The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel

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The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel Page 30

by Pidoriano, Joseph

  "And, what would that be?" asked Drew. "I have an aPhone which can do anything to everything. Perhaps, this thing will be able to scan you to see if you are lying or not about having any lice", answered Tom. He pulled out his aPhone and opened up the scanner application. Drew started to turn the color of green because of the Light on the scanner. A couple of seconds later, the scanner said, "No lice. He maintains a good hygiene." "Is this thing accurate?" asked Drew nervously.

  "Yes, it has been right since day one nearly ten and a half years ago", answered Tom. "How are you able to keep the same phone for nearly ten years?" asked the self-proclaimed savant. "First thing is that it is ten and a half years of age. Second thing is, that if you're extremely responsible like myself, you won't have to worry about your phone or any of your property breaking", answered Tom.

  "Unfortunately, I never had a phone, never mind an aPhone.

  Because, I was known as 'Calamity Drew' in my family, I could never be trusted with anything. Not even a piece of a post-it paper", replied Drew. Both, Tom and Drew walked in to the living room and turned on the anachronistic analog television. The sound is low quality and there are fades in the picture, once in a while. When, Drew turned on the T.V, immediately the CBN News channel came on and it featured Gerardo Rivelti. Rivelti said, "Ladies and Gentlemen in California County, I am reporting live outside of Town Hall. There is an important report going on. Some beastly aliens from a distant dimension are coming in to attack us humans. We can't fight them off because they'll be armed and dangerous with very powerful weapons as compared to the Earthling weapons. To prevent them from colonizing this town, I have three pieces of advice for all of you. First thing, is to close your windows and doors and board everything up.

  From there, exit the house throughout the rooftop hatch that every citizen should have because it's the county law. Secondly, meet in the Town Square and we'll tell you what to do from there. After give you follow up directions, there will be an evacuation that you will be required to leave town on foot. If you don't follow any of these orders there will be consequences that will potentially last you a lifetime.

  Now, Mayor Stone will be coming out to give a speech.”

  The mayor gave his speech saying, "Thank you Gerardo.

  Now, to all of my fellow citizens in town, I am sure you are very well aware of the fact that malevolent aliens are planning to invade the county. It sounds 'crazy' when I am saying this but, this is true. Three informants, one of them was an innocent, alien citizen, visited Starmos City, an alien city in another dimension, are coming over here to carry out an attack on three innocent, arbitrarily punished fugitives. Their names are Tom Jackson, Light S. Cycle, and Will Von Alien. Each one of these fugitives are different in terms of their physical being. Tom is a human who is from this county, Light is a shapeshifting robot who was made in a factory, and Will is an innocent alien who was terrorized by the brutes in the government.

  All three of them ended up being imprisoned over there because the ruler, Cornelius Von Alien, didn't like them. Unfortunately, two of them ended up in the hole or the official prison and, one of them managed to break free from the shackles, as he was going to the hole.

  The one who broke free from the shackles remained at the Star Hotel, a luxurious hotel in the alien city. Will rescued Tom and Light from the hole and, then, the three of them came into town."

  "Excuse me, mayor, how did you find out that the aliens were going to invade Earth?" asked one of the spectators at the press conference at Town Hall. "They told me, that while they were listening to the radio as they were heading home, the prosecutor Jacqueline Langyaw, was at a press conference at the Starmos Convention Center, and she was seeking approval from Cornelius Von Alien", answered the mayor.

  "What was she seeking approval for?" asked one of the press conference spectators. "She was seeking an approval to carry out a raid to find the trio of fugitives. Somehow, she managed to find out their origin town California County. And, she is deliberately planning to cause collateral damage all because she needs to get what she wants, and that is to prosecute three innocent souls", answered the mayor. He then asked, "Does anybody else have any other questions or, any other issues to address with me regarding this significant problem?" asked Mayor Stone.

  "Yes", answered another spectator in the crowd. "And, what would that be?" asked the mayor. "I want to know if she got the approval to carry out the invasion into town", answered the spectator.

