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Outside the Wire

Page 6

by Holly Copella

  The man straightened, preparing for another attempt to subdue her. Jackie punched him repeatedly in the face, knocking him back, and then kicked him several times in the side. He attempted to defend her blows, but she was too fast. She took a step back, spun into a high, roundhouse kick, and struck him in the face. He struck the wall and no longer defended himself. Jackie repeatedly punched him in the face while pinning him to the wall, keeping him from sliding down to the floor. When his body was finally determined to fall from her grasp, Jackie grabbed his head and swiftly broke his neck before releasing him. The killer fell lifelessly to the floor. Jackie stood over the dead man while panting heavily, the uncontrollable rage coursing through her. She could do little more than stare at what she was capable of doing. Once she collected her emotions, she casually turned and headed up the stairs.

  Jackie came down the steps a few minutes later with a hastily thrown together duffel bag. She dropped the bag at the bottom of the stairs and approached the man she’d beaten to death. She searched his pockets, removed his cell phone, and fiddled with it. She took a picture of the man then reclaimed her bag while heading for the door. She paused to take a picture of the second dead man, grabbed her leather, flying jacket, and then left the house. In less than a minute, Jackie backed her father’s black Mustang out of the garage and onto the once quiet, residential street. She drove away as police sirens wailed in the distance heading toward her house. Undoubtedly, her neighbors heard the gunshots from her Uzi and called the police. Unfortunately, she didn’t have time to stick around and answer questions.


  The black Mustang pulled up to the private airfield not far from her house and parked alongside one of the hangars. Jackie carried her bag and the killer’s borrowed cell phone toward the familiar helicopter. She tossed her gear into the back and prepped her helicopter for departure. She took a moment while sitting in the pilot’s seat to fiddle with the cell phone. She easily accessed the killer’s phone contacts and typed a text message. It simply read, ‘I’m coming for you.’ She attached the pictures of the two dead men then pressed send. Jackie tossed the cell phone out the helicopter door, strapped herself in, and lifted off. She fiddled with her cell phone while the helicopter whisked across the countryside. She saw a missed call over an hour ago from Sal, which piqued her curiosity. She listened to the call and immediately frowned.

  “Son-of-a-bitch,” she cursed under her breath, only now realizing the importance of the missed call.

  Jackie ended the voice message and pressed a single, speed dial button for the lodge satellite phone. She wasn’t surprised when there was no answer. It was late, and she doubted anyone would be up at that hour. The satellite phone was possibly even turned off to conserve the battery. Jackie cast her phone onto the empty seat alongside her and gave the helicopter additional throttle, racing across the dark countryside.

  Chapter Eleven

  Monroe’s luxurious, two-story beach house was nestled on a long stretch of private beach, isolated from others also living in seclusion on the small island. The newer home contained a wall of windows facing the ocean for a spectacular view. The detached two-car garage set further back from the home. One bay door was open, revealing an expensive, red Ferrari parked within the darkness. It was a little after three o’clock in the morning Florida time. The private beach was peaceful, as it always was in Monroe’s little corner of the world. His house was almost completely dark inside and out, although the moon provided enough light to add a romantic glow to the beach surrounding the home.

  In the distance, the sound of a helicopter could be heard, interrupting the once peaceful night. The sound grew louder as the helicopter came into view from the beach side of the house. The aft-side door slid open to reveal a man dressed in black seated behind a mounted machine gun. As the man placed his finger on the trigger, Monroe stepped out of the shadows of the house and raised a rocket launcher. His grin was nearly psychotic while positioning the menacing weapon.

  “Not this time, motherfucker!”

  Monroe pulled the massive trigger, expelling the rocket from the large tube. The man seated in the side opening of the helicopter saw the projectile hurling toward him and screamed. The helicopter attempted to veer to avoid a collision, but it was too late. The rocket struck the helicopter and exploded it over the once peaceful ocean, raining down flaming helicopter parts. Monroe lowered the rocket launcher and grinned deviously. He tossed the massive weapon over his shoulder while patting it affectionately then removed his cell phone. He pressed a single button and only waited a moment for the call to be answered.

