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Something About You

Page 16

by Jerry Cole

  “All right,” Grant said, grabbing the basket and loading it into his car. Morgan had decided they needed to leave town for some fresh views. Something both he and Robert were in agreement she had learned from a terrible influence in Natasha. Grant showed her his phone and how to program the place into his app so that she could bring up the directions. “Is this the right place?”

  “Yep,” Morgan said, and settled into her car seat.

  Robert was locking up the B&B but jogged across the parking lot. “Do we have everything?”

  Grant hoped that one day, Robert would be a little more anxious about leaving the B&B without staff, that one day he would be willing to hire staff no matter who the money was coming from, but he hadn’t asked and Grant didn’t want to push it too soon.

  “Yeah,” Grant said, and moved to climb into the driver seat.

  “I don’t think so,” Robert said, plucking the keys from Grant’s hand. “Move over, I’m driving.”

  “Do you even have a license?” Grant asked doubtfully, gesturing at the car that looked drowned in leaves.

  Robert snorted. “Yes, I have a license,” and tossed his wallet over to the passenger seat.

  There was indeed a Maine driving license and Grant gave him an apologetic smile. “It’s my car,” he admitted with a shrug. “I have a hard time giving her up.”

  “I had noticed,” Robert said, but he was smiling as he buckled up and started the car. “You ready back there.”

  Morgan cheered and Grant couldn’t help but grin at the jovial attitude in the car, joining in with Morgan’s cheers as they pulled out of the parking lot and started off down the road.

  Grant didn’t know the town they ended up in, but then that wasn’t much of a surprise. He only knew the one town in Maine, having only driven through it the once, but while he appreciated the beauty of the beach Morgan had chosen, he personally didn’t like it as much as he did Bar Harbor.

  "How about Chicago?”

  The question surprised Grant, but he could understand why Robert was asking. He was a New Yorker after all and knew how attractive cities could be to someone who was raised in one. Frankly, Grant was starting to appreciate the beauty and pace of an oceanside life. “It’s home, sure, but I can appreciate the beauty of this place, can’t I?”

  “Sure,” Robert said, and though he smiled, leaning in for a kiss, Grant couldn’t shake the feeling that something about Robert’s demeanor was strange.

  Spending the day at the beach was actually a great release for Grant. He had spent so long in bed recovering and even longer getting worked up about his and Robert’s relationship, that he appreciated the ocean air, the sounds, and Morgan’s delighted enthusiasm about splashing around in the water. Grant joined her for an hour or two, pretending to fall when she splashed him, and he was glad he had thought to bring a change of clothes.

  Robert rolled his eyes when he saw them. “I’m glad it’s your car. You certainly wouldn’t be getting into my car like that.”

  “That’s okay, Daddy,” Morgan said with a grin. “We couldn’t fit with all the leaves.”

  Grant burst out laughing, and even Robert recovered enough to grin and tickle Morgan until she was squealing, rolling around on the floor. Grant couldn’t deny the sight had his heart clenching painfully and he desperately wanted to call his mother.

  “How about we call my mom when we get back to the B&B?” Grant asked, when both Robert and Morgan had calmed down.

  Morgan’s eyes widened and she nodded, excited. “I can ask her about the boats! And where we should go!”

  Grant wasn’t entirely sure he wanted his mother convincing Morgan they should boat around Canada because Grant was certain that was going to happen. But, he wanted Morgan to be able to call her. Robert shrugged, apparently not minding, so when they were curled up in the car, Morgan tucking into her dinner, and Grant and Robert’s warming Grant’s lap, he shot off a text to his mother. She texted back before they arrived at the B&B. “Mom says she’s home all evening, so once Daddy and I have eaten, we’ll call her, okay?”

  Morgan nodded enthusiastically, and bounced out of the car, still shoving fries into her mouth, the paper bag hanging from her free hand. Robert sighed, complaining about her manners, but gazing at her with an expression that told Grant he was definitely going to keep letting her get away with it and he couldn’t bring himself to disagree; if it was up to him, he’d let her deal with the same thing.

  Barely able to contain her excitement, Morgan bounced around the living room while Robert and Grant ate their own dinner. Grant almost called his mother mid-meal, but he had to draw a line somewhere.

