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Sealing the Deal (Business and Pleasures)

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by Valentina Lovecraft




  By Valentina Lovecraft

  Also available as a paperback from Amazon

  Copyright © Valentina Lovecraft 2014

  Cover image: Shutterstock

  Cover design © Valentina Lovecraft

  Valentina Lovecraft has asserted the right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are fictitious and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Sealing the Deal is sold subject to the condition that it shall not be, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without Valentina Lovecraft's prior consent. Except in the case of brief excerpts in critical reviews or articles.

  Typeset: Caecilia LT Std/Italic

  Warning: This book contains VERY graphic sexual content. This story is not recommended for readers with an aversion to graphic depictions of sex. Not recommended to readers under 18 years of age. Reader discretion STRONGLY advised!

  The locations in this book are a fusion of real and imagined.

  Valentina Lovecraft


  Appreciation to those who still believe you can do anything you put your mind to, there are so precious few of these people left.

  Thank you to all of you who have downloaded my previous books!

  Thank you to my family and friends who support and believe in me.

  To Anthony Pike for his cover work and supplying me with cups of tea. My mum, dad, and brother Jay Tamkin for routing for me. My good friend Gary Johnson for assisting me with tech support. To Matthew Walsh for his eagle eye proof reading

  And fellow author, Glen Johnson. His time, guidance and in-depth knowledge have been invaluable to me.

  Thanks guys!

  Please note that I am an English author, so I use English spelling throughout. You will see doubled letters (cancelled), ou’s (colour), ‘re’ (centre) ce’s (licence), ise’s (realise), yse’s (paralyse) as well as a few other slight variations from American spelling.

  "Just erotic. Nothing kinky. It's the difference between using a feather and using a chicken."

  Terry Pratchett.

  Also by Valentina Lovecraft from Vixen Ink

  (Available on eBook and paperback)

  Sleeping with the Enemy


  Playing the Game


  Chapter 1

  Jensen spent weeks searching for an ideal property. His summer in Paris felt so long ago since his return to London, but it had in fact only been two months. He longed to paint, to create and to lose himself in a fantasy of colour and shape, but his own four walls stifled him. After years of traveling when the fancy took him and finding inspiration in his adventures, returning to his motherland without the tools of his trade was starting to depress him creatively.

  The original plan was simple; return home, join his father and sister in the company and appease his family by showing he had grown up.

  Well, it was pretty obvious he was not going to fulfill that dream now his father had passed. His sister had been written into the will as co-chairman and rarely had time for anything or anyone since the workload had taken over.

  Now he had seen the offices and had had a closer look at what it entailed, the idea of being a desk jockey had gone out the window. There was no way he could work at the company! He was a free spirit and craved expression and passion. What would be the point now anyway? His father’s approval would never be earned. Anaise wouldn’t care either way, and his mother? She was just happy he was home again.

  He could have given up on the idea of proving himself and carried on partying and adventuring around the world. He could certainly afford it, but a new interest had kept him here;

  The other co-chairman of his father’s company, Karina Terry, AKA Rin.

  At his father’s wake, she had stormed into his life, both fiery and sweet. She had the refined beauty of Botticelli’s Venus, and she kept surprising him.

  Of all the girls in his past he had never met someone like her, he had also never had such a problem in getting a woman to go on a date with him. She was so hot and cold it made his head spin!

  Rin had done something to him though, usually he tired of his consorts within a week or two. The record stood at three months, a few years back when he was living in New York, He and a cute young singer of an Indie band, a minor celebrity, had tried to make a go of it. It had started out okay but she got too stifling and clingy. It had fizzled out when she had asked him to go on tour with her, he had been glad to wave her off.

  Perhaps that was part of Rin's appeal?

  She never wanted anything from him, and he practically had to bargain with her to ever see her. He had thought about leaving, but he couldn’t bring himself to go. She had put a spell on him.

  So the search continued, he would eventually find somewhere suitable. A studio and gallery where he could work and sell his art from, but for now, he was still looking, it was a work in progress.

  Chapter 2

  It was the fourth out-of-office meeting Rin had been to this week, and it was only Wednesday. Keeping the clients placated was important with the new management in place, but it occurred to Rin that she was the one doing all the customer service and hand holding here. Putting the phone down on Anaise as she was about to feed her some line about the importance of face time did nothing to lighten her mood. She sipped the latte from her cardboard cup and considered going home. Ah she couldn’t let Anaise think she was winning. She had really better go back to the office if only just to show her face.

