Witch on the Fritz

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Witch on the Fritz Page 4

by Isabel Micheals

  Piper was mortified and Liam knew it from the smirk on his face. You pompous ass. “We’ve never had sex. There, I said it. Are you happy now?”

  “No, quite the opposite. I’d be happier if we were having sex,” Liam replied in a nonchalant voice as he parked in Skylar’s driveway and turned off the engine.

  When he turned to face Piper, she was as pale as a ghost. Real smooth Rico Suave. Surely, she knows how I feel about her. Hell, everyone in Mystic Grove knows. I’ve been in love with this woman since grade school. Why didn’t I tell her sooner? Is it my delivery that has her looking like a terrified cat? Shit, Hunter was right. I have no game.

  Piper blinked several times waiting for her vision to clear. But her vision wasn’t the issue. Liam Alexander wanted to have sex with her. They were best friends. He had never even looked at her in a sexual way. The women he dated were bombshells. She was more like the girl next door, which made sense that they would be best friends. The girl next door never got the hot guy. And Liam was hot. He was a five-alarm fire hot. Why was he admitting his true feelings now? Lizzy. This was all Lizzy’s fault. She needed to find that damn rabbit’s foot and fast so things would go back to normal.

  “Um. Liam. I need to get Skylar some clothes,” Piper muttered as she bolted out of the truck.

  Liam slung open his door and followed her. “Paddycakes, wait up. We need to talk.”

  Piper turned on her heels and scowled at him. “No, we don’t need to talk. We need to pack Skylar an overnight bag. Then, we need to stop by The Thirsty Squirrel parking lot where I’m sure Lizzy is waiting for me. Once I find her, this nightmare will be over. Let’s be honest Liam. You don’t want to have sex with me. Your feelings are an unintended consequence resulting from me losing Lizzy. Chaos always erupts when I misplace my lucky mojo.”

  Liam was pissed. How could she minimalize his feelings? He stepped into her personal space and stared her down until she looked away. “Look at me, Piper Marie Patterson. My feelings for you are genuine and have nothing to do with a fucking rabbit’s foot. Did I fumble the delivery? Yes. Does my timing suck? Yes. Does it change the way I feel about you? No. I would never be callous about my love for you. You’re the one who put me in the friend zone.”


  Liam believed actions spoke louder than words. All pretense gone, he wrapped an arm around Piper’s waist and pulled her into his chest. Before she could protest, his lips came crashing down on hers. She tried to resist, but eventually gave in to the kiss. When she moaned with pleasure, he let out a low growl, pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. It was everything he dreamed of and more. She smelled like vanilla and strawberries. It was intoxicating to his senses. Her glorious curves left him hard as a rock. If they weren’t standing on Skylar’s front porch, he would strip her bare.

  When they came up for air, Piper pushed him away. “Liam, we can’t.”

  “Why not Paddycakes?”

  Piper knew her emotions were out of control when a tear slipped down her cheek. “Because you’re my best friend. If things didn’t work out…” Her voice trailed off, leaving Liam to finish the sentence. When he didn’t respond, she stiffened her spine with a renewed sense of purpose and said what she was thinking. “I won’t risk losing you. Please don’t ask that of me.”

  Liam caressed her cheek and wiped away the tear. “Don’t cry sweetheart. This will work out. You’ll see.”

  Piper didn’t know how. She was doomed without Lizzy. The last twelve hours had validated her fears. She didn’t have time for a romantic entanglement. She needed to recover Lizzy and find a new baking partner for The Great Wiccan Cake Off.

  “Let’s go inside. We have a lot to do and this discussion won’t be resolved today.”

  Liam wanted to say more, but decided to give Piper some space. “You’re right. But this conversation is far from over.”

  Piper quickly gathered Skylar enough clothes for two weeks. The faster she packed, the sooner she would be home away from Liam’s prying eyes. The depth of their kiss had punctured a crack in her heart. She wasn’t heartless, but she also wasn’t her mother. She didn’t need a man to define her or make her happy. She had her own hopes and dreams, and no one would stand in the way of them, not even her best friend. And that’s what they were… best friends. Liam had stood by her during some of the worst times in her life. He never judged and always accepted her true self. All of that would change if they took their relationship to the next level. She had seen it a million times with her mother. She refused to lose herself to a man, even if he was someone as special as Liam.

