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Best Women's Erotica of the Year, Volume 2

Page 11

by Rachel Kramer Bussel

  “Always, but I haven’t always known it was you. Not for sure.” He stepped closer, but not close enough, slowly unbuttoning my shirt.

  “W-what do you mean?” My throat was dry. I wanted to look down at what he was doing, but I couldn’t.

  Zack opened my jeans and pulled them down to my thighs. He stroked my cunt through my panties. I wanted to rub against his hand. So. Much. It made me wetter that I couldn’t.

  “I mean it wasn’t always easy to tell what was you wanting me, or what was me wanting you to want me.”

  He nudged the crotch of my panties aside, and his long fingers pushed inside me. I moaned. I would have been embarrassed by how loud I was if not for how good he was making me feel.

  “Please, please, please,” I begged.

  Zack was smiling. “Please what?”

  Please let me rock back against your fingers. Just let me move. Please don’t stop. “Please fuck me,” I gasped.

  He pulled me close again. My shout of surprise was muffled by his mouth. The kiss was rough and hard and not long enough. I would have grabbed him to stop him from moving away if I could have. It made me wonder about how much power Zack really had. Staying still was definitely not something that I wanted to do.

  I heard my jeans ripping and felt cool air against my bare legs. “Look at you,” Zack purred. “Turn around and look at yourself on the monitor.”

  I did as he said, staying on my tiptoes. The camera followed me as I turned toward the monitor. My second favorite jeans were a puddle of denim at my feet. My panties were halfway down my thighs. My shirt and lab coat were open and unbuttoned far enough to see the curves of my breasts. My body was straining with the effort of holding the position. I was flushed and panting. I wanted him, and it showed.

  “Take off your coat.”

  My arms ached with relief at finally being able to drop them. The coat whispered as it fell on the floor. “Zack, now…”

  “No. You made me wait for three years, Gillian. You can wait a little longer. Your shirt. Take it off. Slowly.”

  I peeled off the white button-down shirt centimeter by centimeter. Then tossed it at the floor. “I didn’t make you wait to punish you.”

  Zack’s smile was warm. “I know. You were being good to me. And I am going to be very good to you.” Zack’s arms were folded in front of his chest, but I felt as if he were touching me. I felt his hands cupping my breasts and squeezing my ass. I felt him inside me.

  I screamed with pleasure. Then the feeling of him was gone. He was still standing beside me, but his presence was gone. I panted raggedly, somehow managing to keep myself standing. “You just have to wait,” he added.

  Cold without his touch and nearly shaking for want of him, I glared. I could not form words. Would not know the words to say if I could speak now. Still, Zack seemed calm and happy. I remembered that he had told me more than once that he thought I was beautiful when I was angry.

  “Get on the table. Facing me. Legs spread.”

  The cold metal of the table was at the backs of my thighs before I realized what I was doing. I lay back on the thin mattress. I never realized how uncomfortable it was. Zack had never complained.

  “It never bothered me. Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Not with you all the way over there,” I answered. My voice sounded sultry, sexier than I could have imagined it being. I wondered if he was doing something to me.

  Zack stepped forward, stroking his hand down my arm. “No, Dr. Ryan, I think you are doing something to me.”

  “Zack…” I tried to lean up to kiss him, but I was stuck. He had not told me to move. I spread my legs as far as they could go with the panties still around my thighs. When I reached down to take them off, Zack said, “Don’t.”

  I looked up at him, waiting for him to tell me what to do next.

  “Play with your breasts,” he ordered, his voice rough. “Let me see what you like.”

  I bit my lip and groaned. I pulled my bra down, leaving it hanging, and squeezed one of my breasts. I did not want him to be gentle, and I wasn’t in the way that I touched myself.

  “I think you know what I like,” I told Zack.

  He leaned close and whispered, “You’re right.”

  Memories flooded me. This wasn’t the first time in three years that I’d touched myself. And whenever Zack was close by, he knew. He knew that I sometimes touched myself and thought of him. I groaned.

