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Exhale and Move On

Page 13

by K. L. Shandwick

  Len’s hand came over and held the back of my head, his ass rising off the sofa as he began to fuck my mouth. “Geez, this is fucking heaven. You have no idea how much I wanted this,” he informed me as his rhythm and pace increased.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Coral’s voice interrupted us, and Len’s cock stilled in a heartbeat. Pulling quickly away, Len sat up and stared blankly at her for a second, then looked to me to help him out. I was initially annoyed that he expected that of me, but then again, I was the single guy, so it was less of an issue for me to take the blame.

  “What do you mean?” I asked looking confused.

  “What do you think I mean? You had his cock in your mouth,” she said, her pitch increased as her hysteria built.

  “You invited me here,” I reminded her pretending I had no clue what she was upset about.

  “To fuck me, not to suck my boyfriend’s dick,” she replied angrily. “And you, what the fuck are you doing?”

  “You know who I am right? You wanted me here, sweetheart. It was you guys who had to coax me into this remember? Don’t go playing all innocent now. You wanted a ménage that’s what you’re getting.”

  “I don’t want you doing gay things with my boyfriend,” she hissed, furious with me.

  “From the conversation back at the site I thought you were cool with it all. And that’s a pretty selfish attitude you’ve got yourself there. You want to explore sex, by all means explore. You and him. Not just you. I’m not your servant and neither is he. We’re all equal, double penetration isn’t normal practice so what’s the difference between you getting yours and us exploring anything else we may want to try?”

  Coral looked for Len to say something and for a second it was as if he was taking the time to balance and gather his thoughts, then he took a deep breath and sighed. “If you want me to take sides with you on this, baby, I can’t. Rick’s right, I was enjoying what he was doing to me. Who says sex should be all one-sided?”

  “What the fuck do you mean, one-sided?”

  “I mean you were open enough to say you wanted a ménage with Rick, as well as me, and you enjoyed it, right?”

  “What does that have—”

  “Everything. It has everything to do with it. Why is it okay for you to expect me to accept what you want, yet when I’m experimenting, you don’t like it?”

  “I didn’t hear you complaining when I said what I wanted.”

  “You have a fucking short memory, baby. Both Rick and I said it was nonsense at first. It was your insistence that made it happen.”

  Coral looked at Len, and I saw tears well in her eyes, “This is different,” she whispered.

  “No, it’s not different. If we’re partners, shouldn’t we be trying to make each other happy? Or is that right only reserved for you?”

  Looking dejected, Coral turned to me. “Are you gay and want to sleep with Lennon? Is that what’s happening here?”

  “No, sweetheart. I love women too much to declare myself gay, but I’m attracted to Lennon enough to explore my sexuality with him. What about you, Len?” I knew I was putting him on the spot, but after eleven years, if Len really felt like he did, then it was high time he told Coral the truth.

  Len gave me a serious look, and I gave him the slightest nod which said, 'I got your back, it’s time to do this'.

  Shifting over on the sofa he grabbed Coral’s hand and pulled her down beside him. The stiffness in her body was a clear indication of her discomfort. “I never asked for this, Corrie. There have been plenty of situations where I’ve had opportunities to sleep with hundreds of people and I’ve rarely taken that leap. Until now we’ve been pretty loose about what we are because I never felt ready to commit. You changed that when you invited Rick into our bed.”

  “I don’t understand,” she said in a hurt tone.

  “It isn’t only you who finds Rick attractive, Corrie. It’s part of the reason I agreed to DP with him for you. I’ve known him a while and we’ve had a pretty awesome platonic relationship up until recently, then what you did kind of fucked that up.”

  “How did I do that?”

  “Feelings each of us had been harboring… an attraction… a sexual attraction. I don’t know what it is. All I know is I couldn’t commit to you before because there had always been something…”

  “Missing?” she asked.

  “Not missing as such… more adrift.”

  “What Lennie is saying is he loves you so much, but he has some confused feelings hanging over him. He would be afraid to let you down by committing to you now and letting you down later.”