  Thirty minutes later, they were in The Thirsty Squirrel parking lot retracing her steps. Piper tried not to panic, but so far, their exploration had been a bust. There was nothing in the parking lot except cars. She tried not to think about the ramifications if they weren’t able to find the rabbit’s foot.

  Liam walked from one side of the parking lot to the other trying not to draw attention to himself. The last thing they needed was someone calling the cops. He didn’t want to dash Piper’s hopes, but the rabbit’s foot was not here. “Are you sure you dropped it in the parking lot?”

  “No, but it was the last place I remember having it. Lizzy has to be here,” Piper yelled from across the lot.

  What if she’s not? What will you do then Paddycakes? Will your world completely fall apart? Liam nodded, but kept his thoughts to himself. They had bigger issues than the search and rescue of a rabbit’s foot. Silas and his men were targeting her, which meant she wasn’t safe. It was time to suggest she take a few nights off until he could get the situation under control.

  He walked over to Piper and gently touched her shoulder until she looked at him. “Lizzy’s not here Paddycakes and we have bigger problems to worry about. Silas is the ruthless alpha of The Graypaw Wolf Pack. He’s trying to take over our moonshine territory and will stop at nothing until he gets his way. If his men know about you, then you’re in danger.”

  Piper closed her eyes, took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “How did I become their target? I have nothing to do with your business.”

  Liam hated to state the obvious, but he had no choice. He gently caressed her cheek with his thumb to help soften the blow. When she leaned into his touch, he told her the truth. “They know how important you are to me Paddycakes. I would do anything to protect you, which is why you’re not going to like my suggestion.”

  Piper’s body stiffened at Liam’s last comment. “What are you talking about?”

  Liam hid the disappointment churning in his gut when she suddenly stepped away from his touch. He knew without a doubt that winning her over would be an uphill battle. “You need to take a leave of absence from The Thirsty Squirrel. It’s not safe now that Silas’s men know where you work.”

  Piper’s head flew back like she had been slapped. “Oh, hell no. I’m not quitting my job.” She stepped into Liam’s personal space and poked him in the chest with her index finger. “This is your mess Liam Alexander. You need to fix it now.”

  Liam wanted to shake some sense into Piper. Why did the woman have to be such a stubborn mule? Frustration grated on his nerves. This day had been a shitshow no matter how you sliced it. He was sick of everyone not listening to him. He was an alpha for fuck's sake.

  “What the hell do you want me to do Piper? How was I supposed to know they would come after you? I’m trying to turn the business around, but Hunter is being an asshole. Until I can convince him or come up with a better plan, I need to keep you safe. That means taking some time off from The Thirsty Squirrel. Why do you always have to be so fucking difficult?”

  “What did you just say to me?” Piper asked in a deadly voice.

  Liam knew he should have backed down, but he’d had enough. “I’m trying to keep you safe, but you’re fighting me at every turn. This isn’t a game Piper. These men will seriously hurt you. I won’t have that on my conscience. If you’re unwilling to take some time off, then Hunter will e
scort you to work every night and hang out at the bar until your shift is over.”

  Piper was back in Liam’s face. She was fighting mad now. She didn’t need a man to protect her. She could protect herself. “Hell no. Hunter has already screwed up Sky’s love life. I will not let him ruin mine. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

  Liam’s wolf’s possessive instincts took over before he realized what was happening. One minute they were arguing and the next, he was kissing her senseless. There was no way in hell she was dating another man. After a long, sensual kiss, he released her lips. Breathing hard, he touched his forehead to hers. “You are mine Piper Marie Patterson. Make no mistake about it. Deal with it. Now get in the car and let’s go home. We are done here for now.”