  “Okay, how about now?” Morgan said, when Robert picked up the plates to carry them to the kitchen.

  Grant snorted and dialed his mother’s number, wrapping an arm around Morgan when she dropped onto the couch next to him.

  “Hello?” The word came in French and Morgan looked absolutely delighted.

  “En Anglais, Maman,” Grant said, something he shouldn’t have to specify considering she knew exactly why he was calling.

  “Sorry, sweetheart,” his mother said, amused. “And I hear you have a friend with you?”

  “Hello, Mrs. Kelly,” Morgan said, perfectly polite. Grant stared at her, but she just kept grinning at him, so he rolled his eyes. “My name is Morgan.”

  Grant’s mom laughed. “Oh, I know, darling. I hear you went out on a boat?”

  Grant was abandoned fairly quickly, Morgan stealing the phone and bouncing out of the room, talking a mile a minute to Grant’s mom. Robert appeared in the entrance to the kitchen, leaning against the doorjamb and laughing at the expression on Grant’s face. “You’ve been replaced as Morgan’s favorite.”

  “I have to admit I wasn’t expecting it,” Grant said. He leaned back against the couch. “I’m feeling a little put out.”

  Robert rolled his eyes, but came and sat next to him, running a hand through his hair and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I am so sorry.”

  “Shut up,” Grant said, shoving at Robert’s shoulder and swallowing down Robert’s laugh with a kiss. “Don’t pretend you weren’t put out when I came along.”

  Robert laughed gently. “I was. I’m not gonna lie about it.”

  Grant didn’t feel guilty about it; Robert was her father and it was obvious that Morgan adored him. It didn’t matter what Grant or his mother did, nothing would replace Robert in her affections. Robert obviously knew this as well, if the ease with which he spoke about it was any consideration.

  Morgan’s laugh filtered through the doorway, and Robert curled into Grant, resting his chin on Grant’s shoulder. Grant ran his fingers through Robert’s hair and the two of them lapsed into a comfortable silence, punctuated only by Morgan’s enthusiastic laughing and chatter. Eventually, she padded into the room with the phone outstretched. “Grant, Nana Kelly wants to talk to you.”

  Grant’s eyes widened at the moniker and he couldn’t decipher the expression on Robert’s face, but he dutifully took the phone. “Maman?”

  “Darling,” his mother said. “That is a delightful little girl.”

  “I know,” Grant said in French, because part of him didn’t want Robert to know what they were talking about. “I really like her, Maman.”

  “I can tell.” There was a short silence. “You work out what you want quickly, young man, I want to know if I have a granddaughter finally.”

  The words caused Grant’s heart to leap and he realized how desperately he wanted that, but how uncertain he was if it was in Robert’s master plan. He bid goodbye to his mother, hanging up his phone and tossing it on the couch next to him.

  Morgan yawned, rocking back and forth on her feet and Robert sighed, patting Grant’s thigh and pushing himself to his feet. “Right, young lady, time for bed.”

  “But Daddy,” Morgan complained, but she gave up at another yawn – and when Robert swept her into his arms.

  Grant watched them go, comfortable in h
is place in the house that he wasn’t worried about whether Robert wanted him to leave. He stretched out on the couch, wondering if he should move, especially when his ribs gave a familiar twinge.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Grant must have drifted off for a little while, because he was startled awake by Robert saying, “Come on, up,” and tugging on Grant’s hands. Grant went willingly, wincing and hissing in pain. Robert let him pause when he was standing, breathing slowly through his nose to ease through the pain.

  “All right?”

  “Yeah,” Grant said. He didn’t let Robert move away, bringing him for the hug he had promised himself he would give Robert when he was well enough. Robert looked as if he might protest, but he relaxed into the hold, and Grant breathed out slowly, nuzzling his face in Robert’s hair. “You?”

  “I’m great,” Robert said, and it was sincere. When they pulled apart, Robert’s smile was soft. “Don’t think I don’t know what you want.”

