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Taming the Alpha

Page 39

by Mandy M. Roth

  “Well, now,” he drawled, his smile lazy but his gaze hard. “What do we have here?”


  She might not have recognized him at her house, but she sure as hell did now.

  “Cookies?” Lucas took the plate from her hands, his smile tightening when she took a quick step backward.

  When he’d heard Walter coming in, calling out about some lady here to bring them treats, the last person he’d expected to find was Kim.

  She was in purple scrubs again, though this time with a pink hoodie zipped over the top. Her hair was once more in a ponytail, giving her that young, cute and innocent look.

  He scowled. Trouble. Nothing but fucking trouble this girl was.

  “Yeah, um, cookies.” Her words were light, and her laugh was nervous. Her gaze moved over every other firefighter in the room except him. “You guys were at my house last week. Or some of you were. My cousin left bacon on the stove and went to answer a phone call. Set the kitchen on fire.”

  Rodriguez stepped forward and grinned. “Right, right. The little rambler? Your roommate is a redhead?”

  “Yeah, that’s the house, and that’s her.”

  “Everything okay now? No more fires?” he teased.

  “No more fires.” She shifted her gaze to the cookies that Lucas held now. “So, anyway, I wanted to thank you guys with some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.”

  “Oh my god, I love fresh cookies.” Shannon, one of the firefighters who hadn’t worked that day, took the plate from Lucas. “And oatmeal makes them healthy, right?”

  “Right,” Kim agreed and shot another glance toward the door. “I’ll let you all get back to your...dinner. Thanks again.”

  She was booking it to the door before she’d even finished her sentence. As the guys and Shannon called out farewells and thanks, Lucas felt a stab of panic. Of urgency. She was leaving. Again. She’d walk out that door and be another frustrating memory.

  “Let me walk you out.” He’d called out the words before questioning whether it was a good idea or not, and in a few long strides had caught up with her.

  Her eyes rounded slightly and there was a flash of resignation in them, before she gave a small nod.

  They left the fire station and he followed her as she made her way to a gray compact. His mind swirled and he struggled with what to say to her. What would be expected.

  “So,” he sucked in a breath, and the next words came out like a verbal slap. “Do you always flirt with other guys when you have a boyfriend?”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her flinch and she stumbled in her stride.

  “No. I never do actually.” Her terse reply cut through the quiet darkness of the January evening and quickened her stride. “So you can take your assumptions and—”

  He caught her arm, making her words end on a gasp as he pulled her to a stop.

  “You realize your boyfriend pulled a knife on me that night, Kim?” He gave a harsh laugh. “Or is Kim even your real name?”

  “It’s my name.” Her mouth thinned and he saw her visibly swallow before she gave a shake of her head. “And I had no idea he had a knife on him. Were you hurt?”

  “No. But the owner of The Blue Lounge was.”

  “God, I’m sorry. This is all my fault.” She pulled away and unlocked her car door. “But he wasn’t my boyfriend. He was my ex.”

  Lucas frowned and held her door closed before she could open it.

  “For an ex he was sure acting like you guys were still together.”

  She closed her eyes and bit her lip. “Yeah he was. Because he doesn’t want to admit we’re through. He still gets jealous over the idea of me with anyone else.” She shrugged. “I didn’t know he was there at the club that night, and if I had, I would’ve left earlier.”

  Concern and anger mixed. “That doesn’t sound healthy.”

  “Clearly it’s not.”

  “And so you booked it out of there when he confronted me.”

  “He gets a little violent when he’s drinking. Add in jealousy and it’s a lousy combo. I hoped that in my leaving,” she hesitated, “he’d follow me instead.”

  Disbelief had him shaking his head. “That was a shitty plan, if you don’t mind me saying.”

  “No, you’re right. Instead he stayed and pulled a knife—”

  “I was fine, Kim. Trying to lure a violent ex out into a dark parking lot by yourself was the shitty plan.”