  It was the end of October, and it had been a trying first month at the top. Rin had been learning the ropes of being the boss, her and Anaise were now the co-chairwomen of Altman Industry, and it was a tumultuous relationship. It was practically unheard of to have a co-chair, especially as they were not the original founders or even related. They had been best friends before Michael Altman died, both were great leaders, had strong work ethics and were the best choice to run the company, but as co-chair it had ended the friendship. Anaise felt Rin was intruding on her birth right and Rin, trying to keep the peace, held her tongue as best she could and tried to wait out Anaise's long sulk.

  She had been sent out to meet and greet constantly, which gave her the space from Anaise but there were so many other tasks that her expertise could be better spent on. These meetings could be handled by any of the other execs.

  How much longer would she have to endure Anaise's attitude? She was running out of patience.

  Binning the rest of her drink, she stepped into the company car and instructed the driver to take her back to the office.

  The shrill ring of her mobile made her jump. It was probably Anaise calling to chew her out for hanging up on her. She checked the ID, but the number was unfamiliar. Screw it, if it is her I can always hang up again! She thought sourly as she brought the phone to her ear.


  “Hey Red.”

  “Aah, hi Jensen. New number?” Rin smiled, relieved it was not the other Altman.

  “Nope, old one ha ha!” His voice calmed her immeasurably.

  “So what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “Well, I haven’t heard back from you. I know you’re a busy little fox, but you have to eat sometime?”

  He had left her a voicemail two days ago asking her to come out for dinner; she had genuinely meant to call him, but she was up to her eyeba
lls, between the work load and being ‘requested’ to meet clients all over the city.

  “Ah, I just haven’t had a chance. It has been work then sleep then work again!” She sighed. She wanted to see him, and she felt crappy always making excuses.

  It had been roughly two months now that they had been randomly meeting up, going on the odd date, but she didn’t allow herself to see him any more than once a week at the most. He was a perfect gentleman and a demon in the sack! He worked hard for her affections, but she just couldn’t bring herself to be closer to him. He was an Adonis and she had learned that in his presence, she did not have full control over her mind and body.

  “Yeah? Well, if you try to play me off with an ‘I’m too tired’ I’ll come and find you and show you the meaning of exhaustion!” Jensen’s mild innuendo veiled as a threat sent a zap of excitement straight to her pelvic muscles, making her tense. She could do with being put through her paces.

  “I’m heading to the office right now. I should be able to finish around six though, are you busy tonight?” she asked, hoping he might pick her up in his Ferrari; she loved that car.

  “I should be free then, what are you in the mood for?” he asked, the tone of relief colouring his words.

  “Hmm, as much as I love to go out, I have another early start tomorrow so I think a quiet one is probably a good idea. Fancy a take out?” She offered, knowing full well whether they went out to dinner or stayed in, it would be a late one.

  “Sounds like a plan! Shall I pick you up from the office?”

  “That would be great thanks! At six yes?”


  “Okay! I’ll see you later then. I've got to go!”

  “Yeah, catch you later Red.”

  As much as she tried to keep him at arm’s length, she felt the walls crumbling. She was starting to feel the guilt from making it such hard work for him.

  Chapter 3

  Jensen was nervous. It was not a feeling he was accustomed to, usually his confidence prevailed in the face of doubt, but he had come to a point where he needed more, and he couldn’t have it by his charm alone. He had never been in this position, never in his history with women, after this long they usually beg to see him, or he had already had his fill and left.

  The game she played was fun, it had kept him on his toes and hungry for more, but Rin had not shown much interest in furthering their...well, It was basically a booty call.

  He wanted all of her. He wanted to be able to talk to her just for the sake of talking and wake up with her still in his bed, she had left him sleeping twice now. He wanted more sex too, this was practically a drought! However, when she did give it up, it was sensational.

  So tonight was a momentous occasion, he was going to do something he had never done before. He was going to ask her to be his girlfriend. However, he feared her answer.

  London's traffic was heavy at six, but he had left early enough to be in time for Rin, she always chewed him out when he kept her waiting.

  He liked driving around Canary wharf. It was so rich but so dull. There were always puffed-up banker types in their pink shirts laughing about their successes. It reminded him that there was so much more in life to strive for than money.

  He pulled over a street away from Rin’s office per her instructions. Switching off the engine he leaned back in the leather seat. They could get any takeout she liked, go to her house or his, go out if she changed her mind, he didn’t care. His preoccupation with putting Rin in a position where she could confirm something between them or ultimately end them and their series of secret dates was bothering him.

  He shook the worry out of his head and sought out his happy place. He fantasized about screwing her sat right here in his car. The space was a bit tight, but if he pushed his seat right back and pulled her on top of him with her back up against the steering wheel he could-


  “Hiya! Thanks for picking me up!” In a fluid movement of entering the car and kissing him on the cheek, she had sat and closed the door before he had even opened his eyes.

  His stomach knotted, but his composure gave nothing away.

