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The Bobbsey Twins Megapack

Page 179

by Laura Lee Hope

  Whether the horse took this for a signal to move along, or whether it just “happened,” I don’t know. But the horse walked out of the stall, across the grass of the paddock, and, as the big gate happened to be open, he walked right out on the race track with Freddie clinging to his neck.


  In the Cornfield

  Just about this time a race was going to be run. There were a number of horses, with jockey lads on their backs, waiting for the signal to begin their fast pace around the track. Up in the booth, where the judges and the starter were standing to give the signal, everything was in readiness. The people around the race track were all excited, for they wanted to see which horse would win.

  And then, just as the starter gave the word, and the jockey boys on their horses’ backs called to their steeds to run fast, out on the track walked the horse to whose neck Freddie was clinging!

  At first the little fellow had been so startled when the animal to whose back he had scrambled walked out of the barn with him that he had not known what to do. He just clung there.

  But, finding that the horse was very gentle and did not try to reach back and bite his legs, Freddie began rather to like it.

  “Go ’long, nice horsie! Go ’long!” called Freddie, and he clapped his heels against the sides of the animal.

  The horse went along all right—fairly out on to the race track, and just as the race was starting!

  “Here! Where you going?”

  “Come back with that horse!”

  “Look out! Stop him, somebody! That boy will be hurt!”

  These were only a few of the many cries that rose from the grandstand and the space in front of it when the people saw Freddie right in the path of the rushing horses.

  “Ring that bell!” cried one of the judges to the starter.

  The starter pulled the cord of the big gong which is rung to bring the horses back if they have not made an even start, as very often happens.

  Clang! went the gong. The jockeys on the backs of the horses knew what the ringing of the bell meant. Some of them had begun to guide their horses so as not to run into Freddie and his mount, but there were so many racers that one or two of them might have bumped into the little fellow. But when the jockeys heard the ringing of the bell they knew it was a false start and they pulled in their steeds and some turned back.

  But now something else happened. While the horse Freddie had climbed up on was kind and gentle, yet he was a race horse. And as soon as he found himself out on the track he must have thought he had been ridden there to take part in a race.

  At any rate, before Freddie could stop him, even if the little Bobbsey lad had been able to do this, the horse began to trot around the track. Perhaps he thought the ringing of the bell meant for him to start.

  So away he ran, going faster and faster with poor Freddie bobbing up and down, but still clinging to the animal’s neck. It was all Freddie could do, as there was no saddle horn to grasp.

  “Whoa! Whoa!” begged the little chap. “Nice horsie! Whoa now!”

  It was not so much fun as Freddie had at first thought to take a ride in this way. At the beginning he had an idea that he might some day be a jockey and wear a gayly colored silk blouse. But he never imagined race horses went so fast.

  “Whoa! Whoa!” cried Freddie again. But his horse did not stop. Indeed, it only went faster.

  “Somebody get after that boy!” yelled the starter, leaning from the judges’ stand. “He’ll be hurt if you don’t get him!”

  “I’ll get him!” offered one of the jockeys. He called to his horse and was soon speeding around the track after Freddie. And now the horse on whose back the little Bobbsey boy was seated, hearing another steed coming after him, began to think it was a race in real earnest, and he commenced to go faster. All the “whoa” shouts Freddie uttered were of no use.

  “Go on, Tomato! Go on!” cried the jockey to his horse. “Go on, Tomato!” Tomato was the name of his animal.

  The shouts and the screams of the crowd attracted the attention of Mr. Bobbsey and the other children as they came from the animal tent. And as Mr. Bobbsey neared the race track he had a glimpse of his little son clinging to a horse and riding very fast, while a jockey on another horse chased him.

  “Oh, look! Freddie’s in a race!” cried Flossie! “Oh, maybe Freddie will win!”

  “My goodness! how did this happen?” cried Mr. Bobbsey.

  “Will he be hurt?” gasped Nan.

  But just then, to the great relief of the Bobbsey family, the jockey managed to come up alongside of Freddie’s galloping horse. The jockey reached over with one hand, caught Freddie by the seat of his little trousers, and fairly lifted him off the back of the now excited horse.