  Chapter 5

  Piper groaned when she heard the doorbell ringing. Maybe if she covered her head with a pillow they would go away. It was nine o’clock in the morning and she was exhausted. She had spent the entire night looking through resumes. She needed a new partner for The Great Wiccan Cake Off. While there were a few potentials in the stack, she wasn’t feeling optimistic. Skylar was hard to replace. If they didn’t win, she would be stuck working at The Thirsty Squirrel forever.

  When the ringing stopped, she sighed with relief and went back to sleep. But her moment of peace was short-lived. Cassie burst into her bedroom squealing like a banshee. Would this nightmare never end? All she wanted was a little sleep. Instead, her cousin was bouncing up and down on her bed like a two-year old.

  Cassie clapped her hands with glee. “Wake up Piper. Your first interviewee is here.”

  Piper rolled onto her back and covered her eyes with her forearm. “What are you talking about Cass?”

  “Skylar and I saw the resumes you had put aside and thought we would help you interview them this morning.”

  Piper sat straight up in bed and glared at her cousin. “What did you do?”

  “Oh, relax. We’ve taken care of everything. We thought it would be fun to have a cake off today. The kitchen is set up and ready to go. Now get your lazy butt out of bed and let’s go eat some cake.”

  When Piper entered the kitchen there was a stranger prepping one of the two magical workstations. Cassie was prepping her ingredients at the other, which confused Piper. Everyone knew Cass couldn’t cook to save her life. What was she thinking? This wasn’t a competition and even if it was, she would be competing against professional chefs. There was no way she would ever win.

  Skylar was sitting at the kitchen nook with a hesitant smile on her face. Piper smiled back and joined her. “Don’t be mad Pipes. Cass is only trying to help. Sometimes when life shuts one door, it opens a window. We’re trying to help you find that window.”

  Piper nodded in understanding. Her cousin had a heart of gold. She would do anything to make sure they won The Great Wiccan Cake Off. It warmed her heart to know she was not alone. They would find someone to take Skylar’s place. Lost in thought, she hadn’t realized Cassie was speaking.

  “Hello everyone and welcome to the home edition of The Great Wiccan Cake Off. Our first preliminary round involves the host against the pro. That’s right, I’m challenging Millicent, a professional baker, in our first cake off. Today’s challenge is motivated by The Nutcracker.”

  Piper turned to Skylar and rolled her eyes. “What is Cass talking about? She’s a horrible baker. This isn’t a competition. It’s a massacre.”

  Cass leveled her cousin with an annoyed look. “I heard that Piper. Please refrain from commenting until the tasting portion of the competition.”

  Skylar glared at Piper, who slunk back in her seat. “Sorry, Cass. You have our full attention. Please continue.”

  “Thank you, Sky. Cassie ignored Piper and walked to the kitchen island where an unwrapped present sat. “What is a Queen without her Mouse King?” She said with a wink as she unveiled The Mouse King cake. “The Mouse King’s shoulders are made out of a cake layered in a sweet cheese buttercream frosting and decorated in fondant. His head, a mousy feature, are modeled and carved in modeling chocolate and fondant. Finally, his gold crown with bedazzled jewels is made out of fondant. If it gets too hot in the kitchen, you can push your panic button at any time. Today’s competition is not about baking, but creating a Mouse King worthy of our Queen, Piper. Thus, you have ninety minutes to complete your masterpiece. The only rule is there are no rules. Let the baking begin.”

  Piper noticed that Millicent didn’t talk much, which might not be a bad thing unless she didn’t communicate with her. Communication was a vital key to winning The Great Wiccan Cake Off. She had baked with Skylar for years. They knew each other’s moves and inner thoughts. They were like one. Maybe that was the solution to her problem. Would it be cheating if she cloned herself? Or maybe she could clone a version of Skylar pre-broken arm? While the idea was appealing, she knew Baba Yaga would throw their asses in the pokey for abusing their powers.

  She returned her attention to the competition where everything seemed to be going well. The cakes were in the oven and both contestants had started making the buttercream icing. For someone who burned water, Cassie was on her game today. That is until she wasn’t. Piper watched in horror as Millicent chanted a spell that set Cassie’s oven on fire. Things were about to get interesting.

