Taming the Alpha

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Taming the Alpha Page 13

by Mandy M. Roth

  “Yes, I want you, too,” Tory whispered, staring back at him.

  “Yes,” Simon howled, rocking his hips forward and impaling Tory.


  Simon was almost mindless with need by the time he reached the door to the apartment. What little control he had disappeared when Tory opened the door. The sight of her tousled hair, beautiful curves, and delectable scent snapped the last of it.

  The beast howled with triumph as he marked his female. The taste of her blood was embedded in him now. She would forever be his. Now, it was time to mark her with his scent.

  Sexual desire burned like a lava flow through him. He was in a haze of the sexual madness that held him in its grip. For the next two days, he would fuck her over and over. By the third day, the edge would lessen slightly as the moon slipped into its next phase, but he knew deep down he would never get enough of Tory.

  Relief swept through him when he felt her hands frantically helping him undo the fastenings on his pants. He retained just enough control to tell her how much he wanted her. When she whispered her own desperate need, his mind clouded and he knew all rational thought was gone. He was locked in the haze of desire that drove his creation.

  “Yes,” he groaned, rocking into her. “Yes!”

  His seed exploded deep into her, washing her womb with his scent. The tingling along his spine grew as he pressed against her. He turned his face into her shoulder as a shudder escaped him.

  “Simon,” Tory murmured, caressing his hair. “Simon.”

  “Mine, Tory,” he muttered against her skin before he pulled back. “You have two minutes to get yourself covered .”

  “What?!” Tory squeaked.

  “I can’t take you the way I need to here. It isn’t secure enough,” he muttered. “One minute, now. In less than five minutes, I will be buried inside you again.”


  Tory’s eyes widened as he pulled away from her in jerky moves. She remembered Maverick telling her and Kevin about what it was like during the full moon. She had blushed while Kevin had sighed and complained again about being born a Garden Troll.

  “I’d love to have almost a week of mindless sex,” Kevin had grumbled, throwing his fork down. “What do I get? Garden parties! God, I hate being a Troll!”

  Maverick had winked at Tory. “If you are ever interested, let me know, Tory,” he had teased. “I’d love a week exploring your curves!”

  She had thrown the remains of her lunch at Maverick who had just laughed. Now, she half suspected he really meant it. She stumbled when she felt the decorative throw from the couch being wrapped around her before she was swept off her feet.

  “Simon,” she protested.

  “Time’s up,” he growled.

  Simon opened the door with the hand holding her under her knees. Tory blushed when she saw Youssef standing outside the door with a dark scowl on his face. Simon jerked his head at the man.

  “The neighbors have called the police to say there is a wild animal in the building,” Youssef said in a low voice. “I told them all to stay in their apartments until it was captured. The SUV is out back.”

  “Move,” Simon demanded in a voice that sounded anything, but human. “The moon is rising.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Three days later, Simon sat on the edge of the bed looking down at Tory’s relaxed features. He picked up her limp hand, raising her pale, slender fingers to his lips. A sense of remorse swept through him at the dark circles under her eyes.

  He had been ruthless, insatiable, the last three days. The only time he gave her to feed was during their lovemaking. His fingers tightened convulsively around hers as shock swept through him.

  Lovemaking, he thought as he stared down at her pale features. I love her.

  Panic swept through him as he realized that he loved Tory. A shaky smile curved his lips as his gaze eagerly caressed her face. He loved her sense of humor. During the short bouts of sanity, she had told him of her life back in Magic. If he ever met her father, he would have to remember to thank the man for casting the Blisterwart spell and hiding it in Tory’s hairbrush.

  She had told him about her weekly visits to talk to the ghost down at the cemetery, her dreams of building her Graphic Design business, and about how she had almost died from a blood disorder when she was just a baby. He remembered her rolling her eyes when she told him about it.


  “Whoever heard of a Vampire with a blood disorder?” She had asked him as she gazed down from where she was sprawled across his chest. “That would be like a Werewolf being allergic to… to… meat!”