  "Yes, of course she got the approval because the mad and bombastic brute of a ruler, Cornelius Von Alien has been out to get mankind for years. So, yes is the official answer to your question", replied the mayor. He then asked, "Does anybody have any other question regarding this?" The crowd is silent. "Going once", said the mayor. He then paused and said, "Going twice."

  The crowd still remained as silent as a church mouse. After that, the mayor said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the meeting has been adjourned. My final words to all of the citizens in town, is that I am begging every single one of you to prepare effectively for this event.

  And, follow each and every single direction in the protocol. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen for listening. Have a good day. And, once again, prepare effectively against these beastly, malevolent, vicious alien government from Starmos City. And, not, all aliens are bad. The government who rules the alien city are the bad ones.”

  The mayor left the podium and returned into the Town Hall.

  The stage, where the press conference took place was dismantled. The media returned the show back to the studios. And, the media companies continued reporting on this particular event. At the house, Drew turned off the television. "Should we start preparing for the evacuation?" asked Drew. "Sure", answered Tom. "Would you like to come with me to Joe's Hardware Store?" asked Drew.

  "No, I'm going to leave now. It is crucial that we prepare everything on our own. Besides, I am going to return back to Town Hall where I have to meet Mayor Stone", answered Tom. "Okay, see you real soon. I will see you in the Town Square", replied Drew. Tom walked out of the door and returned to the Town Square. Followed by Tom's departure from that squalid place, Drew left his house to the hardware store. Meanwhile, Tom started walking to Town Square, the central hub of town. Town Square features beautiful medium oak trees, with gorgeous, green grass. There are older lampposts with hanging plants. And, the trees have Chinese style lanterns. Yellow Ribbons are placed in honor of the veteran officers who protected the town. In the center of the square is a flagpole which featured the American flag and the California County flag.

  The American flag looks honorable with its stars and stripes.

  And, the California County flag has a unique and honorable appearance too. This particular flag's colors are green and yellow. The yellow symbolizing the sunny days of the county and the green symbolizing the interesting variations of trees surrounding the area.

  Tom arrived in Town Square. He is amazed by the fact that it was so quiet after the media circus that occurred less than fifteen minutes ago. He ran through the area where the flag was located. And, old folks, who are sitting on benches opened their mouths in shock. One of them yelled at Tom calling him a jerk face. The one who called him that name is an old lady, whose husband died in the First Alien War, which took place in 2020.

  "Why you' yellin' at me?" asked Tom. "Because, you’re disrespecting your country and your town. My husband died for your freedom and you treat him like he is nothing by running across land in a solemn zone", she answered boisterously. "Yeah, okay", said Tom sarcastically. He rudely continued walking. Breathing heavily, after that run across the silent square, he struggled to walk up the marble stairs into the Town Hall. Just about making it up the stairs, he sat on the floor in front of the doors of this building.

  After forty five seconds of sitting down, he managed to catch his breath and, he knocked on the door. Rose, the woman who works as the receptionist in Town Hall for Mayor Stone, didn't open the door. Tom struggled to open the heavy
doors of the building. He managed to open the door. However, he felt florid and, out of breath after opening the enormous door. "Were you the one knocking on the door?" asked Rose. "Yes, and I am completely out of breath", answered Tom. "What can I do for you?" asked the reception lady. "I request to see Mayor Stone", answered Tom. "Okay, I'll get him to come over here in a little bit. For now, just sit down and wait here", replied the reception lady. He waited in the reception hall, as asked by the reception lady. Mayor Stone started walking into the reception hall three minutes later. He walked up to Tom. "Did you finish giving the posters to all of the citizens in the residential part of town?" asked the mayor. "No way. I was able to do sixteen houses. But, I couldn't do one hundred and fifty houses", answered Tom.

  "And, why couldn't you do that?" asked Mayor Stone.

