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Something About You

Page 10

by Jerry Cole

  Derek blew out a breath, giving Grant a big smile and tossing him a salute. Grant turned, watching Robert argue with Morgan over how many tubs of ice cream she could actually buy while Sval looked on, trying not to laugh.

  “This could take a while,” Grant muttered.

  Derek snorted. “Even more so if Sval tries to convince them of new flavors we have.”

  Grant leaned against the counter, watching Robert kneel next to Morgan and take her hands in his.

  “Sweetheart,” Robert was saying.

  “You really like him, huh?” Derek was still crouched over his box, but he was staring up at Grant, his expression intrigued.

  It was on the tip of Grant’s tongue to refute, but realized that Derek was genuinely intrigued, not mocking him, and Grant wanting to just tell someone who wasn’t his best friend, he nodded. “Yeah. I guess I do.”

  “Understandable,” Derek said, straightening up. “He’s a good guy. Loves his daughter.”

  “She’s kinda the reason,” Grant admitted. “Robert’s so great with her, and she’s so… I don’t know why she insists on wanting me around so much, but I’m not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.”

  “Sometimes all they want is someone else who loves their parent the way they do.”

  Grant balked. “Love? Uh.”

  “Well,” Derek said quickly. “I mean, not yet obviously?”

  “Right,” Grant said, ignoring the way his heart had picked up the pace a little and definitely ignored the thrill up his spine at the thought of it. It was ludicrous; he and Robert hadn’t even gone on a date yet. “I’m attracted to him and I think I might even care about him.”

  Derek nodded, and though his eyes darted to the left, he looked back. “The best relationships start on that kind of emotion.”

  Grant nodded. He was saved from having to say anything by the arrival of Morgan, who had clearly managed to convince her father they needed three tubs of ice cream. “Who’s eating all that?”

  “Obviously we are, Grant,” Morgan said, shoving the tubs onto the counter.

  “Never let Sval do the talking,” Robert admitted, coming up on Grant’s other side, tugging out his wallet.

  Grant rested a hand on his arm, trying to convey that this wasn’t because he thought Robert couldn’t afford it. “Let me get this. I owe her for the candy she couldn’t get yesterday.”

  Robert sighed, but his wallet disappeared back into his pocket. “All right. But only because you didn’t help with the negotiations.”

  Laughing, Grant handed over the money when Sval had rung up the ice cream. He looked down at Morgan who looked thrilled with their purchase. “You wanna carry it?”

  “Sure,” Morgan said easily, and Sval placed the tubs into a paper bag.

  “Thanks,” Grant said to Sval and Derek. “If you need me tomorrow let me know, all right?”

  Derek clapped his hands together, assuring him he would call, and Grant rested a hand on Morgan’s back as he led the way out of the store.

  “You like the cargo thing, huh?” Robert asked once they were on their way back to the B&B.

  Grant nodded, taking the bag from Morgan, who wanted to run ahead and chase some of the seagulls who had taken up residence on the sidewalk. “I like the water. Being able to help Derek and Sval is a bonus.”

  Robert had a thoughtful expression on his face, but he didn’t say anything, and Grant didn’t want to pry.

  “I like Maine, if I’m being honest,” Grant said. Morgan had taken to running through the gaggle of seagulls, who seemed only too happy to keep flying back for more torment. Grant wondered if they were bored. “It reminds me a lot of Canada, but it has its own merits and points.”

  Robert raised his eyebrows. “Oh?”

  Grant couldn’t stop himself from talking. He didn’t really know what he was saying, but he had a lot of emotion bubbling up in his chest and he let it out. “I really like it here.”

  Robert sucked in a breath. Grant refused to give in to the panic in his chest. He was done being scared of how Robert would react, hopeful that they were working toward something worthwhile. “So quickly?”

  “Didn’t we already talk about that?” Grant asked gently.

  “Yeah, we did,” Robert said after a beat. He was staring ahead to where Morgan had given up with the seagulls and was jumping up and down the steps to the B&B. Grant couldn’t tear his eyes away from the smile on Robert’s face. “I guess we should keep making this a worthwhile place for you then, shouldn’t we?”