  I pressed my breasts together, and Zack buried his face between them, kissing, sucking and biting gently. I gasped and begged incoherently. His hand stroked down my belly, reaching between my legs. He found my clit and played with it. Pleasure shocked through me.

  My breasts were damp and glistening from his attention when he pulled away. He kept his hand on me, toying with me. I made a plaintive sound. I just wanted him to fuck me. I just wanted to fucking move.

  Zack laughed, but not unkindly. He nodded to the monitor. “What do you see, Dr. Ryan?”

  Still flushed and panting, I could see how wet I was. “A female animal in heat,” I answered.

  Zack made a disappointed sound and shook his head. “I see the woman I love, finally letting herself let go.”

  My breath caught for a moment. “Show me?”

  Zack’s fingers were warm against my skin as he pulled my panties down. If I’d had any question of how he felt about me before, I couldn’t now. Not with how he looked at me.

  Zack braced his hands on my hips. He pressed his cock inside me, and I arched against the bed. His dick was much, much bigger and thicker than his fingers had been.


  Zack did not say anything out loud, but I could feel him in my mind, compelling me. I wrapped my legs around him tightly.

  He knew when I was ready for him to move. He fucked me hard. I slid up the bed with every thrust. My arms wrapped around his neck. I gasped his name.

  Zack did something, and I felt…me. Hot, tight and wet around his dick. I felt what it was like to fuck myself at the same time I felt myself being fucked by him. I felt his love for me. It was too much. I came, and he came with me.

  Zack’s head rested against mine. “Sorry.”

  The word did not have any meaning that I understood in this context.

  “Meant to last longer,” he explained.

  Fuck! He was apologizing! I came harder than I’d ever come in my life, and he was apologizing. I slapped him on the arm.

  Zack smiled and nuzzled me. I felt something rough and realized he’d had the monitors attached the whole time.

  “I didn’t forget,” Zack said. “I thought this could be a whole new area of research—telepathy as it relates to sex.”

  I didn’t speak for a long time. Long enough that Zack looked down at me with concern. “Gillian?”

  “You controlled me without words,” I observed.


  I stroked my hand down his arm. “And you…shared…what you were feeling with me.”

  Zack grinned. “Yes. I noticed you liked that.”

  “Yes,” I admitted. I pretended to consider this. “I think your idea has merit.”

  Zack laughed. He kissed me. He turned his head, looking at something beyond me, and laughed again. I turned to see what he was looking at. The cat was watching us. I laughed too. It only seemed fair somehow.

  Zack straightened up. I clutched at the table. He was still inside me, and he was hard again. “We should do lots and lots of experiments.”

  I screamed, “Yes!” as he started to move again.


  Kay Jaybee

  “Tell me. What else did he want to do to you?”

  “He…” A layer of dry dust landed on Liza’s moist lips, making it difficult to reply.

  “Come on, girl. We’ve got you this far, and hell, you don’t half look good.”

  Liza could sense Mick’s urgency. Before he’d tied her up his tone had been methodical and controlled. Now, as the quarry foreman tower
ed over Liza, observing as she discovered what it really meant to be spread-eagled, naked, exposed and vulnerable, his Pretorian accent crackled with barely suppressed lust.

  “He…” She licked her lips, tasting stone grit on her tongue. “He wanted to force me into begging to be fucked.”

  With her arms at right angles to her body, and her wrists and ankles roped to parallel winch shafts, Liza had the strangest idea that she must look like an open pair of scissors.

  After accepting the temporary job as administrator at the South African sandstone brick quarry, Liza’s main worry had centered around coping with the extreme heat after years of living on the cool English coast.

  Once she’d arrived, however, Liza had moved on from considering how she would keep cool to how she’d manage to keep her hands off her boss. Within half an hour of meeting Mick, Liza had been fantasizing about what it would be like to sit on his lap, slowly raising her ass up and down, as her body engulfed his thick, solid cock…

  That afternoon, sitting at her office desk, Liza had been struggling to coat the back of her neck with sun cream, when Mick had suddenly offered to help.

