Witch on the Fritz

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Witch on the Fritz Page 5

by Isabel Micheals

  Millicent stomped her foot on the kitchen floor like a petulant child. “What’s so funny?”

  “I apologize Millie,” Piper chuckled. “Please cut a piece of the cake. I need to taste it.”

  Millicent glared at Piper as she cut a piece of the cake and placed it on the saucer. She knew her cake was superb and didn’t need these women’s approval. Her main goal was to be discovered on television. She wanted her own cooking show. If this was the price she had to pay, then so be it.

  Piper regained her composure and admired Millie’s cake. “Wow! That’s a King slice cake. Your even layers are beautiful.” She picked up a fork and took a bite of the cake. “Mm. That’s a very nice ratio of cake to buttercream frosting. Your cake is lovely Millie.”

  Millicent turned and smirked at Cassie. “Thank you. Was there ever any doubt? I am the only professional baker in the room.”

  Piper had to bite her tongue. She needed a partner for The Great Wiccan Cake Off. She didn’t have to like them. “Mm-hmm. I’m going to check out the competition Millie. Don’t go anywhere.” Piper walked over and addressed her excited cousin. “Cassandra, let’s see what you did today.”

  Cassie revealed her cake with pride and gusto. “Slayed it!”

  “Wow! I’m impressed by the amount of detail on your cake. I’m proud of you Cassie. I feel like you hit every element. Did having two cousins who are professional bakers help you in the competition?”

  “No. Being cutthroat helped me with this cake. Cassie cut Piper a piece of cake and held it out to her. Would you like a taste?”

  Piper was hesitant to bite into her cousin’s cake even though it looked delicious. But she knew enough about Cassie’s baking skills that looks could be deceiving. “Of course.” Piper smiled and took a bite of the cake.

  She was now face to face with Cassie. “What do you think Piper?”

  “Um. This isn’t awkward at all. “The filling is well mixed and delicious, but something is amiss about the cake itself. I have a little grittiness and graininess in my teeth from the salt. This leads me to believe that the salt and sugar might have gotten switched in your batter. It’s also a little on the dry side. But overall….”

  Kaboom! Piper never finished her sentence. Cassie blew up Millie’s Mouse King and cake went flying everywhere. “I win,” Cassie yelled gleefully.

  Millicent was covered in cake, but her eyes were filled with murderous rage “You evil biach. I’m going to strangle you.”

  All hell broke loose at Millie’s declaration. Piper lunged for Millie while Skylar took another sip of her ice coffee. But she wasn’t fast enough. The kitchen erupted into mayhem. Millie chased Cassie around the island until she slipped on a piece of cake and that was all she wrote.

  The young woman surrendered in defeat. Tears streamed down her cake-laden face as she cried at the top of her lungs. All Piper wanted to do was go back to bed. She was exhausted and it wasn’t even noon. What the hell was her cousins thinking? On the bright side, Cassie kicked Millie’s ass in the competition. Too bad she had accidentally switched the sugar and salt. Her cousin’s cake may have been a little dry and salty, but the buttercream icing was the shit.

  Chapter 6

  Liam replayed the events of yesterday in his head repeatedly. No matter how he looked at it, he was still squarely in the friend zone. Piper was too preoccupied with finding Lizzy to reexamine her feelings for him. He was positive this was not a one-sided relationship. If nothing else, his proof was in their kiss. She enjoyed it as much as he had, but she was too afraid to admit it to herself, let alone anyone else. He needed to break through her walls if they were ever going to have a future together.

  Hunter walked into the living room and interrupted his thoughts. “What’s the emergency big brother?”

  Liam had to refrain from smacking his brother upside the head because this was not a good time to alienate Hunter. He needed the man’s help to protect Piper. Her first escape had been pure luck. He wasn’t lying about how ruthless Silas and his cousin, Linus, were when people stood in the way of what they wanted. Right now, they wanted the Bayou and Piper was simply a means to an end. He would not let her become collateral damage.

  “Let’s wait until Ash arrives. I only want to say this once.”