  “So I have to let you fuck Rick, for you to stay with me?” she said looking to Len.

  “No. That’s not it. This isn’t an ultimatum. This is an exploration of who we are. What’s acceptable to each of us and to give us both sexual fulfilment.” Len replied.

  Coral slumped to the floor, covered her eyes, and wept openly. “I’m losing you, aren’t I?” she sobbed.

  “No one is losing anyone at this point, sweetheart. What Len needs to do is find out what makes him happy. Once he knows that then you can work it out together.”

  “All these years I’ve tried, really tried,” she whispered, sounding defeated.

  “Corrie, baby, you don’t need to try. You fill ninety nine percent of my heart. I miss you the day before I need to leave you and I count the days until I get to see you again. It has nothing to do with not loving you and you do make me happy; I just have this small question circling endlessly at the back of my mind.”

  “What question? What exactly is the question?” she pressed.

  “Can I be faithful to you? Up until now I’ve had a pretty open relationship with good reason. You’re across country and my life doesn’t lend itself to keeping myself monogamous unless you are with me. Sometimes it’s what? Six months we don’t see each other. Sometimes I’ve almost willed you to find someone else. I guess I was being a coward and hoping the decision about us would be taken out of my hands.”

  “Kind of says you don’t love me enough.” Coral’s eyes welled with new tears and she swallowed audibly as she stared up at Len. His hurt expression mirrored hers.

  “Corrie, it says the opposite, honey. I’m a selfish bastard, I want you and…”

  “Him—you want him,” she said as her voice quietened.

  “I want to explore my feelings, and you’re right, not just with anyone. With him.” Coral stood and fled upstairs and into Len’s bedroom, banging the door behind her.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “That went well, right?” Lennon muttered sarcastically and slumped back into the sofa.

  “It went better than you think,” I replied, giving him a look of reassurance. Len stared incredulously, like I’d lost my mind. “Most lucid women would have reached for the knife block… believe me, have faith… the door isn’t closed yet.”

  “The back door?” Len said as he found a nugget of dark humor to inject into the situation. I chuckled and got up off the floor then sat beside him.

  “There you go, give her some time. I’m proud you’ve told her what’s in your heart. There’s no doubt she’s hurt right now, but she can’t expect you to share her and ignore your needs, Lennie,” I said, patting his bare thigh and leaving my hand lingering on his warm, slightly hairy skin.

  “What if my needs are only with you, though?”

  “Meaning?” I asked.

  “I’m not interested in all men… or any men… I only want one specific guy, Rick—you.”

  My heart sped up at his declaration because I had similar feelings myself. “That’s a pretty bold statement, Lennie, and I get the significance of what you’re saying, but you know I’m not looking for another situation like the one I’ve only just gotten myself out of either.”

  “Right now, I’ll take whatever you’re comfortable to give me,” Len replied, then we both saw the innuendo in that comment and began to laugh again. />
  When we’d both calmed down, I sighed heavily. “I’m game for a bit of experimentation… of course I am, or I wouldn’t even be here, but I’m wary. I don’t want to become involved on a deeper level only to be cast aside because Coral doesn’t like it. Neither do I want you to give up on what you need to keep her happy. If we go forward, it’s from the perspective we’re all equals. If it doesn’t work, it’s because it isn’t working for one of us.”

  “Let me get this clear, you want our relationship to be triangular, no one is more important than another? I’m not sure what you’re suggesting is ever going to wash with Corrie.”

  “Len, none of us are perfect. No one. Everyone’s needs are different. The fact Coral wanted to have us both suggested she wanted to experiment. When she asked again today, it was because she enjoyed the experience enough to want to repeat it. For the past eleven years you have been her sole focus. Suddenly she wants to be spit roasted by two guys. Any two guys… she said that herself.”

  “I know and since we… well it’s about all she ever talks about now.”

  “So why shouldn’t you be given the same privilege as she’s had? Now she has all the facts as to why you haven’t been able to commit to her and you know her inner thoughts about her sexual tendencies your relationship will be honest whether it survives or not.”

