Taming the Alpha

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Taming the Alpha Page 12

by Mandy M. Roth

A shuddered ran through his body when she finally released his neck and ran her tongue over the two puncture wounds. He leaned down when she turned her face away from him and pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

  He would never get enough of her. By the time the full moon was over in a few days, there would be no question that she belonged exclusively to him.

  “Simon,” Tory’s whispered voice echoed in the room. “I think now is a bad time to tell you I’m not on birth control.”

  Simon’s eyes widened at her softly spoken words. He leaned up so he could look down into her worried eyes. His mouth opened and he drew in a low, hissing breath.

  “Vampires can get pregnant?” He asked faintly.

  Simon watched as Tory’s eyes filled and she burst into tears. For a moment, he didn’t know what to think. He hadn’t realized that Vampires could cry either. Wrapping his arms back around her, he rolled so that she was lying across his chest.

  This is turning out to be a little more complicated than I expected, he thought silently as he ran his hands up and down her back.

  Chapter Nine

  Tory glanced at Simon’s relaxed face as he slept. It was a good thing Vampire’s heal quickly, otherwise it would have been impossible for her to move without waking him. Hell, it would have been impossible to move at all after the number of times he had made love to her last night.

  Sliding out of the bed, she picked up her discarded dress off the back of the chair. Dressing, she ran her fingers through her tousled hair. The good thing about curly hair was it always looked a bit wild and messy.

  Walking silently over to the French doors leading out onto the balcony that wound around the corner Master bedroom, she glanced one last time toward the huge bed. A shiver of need coursed through her. She didn’t understand what it was about Simon, but she couldn’t seem to get enough of him. It was more than just his blood. There seemed to be some kind of connection between them that she had never felt before with any of the guys back home. Sure, her dad had put a spell on her. But really, if it had been that big a problem, she could have always gone to her Nonny or Aunt Topper for a cure.

  She turned back and opened the door leading out onto the balcony. Transforming into a sleek Raven, she took off heading back to Alexandru’s apartment. She needed time to think about what happened.

  As if I could forget! She thought in resignation as she soared through the cool morning air.

  Simon had held her tightly while she cried. Of course, all that cuddling and stroking had turned to something else. The fact that he had remained locked to her also hadn’t hurt.

  Just the thought of his rough palms sliding over her skin sent a shiver through her. He had started out caressing her breasts, then licking her nipples, before he pulled each one into his mouth as he slowly moved in and out of her.

  A loud squawk escaped her as she almost face-planted into a tree branch. Swerving, she flew higher. If she wasn’t careful, she’d lose focus, transform, and fall to the ground!

  Half an hour later, she released a sigh as she glided down to the alley behind her building. Making sure the coast was clear, she transformed just a few feet off the ground. She stepped quickly around the corner, smoothing her dress and tucking a wild strand of hair behind her ear as she opened the wrought iron gate to the entrance of the building.

  Jogging up the narrow steps, she punched in the security code and opened the heavy wooden door. A breath of relief escaped her as it closed behind her. She glanced at the elevator before deciding to take the stairs.

  Her hand ran along the banister of the old wooden staircase. The smooth, worn wood made her think of all those that had climbed the steps before her. She wondered how many were now living in the cemetery where she had been only two nights before. Two nights! Her life had changed so much in such a short time.

  Twenty-four years of being protected and two days on her own and she had royally screwed up her life! She wiped angrily at a tear that escaped. Maybe her dad had been right. Maybe she was too young to be out on her own. After all, Vampires didn’t age at the same rate as a human.

  Her hand slid to her stomach. Even after she had warned Simon that she wasn’t on birth control, he had made love to her over and over as if he couldn’t get enough of her either. Maybe it wasn’t as easy for a Vampire to get pregnant.

  She bit her bottom lip as she stepped onto the third floor landing. Walking down the narrow hallway, she stopped in front of the door to the apartment. Pressing in the code, she opened the door and stepped inside. Locking the door behind her, she crossed the living room, heading for her bedroom.