  "Because I was limping because I tripped on a boulder", answered Tom. He laughed after he answered the question. The mayor showed an angry look on his face. "Are you lying?" he asked. "No, sir", answered Tom, who is still laughing. "I know your lying. You told two lies", replied the mayor. "I didn't lie", said Tom, who continued laughing. Eventually, his laughing momentum slowed down. When, he stopped laughing the mayor gave him a nasty look. "You are a lousy liar. I can easily tell when you're lying especially after your silly outburst. Now, it's a good thing that I alerted the community on the CBN and on CC news. If I didn't do that, how would the citizens in town know?" asked the mayor.

  "I would have given out all of the posters to all citizens", answered Tom. "How many houses did you hang out at?" asked Mayor Stone. "Four", answered Tom. "And, who were the occupants of these particular houses?" asked the mayor. "Officer Johnstone, an old hag, Bertha Steel, and Drew Steel", answered Tom. "And, why did you stop at these particular houses?" asked the mayor. "Because, I felt like it", answered Tom.

  "And, how many times did I call you to let you know not to do that?" asked the mayor. "About two times", answered a nervous Tom.

  "Twice I told you not to do that", replied the mayor angrily. "I'm sorry", said Tom, who was intimidated by the mayor. The mayor calmed himself down. "You're forgiven", he replied. "Okay", said Tom. "Now, we're going to go to my office", replied the mayor. Both Mayor Stone and Tom Jackson were walking over to the office. The mayor opened the four paneled, polished wooden door. Waiting inside of the office were Light and Will. "What have you been doing all of this time?" asked Will. "Uh, I've been going from house to house distributing the public service announcement papers", answered Tom.

  "And, how many houses did you give to?" asked Light. "Sixteen", answered Tom. Will asked Mayor Stone, "How many houses are in town?" "One hundred and fifty", answered the mayor. "So, Tom, why didn't you do the one hundred and fifty houses?" asked Will. "I didn't feel like it", answered Tom.

  “You know, we were breaking our backs to do all of the municipal buildings and all of the businesses in town and you only had to do one hundred and fifty houses. That is absurd why you couldn't have done such a little amount of houses. You're ridiculous", replied Will. "Hey, green head, you look like the Green Giant. So, don't be so wise with me, boy. Because look at yourself. You're an insolent idiotic imbecile. You should be ashamed of yourself for talking to me with that kind of an attitude. You need to learn how to better your attitude", said Tom. "Who are you to tell me that I need to better my attitude?" asked Will. "I'm Thomas S. Jackson", answered Tom. "What does the S. stand for?" asked Will. "Smarter than you", answered Tom.

  "I think it is more like a stupid ass that you are because you are one. You're pinhead. Besides, I did two parts of town and you were only supposed to do one part", replied Will. "And, how many businesses and government buildings did you do?" asked Tom. "Two hundred and seventy eight businesses and fifteen government buildings", answered Will.

  "Wow, two hundred and seventy eight businesses. How big were the shops or any of the restaurants?" asked Tom. "Half the size of an average house in Town", answered Will. "So, big deal, you had to do two hundred and fifty businesses", replied Tom. "Two hundred and seventy eight", said Will angrily. Tom threw the first punch at Will, who then kicked Tom in the tibia part of the leg. Both Tom and Will started fighting like two ladies. They pulled each other's hair.

  When they did that, the mayor stepped in. Light remained neutral.

  "Cut it out! You two are nothing but stupid ladies fighting", said the mayor. They disgracefully disregarded the mayor's request. From there, the mayor retrieved his megaphone under his desk. "Both, Tom and Will. You two are to stop fighting", the megaphone said. This megaphone is very futuristic. It is something that has never been thought of. It features a volume button as well as a silencer and, one didn't have to speak inside of the megaphone. One typed in words, which the megaphone would say. This particular megaphone has a soften female voice. Her name is Jane. She is an emotionless object that would only speak if one programmed her with words to say.

  Otherwise, she remained silent as a mouse. Tom and Will stopped fighting immediately after the megaphone said to stop. "What was that noise?" asked Light.

  "It was Jane", answered the mayor. "Who's Jane?" asked Tom.

