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Dakota Springs

Page 6

by Dakota Springs (lit)

  Chandler opened the door. Smiling at Angie, he took her from Hayden’s arms. “We have a minor situation here.” He quickly explained everything to Hayden, keeping his voice low as he occupied Angie with a cookie.

  Hayden kept glancing at her, his face becoming more granite-like with each passing minute. Finally he nodded, approaching Lizzy. “Let’s go into the other room for a minute.”

  Resigned, she allowed him to lead her into the living room. Chandler followed, picking up one of Angie’s dolls to keep her entertained while they talked.

  Shooting a glance at her daughter, Elizabeth leaned forward. “Look, I don’t want you involved in this. Just trust me that I can’t call the sheriff.”

  Hayden sat back, his expression cold. “Tell us everything right now or I’m calling your parents and the sheriff and I’ll paddle your ass in front of both of them until you tell me the truth.”

  Damn. He meant it.

  Sighing, she glanced at Angie meaningfully. “In order to escape the situation I found myself in, I used funds meant to keep me silent to hire someone to document certain immoral actions. I needed this proof to get out of my situation. I got proof of more than one person conducting immoral activities. A powerful man had to let me have my way, knowing I would use this material to gain my freedom.”

  Hayden groaned. “So you still have the potential to use it and it’s making him nervous.”

  “Apparently. I can’t think of any other reason for someone to break in here and take the bag I’d been keeping it in.”

  Hayden and Chandler exchanged a troubled look.

  Chandler adjusted Angie on his lap. “And where is this information now?”

  Glancing at her purse, she smiled. “I keep it with me at all times.”

  Neither man looked impressed with what she’d managed to do. In fact they both looked downright furious. Hayden stood and picked up her purse and began to rummage through it.

  Jumping up, she tried to reach around him for it, but he kept her away until he found a thick manila envelope and pulled it out. “We’ll hold onto this. Call your mother and tell her what happened. I want her to check to see if anything else is missing as soon as she gets home. Tell your dad we’ll bring you back in time to check the house out more thoroughly and with something to rig the windows.”

  Elizabeth nodded, watching as Chandler left the room with Angie. When the back door closed, Hayden grabbed her arm.

  “I can’t believe you would do something like this. Do you have any idea how much danger you could be in?”

  Tugging her arm, she slapped at him. “Damn you. I did what I had to do. I told you the senator only cared about his career.”

  “Well when we go outside, I’m keeping this in plain view. I want everyone to know that I have it now. Hurry up and call your mother so we can go.”

  Eyeing him, she reached for the phone. She glanced up at him several times while dialing, disconcerted by his anger. “Hayden, I told you that I can handle this.”

  “Yeah, you’re doing a good job of it. What would have happened if you and Angie would have been here alone while this asshole broke in? We’ll handle this from now on. You just do as you’re told.”

  “Damn it, Hayden. I’m not a child.” Her mother answered just then, keeping her from arguing further. As she told her mother what happened, she watched Hayden leave the room.

  Damn it. The last thing she wanted was for Hayden and Chandler to think they had to solve all of her problems for her.

  She heard her bedroom window close and lock again before he reappeared just as she hung up the phone.

  “Let’s get to the ranch. I’m going to put this envelope in my safe. Then we’ll talk about the job you insist on having. You’ll work at the ranch or you’ll work nowhere.”

  “Damn it, Hayden—”

  “Shut up, Lizzy. I’m so furious right now, you’re lucky I don’t turn you over my knee. Get your stuff and let’s go.” Pulling out his cell phone, he punched in numbers as he walked outside, glaring at her through the screen.

  Elizabeth gathered her purse and keys and started outside, feeling like a child who’d been admonished, and she didn’t like it one bit.

  Chapter Five

  At the ranch, Elizabeth met Martha, the older woman who took care of the house for them. Sally, the woman who’d worked for their parents had retired a few years ago.

  Her face wreathed in smiles, Martha greeted them warmly. “Well now, you were right. She is a beauty. And the little one! My, my, she does look like an angel, doesn’t she?” After putting out cold cuts and fresh potato salad, Martha gathered her purse and keys. “I’ll be going now. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” She paused at Elizabeth’s chair. “Everything’s ready. If there’s anything that needs to be changed, you just let me know.”

  Elizabeth blinked, turning to Chandler when Martha left. “Ready? Changed? What’s she talking about?”

