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Going Nowhere

Page 21

by K. M. Galvin

  “I think the same about you.” I said back. “I love you.” I said for the second time. His face softened and he closed his eyes. Opening them again, I saw the love shining in his eyes.

  “I love you too, baby, so fucking much. I don’t think I can express how much in words.” He said, eyes intense. I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt. I had to clear my throat before I spoke.

  “So show me.” I said, leaning up to kiss him.

  He groaned into my mouth and whispered my name against my lips. He rolled off me and stood at the end of the bed, staring down at me. Slowly he took one foot and unzipped my boot. Pulling it off he kissed my foot causing me to giggle when his scruff tickled it. My other foot received the same treatment and then his hands were on the waistband of my pants. His fingers ran along the seam, causing my stomach muscles to clench in anticipation. Slowly he dragged them off me, still staring into my eyes. The cool air washed over my wet center, causing me to undulate my hips. I was beyond excited and getting a little impatient at how slow he was going. Moaning his name, I tugged his shirt.

  “You have too many clothes on.” I said petulantly.

  He just ignored me and stared down at my thong and what was underneath. He traced a finger along the inside of my thighs, my breath turning into shallow gasps.

  “Oh my God, Jase!” I gasped.

  I was about to explode if he kept teasing me. He gave me a cocky smile before leaning down, closing his mouth over me and tonguing me through the lacy material. I should have been embarrassed at how loudly I yelled out in pleasure, but I just didn’t care. The rough lace combined with the heat of his tongue sent me right over the edge. I came so hard I saw spots; my hands tearing at the comforter trying to find something to hold onto as I lost control of my lower body; legs jerking and hips bucking against him. His palm rested on my belly, trying to anchor me in place and I focused on the feel of it. When I finally came back down, I stared at the ceiling without really seeing it. He was still giving languid licks and kisses.

  “You have no idea, how fucking hot it is to know that I can make you do that.” He breathed against my pussy causing little aftershocks. “I can smell how wet you are for me, it’s driving me nuts.” He muttered to himself.

  I was still basking in orgasm euphoria to care about the fact that he could smell me. His hands grabbed the thin strings of my thong and ripped it away; I let out a shocked gasp and finally looked at him. He looked feral; lips wet, eyes a little crazy.

  His jaw was ticking in an effort to go slow for me. Still maintaining eye contact he gave me one more long lick causing my eyes to roll in the back of my head and growled out, “Mine.” I nodded my head weakly.

  Of course I was his.

  I was powerless against him the entire time. He stood up and ripped his clothes off so fast I blinked. Then he was back on the bed. I sat up and grabbed the hem of my shirt pulling it off slowly, gasping when the material dragged over my sensitive nipples; I was completely naked in front of him for the first time. I lie back down and let him look at me, his eyes warming my skin everywhere they touched. He grabbed his cock and pumped once, palming it before crawling over me and settling between my thighs.

  “Are you ok?” He asked, closing his eyes as he came in contact with my naked body for the first time. I couldn’t speak, seeing him so aroused was doing stupid things to my brain. “Baby?”

  “I’m more than ok. I’m fucking fantastic!” I smiled at him. He laughed.

  “Good.” He said shortly and then his mouth was on my breasts, and oh my God I didn’t know it could feel like this. I’ve had orgasms before and had gotten pretty far with other guys, but no man has ever made me feel like he did. I grabbed the hair on the back of his head and pulled roughly. His mouth left my breasts and he looked up at me in confusion.

  “If you don’t fuck me soon, I’m going to go insane.” And it was true. I heard that multiple orgasms were a myth, but I was already so close. I lifted my hips against him, causing his erection to slide against me and Jase let out a groan.

  “Fuck.” He growled. Looking back down at me, “I’m trying to go slow with you, baby. I don’t want to hurt you.” I smiled at his worried expression and kissed his mouth.

  “Jason, it’s going to hurt regardless, but if I don’t have you inside me soon I’m going to kick your ass.” I said gently.

