then, my core wanted only my attention. I forced my eyes open as my fingers rubbed and probed watching him. I pushed myself beyond the tipping point and my hips began to buck wildly in time with the rhythm that Michael had set. His eyes caught mine. We stared at each other as our orgasms overtook us, both loudly vocal with our groans. Then I focused again on his spurting emissions landing on his chest while his hand continued to pump up and down. My movements quieted as I continued to move my fingers around, my hand soaking with my juices.

  I leaned back against the wall, my legs still spread wide. "Oh god," I whispered. "Oh god."

  He laid there, his chest moving up and down as proof of his exertions. "Don't move your hand, baby. I want to look at you."

  I looked at him and blushed.

  "Stop it," he said. "You’re so beautiful."

  I giggled, "I'm glad no one was home."

  "Wow, I wasn't expecting this today. Man, I can't tell you how much I needed it." He stretched himself out and pulled the iPad close so all I could see was his face.

  "Me too," I purred, and pulled the screen closer to my face too.

  He smiled, "You're always full of surprises." He chuckled, "My Hellcat."

  "I was glad you were in your room."

  "Me too. Glad I was able to participate. Although just watching you would have been enough. You are so hot, babe. The vision of you like this is burned into me now."

  “What are you going to do today?”

  “I’m going to talk to you until you’re tired of me. Then, I’m going to eat some real food, not the freeze-dried stuff I’ve been trying to eat. All I want is an apple or something fresh. I’m invited tonight to the home of a local family who are vegetarians. The wife is making a vegetarian curry - I can’t wait. I told Tommy and Marcus to bring fresh vegetables with them from Winnipeg. I’ve eaten everything I brought.”

  “There are no fresh vegetables in town?” I asked with astonishment.

  He grinned, “Well, maybe I’m exaggerating, but, right now, I’d give my left nut for a carrot.”

  I laughed, “Don’t you give away your nuts, I happen to be quite fond of those.”

  “Since it’s the dead of winter, most of the real tourist places aren’t open for business. They close in November and don’t open back up until the spring. Pickings are slim. There is a great bakery though, and you’d love the fresh bread.”

  “How are the views of the Northern Lights?” I asked.

  “Spectacular. I’ve been capturing the displays. With the lights and the bears, it is going to make a great feature in NG.”

  I smiled, only Michael would be so blasé about getting a front cover feature for National Geographic. “I’m looking forward to all the pictures.”

  “I’ll send you some more, but you have to promise me you won't put them up on your webpage.”

  I grimaced, “I promise. Sorry again.” The last time Michael had sent pictures from his whale-watching trip, I mistakenly put them up on my author’s webpage, and they were promptly pirated.

  “Don’t worry about it, babe, I don’t mind, but let me copyright them first.” He laughed, “otherwise our baby won’t have a college fund.”

  Smirking, I said, “Oh sure, blame me for jeopardizing our daughter’s future education.”

  “Daughter?” He said, quickly sitting up. “Do you know something I don’t?”

  “No. No. No,” I said quickly. “It was just a figure of speech.”

  “Oh, okay. We still have our appointment set with Dr. Helga for the ultrasound?”

  “Do you want to know what the baby is?”

  “Aren’t you curious? He asked.

  “Did you know with Tammy and Katy?

  "Not with Katy. But, with Tammy, we did. Margaret wanted to know because she wanted to plan her room. We had so much pink clothing left over from Katy." Michael shrugged. "It's nice to be able to plan."

  "But I want to be surprised."

  "You do?" He questioned. "Why? It's not really a surprise."

  I thrust my chin out, "Oh yes it is. It's all gift wrapped, too."

  He chuckled, "I suppose you’re the gift wrap?"

  I grinned, "Yep."

  "Mmmmm....then, I'm looking forward to unwrapping you over and over," he whispered.

  "You're a naughty boy."

  "Yes, I am," he replied, "and you like it when I'm naughty."

  Giggling, I said, "Oh yes I do."


  I began to grow weary of being in Southern California by the middle of the following week. The traffic, the noise, and the heat were getting to me. It had turned unseasonably hot and I’d packed all the wrong clothes. To make matters worse, my morning nausea started again and sapped my energy quickly. Michael and I were able to chat the remainder of the weekend, but when he departed Churchill, a big storm hit the area and their internet was spotty at best. Having completed my work on the movie by Thursday, I was ready to go home.

  Changing my plans, I took an early flight home on Friday afternoon. My early departure dismayed both Lisa and Dad, but my sister understood the nausea I’d been experiencing after recently going through it herself. Dad understood my need to get back home and write.

  As soon as I landed in Sacramento, my head began to clear and my spirits rose. I wanted to see the eagles, so, before picking up the dogs, I headed for Mt. Mintock. With all the windows rolled down and the air blowing in my face, for the first time in two weeks I could take a deep breath, and enjoy the clean, crisp air.

  Turning onto the ancillary road which would lead to the tree stand, I drove carefully around the large mud puddles from the rain the night before. Marveling at the different weather from southern to northern California, I wouldn't have traded the cool breeze for anything. When the road ended, I parked the car. Grabbing the binoculars I kept in the glove compartment and tucking my cell phone into my pocket, I set off. It was a good twenty-minute hike for me, and Michael could make alone it in ten. He was always so sweet when we came up here, helping me walk through the trees because normally I tripped over at least one tree root.


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