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Chronicles of the Dragon Pirate

Page 48

by David Talon

  I gave Mr. Smith a puzzled look. “But...Jeremiah was my best friend; why would I treat him any other way?”

  Mr. Smith straightened and looked at Captain Black. “Say the words, if you would.” Captain Black nodded and I swore the oath with Mr. Smith, who then looked around. “Anyone else?”

  Andre stepped away from the assembled Buccan and strode towards me, my surprise nothing compared to Lucky Luc’s, who yelled at him in French. “What are you doing?”

  “The will of the Almighty,” Andre answered him as he stopped in front of me and turned around. “I was spared from death for a reason, and that reason has finally become clear.”

  “He will lead you to your death...

  “Then I will die with honor, for if this is not serving God then nothing is!”

  I wasn’t sure if I wanted Andre to swear this oath or not, but I knew I had to do right by him regardless. So I said in French, loud enough for the crew to hear, “Luc has the right of it: joining with us may well get you killed. Also...” lowering my voice, “if you swear this oath then we shall be as brothers and nothing more, no matter what.” I heard cries of outrage from the French sharpshooters, who finally realized I had understood what they’d been saying the whole time, and Master Le’Vass gave Captain Hawkins a dark look.

  He merely returned the quartermaster a pleasant smile as Andre turned towards me. “All men die in time,” he said in English, “and if it is God’s will then it shall happen, no matter what I do.” He raised his voice as he looked back at Lucky Luc. “At least I will die on my feet, fighting for a cause worth believing in.” Luc appeared ready to strangle someone as Andre turned back towards me and said quietly, “As for the oath, I...I am a weak person, who cannot remain faithful. You understand how it is between me and Luc?” I nodded and he continued. “If I do not do this then I will betray his trust again. Besides,” he added, “you need the Buccan if you are to someday have victory and to get the Buccan...”

  “I need Lucky Luc,” exhaling sharply as I saw the wisdom in what Andre was saying. “I just want to make sure you absolutely want to do this. I mean, I’m not God’s servant; bloody bones, I’m not even allowed in His church.”

  “Neither are the Buccan,” Andre said, holding out his hand. “Brothers?”

  I clasped his forearm and Captain Black said the words, both of us swearing the oath. Then he stepped back next to Jeremiah, who gave him a dubious look as Claude, to my astonishment, left the rest of his French comrades and walked towards me. Master Le’Vass seemed as amazed as I as he called out, “What are you doing? If you swear a Dragon-oath to this boy, your place in the court will be gone forever.” Claude kept walking and Master Le’Vass’s voice became angry. “You are as great a fool as he is. What can you hope to accomplish without the help of the duke of Anjou or his Dragons?”

  Claude had almost reached me but now whirled around to face Master Le’Vass. “What help will they give us? You dream of returning to your place at court, but if we do not stop the Shadowmen now then by the time the duke would listen it will be too late.” He stabbed a finger at Master Le’Vass. “I have followed you into exile for the sake of our family, but our road together ends here.” Master Le’Vass stared at Claude in shock as the Frenchman turned and walked up to me. “We have been deluding ourselves a long time, thinking we will someday regain our rightful place at ze duke’s court,” he said quietly. “It is time to stop living in ze past and think about ze future, the world our children shall inherit from us.” He smiled. “Besides, I would rather die in battle than live in a world without ze Courante, so let us swear ze oath together.”

  I nodded, my heart full of admiration for the tall Frenchman, and we moved to clasp forearms. But suddenly Panther pushed her way through the crowd. “Wait,” she called out, “I will swear too.”

  She was dressed in trousers and a man’s fancy shirt, and as she ran up beside Claude, he said in alarm, “You do not understand. I will find you a place on Tortuga, and when I am at sea...”

  “I will be by your side.” Her dark eyes locked with his. “You are creating a new tribe, one with blood feud against Olde Roger and his tribe, and I will be part of it. You will teach me to shoot and how to aim a cannon, so if you are killed I can teach your son and the circle will be complete.” Panther looked at me with eyes both calm and fierce. “I have lost my tribe and now my home, so I have blood feud against Olde Roger as well. It will be his death or ours.”