  The first thing she would do is take a long, hot bath. The second thing she would do is contact her mom. She needed to know if…

  “No, not mom,” she whispered, touching her stomach again. “I’ll contact the Fates. If anyone would know, they would.”


  An hour later, Tory fingered her hair nervously while she sat in front of the mirrored vanity waiting for one of her Godmothers to pick up her call. She tried to school her features when Destiny’s smiling face shimmered for a moment before it cleared. Behind her, Tory could see a line of toilet stalls with different names on them.

  “Hi love,” Destiny answered. “How are things going?”

  Tory rolled her eyes. “Like you don’t already know,” Tory muttered. “Destiny, I need to know if I’m… if I’m…” Tears filled Tory’s eyes as Destiny’s expression softened with concern. “I’m so confused.”

  “Things will work out, Tory. You just have to believe that,” Destiny responded.

  “I met someone. He’s a Werewolf,” Tory blurted out. “We… He… Am I pregnant?”

  Destiny chuckled. She turned as the door opened. Fortune and Aura came inside. Both were dressed up. Fortune had a long, sparkling red dress while Aura wore a 1920’s gold Flapper dress.

  “No, love,” Fortune answered. “You are not pregnant.”

  “Thank you!” Tory breathed out in relief. “What’s going to happen? Why do I feel so confused when I’m around Simon? What should I do?”

  “Only you can answer that, sweetheart,” Aura said. “The future is never set in stone. Well, most of it.”

  “I know,” Tory whispered miserably. “I just wanted to have some fun. All I wanted was to see a little bit of the world that Benjamin and Alexandru talked about. Now, now I think I would have been better just staying in Magic.”

  “Where it was safe?” Aura asked.

  “Where it was boring?” Fortune asked.

  “Where you would never have met Simon Drayton?” Destiny added.

  “Yes,” Tory muttered, leaning forward on her elbows and resting her chin on her palms.

  “Why?” All three of her godmothers asked at the same time.

  “Before he fell asleep…” Tory blushed a bright red, but didn’t look away. “Before he fell asleep, he said he would never let me go. That I was his.”

  “And that scared you,” Destiny replied in a gentle voice.

  “Yes,” Tory nodded.

  Aura turned with a grumble. “We have to go. One of the patron’s is about to have a baby in here. Trust in the future, Tory.”

  “But, don’t let him run over you, dear,” Fortune added. “Werewolves can be very possessive.”

  “We love you, dear. If you need us, just let us know,” Destiny said as she began to disappear.

  “Love you, too,” Tory whispered just as the door opened and a very pregnant woman stepped inside. She stared at her reflection in the mirror for several long seconds. “Well, at least I know there were no consequences to last night besides me being an emotional basket case and a horny Vampire. Perhaps this is the Fates’ way of telling me to quit while I’m ahead.”


  Simon reached out an arm for Tory. He was horny again. The pull of the full moon was on him now and the beast would not rest again until after it was over. Until then, he would be insatiable.

  His head jerked up when his hand c
ame up empty this time. A low, menacing growl escaped him as his eyes darted to the open bathroom door. He rolled out of the bed and strode over to it. Empty.

  His eyes darted to where her dress and boots had been tossed. They were gone. He turned, feeling the change come over him.

  Lowering his head, he sniffed out the path she had taken. He nosed open the balcony door and stepped outside. Rising up on his back legs, he curled his front paws onto the railing where her scent suddenly disappeared. A long, loud howl escaped him as rage washed through him.

  Simon lowered himself back down. Returning to the bedroom, he shifted again. He swiftly dressed. A knock on the door told him that Youssef had recognized his fury. Opening the door, he ran a hand through his hair as he glared at Youssef.

  “She’s gone,” he snarled.