  Her shoulders crumpled as she made a murmur of defeat. “Maybe it was. But I liked you, and I didn’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Maybe he should’ve focused on the not wanting him to get hurt bit, but all he kept hearing was she liked him. And she seemed to realize how it sounded, because under the faint street lamp he could see her cheeks go pink.

  “Look, I really need to go.” She lowered her gaze. “I wouldn’t have come today if I realized you were the firefighter in my house.”

  “Why did you come? Are you sure it wasn’t because you felt something between us last week? Whether you realized it was me or not?”

  She bristled. “Your ego is on the massive side, isn’t it?”

  “Probably. But answering a question with another one is an obvious diversion tactic.”

  “Yes it is. I’m going to leave now, if you don’t mind.”

  He didn’t step back just yet. “What are you doing tomorrow?”


  “Have dinner with me after you get off work.”

  Her pink lips parted and she didn’t speak for a moment. “Why would you want to do that? I pretty much got you beat up that night.”

  “I think I came out okay, sweetheart. And you know what? I liked you too.” He reached out and brushed the back of his fingers down her cheek, needing to see if the blush-stained skin was as soft as it looked. “In fact, I think I still like you.”

  There was no mistaking the flash of interest in her eyes before her lashes fluttered down.

  “I get off at six tomorrow. How about we meet at seven at Deschutes Brewery? I’ll buy you dinner.”

  “Seven is perfect.” He lowered his gaze to her mouth and lightly traced his thumb across her bottom lip. She inhaled sharply. “But I’m buying.”

  She gave a small laugh and took a step backward. “We’ll see. I owe you from that night at The Blue Lounge.”

  “You brought cookies. Consider us even.” He didn’t turn to leave until she’d started the engine and driven off with a wave.

  His lips pursed and he shook his head. Last week he’d thought seeing her again was a fluke, but clearly she was back in his life for a reason.

  Chapter Three

  Why was she obsessing over this? Over a stupid outfit?

  Ugh. Kim stripped off the long sleeve T-shirt and grabbed a black sweater from her closet instead. She pulled it down and went to check herself out in the mirror.

  The knit fabric clung to her upper half, showing off her curvy shape, which was always nice after hiding her body in scrubs during the day.

  But was it sexy enough?

  She bit her lip and shook her head. Why did she care? She wasn’t looking to get laid tonight. This was a date. Or at least it had sounded like a date. How could it not be with the way he’d touched her cheek so gently? Then her mouth.

  A shiver ran through her and she touched her bottom lip that Lucas had traced the night before. After shaking her mind free from the memory, she zipped up her boots over her skinny jeans, grabbed her purse and headed out the door.


  She stepped into the brewery at five after seven—finding parking had been a joke. About to ask the hostess for a table, she spotted Lucas waving to her out of the corner of her eye.

  Kim sucked in a quick breath and made her way to the small table, sitting down across from him.

  “Hey there.” Her smile was entirely nerve driven. “Sorry I’m late.”

  “No apologies needed.” He grinned and wrapped his hands around the pint in front of him. �
��I wasn’t sure what you liked to drink, or I might’ve tried to have a beer waiting.”

  “Thanks. It’s the thought that counts.” She picked up the menu, using it as an unintentional barrier between them. Giving herself, and her jittery pulse, a bit of space. “And I change my beer tastes with my mood. Usually I’m a pale ale girl.”

  “Pale ale is good.” He was silent for a moment, then, “I’m glad you said yes to dinner.”

  Again her heart did that little stuttering thing. She glanced over her menu at him and took a second to look him over.

  He looked similar to the way he had at The Blue Lounge when she’d met him. Jeans with a crisp, blue button-up shirt. He looked freshly shaven, well put together, and just overall kind of...delicious. Maybe it was a weird word to describe a man, but it was the one word that popped into her mind.

  She was struck with the image of what it would be like to grip his ironed shirt and press her lips to the exposed skin of his neck. Taste the faint saltiness there, as she would trace her fingers over his smooth jaw. Maybe kiss the endearing cleft on his chin.