  If Mick had stopped applying the lotion once he’d covered her neck, then perhaps nothing would have happened. But Liza hadn’t wanted him to stop. She’d daydreamed so often about the site foreman giving her a more thorough lotioning than was strictly necessary, so she hadn’t complained when Mick lifted her vest top over her head and began to anoint the rest of her back.

  It was only when Mick moved to her front that the reality of discovery had invaded Liza’s brain, dragging her fantasy-fueled imaginings from the pull Mick was creating at her crotch, and causing her to defensively cover her white bra with her hands.

  “What is it with you?” Mick sat back, more amused than annoyed. “One minute you’re asking me to run my hands all over that delicious body of yours, and the next you’ve gone cold. Who are you hiding from?”

  “What makes you think I’m hiding? I just don’t want anyone to walk in and see me with your paws all over my chest.”

  “Come off it. You’re hiding. Why else would you be working in the middle of nowhere for six months when you could be running some company back home?” Mick winked at Liza. The fact that she hadn’t complained about his hands being on her tits silently hung in the air between them.

  “Anyway, you’re not the first. Nearly everyone who takes your job is avoiding something somewhere else. What’s your excuse for turning up here? Not just to give me wank dreams surely?”

  Perversely pleased that she’d been having as much of an effect on Mick as he had on her, Liza gave him a half smile. “You wank to me?”

  “Are you kidding? You’ve done some unbelievable things in my head.”

  It was no good pretending she didn’t fancy Mick. It was obvious. The white cotton of her bra was thin, and the poke of her nipples was undeniably visible. Letting her hands drop from her breasts, Liza asked, “Such as?”

  “You want to know what we do together in the privacy of my head.” Mick’s lips curled at the edges, his chocolate eyes challenging. “Thirty seconds ago you were little miss shy.”

  “I want to know.”

  “Then you have to tell me why you’re here.” The foreman took a step closer to his assistant, his half-open shirt hinting at the dark work-honed chest beneath. “Do we have a deal?”

  Taking a swig from her water bottle, Liza stared back at Mick. “Deal. But you have to talk first.”

  Mick placed a calloused palm on Liza’s shoulder. “How brave are you?”

  Liza swallowed. “Oh I’m brave.” She paused, before adding, “Although not as brave as my ex-boyfriend wanted me to be.”

  “Is that so? And is how brave he wanted you to be something to do with why you’re here?”

  Perspiration began to dot the back of Liza’s neck. “The deal was that you’d go first.”

  Liza’s pulse began to race with a mix of fear and excitement. Her body badly wanted Mick, but suddenly he seemed potentially more dangerous than the man she’d left behind. The man who had become so relentless in his demands that he’d begun to bore her as well as disturb her, prompting her to take an impromptu overseas career break.

  “All right.” Mick pushed his chest against Liza’s as she perched on the edge of her desk. “For a start, you always appear in my imagination with no top on. Your tits are free. Naked. Tight.”

  Liza felt as though she was being hypnotized by his words. She was watching his lips move, her own imagination miles ahead of him, picturing Mick’s fist around his cock, pleasuring himself as he contemplated her breasts. Breasts that he was currently releasing from their bra holster.

  “Often your nipples are in my mouth. I lick them, bite them and suck them.”

  Liza could picture the scene he was creating so vividly that she had to stop herself from asking him to suck them right now.

  Keeping his eyes fixed on her ample chest, Mick’s hands caressed her bare arms as he spoke. “Sometimes I imagine you begging for me to touch your breasts. I get off on your frustration. On making you wait. You’re longing for something that is only in my power to give as you lie totally naked, spread-eagled…”

  Liza shivered as Mick stressed the last words. He spoke more deliberately now, and their eyes locked. “And you are tied outside, to the sandy ground…”

  She froze, whispering, “But that’s what he wanted.”

  “He?” Mick reached a hand to Liza’s chest, gently buffing her left nipple before pulling a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, and flicking it open. “You mean Ryan.”