  Bringing his mouth down to my neck with a groan, he sucked there while he rocked himself against me for a moment. I moved restlessly against him, then he was gone and I whimpered at the loss of his heat. I looked over, saw him sheathing a condom over his cock and gulped in anticipation.

  It was going to happen, finally.

  I smiled and tried not to laugh out loud in happiness. Jason crawled back over me and I felt the tip of his cock at my entrance and my pussy contracted as if to pull him inside. He leaned down and gave me a long kiss.

  Pulling back he whispered, “I love you,” and with one slow thrust, seated himself all the way inside of me. I would be lying if I said it didn’t hurt. I hissed out a breath and stayed still. Jason squeezed his eyes shut and was motionless, waiting for me to adjust to him. I took several deep breaths and soon the pain faded away. I rocked my hips against him and his eyes popped open with a hiss.

  “Wait, Mari-“ he began, but stopped when I moved again.

  “Jason.” I whimpered. “Please.”

  He understood what I was asking and began to move. Holy hell, the feel of him shuttling in and out of me was at once foreign and the most amazing feeling I have ever had. My arms went above my head and pushed against the headboard. Jason’s mouth went back to my breasts that were now pushed up from the position I was in. I mumbled things incoherently and closed my eyes. This was the most intense thing I have ever experienced with another person and I berated myself for ever worrying about tonight.

  I knew it would be amazing with Jason.

  I began to feel the familiar tug in my lower belly and heat that spread through my limbs to the tips of my fingers and toes. I could feel my pussy begin to grip Jason hard and in response he began to thrust harder, his breath coming in short gasps.

  “Jason!” I yelled, a little scared at the intensity of the impending orgasm. He lifted his mouth from my breast and his eyes seared me.

  “Come for me, baby.” He growled. That possessive look was back and he began to fuck me harder and faster.

  I was so close.

  I felt his finger rub my clit and his teeth bite into my shoulder. I cried out as my orgasm washed over me like a tidal wave. It went on and on and I was sure I was going to die.

  “Look at me!” I heard him gasp. What seemed like an impossible task, I was able to open my eyes and tears escaped, running down the sides of my face into my hair. I was still gasping. He was thrusting hard enough now that the headboard was crashing against the wall. I really hoped there were no neighbors next door or they would be getting a show. He lifted my legs to his shoulders and my eyes widened at the feel of this new position. He was so much deeper and I was angled so that every stroke of him ran right along my clit.

  “Jason!” I yelled as I felt another orgasm rush over me, this one quicker but more powerful than the last. Jason smiled a sharp, self-satisfied smile and nodded. I would have smacked that cocky look off his face, but I think my arms were broken.

  “Jesus Christ, Marisol.” He punctuated each word with a sharp thrust. “Tell me you’re mine, baby. Say it!” He groaned, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “I’m yours! Only yours!” I cried, my whole body arching off the bed.

  “Marisol! I love you!” He cried out as he came, face going red and his mouth dropping open.

  It was beautiful and I felt a possessive rush as I realized that I made that happen. When he finished coming, he collapsed on top of me, face nuzzling the side of mine. God, the weight of his body on mine! Who knew that I would crave something like this? My hands ran down his back and ass as his hips continued to thrust slowly, as if his body didn’t
want it to end.

  Finally he pulled out of me and I whimpered at the loss of the connection. He went into the bathroom for a minute to deal with the condom and came out with a warm cloth. He opened my legs wide and began to clean me with such reverence; I felt tears fill my eyes again.

  I was such a crybaby these days.

  Disappearing into the bathroom again I turned on my side and closed my eyes. So relaxed and yes, sore. But I cherished this soreness. The bed dipped as he settled next to me and pulled me into his chest so we were spooning. Kissing my shoulder, his arm came around cupped my breast possessively. Feeling more content than ever before, I dropped off into deep sleep.


  He woke me up two more times that night to make love and it was perfect, but by the time morning rolled around I was stiff. Wincing a little I sat up in the bed and looked beside me. My heart dropped when I saw he wasn’t there, but then I noticed the note he left on his pillow.