  “Monroe?” came Sal’s concerned voice.

  “Yeah, Sal,” Monroe replied as he walked past his unscathed house. “Thanks for the heads up.”

  “You were a target too?” he was heard gasping over the phone.

  “Yeah, they came after me too,” Monroe replied while cautiously looking around the again quiet area. “Any luck getting ahold of the others?”

  “No, none,” Sal replied over the phone. “I left messages on Jackie and Gil’s cell phones, but I couldn’t reach the guys at the lodge.”

  “If there’s no one awake to answer the satellite phone, they won’t leave it turned on,” Monroe replied as he hurried toward the garage.

  “For a bunch of scheming men, that’s a stupid system,” Sal scoffed from the other end. “They could be in danger. My daughter could be in danger.”

  “I’m heading to the private airfield now,” Monroe announced as he entered the garage and deposited the rocket launcher on top of his duffel bag. The action hurt his injured shoulder more than he was willing to admit. He gingerly flexed his sore shoulder then jumped into his red Ferrari and shut the door, the cell phone still to his ear. “I’ll have to wake a friend and call in a favor. Do you have reliable contacts?”

  “Yeah, I have a few friends I still trust living nearby,” Sal replied.

  “We’ll rendezvous at the private airfield where Jackie keeps her fleet,” Monroe informed him. “I’ll collect Jackie at her place and meet you there. She’ll take us to the lodge.”

  There was a moment of silence. “You know the reality of what’s happening, Monroe.”

  “I know,” he replied with a deep sigh and placed his forehead against the steering wheel as if in pain. “They could have already gotten to her.” He immediately straightened. “You keep calling the lodge and I’ll keep trying Jackie and Gil’s cell phones. Just get your ass to Colorado ASAP.”

  The Ferrari burned out of the garage in reverse and spun in a semi-circle. Once it cleared the garage, the Ferrari jetted onto the road and sped away from the beach house.


  It was two o’clock in the morning Colorado time. The lodge was moderately dark in the peaceful countryside of vast nothingness. All the drunken commotion of the previous night was now a faded memory and only Beck, Pinto, and Kirk remained on the premises. Pinto stirred beneath the covers in her bed, being careful of her injured arm, and looked at the empty spot alongside her. She rolled onto her back and glanced at the bedside clock. She groaned while flipping onto her right side facing the window and nuzzled the pillow. Her eyes immediately opened. It seemed sleep wasn’t on the night’s agenda. She stared at the open window as a gentle breeze blew into the room.

  It was cool that night, as were most Colorado Mountain nights. She listened to the sounds of wildlife rustling around, hoping it would lull her to sleep. The secluded countryside was blissfully quiet except for the sounds of nature. The bedroom door opened and Pinto instinctively turned in bed, cringing when she turned onto her injured shoulder with too much vigor. Beck quietly crossed the bedroom, saw she was awake, and frowned.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you,” he remarked gently.

  “You didn’t,” she replied. “I think we both have insomnia tonight.”

  Beck slipped out of his shirt and pants and joined her under the covers. He immediately turned on his side facing her, leaned on his elbow,
and propped his head on his fist.

  “It’s been a rough week for all of us,” he announced while staring into her eyes through the dim lighting from the open window. Her moderately bruised and scratched face was a grim reminder of the hell they’d been through just a few days earlier. “I think we should drive to town tomorrow.”

  She sighed with little enthusiasm. “I think I’d rather just stay here in bed with you.”

  Beck smiled more naturally for the first time and gently took her hand in his. He affectionately kissed her hand then caressed it warmly. “You never have to talk me into that,” he teased then turned serious. “I’d like to get you a ring and make our engagement official.”

  “You’re sweet, Beck,” she cooed softly, “but that can wait. A ring isn’t important.”

  “Maybe not,” he replied, “but I’d like to get you one anyway. After all we’ve been through; it’d be nice to do something for us.”

  Pinto took up the space between them on the bed and slipped into his arms. He eagerly held her and groaned while rubbing his cheek to the top of her head.

  “What I want,” she announced in a timid voice, “is to crawl inside you and never come out.”