  “So how do I protect her feelings? How can I have what I want and not hurt her?”

  “You make her feel safe—secure. If I’m involved, I need to do the same. God, I’m not even sure how I do that, and I’m jumping the gun, we haven’t even fucked yet,” I said, bringing the conversation back to the getting-to-know-you stage.

  “I’m going to go talk to her,” Len said easing himself off the sofa. He padded past me in his virgin white sport socks and his tight white t-shirt with his gloriously firm bare ass on show. As he headed for the stairs, I sat back on the sofa and pulled out my cell. Normally, I’d have been out of there faster than an Olympic runner with the finish line in my sights. And I couldn’t find a reason why I hadn’t split the scene.

  As Len climbed up the stairs, I initially thought of leaving them both to work things out between them. Then I figured if I did that Coral may have thought her boyfriend had sent me away. Len had taken a monumental step toward self-fulfillment and I had been interested to discover how the scenario between us would develop, so I occupied my time by calling Gibson and my publicist and stayed right there on the sofa.

  When I closed the last call out and Len still hadn’t surfaced from his bedroom, I got bored. Standing, I zipped up my jeans and went in search of him.

  Knocking softly on his bedroom door, I heard no reply and cracked it open anyway. Len was naked in the middle of his bed having slow and sensual face-to-face sex with Coral. His two strong hands were splayed across her back and almost covered it from her shoulders to her waist. Coral was facing in my direction with her eyes closed as her head rested on his shoulder.

  She was lost in the moment, but Len looked over at me with a serious look on his face as soon as I’d opened the door and immediately slid his hand under her ass. Rolling her over onto her back, Len sat between her legs and beckoned me over with his head to join them on the bed.

  Taking his lead, I did as he’d silently asked and he immediately twisted his shoulders and head to look at me. Removing a hand from Coral, he placed it behind my head and leaned in to kiss me. The hunger in his kiss took me by surprise, but it helped him make a determined statement to both Coral and me. He was resolute at following through with what he’d started.

  I turned and knelt on the bed my arms circling his shoulders and became conscious Coral was watching as we deepened the kiss. She looked worried but surprised me when her small hand gently unzipped me; my belt was already undone, and her thumb skimmed over the tip of my cock. Grabbing both sides of my jeans at the hips, she tugged them down until she set my erection free.

  Len broke the kiss and glanced down at where they were still joined and began rocking his hips again, but I was done with the soft and gentle approach. Life was short, and I’d grown tired of the limited action I’d had with them that day. I’d never been as patient with anyone as I had been with Len and Coral, but if they were going to team up with me, then I had to show them how I liked to get laid.

  Stepping back off the bed I swiftly stripped out of my clothes and climbed back behind Len. Skating hands up Len’s sides, I leaned forward and pressed my front to his back. Kissing his shoulders and neck I allowed my hands to glide over his chest and abs before I scrapped my nails back down to his hips. He shivered and grinned. Pressing my fingertips into his warm firm flesh I pulled him closer and held him there with my cock nestled firmly in the crack of his ass. Len shuddered as air escaped his mouth in a gasp of ecstasy and his pace increased as he fucked Coral faster.

  I glanced at Coral who grabbed one full and firm breast in each hand and she squeezed them hard; she wasn’t watching Len at all by that point, her eyes were fixed on me. For a good full minute, we were locked in a stare then a few moments after she glanced at Len she licked her dry lips and her eyes darkened further with lust.

  Instinct told me she was fantasizing about Len and me, so I took a fistful of Lennie’s hair, yanked his head back and turning his face toward me. He never broke his stride in what he was doing with Coral but brought a hand above his head pulling a handful of mine in return. He pushed my face closer to his as his tongue fucked my mouth in time to how he fucked Coral. A low moan of pleasure passed from his mouth to mine and my balls groaned between my legs as I pressed my steeled solid cock into his back.