  “His death or ours,” I replied, exhaling sharply as I held out both arms. “If you truly wish to do this, I want you...actually, I think I need you both.”

  “Then we shall swear together,” Claude said. They both clasped a forearm and after Captain Black said the words we swore the oath in unison.

  When we’d finished, Captain Black called out, “Harry? This is your final chance.”

  Captain Hawkins shook his head as he folded his arms over his chest. “I’m done, Xavier. If Tomas were the son of Sir Francis I’d stay long enough to teach him what Sir Francis taught me, but since he isn’t, I’m returning to England with the next outbound ship. I’m done with Olde Roger and the Davy both.”

  “But are they done with you?” Captain Hawkins gave him a dark look and Captain Black waved his hand as if it didn’t matter. “As you will. Dava of the clan Wallace and the Bo Sally have both sworn the same oath with Pepper, daughter of Red-Hand Dava, since you stand in the place of Pepper’s true father, is it your will to join her with this man, and take on his blood feud with Olde Roger as your own?”

  “Aye, it be the will of all of us,” Redbeard answered.

  “Then join hands,” Captain Black moving aside so I could step over to Pepper. We clasped our hands together as he continued. “Unlike the Atlantian ceremony this is a betrothal, a promise to someday marry the other person for life. Since you are both Dragons, it is highly unlikely to be fruitful, but should any children be forthcoming, will you both swear to raise the child as your own, regardless of whether your lives end in marriage?” We both swore and he went on. “Tomas, will you swear to love and honor Pepper at all times, to be faithful to her except in times of fertility and times of mutual sharing, within the boundaries you both shall set?”

  I gave him a puzzled look, having no idea what he meant by the last part, and under the veil Pepper whispered, “We’ll work it out later, Swamp-rat. Just say yes.”

  “Then I do so swear,” I replied.

  A smile touched Captain Black’s lips as he said, “Pepper, do you swear to love, honor, and respect Tomas, being as a first mate to the captain, to be faithful to him except in times of fertility and mutual sharing, within the boundaries you both shall set?”

  “There shall be no more times of fertility for me,” Pepper said in a sad voice. “Therefore I shall swear to never know any man carnally except for Tomas, and no woman except within the boundaries we set.” I felt my face grow hot, suddenly glad Belle-M’ere wasn’t present...then sad a moment for the same reason as Pepper ended with, “I do so swear.”

  “Then I declare Tomas and Pepper to be bound in the promise of marriage,” Captain Black said in a loud voice. “Tomas, you may seal the agreement by kissing your betrothed.”

  I grasped the edge of the veil and, with a gentle grip, pulled it up and over her head. Pepper was dressed in a gown leaving her slender shoulders bare, her hair unbound and flowing freely down her back, and as I gazed upon her face it was like the morning sun with her rays stretched out across the sky. I’d never imagined she could look so radiant, and for a moment I could only stare.

  Until Jeremiah put his head close to mine. “If you don’t kiss her the deal’s off.” At once I grabbed Pepper’s shoulders and kissed her soundly, the crowd around us cheering as I finally let her go to catch my breath. At once she pulled me back in again and those around us, our new family, laughed.

  Captain Black opened his arms wide to the crowd. “I p
ronounce them let the festival begin!”

  After that the night passed in a blur, as if time was rushing forward and I was the one moving in slow motion. Casks from various wine shoppes and ale-houses were broached, and we were toasted by everyone we met along the beach, Pepper and I sharing an ever filled cup of wine as we went. The scent of fresh bread filled the air along with roasted goat, mingled with a wild boar that never seemed to be quite done. We ate a bite here and there, but there was always another pirate captain who wanted to take my measure, or famous person I had to meet, or someone’s brother just in from England.

  Captain Black kept control of the festival the entire time, mixing in rituals like honoring our respective parents: Pepper and I bowing towards the empty bow of the Blackjack Davy then sharing a cup of rum while Redbeard told stories about Pepper’s mother.