  Then, placing Freddie on the saddle in front of him, the jockey turned his horse about and rode slowly back to the stand. Some of the stablemen then ran out and caught the other horse.

  “Why, Freddie! what in the world were you trying to do?” asked his father, when the little boy was placed in his arms.

  “I—I just wanted a ride,” Freddie explained. “I got tired of ridin’ on wooden lions. I wanted a live horse.”

  “Well, he picked a lively one all right!” laughed a man in the crowd. “That horse he rode has won every race, so far.”

  “You must never do such a thing again, Freddie,” his father told him, when the excitement had died down and the racing was once more started. “Never again.”

  “No, I won’t,” Freddie promised. “But when I grow up I’m goin’ to ride horses, I am!”

  “That will be a good while yet,” laughed Bert.

  “I’m glad your mother wasn’t here,” said Mr. Bobbsey. “She would have almost fainted, I’m sure, if she had seen you out on the race track like a regular jockey.”

  “Did I look like a jockey?” Freddie asked, eagerly.

  “Well, not exactly,” Bert said. “You didn’t have any silk blouse on.”

  “I’ll get Dinah to make me one when I go home,” Freddie declared. “I’ll have a red one, I guess, and then if I get tired of ridin’ horses I can be a fireman.”

  “Well, I think we’ve had excitement enough for one day,” remarked Mr. Bobbsey. “We’ll have something to eat, look around a little more, and then go home.”

  “But we can come back again, can’t we?” asked Bert. “I haven’t seen the balloon go up yet.”

  “Yes, we want to see that,” added Harry.

  “I’ll bring you to the fair again to-morrow or next day,” promised Mr. Bobbsey. “I want to come back myself. I’ve met a number of men today I’d like to talk with further. Then I’d like to have a talk with that Mr. Blipper.”

  That night, at Meadow Brook Farm, Mr. Bobbsey and his wife, after the children had gone to bed, talked over the strange disappearance of Mr. Bobbsey’s coat and the auto lap robe.

  “I’m sure that Blipper knows something about them,” said Mrs. Bobbsey. “Or perhaps that strange Bob Guess—what an odd name.”

  “It is an odd name,” agreed Mr. Bobbsey, “But it fits, for they don’t know what his real name is—at least he says he doesn’t. But I don’t believe Bob had anything to do with the taking of my coat and the robe. I’d like to find out more about the boy. He seems bright, and I feel sorry for him. I must see that man, Blipper, and have a talk with him.”

  “Wasn’t he at his merry-go-round today?” asked Mrs. Bobbsey.

  “No, he had gone off somewhere. But I am going to the fair again with the children, and I’ll get at Blipper sooner or later.”

  “Well, if you go to the fair again, please keep an eye on Freddie!” begged the mother of the Bobbsey twins. “He’s a little tyke when it comes to slipping away and doing strange things.”

  “Yes, he is,” agreed her husband. But the next day was to prove that Flossie could also “slip away,” when there was a chance.

  The Bobbsey twins, with Harry, were out in the cornfield gathering ears of corn to feed
to the hogs and chickens. The corn had been cut and stacked into piles called “shocks,” and it was from the stalks in these shocks that the ears of yellow corn were broken off and placed in baskets to be taken to the house.

  “Let’s play hide and go seek for a while,” suggested Nan to her brother and Harry. “Flossie and Freddie are over there by themselves, shelling corn.” The smaller twins had been given a little basket, and they were now busy breaking off kernels of corn from some small ears, and dropping the corn into their basket.

  “For the chickies,” Flossie had explained.

  So while the smaller twins were thus “kept out of mischief,” as Nan said, she, with Bert and Harry, began a game of hide and go seek. It was lots of fun, dodging in and out among the tall corn shocks, which rose above the children’s heads. The game went on for some time, until even Bert and Harry said they were tired.

  “Well, we’ll take the corn up to the house,” announced Nan. “Come, Flossie and Freddie,” she called. Freddie came up, carrying the basket of shelled corn, but Flossie was not with him.

  “Where’s your sister?” asked Harry.

  “Who, Flossie? Oh, she went away. She said she was going home,” Freddie answered. “She went home a good while ago!”

