The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel
Page 13
From there at the bottom in seventy two size font, it said, Mark Williams and his phone number. Mark Williams' name also had a picture adjacent to his name and phone number. Mark told Tom Jackson, "Goodbye." Then, Mark told William, his son, "Let's get going." Mark and his son walked away and Iron Steel told his friend, "You are so lucky that you didn't get in trouble." Tom replied, "I am very nice. Perhaps, you should be very nice like me." Iron said, "I am a very nice person. You could see that in my attitude. God, you have to start being nice."
Tom said to Iron, "You know what? I am going to put you in the wagon, and bring you home. I don't care who is nice or not nice to you." Iron mumbled, "You should be nice and caring especially to an eight year old and his father." Tom put Iron in the wagon and “drove”
him home. Iron told Tom Jackson, "I am sick and tired of being placed in a wagon and treated like a six year old." Tom replied, "Shut up."
Iron said angrily, "After all of these years that I have been friends with you, I am starting to question our friendship. You know you have a bipolar personality. One minute you can act nice to me and be nasty to somebody else or cause something at somebody else’s expense, or even humiliate me by putting me in such a small wagon!
And prior to today, you were acting very anachronistic. In terms of the technology that you used, for God sakes, you used a Walkman which is so out of date that I don't even find it funny. And nevertheless, you look like a bilge rat the way your attire is, especially when you went to that Corporate Headquarters a few days ago." Tom Jackson asked, "Aren't you supposed to be loopy?" Iron answered, "I was loopy earlier today. You know people act loopy and they get over it. However, I am now out of my loopy state."
Tom asked a second question, "How can you get over your loopy state so early and so swiftly?" Iron said, "Oh, it won't be rocket science answering this question." He paused for a second. Tom interrupted and asked in an arrogant and smart aleck manner, "What's wrong? Huh? You can't get the answer?" Iron answered. "No, no, no, and oh yeah. No!" From there, Iron continued, "Some people become normal a little quicker than most people." A sarcastic smirk was shown on Iron Steel's face. Tom Jackson and Iron Steel arrived at one hundred and seventy five Goodluck Street. However, they didn't realize that they have arrived. Tom Jackson asked belligerently and ready to cause a confrontation with his own friend, "Do you wanna fight buddy!?" Iron jumped out of the wagon and his fists were clenched and his knees were bent. Iron answered, "Sure!" Tom said, "Bring it on bub!" Tom turned around. Iron asked, "Why have you turned around? What are you childish?"
Tom answered, "No." From there, a sudden punch was thrown by Tom Jackson's big animalistic hand. Iron Steel has quick reaction speeds and Iron ducked down in perfect timing. Tom Jackson's punch missed by the skin of the teeth. From there, Tom accidentally turned all the way around when he threw the punch at his friend and punched himself in the stomach. From there, Tom fell to the ground and screamed. Iron Steel said, "What are you a baby?" Tom said, "No I ain’t no baby! You're a baby!”
Now Iron Steel asked nicely, "Do you need help getting up?"
Tom Jackson said in a snooty way, "Sure." Iron Steel pulled his friend up and Tom punched Iron in his face. He fell down backwards and started screaming for help. Meanwhile, in the house, Iron Steel's mother was cooking grilled chicken. The reason why she was cooking grilled chicken was because all they eat in that household is grilled chicken and the reason is all the people in that house are bodybuilders. Iron Steel was the big bodybuilder at one time. His mother Bertha Steel heard the loud scream. She said to herself "That sounds exactly like my son."
Iron Steel's mother was a blonde six foot seven inch woman and she was very muscular. She never believed in the usage of steroids, and she was the most muscular woman in the town of California, New York. She weighed three hundred and fifty pounds.