  Shocked, Liza slid her butt back, so she was out of reach. “Where did you get that letter?”

  “From your desk drawer.” Mick was perfectly calm, his eyes blazing with the promise of how good he could make her feel. “I was hunting for the staff safety manual, and this was sitting on the top.”

  Liza was furious. “How dare you read my personal mail!”

  “I think you’re pleased I did. Look at yourself! Globes out. Shameless. I bet if I saw your pussy I’d be greeted with a pretty sight of shining honey and damp knickers.”

  Unable to deny the truth of her physical condition, Liza wrapped her arms across her breasts, her voice dripping with betrayal. “So when you said you wanked about me, you actually meant you fantasized about what my ex-boyfriend wanted to do to me on the beach at home, without caring that I’d be on show to anyone passing by.”

  Mick examined Liza shrewdly. “The idea turned you on.”

  “It did not!”

  “It did. Why else would you bring the letter with you?”

  Liza felt her hackles rising. “Okay, so I like things a bit kinky sometimes, but I’m not a sideshow.”

  Mick held the letter back up. “It says that Ryan wanted to spread-eagle you on the beach and tease your body until you screamed so loud the people in the next town would come to watch.”

  “Ryan was out of control.”

  “Yet you kept his letter.”

  “So what?”

  “You kept it close. Even before I found it, it was well crumpled, as if it had been read often. Which means it turned you on.”

  Lifting her chin defiantly, Liza was about to deny it when Mick pulled her forward again and resumed his buffing of her chest. “I think you liked the idea right up until Ryan suggested you might be watched. You like to play the wanton hussy—but only in private. The professional woman in the day, the professional sexy, hot, kinky woman after hours. I respect that. Hell, I love that.”

  Pausing while keeping his gaze fixed on Liza, Mick weighed her firm tits in his hands. “All that passion bottled up all day, and then, when there’s no one else around…”

  Despite her anger at Mick’s invasion of her privacy, Liza couldn’t prevent the sigh that escaped her. It had climbed up from the pit of her stomach and was loaded with so much physical relief that Mick laughed. “Nice?”

  Not wanting to confirm how good he wa
s making her feel, Liza remade her point. “Even if I like interesting sex, it doesn’t mean I want an audience clapping at me while I have it.”

  “And if I prove that what Ryan was proposing would be mind-blowing, but promise no onlookers?”

  The bulge beneath Mick’s cargo shorts was becoming difficult to ignore, and the state of her own knickers had moved from pleasantly damp to full-on wet. Liza murmured, “You can guarantee no audience? One hundred percent?”

  “I can. For the next hour anyway.” Mick’s words developed a rasping edge as he sensed his companion was weakening. “Everyone working on this shift is a mile away on the other side of the quarry. Even if someone did turn up for work early this side, we still have time for some fun. You do want to. I know you do.”

  Liza briefly contemplated what he was saying, before yanking Mick’s shirt open and smoothing her palms over the sprinkle of chest hair she found there. She spoke clearly into his parted lips, “If one person, just one, spots us, I will get you sacked. Got it?”

  “Oh yes. But not as much as I’m going to get you. Now. Strip!”

  Twenty minutes had passed since then, and Liza still couldn’t stop wriggling against the bindings that held her at the wrists and ankles.

  At first Liza had thought Mick had placed the blindfold over her eyes to add a further dimension of restraint to her tethered body. But as a light breeze stirred up the loose dust that permanently coated every surface of the quarry, Liza realized it was less an act of kink, and more an act of kindness, to prevent fragments of grit from dancing into her eyes.

  That was as far as his kindness was going to go though.

  With every passing moment Mick was arousing Liza’s helpless body further simply by staring at her captive state.

  Her helplessness, she knew, was contributing to her high state of excitement more than she’d ever imagined it would, and yet Liza couldn’t stop the little voice at the back of her head asking why the hell she had taken a boring, undemanding job hundreds of miles from home to avoid Ryan’s constant outlandish sexual demands, only to do precisely what he’d wanted with someone else.


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