  “I’d love to know where your mind is right now.”

  The low, deep words had her belly warming and her thighs clenching together. She willed back a blush and tried for a casual shrug.

  “Still on beer.”

  “Is that so?” His eyes sparkled with amusement. “You look really pretty tonight, Kim.”

  There was no helping the blush now. She set her menu back down and grimaced. “I couldn’t decide what to wear. Went through like five outfits. And I probably shouldn’t have just admitted that.”

  “It’s cute that you did, though. And a good choice on the sweater.” His gaze dropped to her breasts briefly. “It looks...soft.”

  It was angora. Definitely on the soft and touchable side, and hugged her chest in a way that made her C cup look larger.

  Going by the slight heat in his eyes, she knew she wasn’t the only one who’d let her imagination fly free for a moment.

  The night at The Blue Lounge had been just like this. The undeniable chemistry and subtle flirtations. On the dance floor they’d been two bodies pressed together, moving to the heavy alternative songs. Pausing only once when he’d bought her a drink. He hadn’t kissed her, but she’d known he would’ve—and it might not have ended there—if her ex hadn’t shown up.

  The waitress returned and took their order before leaving them alone a moment later again.

  She folded her hands on the table. “Was it really your birthday that night? Or was that just a line to get me to dance with you?”

  “It was my birthday. Dirty thirty.”

  So he was four years older than her. “Mmmm. I bet you are.”

  He arched a brow and tilted his head.

  “Dirty,” she murmured, in case he’d missed it.

  His mouth curved into that sexy smile. “Guilty as charged. Maybe you’d care to find out?”

  “I’m here tonight, aren’t I?” The soft reply was out before she could stop it.

  Shit. She’d basically just told him she was a sure thing. Next he’d probably expect her to whisper in his ear to meet her in the bathroom in ten minutes.

  When his gaze flashed with surprise and then pleasure, she knew she’d better slow the hell down with the flirting. She wasn’t the sleep-around type, and sure wasn’t about to begin tonight with some firefighter she barely knew.


  They both turned at the sound of the high-pitched Southern voice. An exotic looking brunette approached the table, all smiles and swinging hips in her painted-on dress.

  “Well oh my gosh, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you.”

  The girl leaned against the table, presenting her ass to Kim as she focused on Lucas.

  “What have you been up to, Lukey?”

  Seriously? Kim leaned back in her chair and folded her arms across her chest.

  “Um, hi Tasha.” Lucas looked equally dismayed, and maybe even a little uncomfortable. “I’m actually on a date right now.”

  This chick had no tact and even less class. Kim looked at her fork, fighting the urge to grab it and poke it at the woman’s ample ass. Maybe she’d get the hint then.

  “A date?” The woman turned around and gave Kim the once over. “Oh honey, you can do so much better. Give me a call sometime, okay? We always had a lot of fun. Later, baby.”

  And then she was gone, leaving a lingering scent of super cloying perfume.

  “Wow.” Lucas shifted in his chair, definitely looking awkward now. “That was really bad. Damn, Kim, I’m really sorry about that.”

  She gave a small laugh, trying not to choke on the perfume smell. “Well, fair’s fair, I suppose. You met my shitty ex last time, I guess it’s only karma that I’d meet yours.”

  He opened his mouth as if to say something, but then shook his head and lifted the beer to it instead.

  Well she’d thought she was being funny, but apparently he didn’t find it as amusing.

  He quickly changed the subject and kept conversation moving, but the flirtatious atmosphere had dimmed some.

  When the food arrived she was almost grateful for the break. And sadly, she suspected he was too.


  Lucas ate his food, but barely tasted it. The encounter with Tasha had soured his appetite.

  Kim thought Tasha had been his ex. Hardly. They’d never been in a real relationship. Tasha had been nothing more than his mid-twenties hookup for the better part of a year. They’d only seen each other when one or the other wanted to get laid.