  “I’m just glad you are not allergic to mine,” he had replied as he drew her back down to him. “I love it when you bite me.”

  “So do I,” she whispered.


  A knock on the door pulled him out of his memories. He rose from the edge of the bed and walked across the room. Opening the door, he frowned when he saw Youssef standing outside the door with a worried expression on his face.

  “I have not killed her,” Simon assured his friend as he leaned against the door jam and folded his arms.

  Youssef’s eyes flickered briefly toward the bed, but he couldn’t see anything between Simon’s tall figure and the half shut door. Instead, he turned his gaze back to Simon. He shifted as the cell phone in his pocket buzzed.

  “We have a problem,” Youssef said in a short voice. “The alarms are going off all over the estate. Four of my men have not responded to calls to check in. I sent two men out. At least two of the men were unconscious.”

  A low snarl escaped Simon. It wasn’t often that someone suspected what he was, but it did happen. Over the centuries, he’d had to fight Slayers who came for him. The beast inside him immediately reacted to the threat against his mate.

  Simon stepped out into the hallway. The change was already coming over him. His eyes flickered back to the closed bedroom door.

  “Protect her,” Simon ordered in a guttural voice.

  “With my life, my friend,” Youssef promised.

  Simon closed his eyes and let the beast take over. If there were intruders on the estate, it would find them. The large white and gray wolf glanced back at the door before it raised its head and howled. The hunt was on.


  Alexandru landed on the balcony outside of Simon Drayton’s bedroom. Through the glass doors, he could see Tory’s still, pale features. Rage burned in his eyes as he noticed the dark circles under his baby sister’s eyes and the mark on her throat.

  Only an immortal creature could leave its mark upon another. Fury welled inside him leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He flicked his wrist and the door opened. Striding over to the bed, he sat on the edge.

  “Tory?” Alexandru murmured in a low voice. “Tory, wake up.”

  He watched as her eyelashes fluttered as she fought against the obvious exhaustion dragging at her. He could smell Drayton’s scent on her. There were several marks on her neck and shoulder. Some fresh, while others were probably a few days old.

  “Alexandru?” Tory whispered. She blinked several times. “What are you doing here? Did you find the pieces that you were looking for?”

  “I found more than I expected,” Alexandru replied in a voice filled with strain. “How long has he kept you here?”

  “Who? Simon? He… it was the full moon,” she whispered. “I’m so tired. Can we talk about this later?”

  “Tory,” Alexandru said in a sharper voice. “What happened?”

  “Ms. Carson?” A low voice called as the door opened. “Are you alright?”

  Alexandru stood up and turned as the bedroom door swung inward. His eyes locked on the dark haired human male who stopped in surprise when he saw Alexandru standing next to the bed.

  Alexandru hissed and flew across the room. Gripping Youssef by the throat, he held him up against the wall. His teeth lengthened and his fingers squeezed when the other man tried to call out for help.

; “Tell Drayton I will be back for him,” Alexandru snarled. “I am going to rip him apart for what he has done to my sister. Tell him!”

  Alexandru held Youssef’s throat until the human lost consciousness. Only then did he drop him. Turning on his heel, he returned to the bed where he scooped Tory’s limp body up into his arms.

  “Open a door to Magic,” Alexandru commanded.

  The spell wove out from him as if recognizing the urgency behind it. The moment the portal opened, he stepped through it. His first priority was to Tory. He needed to get her as far away from Drayton as possible. Once he knew that she was safe, he would return and when he did, Drayton would die.

  A long, forlorn howl echoed behind him as the portal closed. A smile curved Alexandru’s lips. If he was lucky, the wolf would come to him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Simon glanced out the window of the helicopter at the house below him. Red dust swirled, casting a cloud as it began to lower. His fingers curled into his palms as he fought the fear threatening to choke him.