  Then Master Le’Vass called for us to dance the Courante, with Pepper and I as the leaders. For a moment I was terrified as the call went out for dancers, and people began streaming towards us. But as I stared at Master Le’Vass I began to remember the moves he’d used and calmed my fears, Pepper smiling at me as the line began to form. Once again Selene went through the moves as Twelve-fingered Harry organized the musicians, Olde Will and young Will among them. Captain Black took his place beside me, beckoning to Selene. “Jarl has told me quite a bit about you. Might I have the pleasure of this dance?”

  Selene gave him a smile as she took his offered hand. “I would be truly honored if you would,” glancing at me before turning back towards him. “Perhaps when the happy couple has retired we might have a chance to speak together at length?”

  “I am the one honored,” Captain Black said as he kissed her hand and they took their place beside us.

  Master Le’Vass seemed put out, his gaze darkening as Captain Hawkins gave him a satisfied smile. But the smile left his face as Arabella strode up to him. “I fear I am as out of practice dancing as I suspect you are. So we should dance together, as not to show ourselves as inadequate to another... would you agree?”

  Captain Hawkins opened his mouth as if he was going to argue with her, but then closed it. “As you will,” he replied, looking uncomfortable as he and Arabella joined us while Master Le’Vass’s dark look turned to a smirk.

  Looking down the line I saw Captain Cholula had grabbed Andre as her partner, Pepper seeing where my gaze had gone and putting her head close to mine. “We can’t warn him now, but I’ll speak to him once we’re finished.”

  I nodded as Claude took the anchoring position with Panther and signaled the musicians for the Courante to begin. I led the dance as well as I could, using all the moves of Master Le’Vass’s I remembered then throwing in a couple of my own as I began feeling more comfortable leading it. Finally, Claude signaled for the next round to be the last, and when we reached the mirror part on impulse I gave Pepper a deep kiss then bowed to her, which everyone mirrored down the line. From the corner of my eye I saw Captain Black give Selene a gentle kiss before they both smiled and bowed to each other, Captain Hawkins then moving towards Arabella. A simple kiss suddenly turned passionate, the pair embracing with their arms wrapped around the other a moment before they pushed each other away and bowed, the captain’s face its stern mask while Arabella looked troubled.

  Then the dance ended and at once the other couples surrounded us to wish us well, Captain Cholula being the last to do so. Her hand was tight around Andre’s, the Buccan looking as uncomfortable as the day he’d shown up with the Black Strangler in his belly as she looked to me with a hungry gaze. “Andre, speak to Pepper a moment while I share my...thoughts...with Tomas.”

  “As you will,” I said to her, a sinking feeling in my guts as I walked a few paces away with Captain Cholula, who moved close to whisper in my ear as we stood at the edge of the darkness stretching along the beach.

  I wasn’t disappointed. “This isn’t over between us, only that I’ll get more good fighters in my crew when you belong to me.” I pulled away and she grinned. “Captain Black’s given me too sweet of an offer to pass up, else I’d already be working to put you there, so enjoy your time pretending to be ‘Tomas the Bold’.” She turned to leave then looked back. “Oh, and enjoy having Pepper to yourself while you can.”

  She strode away before I could think of a good reply, and from the darkness beyond the light of the bright-fire torch set on a bamboo pole nearby I heard a thin, reedy voice call my name. I walked into the darkness and knelt down. “Hob, what are you doing off the Davy?”

  “Watching the mortals make fools of themselves,” he said as he motioned behind me. “I heard what Cholula said to you.” I got a glum look on my face and Hob chuckled. “You’ll have to deal with her at some point, but right now the turtle’s content to sit on the beach and leave you alone. Now,” his face breaking out into a disturbing smile of sharp teeth, “I’ve got a place set up for the both of you if you’d like to finally do what you came here for.”

  I glanced back at the knots of people in bright clothes drinking rum and laughing. “Do you think they’ll let us?”

  “If you want my advice, I’d recommend an old pirate trick: grab Pepper and slip away before anyone knows you’re gone.”

  I got to my feet as Pepper walked towards me. “I was wondering where you’d gone.”

  I took her by the hand. “We’re slipping away.”