  Actually, besides Tracy for a few months in high school, he’d never really had what anyone would call a girlfriend. And Tracy had been a fluke. He’d gotten so busy studying for his finals, he’d forgotten to break up with her. Other than that, it had always been good times and no commitments with women. He worked better that way.

  “How’s your dinner?” he asked.

  After a silence that seemed to stretch on and grow more awkward by the moment, Lucas knew he had to say something. Even if it was something as trite as asking about her food.

  She stabbed a lettuce leaf with her fork and ate it before answering. “Good. Has this subtle taste of cheap perfume.”

  He winced, but fortunately she laughed at the small dig.

  “I’m just teasing you.” She glanced up at him through her lashes and then assured him gently, “It’s fine. Really. Don’t get weird on me.”

  He relaxed a bit, seeing she meant it. “I won’t.”

  “Good.” She lifted her beer and took a sip. “So how long have you been a firefighter?”

  “Since I was twenty-four. I love it. Best job ever.”

  “Do you see a lot of these human-error fires? Like my cousin’s inattentive bacon on the stove thing?”

  “More than you’d care to believe.”

  “God. I still can’t believe she did that.”

  While grabbing another slice of pizza, he gave her a sideways look. “So how did living with your cousin come about? You guys super close?”

  “We’re close, though I’m not sure I’d say super close. More so it came from us both being broke college students, and our grandparents letting us live in their old house for free.”

  “Shit. It’s your grandparents’ house?”

  “Yeah. They were more so just relieved to hear we were all right, rather than angry over my cousin’s inattentiveness.”

  He grunted. “Not a bad thing.”

  “No.” She hesitated. “And I wouldn’t be so irritated if it just wasn’t such a classic Deanna move. She’s notorious for making bad decisions.”


  “Like up until last year, Deanna had worked the front desk at the dental office I’m at. She got fired for planning her wedding on the company clock and using the office stamps on the invitations.”

  “Wow. That was pretty ballsy. So wait, she’s married?”

  “Nope.” Kim shook her head and took a
nother swallow of beer. “After all that, her fiancé called off the wedding just days before the ceremony when he fell in love with a showgirl in Vegas. Met her during his bachelor party.”

  He winced. “Ouch. Can’t make this kind of stuff up, huh?”

  “I wish it was fiction. I probably would’ve moved out by now,” she admitted, “if she hadn’t been through all that crazy stuff.”

  “Is she pretty torn up about dating now?”

  Her lips pursed and her brows furrowed. “Shockingly, no. She flirts all the time and gets asked out far more often than I do.”

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  “Well I was with my ex for several years, and before that I was basically living like a nun. Didn’t date at all while in school to become a hygienist. I didn’t want the distraction.”

  She put off dating for school? That was kind of an amazing feat. Did that include sex? He was tempted to ask, but knew it would make him a complete asshole. Maybe she was a card-carrying member of the masturbation club. Yeah, he’d just imagine that. It was pretty hot, actually.

  “I like you with your hair down,” he murmured. “It’s longer than I expected.”

  She self-consciously twirled a finger into her hair and smiled. “Thanks. Since it’s always up at work I like to leave it down when I’m at home, or when I’m going out.”

  “You had it up at The Blue Lounge.”

  “Not when I first arrived. It’s just when I started dancing. Getting all hot and sweaty. It has to go up.”

  Hot and sweaty. Man, but he could think of a few more activities that could get her in that state.

  “You keep giving me that look.” Her voice dropped intimately at the statement.

  He drew a deep breath in and his chest rose. “What look is that?”

  “You know what look.”

  Like he wanted her naked and on his lap? With his fist in her hair and her breast in his mouth? Yeah, maybe that was the look.

  Her lashes fell. “I’m not going to sleep with you tonight, Lucas.”

  Well clearly she had no problem with being straightforward. “I wasn’t expecting you to.”


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