  “I’ll have a team dispatched to Carson’s apartment at once,” Youssef replied. “Should you…”

  “No,” Simon snapped. He knew that Youssef wanted to know if he should be incarcerated in the lower chambers he had built in the basement of the house. “No, I will get her back.”

  Youssef gave a sharp nod. “Did you find out what she was?” He asked hesitantly.

  “Yes,” Simon replied in a short voice, descending the stairs to the lower level where his office was located. “She is a Vampire.”

  “How? She was in the sun,” Youssef forced out in a strained voice.

  “It would appear that many of the myths are incorrect,” Simon answered as he stepped into his office. “And, Youssef. She is not the only one.”

  “There are more?” Youssef replied in dismay. “Where?”

  “We can assume that Alexandru Carson is one,” Simon replied with a glance at his friend while turning on his computer. “She also said there are other Werewolves.”

  “Other Werewolves!” Youssef’s face paled. “Should I gather a team together?”

  “Not yet,” Simon ordered. “I want to know more about the place she came from. In the meantime, find her, and Youssef, make sure she doesn’t disappear.”

  “I will oversee this myself,” Youssef replied in a quiet voice. “You are sure that she is a Vampire?” He asked in a hesitant voice from where he stood by the door.

  Simon looked up and grinned. It was not a smile of amusement. He saw the shudder that went through Youssef’s tall frame. The beast must be closer to the surface than he realized.

  “Yes,” he said before turning his attention to the computer in front of him.

  Chapter Ten

  Simon’s mind was swirling with confusion. Youssef had called him twenty minutes before to say he had a visual on Tory. She was in Alexandru Carson’s apartment.

  He glanced out the back window of the SUV as the driver made the turn onto the narrow street and pulled up next to where Youssef was standing in the shadows of a building. His thoughts were churning with all the information he had learned about the small town of Magic, New Mexico.

  Hell, everything about the town screamed tourist trap. The odd names of the businesses there were enough to attract anyone with a love of fantasy. There were a dozen restaurants with names like The Witches Brew, The Krazy Kettles, The Giant’s Beanstalk, and more.

  If that wasn’t enough, even the two grocery store advertisements were a marketer’s delight. He had never seen ads for Blisterwart cream, fresh made Blood Pudding made with different blood types, Fresh Saltwater Eel, delightfully seasoned for sure to meet any Griffin’s delight. There was even a Dwarf Construction Company, guaranteeing all construction projects for the first five hundred years.

  Information on the town stated there was a population of a little over two thousand full time residents. It was founded in the late seventeen hundreds before the actual acquisition of the New Mexico territory. What was very strange was the fact the founding family still resided in Magic. The address led him to the local cemetery.

  He opened the door to the Black SUV as it came to a complete stop across the street from the apartment. Stepping out into the waning light of the early evening, he glanced up at the dark third floor window of Carson’s temporary residence. His mouth tightened as the beast inside him reacted to being so close to Tory.

  “She is still there?” Simon asked Youssef.

  “As far as I can tell,” Youssef replied, leaning against the side of the building. “I saw her sitting at the table five minutes ago. Do you wish for a security detail to remain?”

  “Yes,” Simon replied in a distracted voice as he stared up at the third floor window. “I will return with her shortly.”

  “Be careful, my friend,” Youssef replied. “You don’t have much time before the moon rises. You know once the full moon is upon you, the beast will take control.”

  “Do you think I’m not aware of that,” Simon snapped impatiently. “The beast inside me wants to mate with her as it is. Once the moon rises, I won’t be able to stop it from doing so. She will be mine… forever, Youssef.”

  Youssef’s swiftly inhaled breath told Simon that had not been the response his friend was expecting. Hell, from the way the beast was acting, he would have thought the full moon was already here.

  His eyes rose to the third window again when a light came on. It was time to show Tory what happened when she upset her alpha. His lips tightened in determination.

  Upset, hell, he thought as he crossed the street. I’ll chain her ass up if she ever tries to run from me again.