She was not classified as an obese woman. She had the voice of a man. She walked out of the door onto the porch. The house that Iron Steel lived in was a Victorian House with black shingles. The shingles were made of wood. There were three windows on the first level of the facade; two windows were on the second level in the front and one gigantic arched shaped window on the third level which was Iron Steel's penthouse room. The house was blue and the porch had white arches; there were a bunch of bricks that made up the floor on the porch which was very unusual for the time. Bertha walked on the porch to see the combat between Iron Steel and Tom Jackson that was occurring outside. Every step that Bertha made, it sounded like a stomp. The porch started to shake every time she walked. From there, she looked and started to crinkle her bushy eyebrows and her face started to turn red in anger. She marched down the stairs and started to run down the walkway. Meanwhile, Tom Jackson was smacking his friend. Iron Steel started to laugh as his mother was coming behind Tom Jackson and Iron said to Tom, "I have to tell you something. Do you know that you will be in a lot of trouble?"
Tom said, "No. Why?" Iron answered, "Turn around and see for yourself." All of a sudden Tom Jackson turned around. His eyes widened and his tongue started to change colors like a rainbow and Tom Jackson was knocked out unconscious. Bertha said to her son, "Should I put your friend on the couch?" Iron answered, "Sure."
Bertha replied, "I don't know if this guy is your true friend. He could act like a tough guy and he caused a lot of trouble for you. For goodness sakes, you were gone for a few days with him and you didn't even talk to me during that time."
Iron said, "Granted, he was quite nasty. But, can't we all get nasty at some point in our lifetime?" Bertha answered, "Sure. I never thought of it like that." Iron sat on the kitchen chair. The kitchen chair was white and it was approximately three and a half foot tall. The kitchen had white tiled floor and white tiled walls. The white tiled walls at little patterns in them on every other tile. The patterns were blue checkerboard patterns. The countertops were wooden countertops and the wooden countertops were sanded white countertops. The kitchen table had a piece of two inch glass over the top and the kitchen table was cherry wood. The kitchen table was approximately four feet three inches tall and was about sixty inches long by thirty six inches wide. The table had one wooden support.
Now Bertha Steel placed Tom Jackson on the couch. The couch was a white leather couch and seated six people. But Tom Jackson slept on the couch. Bertha returned into the kitchen and finished cooking the grilled chicken. She removed the grilled chicken and took out two white ceramic dishes and placed them on the table. From there, she placed the pan with the chicken on the table. Lastly, she took the glasses out of one of the cedar wood cabinets. Each glass was about eight inches tall and three inches in diameter. She filled the glasses all of the way and placed the glasses on the table. She went to the freezer and placed four ice cubes in the glasses.
She then asked her son as she put the last ice cube in her glass, "Why don't you help me set up the table? You know I am getting old."
Her son answered, "I don't know." She said, "I know why, because you were lazy." He was cutting his two pieces of the grilled chicken and asked, "Why are you calling me lazy?"
She said, "Because you never helped me." She cleared her throat and then asked, "How come you haven’t seen me for the past few days?" Iron answered, "Well, it is hard to explain." She looked at him and asked, "What do you mean it is hard to explain? What were you doing in that time?" Iron said, "I was dimension traveling."
Bertha replied, "Really. You were dimension traveling." She got up, put her hands on her hips, and said, "What do you mean you were dimension traveling? That sounds crazy.”
Iron replied, "I was traveling from dimension to dimension to dimension to dimension." She said, "Oh really? March up to bed and think about what you had just said." Iron replied, "Ma, I am twenty one. I could be living in my own house if I want to. Don't bother me.
"She yelled, "Young man. I don't care if you are one hundred. You will march up to that room immediately." He said, "Fine then." He got up out of his seat and Bertha asked
, "Why are you so thin?"