  "The megaphone that told you and Will to stop fighting", answered the mayor. "How were you able to change your voice to sound like a lady?" asked Tom. "I didn't change my voice. I typed in a message for her to say and she said the exact words that I typed", answered the mayor. "Well, that's an impressive object that you have", replied Will.

  "Thank you", said Mayor Stone.

  "No problem", replied Will. "Now, we have to get to a more important subject", said Mayor Stone. "And, what would that be?"

  asked Light. "The evacuation", answered the mayor. "What is the plan for the evacuation?" asked Tom. "Every single one of you will meet in the square. Before, I tell everyone else where they're evacuating. I'll tell all of you where to evacuate.", answered the mayor. "Where are evacuating to?" asked Will. "I'll discreetly tell you when we are at the meeting in the square", answered the mayor. "Okay, thanks", replied the respectful alien. "Are we ready to go?" asked Mayor Stone. "Yes", answered Tom.

  Mayor Stone and the trio of fugitives walked out of the office and into the reception hall. The three innocent fugitives and Mayor Stone walked up to the reception desk. "Would you mind sounding the alarms in town?" asked the mayor. "Sure", answered the reception lady. She pressed the red button which sounded all of the loud alarms in town. These alarms made whaling noises that can be heard from miles away.

  There is an importance to having these alarms in the county.

  When the alarm sounds, it means to evacuate one's house and all citizens will be required to go to Town Square. The whaling noises from the alarms attracted people to Town Square. The streets were empty. However, within thirty seconds the people started storming down to the square like a herd of elephants. Every citizen moved at the same speed whether they're old or young. Everybody circled around the flag pole and sat down on the grass surrounding the pole.

  The mayor and the trio of fugitives emerged from Town Hall. They walked up to the flagpole.

  The crowd is silent and so is the mayor. About two minutes later, the swarms of media started to arrive at the square. CBN News provided a battery operated microphone to the mayor. One of the crew members gave the microphone to the mayor for his announcement.

  Followed by that, the reception lady Rose emerged from her office.

  She started to run out of the office with the lightweight wooden podium. Then after that, the mayor walked away from his podium and walked to one of the media trailers and he knocked on the door of one of the trailers.

  He wanted to fix his hair. The driver of one of the trailers opened the door. "What do you want?" asked the driver. "I need somebody to fix my hair", answered the mayor. "This is not the makeup and cosmetic department vehicle", replied the driver. "Well, where is that particular vehicle?" asked Mayor Stone. "It is the vehicle in front of me", answered the driver.

  The mayor ran over to the cosmetic vehicle,
which has a mind boggling appearance to it. This particular vehicle is a tall teardropshaped vehicle which had semicircular windows. The mayor banged on the door of this vehicle and an eccentric lady answered it. She is wearing a cape and a feather necklace. She has blonde hair and her face is colored pink due to the makeup that she wore. "Oh my God, you look so unkempt", she said. "Thank you, I know. Fix my hair immediately", replied the mayor. "Okay", said the lady. She escorted the mayor to the cushioned seat in front of the strong, reflective mirror that had a built in television.

  While she was fixing his hair, the crowd in the square were becoming angry. "When is he coming out?" asked one of the citizens in the square. "I don't know", answered Tom. "Well, how are you three clowns going to entertain us?" asked one of the citizens in town.

  "Well, you didn't come here for entertainment. You came here to be alerted on an evacuation process", answered Light. The mayor's hair is now finished after being fixed from the cosmetic artist. He walked to the flagpole. And, he calmed all of the citizens.

  Chapter V: The Evacuation of California County and the trio of fugitives escape to the Fox's House

  It is now five o' clock in the afternoon and the mayor is about to deliver his speech. The crowd is silent. The mayor cleared his throat and started to give his speech, "Ladies and Gentlemen, a couple of hours ago we had a press conference about this planned evacuation of town. I'm sure you're very well aware of the malevolent aliens are planning to invade town and potentially cause collateral damage.


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