  Tory picked at the rare steak on her plate before she finally just picked the whole thing up and dumped it in the trash can in the kitchen. She washed her hands before walking back into the living room. Bending, she turned on the lamp next to the sofa before she twisted and fell onto it and leaned her head back.

  Tears of frustration filled her eyes as she thought of Simon Drayton. How did things get out of hand so quickly? She brushed an impatient hand over her cheek.

  “I should have known better than to get close to a Werewolf. If I had stuck with a nice, ordinary human this wouldn’t be such a disaster. But Werewolves…” Tory blew out a deep breath.

  Werewolves could get very possessive. That was one reason she had always made sure that she and Maverick remained friends. They were very loyal to their friends, but if they thought there was anything else it could turn nasty. She had seen what happened when one of Maverick’s older brothers fell for a human girl while at college a couple years ago. He had gone nuts for a little while.

  “What am I going to do?” She whispered out loud.

  A loud knock on the door startled her. She knew immediately who it was… Simon. She had hoped he would take the hint that she needed distance, space to think, when she left before he woke this morning.

  She jumped when the knock sounded again followed by a deep voice demanding she open the door. Tory rose off the couch. A wry smile curved her lips as she smoothed her trembling palms down her thighs. It was a good thing she was a Vampire or she would have been scared stupid by the threat in his demand.

  Taking a deep breath, she remembered what Fortune told her about not allowing him to run over her. No way that was going to happen. She had been lucky last night, especially when she thought of how many times they had made love.

  She was not about to let that happen again. She wasn’t about to tempt the Fates. They loved a challenge and they always won! She had learned that the hard way growing up. Never challenge a Fate to Truth or Dare!

  Pausing to run a hand through her hair, she unlocked the door when it vibrated violently this time. Jerking it toward her, she opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind about banging so loudly and rudely.

  The words never left her mouth. They couldn’t because the moment the door opened, he pushed inside, grabbed her around the waist, pressed her against the wall, and covered her mouth with his. She vaguely heard the door slam followed by the sound of ripping cloth.

  Her lips opened in shock as he roughly nipped at her bottom lip. The cooler air of the room caressed her
suddenly heated flesh as he swept his tongue into her mouth. He used his body to hold her up against the wall while his hands worked at shredding her clothing.

  A gasp escaped her when he broke the kiss and pressed his lips down along her jaw. His hands cupped her bare breasts, pinching her nipples hard enough to draw a cry from her. She shivered at the suppressed violence in his body as his left hand came up to tangle in her hair.

  “Simon,” she whispered. “Simon, you have to… to stop.”

  “No,” he growled in a rough voice. “You left me.”

  “I… Yes, I did, but it was for a good reason,” she moaned as he ran his tongue along her neck.

  Simon pulled back to gaze into her eyes. A primitive fire burned in them. She could see the Werewolf close to the surface. It took a moment for her to realize that tonight was the first night of the full moon. A shiver escaped her as his teeth lengthened.

  “You are mine now,” he snarled in a guttural voice. “Mine, Tory.”

  “Simon, no!” Tory cried out realizing that the beast had taken control. “Fight it. You don’t realize what this will mean.”

  Her voice died as his hand tightened in her hair, exposing her slender neck to him. She released a smothered scream as his teeth sank into her. She felt her feet being slowly lowered to the floor. Her hands clung to his shoulders as he held her captive between the wall and his large body.

  Her traitorous body responded to his bite. She had never been bitten before and found it very arousing. She couldn’t turn her head, but she could feel him fumbling with his fastening of his jeans.

  Just once more can’t hurt, she thought desperately as her hands moved between their bodies to help him.

  A low moan escaped her as his pants slid down his legs. He released her neck, tenderly licking at the wound even as his hands moved to grip her around her ass. Her legs opened to wrap around his waist as he guided her high enough to align his throbbing cock with her.

  “I want you,” he muttered, gazing at her with dark, blazing eyes. “You want me.”


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