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Taming the Alpha

Page 106

by Mandy M. Roth

  Conell wrinkled his nose and chuckled. “Ugh, I’m going to pass on the Cosmic Magic Punch too. How about an Orbit Blitz?”

  Aeron’s breath caught as Conell’s green gaze locked on her. The last time she’d had an Orbit Blitz she woke to find herself naked and wrapped around Conell’s long body. It had been what finally broke the barrier between them, causing them to cross the line between friends and something more.

  Aeron swallowed hard, thinking back to the nights they’d spent together. “Umm, no. I’ll pass but thank you.”

  Pass? I want sex. No. I need sex. Why the hell am I passing?

  She wiped her palm on her thigh and did her best to calm the rush of heat that went to her face as Conell winked.

  “It’s been too long, Aeron. I miss talking with you. Hell, I miss you period. I hate having to keep my distance.”

  “I miss you too, Conell.” She took a seat and tore her gaze from him momentarily, needing to force herself to breathe. “What brings you way out here? Last I heard you were living it up at the University of Falcierone. I can’t imagine ever wanting to leave the place, let alone travel to the outer quadrants. You’re free to do as you please with the protection of the Star Union at your back.”

  Conell shifted awkwardly as he tapped the wet bar controls. “Orbit Blitz please.” He glanced at Aeron and there was no mistaking the look of longing on his handsome face. “What will you have?”


  He seemed to pull into himself, avoiding her gaze. “Aeron, trust me, honey, you’re going to want a drink,” he said evenly.

  “Conell, what’s going on? You’re acting strange and that’s not like you. At least not like the ‘you’ I remember.”

  He stiffened and her insides cramped.

  She shook her head and sighed. “Don’t tell me we did something wild back then and ended up signing a marriage contract. That or you’re really a woman.”

  Conell choked on his drink as he took his first sip. “A woman? No.”

  Aeron grabbed the edge of the portable table next to her. “We’re not married, right?”

  Tipping his head, he peered out from emerald green eyes as a sly smile spread over his face. “You look as though that would be a bad thing. Would it? Would entering into a marriage with me be so horrible?”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it. Now, what’s going on?”

  He slammed the remainder of his drink before covering the distance between them. It was difficult to do anything other than visually trace the contours of his body, but Aeron managed to force her gaze to Conell’s face. She’d gone too long without the touch of a man but remembered his well. He had a gentle touch, one of a scientist, but she’d always sensed more to him. Conell wasn’t one to take to violence, yet there were times when Aeron had caught glimpses of extreme anger in his eyes, like he was fighting it with all his might.

  Conell had never been a ladies man while in university. In fact, he’d been ostracized by many of the other students after rumors of his parentage began to circulate. His six-feet, eight-inch frame had opened the door to vicious rumors about Conell having Vanos blood in him. His brother was rumored to be a bit shorter than Conell but faster and stronger than others at the Star Union Academy. Being part Vanos was a stigma no one wanted attached to their names, least of all a future scientist.

  Staring at him, Aeron couldn’t help but notice how much Conell had filled his tall body out. She’d accelerated the growth of Brad’s organic body parts before halting it so that he’d no longer age at a rate faster than a Vanos. Brad’s body and mind were that of a mixed-Vanos male in his early thirties—as the real Brad would have been had he survived. Vanos males tended to hit sexual puberty in their late teens but their bodies took longer to adapt to their size. Often males of the race did not “grow” into their bodies until they were in their mid-to-late twenties.

  Questioning Conell as to whether or not he truly possessed DNA from the Vanos wasn’t an option. He’d hated each and every time it was called into question.

  Conell made himself another drink and looked over at her. “How secure is your ship?”

  “How secure? What do you mean?”

  Conell glanced around nervously before moving to sit down on the sofa. “Can I speak freely here?”

  “Of course.”

  “Good,” he said before taking a sip of his drink. “Aeron, I don’t know how to tell you this so I’m just going to say it. The Vanos have put a bounty on the head of any scientist they feel may be a threat to them.”