  He hadn’t been afraid since he was a young, half-starved, beaten boy. Not even when he had been changed into a Werewolf had he felt the fear that was now threatening to consume him. What if she refused to see him? What if she denied his claim? What if she… didn’t love him in return?

  “Are you sure about this?” Youssef asked through the headset. “I will do what I can to protect you, Simon, but I doubt it will be enough to slow them down.”

  Simon turned his gaze to his friend’s face. A calm mask of acceptance was reflected on Youssef’s face. Youssef believed that they would both die today. He had fought against Simon coming to Magic, New Mexico. When he realized that Simon wouldn’t stop until he had Tory back at his side, Youssef had insisted on going with him.

  The only thing giving Simon hope was the strange visitor he had found in his office this morning. The woman had sported the brightest pink hair he had ever seen and wore an outfit that looked suspiciously like she was going on safari… in the 1930s. She had been sitting at his desk, reading through the research he had gathered on Magic, New Mexico when he walked in.


  “Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?”

  He remembered demanding as he paused in shock in the doorway to his downstairs office. He had been finalizing his trip to get Tory when Youssef had called him away. His eyes had swung from her to the bundle of information that should have been neatly stored in the large envelope where he had placed it.

  “Oh, I had forgotten all about Alicia’s joke that one Halloween,” the strange woman giggled. “She turned the entire population of rabbits into Jack-o-lopes for the evening. It became quite the legend.”

  “Who are you?” Simon demanded again as he stepped into the room and shut the door.

  “I’m Tory’s Great Aunt Topper, dear. Come in and have a seat,” she said with a wave of her hand.

  Simon froze. The large chair that he preferred to sit in when he wasn’t at his desk rose suddenly and scurried across the floor. It didn’t slide across. It had risen up and walked across it as if the chair legs had suddenly become… legs.

  “Well, sit down,” Topper said, resting her chin on her palm. “I don’t have all day. I’m supposed to be on a scouting mission in Africa with the Fates.”

  “The Fates?” Simon asked faintly, growling when his favorite chair knocked the other chair out of the way. The move caught him off guard and he sat down heavily in the overstuffed seat. “Where is Tory?”

  Topper fingered her bright pink hair for several long seconds while she stared at him. She must have been satisfied with what she saw because she gave a nod and sat back. She grinned and snapped her fingers.

  Simon stared in disbelief as all the papers rose and tucked themselves into the large envelope. His eyes moved back to Topper’s amused ones. He knew he was scowling at her, but he couldn’t stop. She knew something she wasn’t telling him.

  “Tory is safely tucked away back home,” Topper replied cheerfully. “She isn’t very happy about it either.”

  “She is unhappy?” Simon repeated with a dark frown. “I need to go to her.”

  “Do you love her?” Topper asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “That is none of your business,” he retorted, glaring back at Topper with a stubborn expression. “This is between Tory and me.”

  Topper shook her head. “Not in the town of Magic,” Topper replied softly. “You have been on your own, Simon Drayton. It is time for you to go home.”

  “What are you talking about? I am home,” Simon growled. “I am going to get Tory and bring her back with me.”

  Topper shook her head. “Magic is her home,” she said, standing and smoothing her khaki-colored top. “It is yours as well.”

  “How do you know that?” Simon demanded, standing.

  “Because the Fates told me,” Topper laughed. “I’ve included directions to Tory’s house. Land on the east side of the house.”

  “Who are the Fates and why should I land on the east side?” Simon asked in aggravation.

  “The Fates guided Tory to you,” Topper said as she adjusted her hat. “They are also Tory’s Godmothers and absolutely adore her.”

  “Oh,” Simon replied as he watched in fascination as Topper snapped her fingers and a large pair of binoculars appeared around her neck. “Are you a witch?”

  Topper chuckled and wiggled her nose. “Of course and so is Tory, sort of,”she grinned. “I’m late. Don’t forget to land on the east side of the house. I’m so excited. Ta-ta for now, darling.”