  Hunter nodded in agreement as Liam took a seat in the chair across from him. The tension from yesterday was simmering below the surface. Liam knew it wouldn’t take much for it to boil over. It’s why he needed to choose his words carefully. This conversation had to be about Piper, not selling their business.

  Five minutes later, Asher joined them in the living room. “What’s up? You sounded strange on the phone.”

  Liam cleared his throat, but didn’t answer their younger brother. “Have a seat, Ash. We need to talk. There’s been some new developments since yesterday.”

  Hunter scowled at his brother. “What’s changed Liam? From where I’m sitting, it’s still two against one. You and Ash want to sell, and I don’t. I doubt there was any new development since our last argument that would change my mind about the situation.”

  Liam couldn’t hold back his temper. His brother had a knack for being an asshole and he’d had enough. “Silas’s men tried to kidnap Piper last night you asshole. Is that enough of a development for you?”

  “Fuck,” Hunter and Asher yelled in unison.

  Liam slumped back in his chair. “Tell me about it. And if that wasn’t enough, your stunt last night only made things worse. Piper lost Lizzy in her altercation with Silas’s men and because of that Skylar has a broken arm. I spent the better part of yesterday with them at the hospital.”

  “What the hell happened?” Hunter demanded. “And why am I just now hearing about this? Is Sky okay?”

  “Piper had left The Thirsty Squirrel and was walking toward her car when they attacked her in the parking lot. She managed to escape by doing an insane stunt that she saw on television. She lost Lizzy in the process.”

  Hunter growled in frustration. “What about Sky?”

  “Skylar is as good as can be expected with a broken arm. It broke in a couple of places, which means Dr. Feelgood used a splint to set it before wrapping her arm in an ace bandage. She has a follow-up appointment in two weeks when the swelling goes down. That should be right around the time they go out on their first date.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? I just got rid of one loser. Now, I have to deal with another asshole,” Hunter bellowed.

  Tormenting his brother usually brightened his day, but Liam was too worried about Piper to enjoy the moment. He watched as Hunter squirmed in his seat like a petulant child and decided the best course of action was to remain quiet. Let him stew in his own thoughts for a while. The mere thought of Skylar kissing another man would drive him crazy. That was punishment enough for the stunt he pulled on Sky and Levi.

  Asher ignored his brother’s tantrum. “How do you know it was Silas’s men?”

  Liam clenched his fists and growled. “Because the fuckers mentioned his name when they were trying to abduct Piper. Their endgame was to use her as a bargaining chip. Piper’s safe return for our business.”

  Hunter stood abruptly and started pacing the room. “I’m going to fucking kill them.”

  “Get in line, little brother,” Liam murmured.

  “This might be a silly question, but I’m going to ask it anyway,” Asher said in a calm voice. His face void of emotion. “Why does Silas think Piper is the key to forcing you to sell the business?”

  Hunter stopped pacing and threw his hands in the air. Frustration rolled off him in waves. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Everyone in Mystic Grove knows Liam is in love with Piper. He has the poker face of a gnat.”

  Liam was furious and had reached his limit. “Enough. Sit. Down. Hunter. We need to stop arguing and come up with a plan to deal with Beavis and Butt-Head. Piper and her cousins are in danger and like it or not, it is all our fault.”

  Asher nodded in agreement. “True. What are
you proposing Liam?”

  Liam closed his eyes and sighed heavily. He was exhausted from worrying about Piper. “I tried to convince her to take some time off, but she shut me down. My next plan involved me hanging out at the bar while she worked. Her response was hell no, which led to a heated argument where I kissed her. Once I had her full attention, I suggested Hunter protect her and that’s when she basically threatened to cut off my balls. We argued some more. I might have kissed her again and then ordered her to get in the car. We left it with an understanding that our conversation wasn’t over.”

  Hunter slapped his hand on his knee in excitement. “It’s about damn time you made your move big brother.”

  Liam glared at his middle brother. “Are you drunk? Did you miss the part where she rejected all of my ideas and advances?”

  Asher stared back and forth between his older siblings. It’s a miracle his parents survived them. “Does she know about the agreement that was made by their ancestors?”