  Aeron gulped. Any scientist? Although her project was a secret, she was well-known in the field of genetic research. She took great pains to keep her location a secret from them but it was never a guarantee. “Let me guess, I’m on the list.”

  “Yeah, we both are, along with many of our colleagues. Basically the members of the original pact have now become public enemy number one in their opinion.” Conell took another sip of his drink and Aeron suddenly felt the urge for one as well. She resisted. “A friend of mine is on the inside and he smuggled a chip out with all the scientists’ names on it. I sent a copy to my brother in the Star Union and then contacted you.”

  Aeron was quiet for a second, taking time to soak in the severity of Conell’s words. Much to her surprise, she didn’t panic. In fact, an eerie sense of peace settled over her as she cast him a reassuring look. “You put yourself at great risk coming here and not just fleeing. Why?”

  Conell sighed. “I gave in and left you before when it all went down. I heard what happened, how Fairbanks made it back in time to save you but lost his life in the process.”

  Aeron closed her eyes a moment, fighting the memories wanting to come.

  Conell made a low, pained noise. “I hated that it wasn’t me there with you, Aeron. I hated hearing how horrible the attack on you both was. I refuse to stay away now. I didn’t know it was going down last time or I’d have come.” He snorted. “Hell, I’d have never left but you pushed so hard, telling me our relationship had run its course. Then Fairbanks told me that you never really loved me.”

  She gasped. “Brad said that?”

  “I’m sorry I went, Aeron. I can’t change history but I can hopefully fix the future. When I saw your name on the Vanos’ hit-list, I couldn’t bear the idea of something happening to you. I couldn’t take a chance that inter-vessel communications are being monitored by the Vanos so I had to come to you. You were always a good friend to me and I thought this might pay that back.”

  Aeron rolled her eyes and decided on getting that drink after all. “I didn’t become friends or your girlfriend to get something out of you, Conell. I did it because you’re a nice guy, and at the time, we worked well together—as friends and lovers. You don’t owe me anything.”

  “Aeron, the entire scientific community knows that you’re a loner who rarely, if ever, leaves her grand, battle-sized ship, and if we know, then so do the Vanos.”

  “We appreciate your concern, Ballou, but Aeron’s not alone,” a male voice said from behind her. “It’s good to see you. It’s been too long.”

  Aeron’s eyes widened as she turned slowly to see who spoke. Her jaw dropped when she found Brad there, dressed in a pair of black military-style pants and a tight black T-shirt. It molded to his massive chest and matched his chin-length hair.

  Brad’s chocolate gaze met hers and she didn’t move, couldn’t move. How could this be? She hadn’t activated him yet. And what in star’s name prompted him to say what he did to Conell?

  Conell’s gaze narrowed a second before he stood and took a step back. “Fairbanks? How? I heard you were…”

  “I’m not,” Brad said, his voice even.

  Aeron blinked, thinking it all a hallucination. When she opened her eyes to see Brad and Conell before her, the reality of it all sunk in. The shock, hurt and bewilderment on Conell’s face was too much for her to bear. The need to clear up the misunderstanding was great. Aeron shook her head. “No, Conell.
Brad’s not—”

  Brad set his sights on Conell, looking anything but pleased. “Not dead. We thought it best to let the rumor stand to keep the Vanos looking in the other direction. We both knew they wanted me out of the way and had come at her to draw me out. We also knew they’d never let us live in peace if we dared to leak the truth of my existence.” His hot gaze landed on her. “I wouldn’t leave her then, and I sure the hell won’t leave her now that she’s my wife.”

  Aeron stumbled and knocked a glass off the wet bar. Wife? What the hell had prompted Brad to say that? Better yet, how in star’s name was he mobile?

  She stared at him, hoping the answers to her questions would magically develop. They didn’t. As she opened her mouth to protest, Brad shot her a hard look. The blood in her veins ran cold and a shiver moved over her.