  Grant laughed, leaning down for a kiss. Robert kissed back, with more passion than Grant was expecting, but he was grateful for it, twisting his fingers in Robert’s shirt to hold him in place. When they parted, he shrugged. “I’m not gonna lie about it.”

  Robert slid his hand down Grant’s arm, tangling their fingers together. “Are you sure you’re up for it?”

  “I know that if we don’t do something soon,” Grant said, “I’m gonna lose my mind.”

  “You only want me for my body,” Robert said with a sniff, pretending to be put out.

  Grant grinned and shoved at Robert’s shoulder. “You know it. Now get moving, sexy.”

  Robert flushed, Grant could see it creeping up the back of his neck, but he was tugging Grant toward the stairs anyway. Perhaps it didn’t matter that he’d cancelled Natasha looking after Morgan; they had done it the last time and while it wasn’t the most comfortable, Grant didn’t want to have to wait any longer.

  “If it hurts, you have to tell me, all right?”

  “I promise,” Grant said, meaning it. He was fairly sure if anything was uncomfortable, that Robert would notice straight away, but he wasn’t going to be flippant about it.

  When they made it to Robert’s bedroom, Grant waited for him to shut it and then shoved Robert against the door, kissing him again, sliding his tongue between Robert’s lips and licking the back of his teeth. Robert groaned into his mouth, hands on Grant’s back, sliding under and up the length of his spine, nails scratching lightly at the skin.

  “God,” Grant groaned. He nudged Robert’s face until he could get his mouth on Robert’s jaw, biting and licking at the skin. Robert’s grip tightened and he rolled his neck to give Grant better access. Grant took full advantage, working the skin between his teeth. The last hickey had lasted a long time and he was only too happy to put another in a different place for everybody to see. It was higher on Robert’s jaw and though he knew Robert would thump him for it, he didn’t much care, not now that they finally had some understanding. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Robert said, tangling one hand in Grant’s hair and tugging. “God, please.”

  Grant decided to abandon all pretense of having control, and though he knew he would regret it later, he dropped to his knees, trying to ignore the last lingering throb of pain. It would be worth it – and was, at the look on Robert’s face. He was staring down at Grant in barely suppressed awe, one hand still in Grant’s hair, the other hovering awkwardly in the air above Grant’s head.


  “I’m gonna make it good,” Grant promised, and moved his hands to Robert’s belt. Robert’s eyes widened and he swallowed; Grant watched his throat bob and though it made it slightly more difficult to undo Robert’s belt, he kept his eyes on Robert the whole time. It was worth it, especially as Grant could tell the exact moment Robert’s breath hitched, the darkness in his eyes as Grant unthreaded the belt, wanting this desperately, but making sure to drag it out for maximum effect on Robert.

  Robert was starting to get hard; Grant could see him straining against the fabric of his jeans when he started to unzip them. Robert’s hips were making little motions, as if he couldn’t control himself, and it had Grant’s heart thumping wildly in his chest. He slid his hands up Robert’s thighs, tugging at the waistband when he reached it. They were looser than he was expecting, and they slid easily over the shape of Robert’s hips, dropping to his knees. Grant stared at the stain already growing on the fabric of Robert’s boxers and it was making his mouth water. He leaned forward, mouthing at his dick despite the taste of fabric and Robert whimpered, fingers flexing in Grant’s hair and tugging hard enough to sting. Grant could take it – it had nothing on bruised ribs – and he hooked his fingers under the fabric of the legs of Robert’s boxers and teased at the skin there, close to Robert’s groin but no closer.

  “Please,” Robert said. “God, Grant, please.”

  Grant was only too happy to oblige. He pulled away, ignoring Robert’s hips trying to follow the motion of his mouth, and tugged the boxers down over the straining erection. Robert’s dick still gave Grant a jolt at the impressiveness of its girth and size when he was erect, and he stared at the precum glistening on the tip, starting to slide down the shaft. Grant chased it with his tongue, sliding up the outside and Robert whimpered, head hitting the wall with an audible thump. Grant decided to tease, knowing he would no doubt pay for it at a later date, but wanting Robert to have the best experience he could.