  “Went home!” echoed Nan, with a gasping breath. “Why, she never could find the way all by herself. Oh, maybe she’s lost!”


  Freddie and the Pumpkin

  The cornfield where the Bobbsey twins and Harry had gone to work and play was a long distance from the farmhouse. Nan knew this, and that is why she was frightened when Freddie said that Flossie had “gone home.”

  “Maybe she could find her way,” said Bert.

  “She’s a smart little girl,” added Harry. “I wish I had a sister like her.”

  “How long ago did she leave you, Freddie?” asked Nan.

  “Oh, ’bout maybe three four hours,” answered the little boy.

  “We haven’t been here an hour!” exclaimed Bert.

  “Well, maybe it was minutes, then,” admitted Freddie. He did not have a very good idea of time, you see.

  “If it was only a little while ago she can’t have gone very far,” said Nan. “Flossie! Flossie!” she called. “Where are you?”

  But there was no answer. Bert and Harry then took up the call, as they had louder voices than had Nan, and even Freddie added his shout, but it was of no use. Flossie did not answer.

  “I guess she’s too far away,” Harry stated.

  “We’d better hurry after her!” said Bert.

  “Oh, come on!” cried Nan, half sobbing. “Mother told me to keep good watch over her, and I didn’t! I shouldn’t have played hide and go seek!”

  “It wasn’t your fault!” her brother consoled her. “It was as much mine as yours. But we’ll find Flossie all right. I guess she’s home by this time.”

  But when they had hurried to the farmhouse there was no sign of the little girl. Mrs. Bobbsey became much frightened when told what had happened.

  “Is there any water she could fall into?” she asked Aunt Sarah.

  “No, not even a duck pond near the cornfield. She’s all right, I’m sure,” said the other Mrs. Bobbsey. “We’ll go back to the cornfield and find her hiding, I feel certain.”

  “But she wasn’t playing hide and go seek,” declared Nan. “She wouldn’t hide from us.”

  “You can’t tell,” said Aunt Sarah, so cheerfully that the others took heart. Back they hurried to the field where the big shocks of dried cornstalks stood. The two Mr. Bobbseys also went along to help in the search.

  “Now show us where you and Flossie were playing at shell the corn,” said the mother of the twins.

  “Right here,” Freddie stated, and he pointed to some of the yellow kernels on the ground.

  The father of the Bobbsey twins stooped down and looked at the soft earth. He soon found what he was looking for—the tiny footprints of his little girl.

  “She went over this way,” he said. “Come on, we’ll pretend we are hunters on the trail. We’ll soon find Flossie.”

  “Oh, this is fun!” laughed Freddie. But it was not exactly fun for the others. Even Nan and Bert were worried.

  The footprints of Flossie wandered off among the shocks of corn, and in a few moments they stopped at a place where two or three shocks had been piled together, making a large heap.

  And then, before any one could say a word, from behind this pile of cornstalks a sleepy voice called, asking:

  “Where are you, Freddie?”

  “There she is! That’s Flossie!” cried Bert.

  He and his mother made a dash around the big shock and there, lying with her little cloak wrapped around her, was Flossie, nestled amid the corn husks, curled up and just awakening from a nap.

  “Oh, Flossie! why did you run away?” asked her mother, clasping her little daughter in her arms.

  “I didn’t runned away, I walked!” declared Flossie, rubbing her eyes. “What you all lookin’ at me for?” she wanted to know. “Was I a bad girl, Mother?”

  “Not exactly bad, but you frightened us,” her father said. “However, we’re glad we have found you.”

  Flossie had just wandered away by herself, unnoticed by Bert, Nan, or Harry, and, growing tired and sleepy, had nestled in the corn to take a nap. Freddie had been so busy shelling corn that he did not notice which way his little sister went.

  But everything was all right now, and the happy families went back to the farmhouse, the smaller twins being allowed to feed some of their corn to the chickens.

  True to his promise, Mr. Richard Bobbsey took his children to the Bolton County Fair the next day, his wife going with him this time. Of course Harry also went along, for it would not have been polite to leave him at home. As for Uncle Daniel and Aunt Sarah, they said they would go to the fair another day.