  Grant didn’t reply. Morgan was already jumping up from the steps, grabbing the bag from Grant’s hands. “Hey,” Grant said, nudging her away. “You gave me the ice cream, it’s mine now!”

  “No,” Morgan said. “Grant, you can’t!”

  “Can,” Grant said, sticking out his tongue and holding the bag higher than Morgan could reach.

  “So mean,” Morgan said, folding her arms over her chest. “It’s my ice cream.”

  “I thought there was a tub for each of us,” Grant said, looking imploringly at Robert.

  Robert held up his hands. “I’m not getting between Morgan and her ice cream.”

  “Wise,” Grant said, finally lowering his arms and letting Morgan grab the bag. Morgan cheered and raced back to the door of the B&B with Robert following, tugging his keys from his pocket.

  The three of them piled into the reception area and Grant shut the door behind him. “Okay, so what’s for dinner?”

  “Ice cream!” Morgan said.

  “Something more substantial before ice cream, young lady,” Robert warned.

  “Fine,” Grant said, knowing that he still had ingredients in the cupboards and fridge. “I think I can definitely rustle up some spaghetti.”


  Robert gave Grant a pointed look. “Great, now she’s never going to calm down.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Contrary to Robert’s opinion, Morgan did calm down once they had eaten some of the ice cream, watching an animated movie that Grant had never seen before. He was trying not to cry at the end, brushing at his face while Robert was busy kissing Morgan’s tears away.

  While Robert carried Morgan up to bed, Grant put what was left of the ice cream back in the freezer and cleaned up the dishes still sitting in the sink. He was refusing to let the awkwardness settle in, knowing that Robert hadn’t kicked him out yet and if he was being honest with himself, he didn’t want to go back to the cabin.

  Robert’s footsteps hit the stairs and Grant wiped his hands on the towel and walked through to the dining room back out to the reception, where Robert was leaning against the counter. “Couldn’t resist washing up, could you?”

  “Guilty,” Grant said, wondering whether he should leave. Would it be awkward if he wanted to stay for a little while longer? “Thanks for dinner.”

  “I should be thanking you,” Robert said. “You cooked for us, after all.”

  “Always a pleasure,” Grant said. He kept his hands by his sides, not sure what to do with them. “Do you want me to—”

  Robert jerked forward, as if he had been pushed, and grabbed one of Grant’s wrists. Grant sucked in a breath, hardly daring hope. Robert was staring at him with an unreadable expression, but Grant could hear the hitch in his breath. “This okay?”

  “Yep,” Grant said, swallowing thickly. He didn’t know what to make of what was happening, but he didn’t want it to stop.

  Robert pushed up on his toes, kissing Grant. It was awkward to start with, their lips bumping, and Grant had to wrap an arm around Robert’s waist to hold him in place and keep him from stumbling away. Robert pulled away from Grant’s mouth, a blush forming on his neck, and he looked like he was trying to think of something to say.

  “It’s all right,” Grant said, sliding his hand into Robert’s hair and tugging him back in for another kiss. The angle was perfect, and Robert shifted on his feet, finding a position that worked for them both. Robert kissed hard, lips sli
ck and plush as he teased his tongue into Grant’s mouth.

  Grant wasn’t new to kissing; he’d had boyfriends and girlfriends alike, all of whom he had kissed, but the kiss with Robert felt different. It felt somehow more, and Grant figured that was because he had spent most of his time wanting something more and had been met with resistance. Perhaps there was something to the chase. Not that it was going to be a onetime thing. If given the chance, Grant wanted as much time with Robert as Robert would allow.

  Robert’s fingers curled into Grant’s shirt, tugging it up, the pads of his fingers brushing against Grant’s skin. Grant shivered, feeling pleasure zing up his spine, and he moved his hand to the back of Robert’s head, fingers threading through Robert’s hair. Robert groaned low in his throat and Grant’s grip tightened fractionally.

  When they parted, Robert looked at him, eyes dark, and Grant desperately wanted to know what he looked like spread out beneath him and said as much. Robert’s eyes widened, but he breathed out a slow, shaky breath, his tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip. “Please.”

  Grant’s dick gave an interested twitch and he leaned in for another kiss, tugging gently on Robert’s hair. Robert groaned, tightening his grip on Grant’s shirt.

  “Your room or the one I was in?”