  Pulling Len gently away from Coral, I pushed him down on the bed. She looked at me dejected until I bent forward and circled her clit with my fingers as my mouth covered the little pink pearl of her hardened nipple. Quickly I flicked and licked it and as her arousal grew stronger I nibbled, then sucked it—hard.

  With her body writhing in tune with my movements and my fingers coated with the fresh wetness trickling out of her pussy, I smiled wickedly. My hand moved to her clit and when I pinched that hard nub she gasped then moaned before whimpering in such an erotic sound my cock bounced heavily between my legs.

  It was then Len’s hand slid between my legs and massaged my balls. I groaned deeply and broke contact with Coral’s breast as I went in search of something more. My mouth trailed up her soft chest to the tender skin of her neck then to her mouth and without hesitation hers met mine in a hungry, frantic kiss as her passion grew to new heights and she clung desperately as her nails dug into my back.

  As soon as I had her panting and riled up, I lifted her astride Len and placed her pussy above Len’s face, but this time instead of her facing away from our bodies she had full view of Len’s rigid cock. Len automatically clasped his arms around her legs keeping her in place over his mouth and the sound of him lapping her nectar made me wet.

  Without giving her time to think, I took hold of Lennon’s cock, sucked it twice then spat to make him wetter before taking as much of him into my mouth as I could. A muffled groan passed from Len into Coral’s pussy and when I looked up from my side viewpoint, I saw she was mesmerized by what I was doing.

  “Why does this feel so wrong, but I can’t stop watching?” she asked in all innocence.

  I heard Len snicker from below her ass and I chuckled around his cock, but I didn’t pull him out of my mouth to reply because he tasted so fucking good. For several minutes I concentrated fully on Len, but my eyes were fixed on Coral’s face, who was seriously studying me. It wasn’t wrong it was just—different to what she’d always known about Lennon.

  Whether she felt it wrong or not, she began to get off on watching what I was doing, and I saw her excitement grow by the way she ground her pussy onto Lennie’s face. Len obviously knew her body well, anticipated the change in tempo needed, and slid his hands under her ass. He lifted her off his face slightly and gave me a bird’s-eye view, so I watched him diligently tongue Coral’s pussy
in a stabbing motion as his hands controlled the speed and depth of his efforts.

  My cock was almost at breaking point and it screamed for action itself, but I ignored it because I knew it would only be a couple of minutes longer before I could pay closer attention to Lennie once Coral came.

  Suddenly her legs shook uncontrollably, and Len pulled himself out of my mouth. As soon as he did this Coral lurched forward, and I intuitively took her weight and pushed her upright. Loud shrills of ecstasy filled the room as her climax tore through her, so I repositioned myself and covered her mouth with mine. The muffled sounds of her screaming almost made me cream on the spot, but Len suddenly stopped eating her out and lay her down at his side.

  “Holy fuck, that was intense,” she muttered sated and drained, then rolled onto her side and curled up to recover. Lennie sat up and wiped his glistening mouth with his hand, glanced to her then to me and winked.

  My cock bounced in protest of his flirtatious move and being horny as all get out I grabbed his face and kissed him hard, my tongue dueling ferociously with his in our mouths. The taste of Coral’s cum on Len’s swollen lips and the scruff on his chin chafing against mine tormented me further.

  Breaking the kiss, Len instantly moved to his knees. He licked his hand and sucked his thumb then he reached for my cock and quickly slid his thumb over my tip. “Fuck, you’re dripping,” he groaned, as he circled my slit. He stared intensely for a few seconds, the white of his eyes tinted pink with lust, and he shoved me onto my back.

  Spreading my legs, he spat on my dick and smeared it over my shiny throbbing head then tasted it. His tongue moved in a circular motion, focusing on the slit with more pressure each time he came across it and I hissed loudly. Coral cracked an eye open then the other as she watched expressionless to what Len was doing.

  “Mm,” Len moaned as his head began bobbing up and down while my cock slid in and out of his mouth, “tastes amazing,” he mumbled before concentrating on sliding his tongue up and down my shaft.


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