  Liam looked at his brother incredulously. “No, she doesn’t Ash. It wasn’t the time nor the place. Hell, she thought my feelings for her was an unintended consequence of losing Lizzy.”

  Hunter laughed. “Are you serious?”

  It took everything Liam had not to strangle his younger sibling. He could hide the body where no one would find it. “As a heart attack, smartass.”

  “The prophecy is crystal clear Liam. Three witches from the Witches of Mystic Grove Coven will marry three brothers, an Alpha, Beta, and Omega, from the Mystic Shadow Wolf Pack. If we don’t’ fulfill the prophecy, Silas and Linus will be the least of our worries,” Asher pointed out.

  “I know, Ash. You don’t have to keep reminding me,” Liam snapped.

  “Oh, but I think I do,” Asher countered, unfazed by his brother’s temper.

  Hunter interrupted his siblings pissing contest. “I disagree. Liam is right. Our first order of business is to protect the women and I have an idea that just might work. Leave everything to me.”

  “Not on your life,” Liam growled. “Your exploits are part of the reason we’re in this mess. I won’t leave the safety of Piper in your hands.”

  Hunter raised an eyebrow and smirked at his alpha. “From where I’m sitting, you don’t have a choice big brother. Piper has already nixed all your ideas. Now, it’s time to bring in the big guns. Trust me, the Witches of Mystic Grove will never suspect a thing.”

  Chapter 7

  Silas was furious and wanted to murder the two fools standing in front of him. They had one simple job. Bring him Piper Patterson. She was the key to getting everything he had ever wanted. It was time to bring the Mystic Shadow Wolf Pack to their knees and he was the man to do it. But instead of reveling in his victory, he was standing here listening to these idiots whining and making excuses for failing their mission.

  Annalise walked into the room and sneered in disgust at the fools sniffling in front of Silas. Why he put up with them was still a mystery. “If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a million times Silas baby. Never send two morons to do a woman’s job.”

  Silas glared at the raven beauty standing in front of him. He couldn’t believe she had turned her back on the Witches of Mystic Grove Coven. But he wouldn’t refuse her help. Any insider information she could provide would only help him reach his goal sooner. With her assistance, Liam and his brothers would never see him coming.

  “Not now Annalise. I’m not in the mood for your criticism of how I run my business.”

  Annalise cocked her eyebrow and gave Silas a knowing a look. “You haven’t been in the mood for months. What else is new?”

  Silas closed his eyes and silently counted to ten. He was surrounded by imbeciles. If he didn’t need Annalise’s help, he would slit her throat where she stood. The debacle two nights ago was Linus’s fault. He was the one who had hired these miscreants. His cousin was all brawn and no brains. It was amazing he had made it to the ripe old age of twenty-nine.

  He returned his attention to the men in front of him. “Where is Linus?”

  Eyes downcast, Ed was the one who answered his question. “We don’t know boss. We haven’t seen him since last night. We parted ways at The Thirsty Squirrel around eleven o’clock. He said he had a hot date with Lucille.”

  Silas wanted to pummel someone with his bare hands. “Are you telling me he abandoned you for a piece of ass?”

  Both men looked everywhere in the room except at Silas. Ed bit his bottom lip until it bled. “Um. Maybe?”

  Silas was in the man’s face now. Spattle flew out of his mouth as his angry voice boomed around the room. “Maybe is not a fucking answer. Yes or no. Did my dimwit cousin leave you to handle the job by yourself for a piece of ass? Don’t make me ask again.”

  Face grim and filled with melancholy, Joe’s answer came out in a stutter. U-um. W-we don’t know b-boss. Linus said he had some b-business to t-take care of and h-he would be b-back.”

  Silas’s mood was darkening with every response. “Where is my cousin now?”

  Annalise had watched enough of the dog and pony show. She wasn’t impressed with all the male testosterone floating around in the room and had a nail appointment at three o’clock. Silas needed to know what she had overheard last night because it would be a game changer. But first, she needed the fool to calm down.

  “Oh, for Goddess’s sake, Silas! It’s obvious these two baboons don’t know anything. Leave them be,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “We have more important things to discuss. And they say women are drama queens. Pot calling the kettle black.”