  Robert blinked at him a couple of times, as if trying to clear his mind, and he tugged on Grant’s hand and shirt. “My room. If Morgan wakes up and I’m not there, she’ll be frightened.”

  Grant nodded. “I’ll follow.”

  It was nerve wracking walking up the stairs, Grant was scared that before they got to Robert’s room, Robert would change his mind. Thankfully, by the time Robert pushed open the door to his room, the one just to the left of Morgan’s, he turned back to Grant. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, you?” Grant felt as if he had to ask, even as he was worried about the answer.

  “I haven’t done this in a while,” Robert admitted. “I’m not sure if I’m gonna be what you want.”

  “You’re what I want,” Grant said without hesitation. “I don’t care how good it is – okay, I do,” he amended at Robert’s look, “but I promise it’ll get better once we start.”

  Robert nodded, swallowing thickly, but he placed a hand on Grant’s hip and pulled him closer, tugging him in for another kiss. Grant gave himself over to it, tongue sliding against the seam of Robert’s lips. They parted slowly, and Grant’s tongue licked against the back of Robert’s teeth, his hands sliding up under Robert’s shirt, up the soft planes of Robert’s back.

  Robert gasped into his mouth, pushing against Grant to walk backward. When the back of Grant’s legs hit the bed, he tugged Robert down with him. They ended up in a pile of limbs, laughing against each other’s mouths. Usually sex left Grant feeling nervous and embarrassed about what was going to happen, but like everything else with Robert, everything felt so different, easier. Robert moved to straddle Grant’s lap, hooking his fingers in the waistband of Grant’s jeans.

  “Do you have a preference?” Robert asked. He hesitated, and his expression was unsure.

  “I’m happy either way,” Grant assured him. It wasn’t the first time he’d had sex with a man, and he was comfortable with taking and giving in equal measure. He was happy with whatever Robert wanted to do.

  “So selfless,” Robert said with a smile. He wrapped his arms around Grant’s neck and kissed him again, scratching his nails lightly against Grant’s scalp.

  Grant groaned into Robert’s mouth, hips rolling up against Robert’s. Robert’s hands on Grant’s waist slipped further into the waistband. The pads of his fingers brushed against Grant’s skin and he shivered, hips hitching up against Robert’s. “What do you want?”

  “Just this right now,” Robert said. He moved his hand to the zipper of Grant’s jeans and tugged it down, working his hand inside, to cup Grant’s dick through his boxers.

  Grant froze, giving a whole-body shudder. It was an electric touch, as if Robert knew exactly how to touch him to get him worked up. Anything Robert did would have had the same effect, Grant supposed, but as he stared down at Robert, his fingers on the back of Robert’s neck, he couldn’t find the words to describe why. Stroking the skin of Robert’s neck gently, Grant tried to urge him on without pressuring him. Robert smirked up at him, the heel of his palm rubbing against the thick length of Grant’s dick. Grant shuddered. “Please.”

  “Easy Grant,” Robert said, his tone soft and low. He pushed up on his heels, pressing a kiss to Grant’s lips. It was distracting, Robert’s teeth and tongue and lips sending shivers down Grant’s spine. His fingers flexed against Robert’s shoulders.

  Grant was finding it hard to focus with Robert’s hand against his dick, his mouth against his. When Robert tapped Grant’s hips, he obediently raised his hips, letting Robert tug his jeans and boxers down around his hips. He didn’t bother pulling them right off, just freed Grant’s dick.

  Grant wasn’t in the habit of staring at himself, but Robert’s face was appreciative, tongue poking out against the seam of his lips, eyes raising to look at Grant with a smirk. Robert’s fingers formed a loose fist around Grant’s dick, stroking once slowly, and Grant let out a soft noise in the back of his throat. Robert did it again, then once more, and Grant let out a strangled moan, clutching at Robert’s shoulders and trying to communicate how much he wanted this.

  Robert was only too willing to give, it seemed. He kept stroking, attention half on Grant’s cock, half on Grant’s face as he climbed up the bed. Rocking back on his heels, he abandoned stroking Grant to haul him by his t-shirt, dragging him into another kiss. Grant groaned as his dick was trapped between their bodies. The feel of the fabric against his shaft, the way Robert’s hand slipped between their bodies to swipe a thumb at the head.