  “Hey Red, hard day at the grind stone?” He asked sitting up and considered pulling her back for a proper kiss.

  “Always! I’m so ready for the weekend!” Rin pulled the clip out of hair and shook her blazing mane free, an action that always brought a wave of arousal to Jensen.

  “Shame it’s only Wednesday then huh? So where are we headed?” He asked firing up the engine noisily and scaring a group of suits on a cigarette break that stood a few meters away. Jensen laughed, in the corner of his eye, he could see Rin’s wicked smile.

  “I have a change of clothes in my office, technically I don’t need to go home.” She said distantly, He had come to learn that this was the voice she used when she was talking to herself.

  “So what you mean is, let’s go back to mine, and if I drop you into work tomorrow you will have fresh clothes, and you won’t have to sneak off like a thief in the night.” He replied, turning in his seat to challenge her.

  Her mouth dropped open in surprise.

  “JENSEN! I do not sneak off!”

  “Yes, you do. I know both times you had to work but there is really no call for the walk of shame. I'm perfectly happy to take you wherever you need to go, I can also make you breakfast,” he said trying to keep his voice even. Rin was virtually speechless. He quite enjoyed calling her out.

  “So are we agreed? My place?”

  “Like a thief in the night!” She was still shaking her head in disbelief. Jensen laughed and headed back into the traffic, at least they were closer to his apartment than Rin’s house in Battersea.

  By the time they had parked up; Rin’s attempts to explain away her leaving had died out, and she had become sulky.

  The lift ride was silent, Jensen knew better than to provoke her further. He was after all, still hoping to win her over at some point this evening, but he had to say something.



  “Why are you even bothered?”

  “Bothered? You insinuated I was a thief!”

  “No, I was provoking you with an uncomfortable truth.” Jensen crossed his arms and smirked at her. She furrowed her eyebrows, folded her arms and leaned against the opposite wall.

  “Why did you call me Rin?”

  “That’s your name isn’t it?”

  “Yes, but YOU never call me Rin, not in conversation anyway.” She corrected. He knew she was referring to sex talk.

  It was Jensen’s turn to frown.

  “I don’t know. I was distracted, I suppose.”

  “Distracted by what exactly?” She shot back unfolding her arms and putting her hands on her hips.

  “By you,” he replied simply, hoping the lift would arrive at his floor.

  “Since when do you get distracted by me? What does that even mean?” Rin asked curiously, losing a little of the frustration from moments ago.

  “Are you kidding? I’ve been distracted by you since you first stormed off from the bar and left a crowd of people staring at me at the wake. You’re very distracting.” He replied trying to mask honesty with comedy. Rin stood passively watching him until the lift chimed it's arrival.

  He was not ready to bring up the relationship issue with her yet, but if she kept asking him, he would have to say something. He could be a smooth talker, but he was not a convincing liar.

  Entering the large lounge area he told Rin to make herself at home and left her to it while he went to change into something less formal. He had been wearing a suit all day, looking at properties with the estate agents. In jeans and a T-shirt he felt more like himself, he would have preferred to put on something slouchier, but he hadn’t got to that place of acceptability with Rin yet.

  Sitting on the edge of his bed, he took a moment to hold his head in his hands. I need to get it together he thought, what does it matter anyway? If she is not interested, and
putting her on the spot scares her off then so be it. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, preparing himself.

  When he opened his eyes, Rin was stood in the doorway.

  “Jensen… what’s up?” She came to the bed and stood in front of him.

  “Nothing, it’s been a long day.” He replied casually.

  “…Ok, um, I was wondering, if I could borrow a T-shirt or something? I’ve been in this suit all day, and I want to be comfy.” She smiled apologetically.

  “Of course. I was literally just debating whether I could get away with wearing jogging bottoms!” He laughed opening a door and revealing a walk in wardrobe.

  “I doubt I have anything that would fit your tiny waist, but I have large T-shirts you could wear like a dress.” He pulled out a few items and brought them to Rin.

  She picked a vest that he usually reserved for gym wear and began to unbutton her blouse, not bothering to turn away from him. Well, if she is happy to put on a show, I’m pleased to be the audience, he thought putting his hands behind his head and laying back on his bed.

  Unzipping her pencil skirt and glancing at him for a moment before letting it drop to the floor; she had stockings on! Hot! From that first day, when he saw her in that sultry black dress, he noticed her long tempting legs. She moisturised them religiously so they were irresistible to the touch, in stockings, they were pure sin!

  She brought her hands to the collar of her open blouse and slid it back over her shoulders, watching Jensen as she dropped that down too, pausing for a moment for him to appreciate the view, in just her pale pink lace bra that matched her French knickers and stockings.


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