  She shivered slightly. Beck felt her tremble and immediately rubbed her shoulders and back in an attempt to warm her.

  “I should probably close that window,” he announced. “You’re going to freeze to death.”

  “I’m not cold,” she replied and held back her tears. “I just can’t stop thinking about Jackie and Holden. I mean, we’re them. I don’t even know what to say to her about it. If I lost you, I’d go completely insane. I can’t imagine what she’s going through, and then I think about losing you--”

  Pinto was nearly down to tears. Beck held her against him and nuzzled her head to his chest.

  “Jackie’s going to be fine because Holden’s going to be fine,” Beck insisted. “He’s with Othello. He’s safe. We’re safe.”

  She pulled back just enough to meet his gaze and sniffed while fighting her tears. Without warning, she kissed him passionately allowing her hands to travel his body. Beck returned the kiss and gently rolled her onto her back, positioning himself on top of her.


  Kirk entered the kitchen from the backstairs and without turning on the lights headed for the refrigerator. He had little reservation regarding parading around in his black boxer briefs, which clung to his excessively muscular body. Pinto’s part-time residence at the lodge didn’t sway his dress code regarding his late night strolls to the kitchen. He was proud of his body and didn’t care who saw it or how much of it they saw. He removed a plate of leftover grilled chicken and devoured a leg while carrying the plate to the island counter. He cast himself upon one of the stools while tossing the cleaned leg bone onto the plate. He reached for another piece of chicken when the satellite phone on the counter chirped at him. He wiped his greasy fingers on a napkin and snatched the phone with little hesitation.

  “Yeah,” he gruffly remarked into the phone.

  The faint sound of a helicopter in the distance caught his attention. He almost ignored the caller until he heard Sal’s frantic plea.

  “Kirk?” Sal gasped. “Thank God! Listen closely--”


  “Monroe and I were both attacked in our homes tonight,” Sal nearly shouted into the phone. “They could be coming for you. Grab my daughter and Beck and head for the panic room!”

  Kirk listened to the sound of the helicopter getting closer and became alert to the sound. “Christ, they’re already here!”

  He slammed the phone on the counter and ran from the kitchen. Kirk ran down the hall, across the dimly lit lobby, and approached the main stairs. He moved the ball at the end of the railing, revealing a large button. Kirk slammed his palm on the button. Steel panels fell over the windows and in front of the main entrance. Metal doors were heard slamming shut toward the back of the main lodge as well. The sound of crashing metal coming from every corner of the lodge was almost deafening.

  Chapter Twelve

  Beck held Pinto in his arms while both panted heavily after their passionate lovemaking. They heard the sound of a helicopter in the distance, disturbing the blissful sounds of nature. Before Beck could zero in on the echo, the sound of steel panels crashing down over the windows within the bedroom caused both to jump. They could hear the thunderous crash of panels closing within the entire lodge, nearly rattling the entire building. Pinto cried out with surprise and flew up in bed while clutching the sheets to her naked body.

  “What the hell is that?” she cried out.

  Beck leaped from the bed and immediately pulled on a pair of pants. “The lodge’s primary security system,” he cried out. “I heard a helicopter. It must be an emergency. Get dressed. You need to get into the panic room now!”

  Pinto sprang from the bed and threw on her clothes from the day before. She barely had time to slip into her shoes before Beck tossed her a leather shoulder holster containing a semiautomatic. She caught the holster while letting out a surprised gasp. Beck slipped into his shoulder holster and removed an assault rifle from the cabinet in the closet. Both could now hear the helicopter not far from the lodge and getting closer. Beck ran to the door and motioned her out.

  “Go, go, go!”

  Pinto ran out the door while attempting to slip the shoulder holster over her injured shoulder. Beck flung the holster into place as she passed, causing her some discomfort, but they were in a hurry. They ran down the main stairs and looked around. Kirk was nowhere to be found, but they saw several weapons and ammunition setting on top of the front desk. Kirk thundered down the stairs behind them now wearing a pair of jeans and his combat boots with the shoelaces dangling free. He didn’t take the time to put on a shirt, but he did take the time to stop by Zack’s room. He leaped down the last four steps. Pinto stared at the strange, thick rifle he cradled in his arms while Beck attempted to hurry her to the panic room just beyond the stairs.