  He was made to be a killing machine, Aeron. Don’t push him. He’s not the man you knew. He’ll kill Conell and you.

  Swallowing hard, Aeron tried and failed to steady her nerves. There was no logical explanation for why Brad was up and about. She’d not activated him and he surely couldn’t activate himself. Right?

  The tension in the room grew to enormous proportions. The urge to grab Conell’s hand and run was great. Having programmed Brad, Aeron knew better than to try to escape. He was faster than she could ever hope to be and he wouldn’t take kindly to her attempt at fleeing.

  “Aeron, are you well?” Conell asked, making a move to come to her.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to scream at him to run, but she held back, fearing for his safety. “I-I’m fine. Just shocked to see Brad up and about so soon.”

  “Is he still a late sleeper?” There was a definite note in Conell’s voice indicating he suspected something was off, but he didn’t verbalize it.

  “Something like that,” Brad said, his gaze hard and his body tense.

  In truth, as frightening as it was to see Brad up and about on his own, he was captivating. Aeron’s traitorous body agreed with her mind as her nipples hardened to pebble-like points and her inner thighs tightened. His voice was as deep as she remembered it being and his overall presence as commanding. She’d always known he was a warrior, but Aeron couldn’t have predicted what seeing Brad back in action would do to her. She knew she should be terrified, and in truth, part of her was, but the scientist and woman within her shared a simpatico moment—he was a fascinating specimen. Almost as captivating as the real Brad.

  “Aeron.” Conell’s voice was like a bucket of ice-cold water, snapping her out of her stupor and bringing her back to reality.


  “Yes? I’ve been asking you again about your ship’s defensive system, but I don’t think you’ve heard a word I’ve said.”

  Defensive system? She hadn’t heard him utter another word about the ship and its defenses.

  Brad crossed his muscular arms over his chest, puffing it out in a display of alpha maleness. “Our ship’s defensive system is that of Star Union’s finest war crafts. I’ve seen to it myself.”

  “We have a defense system?” Aeron asked, unable to mask her surprise. Last she knew she had shields to protect from meteorite showers and small blasts, but nothing that could withstand a full-fledged Vanos attack.

  Brad’s dark gaze landed on her and her pulse sped. “Of course, honey, don’t you remember all the time I spent in the command room, under the control panel?”


  “Um, right. I think I blocked it to keep you from suffering my wrath. You know how much I hate it when one of your projects takes up all your time.”

  A slow, sexy smile slid over Brad’s handsome face. “Depending on the punishment you had in mind, I might be willing to risk it.”

  He’s flirting with me. And he’s good at it. Almost as good as the real one had been.

  Heat rushed to her face and she knew she was blushing. Aeron swiped her hand over her forehead, positive she was sweating. Much to her surprise, she wasn’t. Still, the entire receiving room seemed to have jumped in temperature.

  “I think congratulations are in order,” Conell said. “I had no idea the two of you were married, Aeron. In fact, no one I talked to even knew you were seriously dating someone. You two did an amazing job of keeping Brad’s existence a secret. Your last name’s the same as it was, so I’m sure you can see how I’d miss something as important as—”

  “We’ve been together for years, Conell,” Brad said snidely. “Just because we never set our relationship out for the universe to see, doesn’t take away from it. In my opinion,” he licked his lower lip as he stared at her, “it’s only served to intensify our bond. Wouldn’t you agree, Aeron?”

  She nodded, unable to offer anything more substantial.

  Brad smiled. “And as far as her last name not changing, I’m shocked you’d even question that, Conell. Many races of humanoids don’t bother with the changing of surnames. In some, the male takes the female’s last name as a show of respect to her father should he have no sons of his own, as was the case with Aeron and myself. Since Aeron’s father passed away having only had one child, we thought it was a nice way to pay tribute to him—having her use Braxton in public and Braxton-Fairbanks between the two of us. Not only that, but this assures our children carry the Braxton name as well.”


  Aeron gulped.