  Simon stood in disbelief when a swirl of pink smoke suddenly engulfed the woman named Topper. One second she was there, the next she was gone. He turned as Youssef opened the door.

  “The helicopter is ready,” Youssef informed him quietly.


  “Remember to land on the east side of the house,” Simon ordered the pilot as he gazed out the window. “As soon as we get out, return to Phoenix.”

  “Yes, sir,” the pilot replied.

  Simon waited impatiently. The moment the skids touched the ground, he jerked the door open and jumped out. Youssef followed him as he ran toward the house.

  He was almost to the stairs when something hit him hard on the left side. He flipped through the air, shifting as the beast inside him recognized he was under attack. His paws clawed the dark red soil as he rolled to his feet.

  Alexandru Carson stood glaring at him. Cold hatred burned in his eyes as he stared back at Simon. He circled slowly as he made sure that he placed his body between Simon and the house.

  “I knew you would come,” Alexandru snarled. “I hope your friend told you that I plan to kill you.”

  Simon growled menacingly back at Tory’s brother. He could sense that she was close by. His eyes kept shifting from Alexandru to the house.

  “She doesn’t want to see you,” Alexandru stated. “I’ll just make sure she never has to worry about that again.”

  Simon charged Alexandru. The two figures collided in a loud clash of rage. Simon knocked Alexandru back several feet, but the Vampire had his hands wrapped part way around Simon’s neck. Simon yelped when Alexandru slashed his teeth across his left ear.

  Both men backed away and began circling each other again. This time it was Alexandru who charged. He jumped at the last moment and twirled over Simon’s back so he could grip him from behind. Simon struggled to throw off the Vampire, but it was almost impossible. He twisted and rolled in a desperate attempt to prevent Alexandru from getting a firm enough grip to break his ribs.

  Simon rolled back to his feet with Alexandru still wrapped around him. He heard the Vampire’s furious curse before another sound sent him into uncontrollable rage. The sound of bone cracking and Youssef’s cry of pain, spun him around at the same time as Alexandru released him.

  “Stop!” Tory’s horrified cry rent the air. “Nonny! Help! Alexandru, Simon stop!”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tory woke from the late afternoon nap that she had fallen into feeling more refreshed, and determined, than she had in days. The past few sleepless nights, combined with the days she had been with Simon had finally caught up with her. She had settled into the dreamless, peaceful sleep of the Vampire when they needed time to heal.

  She blinked several times as she tried to figure out what had woken her. A loud, but familiar, growl pulled her upright in bed. She scrambled over the side, half sliding, half falling as she tried to get to the window to see if she was imagining things.

  A low cry escaped her when she saw her brother and Simon locked in battle. She was unable to move until she saw Simon throw Alexandru off of him. Turning away from the window, she rushed for the door.

  Practically flying down the stairs, she waved her hand at the front door to open it. She growled in frustration when the front door opened, but the screen door didn’t. She royally sucked at magic.

  Pushing the screen door impatiently to the side, she watched in horror as Alexandru turned on Youssef who was trying to help Simon. The sound of breaking bones and Youssef’s pain-filled cry echoed through the air.

  “Stop!” Tory screamed in horror. “Nonny! Help! Alexandru, Simon stop!”

  Alexandru ignored Tory’s cry. Unsure of what to do, Tory’s hands rose in the air. A long forgotten spell she had made up slipped from her lips. Her eyes widened as Alexandru, already in motion, disappeared into the dark hole she had created. The moment he passed through it, it closed around him.

  “Simon,” Tory whispered, staring at the huge white and gray wolf. “Oh, Simon.”

  Tory turned as the door opened behind her. Nonny stepped out onto the porch along with Aura. Both women hurried down the steps to where Youssef lay motionless.

  “Tory,” Simon’s choked voice whispered.

  Her head turned back to where Simon now stood instead of the white and gray wolf. Blood ran down along his neck and coursed over his bare shoulder. She could see a dark discoloration spread around his ribs on the left side.


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