Iron said, "I was on a trek for a few days, and I fasted during the trek." Bertha said, "Your intention is to build back up your muscles young man." He said, "Whatever." He started to walk through the living room which overlooks the side yard. The living room had a flat screen forty inch by sixty inch television and the ceilings in the room were eight feet and seven inches tall. Tom Jackson was sleeping on the white leather couch and there was a computer desk in the room on a white wooden computer desk. The computer desk had a computer. There was a fireplace below the television and the fireplace was very old fashion. Yet it showed some sentimental feeling especially at Christmastime. The fireplace was a wood burning fireplace that was made of brick. There weren't any air conditioning ventilation systems in the house. There were a couple of air conditioners in the rooms. The windows were about forty eight to fifty inches tall. They had four panes in them. In the back of the house was a stairwell that led up to Bertha and Iron Steel's bedrooms, the guestroom, and the powder room. The stairwell was a spiral stairwell that was wooden and carpeted with blue carpeting. Iron Steel walked upstairs, down the long hallway into his room. The hallway was adorned with wallpaper with a checkerboard pattern. The checkerboard was red on one side, and blue on another to show the loyalty towards the United States of America.
He walked into his room. His room was a fifteen by thirteen foot room and the ceilings in his room were ten feet tall. His room looked like a young adolescent man cave. His room had a ten by twelve inch flat screen high definition television. He had his own computer desk with a personal computer, and he had a fish tank on the other side of the door. His dresser was behind his eight foot long bed.
His dresser had a variety of spray products that would make him smell good on dates with his girlfriends. It was a wooden dresser and the brown paint on the dresser was peeling.
There was a crack in the mirror because when he was sixteen, his face was covered with a bunch of acne, and the mirror cracked because of this. Behind his bed were a bunch of barbells and dumbbell weights. The weights had a range of five to one hundred pounds. They were neatly organized in numerical weight order from the least heavy to the heaviest. There were approximately ninety five weights. Then there was a walk-in closet and a bed. Iron Steel walked into his room and straight to his desk. He started to write a plan to get out of the house without his mother knowing. He grabbed an eight by ten inch sheet of blank computer paper, and wrote the plan in chronological order. Here is what was shown on the paper that Mr.
Iron Steel wrote out:
8/10 Plan A. The
first thing that I will do is to make a dummy
mannequin of me sleeping in the bed. That will be very easy. Second thing, will be to get the silencer machine for my room, the hallway and the stairs leading up to the room. From there I will get my aPhone and bring it with me, and I will get my friend up than return to the room. Plan B, C, D, or E cannot be an option so it is crucial for Plan A to work. The reason why Iron Steel wants to leave is because he wants to seek work at the Cascade Resort Company Corporate Building in California, New York. He is currently unfit to work because of his condition after the fight. Since he has devised what he believes is an incredible, covert plan, he thinks he will be able to carry it out.
Chapter 2: The Covert Plan
People have the nature of being sneaky especially when it is regarding carrying out a covert and secret plan. However, sometimes covert plans somehow are released through a mistake or an action that the person involved in the covert plan incriminates himself or herself.
Iron Steel walked down the hallway and straight down the stairs to the kitchen. The Goodluck Chronicle was on the kitchen table. He removed the whole stack of newspapers and placed them in a bag. Then he entered the dining room which had a Chippendale oak dining room table. The dining room table was twelve feet long by three feet wide. It had a polished wooden floor with a red carpet in the middle and a china closet adjacent to the window. Behind the dining room table was a Steinway upright piano; a white door leading to the basement was located adjacent to the Steinway.
There were about twenty stairs going down to the basement which was partially unfinished. When you walked into the basement you could see everything located in the area was neatly organized.
There were three rows of shelves with five shelves in each row. The left shelf in the first row featured products like nails, wood, bricks, and pipes for the house. On the right shelf in the first row, there were ten tool boxes on the different levels. On the first level, there were tool boxes filled with five cleaning products each. Every toolbox was color coded which had marked the box's identification. On the first level of the right shelf were the cleaning products and toolboxes that housed many of the cleaning products.
The toolbox for kitchen cleaning products was green and the kitchen cleaning products were all in cylinder cans with the first cylinder can showing the biggest brand name in town, SJE. It was called SJE bleach, had a red and white logo, red lettering and a white background. Adjacent to that product was JSP window cleaner. Then there was the JPP Wrench Co. Product. This wrench product in the green tool box was for plumbing. Behind JPP wrench was another product - the LBE Pink “scent and spray.”