  “What’s that?” she gasped.

  Kirk cocked the heavy piece of weaponry with conviction. It sounded like a shotgun’s angry father. “Zack’s grenade launcher,” he announced.

  Beck yanked Pinto toward a six-foot by three-foot mirror on the wall. He pulled it away from the wall to reveal a steel door. He struck a button alongside it and the door opened to expose a large, concrete bunker.

  “Get inside,” he ordered.

  Pinto looked from Kirk to Beck with disorientation. “What’s going on?”

  “We’ll sort out the details later,” Beck informed her. “Get inside.”

  “We’re being attacked,” Kirk lashed out. “I intend to blow the motherfucker out of the sky.”

  Beck turned to Kirk as he approached the front door now encased with a large steel panel. He slid open a small panel, fondly referred to as a kill slot, and broke the glass just on the other side. The opening was large enough to poke the weapon through yet protect him from enemy fire.

  “Before you go all Rambo on that helicopter,” Beck called out, “make sure it’s not Jackie or Gil first.” He then looked at Pinto and seemed surprised to see her still standing there. “What are you doing? Get in the panic room.”

  “I’m afraid to leave you,” she gasped.

  “Don’t worry about me,” he insisted then indicated Kirk. “You heard Rambo. He’s going to blow the motherfucker out of the sky. We’ve got this.” He indicated the panic room while shooing her inside with his hands. “You get that.” Beck shoved her inside the panic room and hit the button before she could protest. The door slammed shut. Beck closed the mirror and joined Kirk near the front door. He opened another kill slot and looked outside as well. The helicopter came into sight. Kirk looked through the scope on the rocket launcher. The helicopter dropped down allowing several men with assault rifles to jump out the sliding side door and onto the ground.

  “Well, it’s not Jackie,” Kirk snarled and immediately pulled the trigger.

  A grenade fired from the launcher and fell short of the helicopter. The grenade exploded and took a few men on the ground with it. The blast was enough to send the helicopter off course, leaving the pilot struggling to control the craft. The remaining men ran for the lodge.

  “Six hostiles heading our way,” Beck cried out and fired at the approaching men.

  Two men went down while the others sought shelter near the porch. Automatic gunfire came from the side of the helicopter, striking the lodge. Neither man flinched, feeling secure behind their steel wall. Kirk tossed the grenade launcher aside, exchanging it for his assault rifle. They fired at the helicopter, but it was out of range for their weapons. Unfortunately, the machine gun bolted to the helicopter floor was bigger and had better range. The large caliber bullets couldn’t pierce the steel plates over the doors and windows, but they easily went through the outside walls, striking furniture within the lobby.

  “Holy fuck!” Kirk cried out and gave Beck a demanding look. “Who the hell did we piss off this time?”

  Beck fired at a man running along the porch, but the tightness of the kill slot didn’t allow much maneuverability.

  “They’re outside the lobby,” Beck announced while closing his kill slot.

  He ran across the lobby for another kill slot, hoping to get a better shot. A loud explosion rocked the lodge, throwing Beck across the room. Kirk took cover near the floor as part of the wall exploded inward. It was almost as if they knew how to penetrate the building. Beck rolled across the floor and took cover behind the stairs. Both fired at men attempting to enter through the large opening in the wall. The invaders fired back. Kirk flattened himself against the steel plate across the front door and exchanged his assault rifle for the grenade launcher.

  Beck saw Kirk cock the massive weapon. He groaned softly with defeat, frowned, and gave Kirk the ‘all clear’ signal. Kirk stepped away from the door, aimed the grenade launcher at the massive opening in the wall, and waited for the men to spill into the lobby. He pulled the trigger. The grenade flew into the opening and exploded, rocking the entire lodge. As the debris cloud cleared, Kirk and Beck slowly poked their heads out and looked at the somewhat larger opening in the wall. The lobby was covered in dirt, debris, and body parts.


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