  “Fuck,” Grant muttered against Robert’s mouth.

  Robert laughed gently, pulling at the hem of Grant’s t-shirt and Grant took the hint, letting him pull it up and over. Robert ran his hands up the muscles of Grant’s stomach, shoving a little back onto the bed. Grant went willingly, hands on Robert’s hips, hauling him forward to straddle Grant’s hips. He leaned down, grinning as he hovered inches away from Grant’s mouth. “You’re an attractive guy.”

  Grant snorted, hand moving to Robert’s hair, sliding it through the strands of hair, pulling back and smirking at the way it stuck up at different angles. Sex always made people sweaty and instead of being a turnoff, Grant could see the appeal in the way it affected Robert’s hair, the sheen of his face and neck. It inspired him to slide his hands up under Robert’s shirt, thumbs rubbing at the indents of his hips. “Only fair for me to check how attractive you are under clothes.”

  A flush rose up on Robert’s skin and he ducked his head, biting gently at the skin of Grant’s shoulder. He worked his lips across Grant’s collarbone, sucking at the skin beneath his lips, working it between his teeth and Grant groaned, shifting his hips and feeling the drag of his dick against Robert’s thigh. “Fuck.”

  “I’m trying,” Robert said, aiming for levity, but he sounded just as wrecked as Grant felt. He lifted his arms at Grant’s prompting, and his shirt went flying off to the floor and Grant tongued the inside of his cheek as he took in the pale skin of Robert’s torso. “So?”

  Grant didn’t hesitate; he hauled Robert down for a kiss, mouthing at his jaw and up the line to the lobe of his ear. “Gorgeous.”

  Robert shivered, turning his face to catch Grant’s lips in another kiss as Grant’s hand fumbled blindly for the zipper and button of Robert’s jeans. It had been a while since he had done this to someone else, but he somehow managed to get Robert’s pants undone. Robert’s hips jerked and Grant gave in to want, palming Robert’s dick. It was clothed but Grant could still feel the thickness of it, the dampness of Robert’s boxers where he’d leaked precum against the fabric.

  Struck with the need to see it, Grant pulled away from Robert’s mouth, dropping his head to Robert’s shoulder so that he could see w
hat he was doing. Working Robert’ pants down as best he could, he tugged Robert free of his underwear, and swallowed thickly. Robert’s cock was glistening, slick with his own precum, and curved up toward his stomach. Grant ran his fingers lightly over the shaft and Robert let out a strangled moan, turning his face into Grant’s hair and cursing softly.

  It was awkward for the first few strokes, but Grant shifted them around until they were lined up perfectly for him to grip both their cocks, biting at the juncture of Robert’s neck as he increased his pace, trying to find a rhythm that worked for the both of them.

  “Grant,” Robert groaned, “Grant, please.”

  “I’ve got you,” Grant said, hearing the break in his own voice as he swiped his thumb across the heads of their dicks. Robert was rocking against his hand, his lap, and it was all Grant could do to concentrate on his task. Part of him wanted to throw Robert down, fuck him until they were both exhausted, but somehow, this felt so much more intimate for their first time. Robert was hanging onto his shoulders, making breathy, gasping noises against his ear. Grant’s own groans were rumbling in his chest and he nuzzled against Robert’s cheek until he could capture his lips in a kiss, devouring his cries with tongue and teeth.

  Learning Robert’s body would take time, but Grant noted the little hitches in his breathing with interest; his balls were drawing up and Grant somehow knew that Robert was close to orgasm. Pleasure was starting to pool in his belly, and he kept his mouth against Robert’s, not even really kissing, but sharing breath. Robert was whining, panting words that Grant couldn’t make out against his mouth.

  It was getting harder to concentrate, his wrist twisting as he shifted them both, Robert’s hips jerking forward, thrusting his dick through the curve of Grant’s fingers.

  “Fuck, Grant, fuck,” Robert groaned, his whole body jerking as he came over Grant’s hand, whimpering through the aftershocks. It didn’t take long for Grant to bring himself to orgasm, the feel of Robert’s cum sliding against his palm as he brought himself off. He shuddered, coming hard and breathing hard into Robert’s neck.


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