Whenever you walked by the “scent and spray”
there would
be a scent every forty five minutes. The smell would be selected on certain days. On one day, there would be a cotton candy smell. The next day could be a lemonade smell, or another scent. In a yellow tool box was the restroom cleaning products. The restroom cleaning products featured the Golden C breath strips which were in a basic toiletry inventory machine; it contained thousands of cinnamon flavored breath strips. Next there was the JRF Toilet Cleaner which was represented with a white and blue logo. This was a bleach product and the DME grout cleaner.
Lastly in this box was the VREBRMBSAEB Carpet cleaner.
On the second level was a white bin filled with Iron Steel's old toys.
The old toys contained in the white bin were M. Strong action figures from the 1980's and the early 1990's. Then there were Supers Comic Books along with books that were a different British Series. Iron Steel was not only a physically fit lad, he possessed a lot of brain power. He has a sticker on all of his books that reads "knowledge is power." The books that he owned were British and American classics.
The British Classics he owned were the
Mary Poppins, Peter
Pan, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Oliver Twist, and A Christmas Carol. The American Classics that he owned were some John Steinbeck Classics. The John Steinbeck Classics that he owned were Of Mice and Men and The Pearl. He also liked some of Mark Twain's books. The Mark Twain books that Iron really liked were the Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn and Huckleberry Finn. He also liked some traditional American stories that are passed down from generation to generation to generation and the most traditional American story that Iron owned was the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. He had a broad vocabulary and a wide range of literature.
There are many more things located in the basement.
However he only retrieved three items and several colors of paint. Those items were a mop, scissors, a cloth, and blue, orange, white, and black paint. He started returning up the stairs. As he entered the dining room, he saw Bertha. She asked her son, "What do you think you are doing?" Iron answered, "Oh nothing." Bertha continued to ask, "Why were you down the basement? Aren't you supposed to be sick?" Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" Iron answered, "Yes."
Bertha asked, "Now, what did you really come down here for?" He answered with a lie, "I am doing an art project." Bertha replied, "I shouldn't be expected to believe you." Iron said to himself as he walked away from his mom, "Lying does work. Perhaps I should try it for the next time." He continued to walk up stairs to carry out his covert plan. He walked up the stairs and was struggling to carry all of the items that he was carrying.
And now he started to carry
out the task of putting the dummy together. He used the scissors to cut off the mop strings – they were like ropes-from the mop and took the stick from the mop and placed it aside temporarily. He crumpled all of the newspapers in a ball and used ordinary glue to keep the papers together. He stuffed the stick in the crumpled papers, and picked one of his pajama sets from his wardrobe and placed them on this stick. He placed the stick on the bed and painted a peach color (he made the peach with the orange and white paint) all over the crumpled newspapers. He used the black paint to paint black circles, a black nose, and black mouth. He took the blue paint to make blue eyes in the black circles. He was satisfied with the mannequin and said to himself, "There. I have the face made and now it is time to work on step two of this plan."
He marked off step one with a check and continued working on the covert plan. Iron Steel climbed out the window but forgot the ladder. When he climbed down the window he slipped because the dew from the tree came onto the window's ledge. He fell into the bushes. Meanwhile, Bertha was cleaning the kitchen, and she noticed something falling through the kitchen window. Iron's bedroom was over the kitchen so Bertha started to run up to the bedroom. As she was running through the hallway, Iron Steel quickly got up and ran off. She noticed her son was gone as soon as she arrived in the bedroom. Iron Steel was walking down the street and all of the people looked at him in a weird way.
He walked toward the business part of Goodluck Street. There were about six small businesses located here. The first business located in the Southwest building of Goodluck Street was Mario's Pizzeria with a brick facade and green canopy awning in front of it.