  “You witch. I worked hard on that batter,” Cassie yelled as she smothered the fire with a generous amount of baking soda and salt until it was extinguished.

  Millicent cackled like a hyena. “If you can’t take the heat Cassandra, get out of the kitchen. This is the Great Wiccan Cake Off, not amateur hour. Slither back into your corner and let the professionals bake.”

  Cassie sneered at the other woman. “You’re right, Millie. This isn’t amateur hour. Succendam usque ad craterem.”

  Piper watched in horror as Millicent’s bowl of buttercream frosting exploded all over her pristine outfit. Pride swelled in her heart. Her cousin didn’t take shit from anyone. Millie had met her match.

  Skylar leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Should we stop the competition?”

  “No, let it play out.” Piper wanted to see if Millicent would go the distance or cower and run for the hills. She knew Cassie was in it for the long haul. Her cousin had always been a combination of fierce and fearless. It was one of the things she admired about her the most.

  Piper leaned over and whispered in Skylar’s ear. “Cassie is on a mission. It took her no time to replace the cakes Millicent destroyed.”

  “I agree. Maybe we have underestimated our cousin. She’s holding her own against Millie.”

  Both women were silent, but deadly as they focused on shaping The Mouse King’s body. They had their eye on the prize. Piper ignored how their cooking areas looked like a bomb had exploded on them. Oh, wait! One had thanks to Cass.

  Once the cakes were stacked and shaped, the women moved on to rolling out the fondant that would cover the cake. There was thirty-five minutes left on the clock. If they didn’t hustle, they would both end up with a naked mouse.

  “I’m going to crush this Buffy,” Millicent murmured under her breath.

  “Only in your dreams and my nightmares,” Cassie countered.

  Piper encouraged her cousin with a wink and an approving nod. “We don’t want a naked mouse. Hustle ladies. You have twenty-two minutes left.”

  “Does the mouse need a head?” Cassie inquired.

  Piper tried not to laugh. Even in her darkest hour, Cassie could put a smile on her face. She loved that goofball. When her mom disappeared like a thief in the night, her cousins had been there to pick up the pieces. In her heart, they were her sisters. The Three Musketeers. Always ready for a challenge and willing to go to war for one another. She was not alone as long as these women were by her side.

  “Oh, my Goddess. Look at the nose on Millie’s cake. It looks more like a penis,” Skylar giggled.

  “Well, it is called The Nutcracker. Maybe in her version The Mouse King is a real dick,” P
iper snickered. “You have sixteen minutes ladies to impress me.”

  Cassie had a mischievous look on her face. “Piper, if Millie’s cake is missing one element, will she lose?”

  In hindsight, her cousin’s question should have set off warning bells. But instead of enabling Cassie’s bad behavior, Piper ignored her question. She would realize her mistake later.

  “We’re at the two-minute mark ladies. Wrap it up,” Skylar said as she sipped on her ice coffee.

  Piper laughed as Millicent and Cassie frantically ran around the kitchen looking for the materials to make whiskers for The Mouse King. They started the countdown at ten seconds. “Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Step away from your cakes please.”

  Piper stood to inspect the cakes. They weren’t bad, but they weren’t at The Great Wiccan Cake Off level either. “Okay, first up is Millicent.” Piper turned and pointed to The Mouse King Cake sitting on the island. “This was The Mouse King cake you were trying to make. Let’s see how you did.”

  Everyone watched with bated breath as Millicent revealed her cake. “Slayed it!”

  Piper and Skylar started laughing. Who knew Millicent had a sense of humor? Piper inspected the cake a little closer before she gave her assessment. “Your Mouse King is a little scary, but you definitely have the hat, the fur and the texture. Where’s the sash?”

  Millie shrugged her shoulders. “I ran out of time.”

  “Hmm. Did you intend to make him look like an evil rat instead of a cute mouse?”

  Mille rolled her eyes at Piper’s question. “Of course not. It’s just the way he came out. What can I say? My Mouse King is a real dick.”

  Piper tried to control her laughter, but considering The Mouse King’s nose was still in the shape of a penis, she couldn’t help herself. The entire room was laughing. Well, everyone except Millie.


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