  Good morning Baby,

  I have to leave and go to sound check. I didn’t wake you because you looked so beautiful sleeping. Last night was one of the best nights of my life. Text me when you wake up.

  I love you,


  I smiled at the note and grabbed my phone.

  I’m awake! :D

  He responded immediately and it made my heart swell with love at the thought that he was waiting for my text.

  Good morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep?

  Like I was in a coma.

  Good. I’ll be done here around 11. There’s free breakfast downstairs, go get something to eat. You’re going to need your energy ;)

  LOL! Copy that.

  I love you, baby.

  Love you too!

  I couldn’t believe this was my life now, I thought, hugging my phone to my chest. Jumping out of bed, I saw that I had about two hours before I met him. I showered in record time and threw on some clothes, not caring if I matched. I wasn’t going to be wearing them long, I snickered to myself.

  Running a brush through my hair, I grabbed the key he left on the dresser for me and made my way to the breakfast bar downstairs. I grabbed a banana and some granola then made my way outside to the pool and took a seat at one of the umbrella tables. Maybe we could go for a swim together, I thought biting into the fruit. I don’t know how long I sat there thinking, but I sat up in my seat with a smile when I recognized the voice I loved so much.

  Then I heard Declan yelling at him and my smile dropped away. Something was going on with those two. Maybe I shouldn’t be eavesdropping, I thought for a second, but decided that I was here first so technically it wasn’t eavesdropping.

  Yes, this is how my brain works.

  I sat back in my chair which was hidden behind a potted palm tree and listened to them argue.

  “Fuck off, Declan! It’s not your fucking problem!” Jason snarled.

  “I’m telling you right now, Jason. If you don’t tell her I will; and how do you think she’d like that?” Declan shot back. My eyebrows furrowed.

  Were they talking about me?

  “This is none of your fucking business.”

  “It is my business. She’s my friend and so are you and you are going to fuck it up by hiding this. Haven’t you gotten it through your fucking skull yet, dickhead? What happened the last time you kept something from her?” Declan yelled.

  Ok, yeah, they were definitely talking about me.

  I got up out of my chair and walked over to them. Declan spotted me first and his eyes widened in surprise. Jason, noticing Declan’s reaction, looked behind him to see what was freaking him out, and when he saw me his face whitened.

  “Oh shit.” He whispered. Yeah, you better be scared buddy. “Hey, Marisol!” He said, coming over to me to give me a hug and kiss. I let him, but kept my eyes on Declan who was still gaping at me. Jason, feeling my stiffness, pulled back. “What are you doing out here?”

  Ignoring his question, I shifted my eyes from Declan to Jason. “What were you two talking about?”

  “Nothing.” He said quickly.

  I scoffed.

  “Yeah, that seemed like nothing. You two never fight; now tell me what’s going on. I know you were talking about me.” I stared at Jason who met my eyes.

  His were panicked.

  Fuck, this was going to be bad.

  “Just tell me, Jason, you’re freaking me out.” I whispered, bracing myself. He just shook his head and turned around to look at Declan. A look passed between them and Declan nodded, giving me a sad smile before disappearing inside.

  “Baby-” He began, but stopped when his voice broke. Clearing his throat he began again, looking me directly in my eyes. “I, ah, need to tell you something.”

  “Stop pussy footing around, Jason, and tell me.” I was getting angry now. He nodded and taking a deep breath he began again.

  “I got asked by the band’s manager if I would want to continue on tour with the band. They are working on getting a record deal with a larger label now, but have decided to continue going on tour through October. He wanted to know if I was willing to go with them.” He said quietly, his eyes searching for any reaction from me. I was too stunned to give him one. “I told him yes.” He continued.

  Ok, that got a reaction. I blinked and took a step back.

  “Baby-” He began, coming towards me. I held out a hand to ward him off, he stopped with a pained expression.

  “Don’t call me that right now.” I murmured. Taking a deep breath I looked at him. “Were you ever planning on discussing this with me first?” I couldn’t believe he would make a decision like this without even talking to me about it. His silence answered plenty.