  Silas glared at the woman propped on the top of his desk. She was a poor substitute for her identical twin sister, Elise, who would never give him the time of day. It was the reason he had to settle for the leftovers, but that was his little secret. He still wasn’t sure if she could be trusted, but he needed the valuable intel she provided him. Their goals aligned for now. The minute they didn’t, he would dispose of her.

  Mouth formed in a grim line, he growled at the men quivering in front of him. “Get the hell out of my sight.” Once the men had scurried out of the room, he turned his attention back to Annalise. “What is so damn important that you dropped by unannounced?”

  Annalise inspected her nails like she didn’t have a care in the world and ignored Silas who was seething with rage. She taunted him with her disobedience. When he cleared his throat, she decided it was time to throw him a bone. “Since your men botched the job, I guess it’s a good thing that I kept my ears to the ground.”

  “Quit wasting my time Annalise and tell me what you found out,” Silas demanded.

  Bored and disappointed he wasn’t taking the bait, Annalise stood and crossed the room to stand in front of him. “I overheard a conversation between Piper’s aunts, Jean and Clarice. Centuries ago, there was an agreement made between our ancestors and the Mystic Shadow Wolf Pack. Three witches from our coven are fated to marry three brothers, an Alpha, Beta and Omega. Guess who drew the short straws?”

  Silas looked unimpressed as he answered her question. “Piper and her cousins.”

  Annalise gave him a mischievous smile. “That’s right.”

  Silas sighed heavily. He was tired of Annalise’s games. “How does this help us?”

  Annalise ran her index finger down his chest. Her nails were painted blood red. “Rumor has it the prophecy has to be fulfilled before the year is up. If Piper and her cousins fail to marry Liam and his brothers, the coven will lose their magic and protection because the Mystic Shadow wolves will be forced to leave the Bayou. When they are no longer protected, I will exact my revenge, and the Bayou will be yours free and clear by default.”

  “I don’t understand why you’re so happy Annalise. If the witches lose their magic, so will you. Besides, I can’t wait until the end of the year. I need the Bayou now or all my plans will fall apart.”

  Annalise shimmied across the room and took a seat in the wingback chair across from Silas’s d
esk. She dangled Piper’s lucky white rabbit’s foot from her index finger. “Silas, I would like for you to meet Lizzy. This is Piper’s good luck charm and the key to her magic. Without it, things tend to go wrong for our fair maiden. I have it on good authority that a trainwreck of bad luck has already began. Skylar broke her arm yesterday and now Piper needs a new partner in The Great Wiccan Cake Off.”

  Silas rubbed the back of his neck and tried not to scream bloody murder. His head hurt and he needed a drink. “How does a fucking rabbit’s foot help us?

  Annalise rolled her eyes at Silas’s stupid question. Did she have to spell it out for the idiot? “Without her good luck charm, Piper is vulnerable. Her chances of winning The Great Wiccan Cake Off is slim to none. I’ve made arrangements for us to enter the competition. There will be a few mishaps during the bake off that will go in our favor. You will make a side bet with Liam to get the Bayou. It has to be all or nothing. In the end, you’ll get what you want and so will I. The Witches of Mystic Grove Coven will be destroyed; and I will have Piper’s good luck charm, her powers, and Liam. You will have the Bayou and the world at your fingertips.”

  Silas had his doubts, but everything else he’d tried had been a bust. Sometimes a man had to take a few risks to get what he wanted in life. Annalise’s plan might work, but with a little help he would make sure they came out the winners. Gigi, the host of The Great Wiccan Cake Off, owed him a favor and it was time for him to collect.

  “Why do you hate them so much?”

  “Because I was the first witch, they sacrificed to fulfill the prophecy. Clarice and Jean let it slip in their little pow-wow. Do you know how embarrassing it is to be jilted at the altar because your soon-to-be husband found his true mate the night before the wedding as he was whoring around on Bourbon Street? Oh, they tried to console me, but it was all fake. Piper has always been the chosen one, even after her mother left our coven high and dry. She doesn’t deserve to be in charge of the Witches of Mystic Grove. If I can’t have it, no one will.”


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