  Blowing out a slow breath had the added benefit of Robert shivering and Grant filed that away for future consideration. He mouthed at the head of Robert’s cock, tongue flicking against the head, swirling around the curve, and Robert choked, hands sliding down Grant’s neck un-coordinated, almost as if he didn’t have motor control. It was a heady feeling to think that Grant had that effect on him.

  When Robert was muttering Grant’s name over and over, Grant relented, sliding his way down the shaft, relaxing his throat as best he was able. It wasn’t far, he wasn’t that experienced, but Robert didn’t seem to care. His grip on Grant’s shoulders was almost painful, and he was making little movements with his hips, thrusting into Grant’s mouth, but thankfully not enough to cause Grant to choke or pull away. When Grant hummed, the vibrations had Robert muttering nonsense into the air above Grant’s head. Grant’s fingers flexed against Robert’s hips and though he wasn’t sure what would happen, scared that he would choke, he tried to take Robert deeper and hummed again.

  Robert yelled Grant’s name, nails digging into the meat of Grant’s shoulders and he came hard, bending almost double above Grant. Grant swallowed it down, palming himself as he did so, unable to help himself in the face of Robert’s orgasm.

  “Shit, you’re good at that,” Robert managed between gasps, staring down at Grant in awe.

  Grant smirked, tongue darting out to catch a stray drop at the corner of his mouth and something dark shifted across Robert’s face, and Grant was being hauled to his feet, Robert’s tongue in his mouth between one beat and the next. “Liked that, huh?”

  “Don’t be an idiot,” Robert said without heat. He manhandled Grant toward the bed. His kisses were hungry, his hands roaming over the waistband of Grant’s sweatpants, and Grant doubted it would take long at all for him to come. He’d been hard since they started, and Robert was kissing him with enough heat to overwhelm him.

  Robert shoved at his chest, and Grant stumbled, splaying out against the bed. Robert clambered up on top of him, devouring his mouth and sliding a hand between their bodies. When Robert finally palmed his dick, Grant shuddered, and was almost embarrassed to find himself coming, staining his sweatpants and startling Robert if the look on his face was anything to go by. “You love giving blowjobs, huh?”

  “Fuck off,” Grant managed, throwing an arm over his eyes and grunting in pain as it pulled on his ribs.

  “I heard that,” Robert warned. He shifted Grant’s arm into a kinder position on his ribs and rubbed his thu
mb over Grant’s eyebrow. Grant sighed, relaxing against the mattress and trying to enjoy the moment instead of giving in to his embarrassment. “You all right?”

  “Unsurprisingly, yes,” Grant said without heating, tugging Robert down until he was sprawled on top of him. “Sex with you could never be terrible.”

  Robert snorted. “Now you’re just being nice. We’re bound to have bad sex at some point.”

  Grant acquiesced the point with a nod of his head. He should probably get under the sheets, but he was too comfortable to move. Robert clearly had the same thought, rolling off Grant but splaying out next to him, resting his head on Grant’s shoulder. Grant moved his head enough to kiss the crown of Robert’s head and breathe out slowly. “I’m so glad I decided to come to Maine.”

  “So am I,” Robert said, so quietly that Grant had to strain to hear it. He tightened his grip on Grant’s shirt and if Grant had the energy, he would have shed that as well, but again, he couldn’t be bothered, and Robert wasn’t willing to let go anytime soon. Robert sucked in a breath, as if he was going to say something, but between one breath and the next Grant was asleep. He would have to ask in the morning what it was that Robert had said.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Grant woke up alone the next morning, stretching out, thankful when he only felt a twinge and didn’t get the familiar rush of pain. He wondered why Robert wasn’t still in bed until he turned over and felt something dig into his back. He tugged on it, grinning at the sight of Penny taking up space under the pillow. Clearly Morgan had come in during the morning, which explained why Grant was under the covers and had pants on. Robert had clearly been busy.

  Getting out of bed felt like more of a challenge than Grant wanted, especially as he desperately wanted Robert to come back to bed and kiss him stupid. There was Morgan, of course, who had to be attended to, and Grant wondered how they were going to keep her amused for the next few days. There were downsides to having a child, he supposed, but then with a wealth of things to do around town and around the county, he was sure they could find something to occupy her time with.


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