  This isn’t happening.

  Conell drew in a deep breath, fisting his glass as if it were taking everything in him not to smash it against the wall. “You’re pregnant?”

  She couldn’t form an answer to save her life. It was all too much.

  Brad didn’t seem the least bit bothered. He let out a manly chuckle. “No. Not yet. We’ve only just decided to start trying.”

  We did? Funny, I was still debating on when to plug you in.

  She watched as Brad closed the distance between them. Her body went rigid as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. He caressed the small of her back. The action was so human and so reassuring, that for a moment, Aeron forgot who and what Brad now was. She laid the palm of her hand against his chest and relaxed. His touch was oddly comforting, as the real Brad’s had been. Shock raced through her as he kissed the top of her head lightly while giving two quick tugs to the back of her hair.

  Brad used to do that to me.

  “You should have woken me the moment Conell arrived, honey. I’ve wanted to see him again for years. We talk so much about the old gang, always wondering about their welfare, that I welcome the opportunity to see them again.” It was impossible to miss the jealous tone of Brad’s voice and the possessive manner with which he held her.

  The idea of Brad harming Conell sickened her. It was one thing for the creation to attack the creator, but to turn on her friends was another matter.


  The word no longer seemed to describe Brad.

  She shook her head and touched her temple. “Conell, could you excuse us? I need to lie down. I fear I’m fighting a rather nasty Tochitirion flu bug. We stopped there for refueling a few days back and I think it caught up with me.”

  His green gaze swept over her, and for a moment, Aeron thought for sure Conell knew something was amiss. She watched with bated breath, fearful he’d do something rash. When he headed towards her, Aeron yelped. Brad caressed the back of her arm, all the while his body tense.

  Stepping out of Brad’s embrace, Aeron wedged herself between the tall men, silently praying it wouldn’t come down to a fight. Brad could and no doubt would snap Conell’s neck with little to no effort. She glanced at Brad and pleaded with her eyes for him to spare Conell. His face betrayed nothing.

  Conell wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. “Take care of yourself, little Aeron. The Vanos have this area of the galaxy mapped out. My brother gave me a set of coordinates in Star Union-friendly territory. I’ll upload them to your ship once I return to mine. And I mean it, congratulations on finding out Fairbanks was Mr. Right.” />
  More like Mr. Deadly.

  She shook her head and held him tight. “No, stay here…my father had this starship built to house hundreds of scientists and their families. Stay, and we’ll head to your coordinates together.”

  Stay? I’ve lost my mind. Brad will rip Conell’s head off his shoulders.

  Conell glanced nervously over at Brad. “I don’t think that would be wise. I get the sense your husband wants your undivided attention.”

  Brad cleared his throat. “Of course I do, but my wife clearly wishes for you to be safe and she’s right. This ship will hold many.”

  Relief washed through Aeron when she realized Brad wasn’t going to harm Conell after all. Unable to hide her joy, she covered her mouth with her hand and nodded, tears welling in her eyes. “Thank you.”

  Brad winked, catching her off-guard.

  Conell touched her cheek lightly. “Tell you what. I need to warn three more people I know on the list. After I do that, I’ll rendezvous with the two of you at the preset coordinates. Maybe, we can get the old team together and put this ship to good use.” He backed away and offered a rather forced smile to Brad. She’d seen Conell use the same smile on those he despised during their days at the University. Hell, he’d even cast it in Brad’s direction a time or two back then as well.

  She held her breath until he’d exited the ship, only to realize she was alone with a droid she obviously knew nothing about.

  Chapter Four

  Brad waited until Conell was gone to look at Aeron. She just stared at him with wide eyes. It was cute and a bit unnerving. He thought she would have been happier to see him up and moving around with his memories and emotions intact. He would have waited and let her think that she’d activated him, but his super-human hearing had allowed him to pick up on their conversation. He would not let harm come to Aeron, nor would he allow her to fall into the arms or bed of an ex-lover. She was his and his alone.


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