  I nodded and began walking back to our room. I heard him call out behind me, but I kept walking. When he caught up next to me I continued, “What are we doing, Jason? Huh?” I asked angrily. I slapped the up arrow button, calling for the elevator.

  “What do you mean?” He asked angry now too. The elevator dinged and opened. When they closed behind us and it began to move I turned towards him.

  “I mean what the fuck are we doing? I can’t call this a relationship since you don’t seem to fucking think it is; so I’m not sure what we’re doing. I’m trying to decide if I even have the right to be pissed that you’d make a call like that without even talking to me about it! Not to mention that this is the third time!” I snarled, waving three fingers into his face, “The third fucking time you have neglected to tell me important information!”

  The elevator dinged and I stomped towards his room, shoving the key in roughly and slamming the door open. I walked over to my bag and began shoving shit inside. He was right behind me and started pulling out the things I just put in there back out.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He snarled, grabbing my arm. I shrugged out of his hold and went into the restroom to grab my make up bag and toothbrush.

  “What the hell do you care, Jason?” I asked.

  “What the fuck do you mean, what do I care? I love you, Marisol!” He yelled.

  “Fat lot of good that does when you don’t trust me, Jason! I swear to God! We just had this argument! Could you really not keep your word the first time something came up? I don’t know what you want me to do, Jason because red flags are popping up all around me!” I yelled back.

  “What do you want me to do? Not go on tour? Fine! I won’t go!” He roared, throwing his hands up in the air. I stopped moving and faced him. I couldn’t believe he wasn’t getting it. I pushed him hard. He barely moved, the gigantic ass hole.

  “Are you serious right now? I want you to go on tour. I want you to do whatever you need to do to make your dreams come true. I support you unconditionally, Jason! I won’t stand in the way of your dreams!” I cried.

  His face went from pissed off to completely confused in seconds.

  “Well then I don’t know what the problem is, Marisol.” He said. I shook my head in disbelief and walked away from him. “I ca
n’t read your mind, Crazy, you’re going to have to spell it out for me.” He said softly. I shoved my hand threw my hair and began to pace in front of the bed.

  “It’s not the fact that you are going on tour for longer. It’s the fact that you hid this and wouldn’t discuss it with me.” I said, tired now. “We’re in this together, Jason. Decisions like that don’t only affect you, they affect me, you can’t just make them for the both of us and expect me to fall in line!” I zippered up my bag and threw it over my shoulder, heading for the door.

  “Where are you going?” He asked, coming up right behind me.

  “Home.” I said shortly.

  “Running away again, Mari? Things get hard and you run?” He taunted. I stopped and turned around to look at him in disbelief.

  “Is that what you think I’m doing?” I asked quietly.

  “Isn’t it what you always do?” He sneered. I shook my head sadly.

  “I’m giving you what you want, Jason. You obviously aren’t in this as much as I am.”

  “I knew this was going to happen. I knew you would run; you’ve been running from the start.” He said angrily. I was quiet a moment, letting my eyes caress his face. I still loved him though he was breaking my heart.

  “I stopped running a long time ago, Jase. You were just too stupid to realize that you already caught me.” I left before he could say anything and shut the door behind me.

  I flinched when I heard him punch the door and then something crashed as he cursed. I gasped as I felt tears pouring out of my eyes. I began to walk to the elevator, but stopped abruptly when I saw my boys standing there, looking at me with sympathetic expressions. My bag dropped from my hands and I let out a strangled sound. They all moved quickly, Trent picking up my bag, Declan and Blake supporting me on both sides. Their support broke me and I began to cry in earnest. I heard a door open behind us and whimpered. I didn’t want to see or speak to him right now. Blake gave me a squeeze and a kiss on the head as he broke away from us to face his friend.

  “Marisol!” I heard Jason yell. Blake hurried towards him to stop him and I heard the sound of flesh meeting flesh, as he struggled against Blake. “Marisol! Don’t you fucking leave me!”


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