  “Will you ask Mr. Blipper about your coat and the missing robe?” asked Mrs. Bobbsey, on the way to the fair grounds.

  “Yes. And I’ll ask him about Bob Guess, also,” her husband answered. “There is something strange about that boy.”

  The Bobbsey twins and Harry were talking among themselves, while Nan also looked after Flossie and Freddie.

  “They’re going to put the big balloon up today,” said Harry.

  “They are if the wind doesn’t blow too much,” Bert agreed. “And I’m afraid it’s blowing too hard. Do you think the wind is blowing too much for them to send the big balloon up?” he anxiously asked his father.

  Mr. Bobbsey looked at the sky.

  “To my mind,” he said, “I think there is going to be a storm. I’m afraid the wind will keep on blowing harder all day. Of course I don’t know how strong a wind it takes to keep a balloon man from going up, but I should say there would be danger in going up today.”

  “Oh, dear!” exclaimed Bert. “I wanted to see the man go up in the balloon!”

  “So did I!” added Harry. “But maybe the wind will die out.”

  However, it did not, and it was still blowing rather hard when the fair grounds were reached.

  “Never mind,” said Mrs. Bobbsey, when she saw how disappointed Harry and Bert seemed to feel. “If the balloon doesn’t go up today it will to-morrow, and we can come again. There are plenty of other things to look at besides balloons.”

  “I’d like to go to see some of the big vegetables and the fruits, and look at the patchwork quilts and the lace,” said Nan.

  “Very well,” agreed her father. “We’ll go there first, and maybe by that time the wind will have died down. But I hardly think so.”

  Truth to tell Bert and Harry did not care much for the big pumpkins, squashes, and other vegetables. And they hardly looked at the fancy work in which Nan and her mother took an interest.

  “Oh, wouldn’t this make a dandy jack-o’-lantern!” cried Freddie, as he crawled under a railing around a platform, on which were many large vegetables. “Look what a big pumpkin!”
r />   “Freddie, you mustn’t go in there,” called his mother. “Come out. Don’t touch that big pumpkin.”

  But it was too late! Freddie was already on the wooden platform, and he was rolling the pumpkin. It was almost perfectly round, and the little fellow could easily move it.

  “Come away!” called Mr. Bobbsey, adding his voice to that of his wife.

  “I want to see if I can lift this pumpkin!” exclaimed Freddie.

  And then, suddenly, the big pumpkin rolled off the platform, toward the back of the tent.

  “Get it, Freddie! Get it!” cried Bert, for he knew the pumpkin was on exhibition in order to take a prize, if possible. It would be too bad if anything happened to it.

  Freddie made a dive for the big, yellow vegetable, but, as it happened, the tent stood on the top of a hill. And as the pumpkin rolled off the platform it slipped under the tent and began going down the grassy hill outside.

  “Whoa! Whoa!” called Freddie, as he had called to the race horse that had walked out on the track with him. “Whoa, pumpkin!”

  But the pumpkin kept on rolling! The little chap made a dive for it, missed it by a few inches, and then, falling over, he, too, rolled out under the tent and down the hill.

  Freddie was not quite so round as a pumpkin, but he managed to get a good start, and rolled over and over. And as his father, mother, and the others hurried out of the tent they saw Freddie and the big yellow vegetable tumbling down the hill together.

  “Oh, look! Look!” cried a little girl. “A boy and a pumpkin are having a race! Oh, look! How funny! A boy and a pumpkin are having a race!”


  Up in a Balloon

  The pumpkin won the race. I suppose you had already guessed that it would. For the pumpkin, being almost perfectly round, could roll down the hill faster than Freddie could.

  So the pumpkin was the first to reach the bottom of the little grassy hill on which stood the tent where the prize fruits and vegetables were on exhibition. And Freddie came tumbling after, like Jack and Jill, you know.

  And I believe it is a good thing the pumpkin reached the bottom of the hill first, for if Freddie had been first the big, heavy pumpkin would have rolled up against him with a bump, and might have hurt him. But Freddie, bumping into the pumpkin, as he did, was not hurt at all.


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