  “About time, Swamp-rat,” she replied with a grin. We casually strolled to the edge of the torchlight, the waves gently rolling onto the sand a few paces away, and then followed Hob as someone yelled in an urgent voice for Captain Black, everyone’s attention drawn away from us. Hob took off at a trot and we ran after him as Captain Black’s voice barking orders faded behind us.

  Ahead of us I saw the wreck of an old sloop resting on her side, her main mast snapped off and her timbers rotted as the waves rolled over what little remained of her stern. Hob never veered but scrambled up the side, disturbing a nest of sea-birds judging from the multitude of squawks we began hearing from within. Pepper and I looked at each other and we both laughed. “I hope he doesn’t think we’re following him there,” I remarked.

  “The beach keeps going,” Pepper replied.

  “Then let’s go around,” and I led her around the bow of the ship, the birds settling down as loose sand became hard packed again as we reached the other side. Ahead of us I saw a circle of small lights in the sand and led us towards it, the lights becoming small candles in glass cups. In the center of the circle a blanket had been laid out, with an open bottle of claret wine and a wooden cup sitting beside it. I couldn’t help but smile. “Hob,” I called out, “I forgive you for all the tricks you played on me.”

  Only silence answered. I looked at Pepper, who only shrugged. “The goblin does things in his own way for his own reasons,” a smile tugging at her face as she added, “Still, we would be churls of the worst kind not to take advantage of his generosity.” I nodded, stepping over the candles onto the hard packed sand beside the blanket as Pepper followed suit. I sat down but she knelt beside the bottle, pouring out a cup of wine which she then handed to me. I took a swallow as a serious look came on her face. “I meant what I said during the ceremony: I will know no other man carnally except for you, even if someone tries taking me by force.” She smiled at my confused look. “Tomas, I’m a shape-changer now, which means if someone tries, I can block their best efforts.” My eyes widened as I thought about it, Pepper then putting her hands on either side of my face. “But for you the way will always be open. No matter how angry I am with you, no matter how much you come to frighten me, I will always yield to your caress.”

  “Frighten you? I don’t see how...”

  She put a finger to my lips. “You won’t stay the sweet boy you are now; you can’t, not if you’re going to lead men into battle. If I’m lucky, a little of your sweetness will endure, but either way it doesn’t matter. But I need something in return. S
ally’s a Bo, and if I’m only faithful to you she won’t understand.”

  “The Bo don’t understand being faithful?”

  “To them, the joining ceremony marks the one who is first in the female’s affections and nothing more. If I push her away, Sally’s going to be badly hurt.”

  I smiled as Ezekiel’s words came back to me. “And if momma ain’t happy then nobody’s happy.” Pepper lost her serious expression trying to suppress a giggle as I went on. “My real mother was a very practical woman evidently, because I’m beginning to see the advantage of keeping Sally happy, and...I don’t know, I guess I’m not jealous, knowing it’s Sally.” I never mentioned other women, and it wasn’t until much later that I realized Pepper never had either.

  “Thank you,” Pepper said softly, before taking a deep breath. “As for you, if you decide to take other lovers, I will make myself understand...”

  It was my turn to put my finger to her lips a moment. “There will be no one else. Not...willingly,” I said as I remembered what Captain Cholula had said, “but even if nature or circumstance lead me to stray, I will return to you.” She pulled back as if to argue but I put my face near hers. “Ask Jeremiah: when I make up my mind you won’t change it, Dragon or not.”

  “I don’t want to change it,’ she whispered as her lips brushed mine. I kissed her back...and suddenly we couldn’t get our clothes off fast enough, our hands all over each other as I pushed her down on the blanket and she guided me in, gasping as I entered her. The feeling was too incredible to contain and despite my efforts I lost control after a few thrusts. Pepper gasped again. “Kyrie eleyson, what’s happening?”

  I pushed myself up far enough to see her face. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, you didn’t hurt me at all. I’ve... made myself more sensitive down below, just to see what would happen, and when you let go I felt it like a warm wave pass through me. I think it’s got something to do with Smoke being part of me now; I feel a lot of things differently.” Suddenly Pepper gave me a wicked grin. “Any chance you can keep going? I’d like to see if it happens again.”


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