  Chandler handed her two slices of bread and started making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for Angie. “I’ll show you after we eat.”

  Hayden excused himself to put the envelope in the safe, glaring at her when he came back. “I still can’t believe you kept that from us.” His lips twitching, he took his seat. “But it’s just like you. I’m sure neither one of them knew what hit him.”

  Beaming, Elizabeth warmed inside. “Yeah, the senator looked a little surprised.”

  Thankfully Angie talked through lunch, basking in Hayden and Chandler’s attention. She chatted happily as she told them all about her best friend, Becky.

  Elizabeth’s eyes stung, her heart melting at the way Hayden and Chandler appeared to be completely enthralled by everything Angie did or said.

  Richard had never given Angie any attention at all.

  “I wanna see the puppies!”

  Hayden finished his second sandwich and smiled. “Of course you do. Come on then, angel. Let’s go see the puppies and the horses while Chandler shows some things to your momma.” He stood, lifting Angie from her seat and turned toward the door. Halfway there, he looked over his shoulder to stare at Elizabeth. His eyes darkened as they moved over her, settling on her breasts. “I’m sure you surprised the heck out of them.”

  Elizabeth, who’d already come to her feet to clear up the remains of their lunch, froze, her nipples warming and pebbling under his stare as if he’d actually stroked them.

  When he lifted his gaze to hers, the heat in his eyes sent a wave of longing through her, tightening her insides and making her ache with need for him.

  She took a step toward him before she could stop herself, coming to a halt as his eyes flared, the promise of future satisfaction gleaming in them. Staring at his back as he walked out the door, she jumped as Chandler touched her arm.

  He grabbed the bag from the drugstore and, holding her hand with his other, led her back through the foyer and up the stairs. “Let me show you some of the changes we’ve made.”

  Elizabeth found herself pulled up the stairs and down a hallway. “Damn it, Chandler. I’m not letting you pressure me into moving in here.”

  Chandler took her past several rooms until he got to the one at the end. Pushing the door open, he hauled her inside before closing and locking it behind him. Opening the bag, he tossed one of the boxes of condoms toward the headboard and dropped the bag on the floor. “I’m not trying to pressure you, Lizzy, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let you put up road blocks where there are none.”

  Seeing the intention in his eyes, Elizabeth took a step back, fighting the urge to leap at him. “We’re different people now, Chandler. We don’t even know each other anymore.”

  Chandler’s grin flashed. “Then let’s get reacquainted, darlin’.” Moving in quickly, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, his lips hovering over hers. “We know each other, Lizzy. Some things never change and this thing between us is never gonna go away. You know that as well as I do.”

  At the touch of his lips on hers, she melte
d. Plastered against him, her curves fitted against his hard muscular frame, Elizabeth felt alive, desired as only Chandler and Hayden could make her feel.

  His kiss sent her soaring, her lust for him quickly burning out of control. Panicked, she pushed at him, instinctively trying to keep him from taking more of her than she was ready to give.

  Chandler surprised her by raising his head, his eyes glittering as he smiled down at her. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do, Lizzy, but I’m not gonna let you hold back from me.”

  Gulping in air, she curled her hands in his shirt, not letting him pull away. She needed him. She’d needed him too long to deny it any longer. “Damn you, Chandler.” Grabbing fistfuls of his thick hair, she pulled his head back down.

  Moaning into his mouth, she pushed herself closer, trembling when his arms tightened around her. She’d dreamed of being in his arms this way thousands of times but hadn’t been prepared for the reality of it, especially when she knew where it would lead. Her nipples tingled where they rubbed against his chest, making her desperate to feel his naked flesh against hers.

  As though reading her mind, he began to undress her. After tossing her shirt aside, he quickly divested her of her bra. Breaking off his kiss, he held her slightly away from him, his thumbs brushing back and forth over her nipples. “Look at you. You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” He lifted his gaze, no longer smiling. “I’ve got to see the rest of you, darlin’.”

  Holding onto his shoulders for support, she arched her breasts in offering. She would die if he didn’t touch them soon. Her breath hitched as he reached for the fastening of her jeans.

  He knelt in front of her, lowering them slowly, his fingers tracing over every inch of skin he revealed.

  When they hit the floor, she quickly stepped out of them, gasping as Chandler licked her belly. Holding him against her, she shuddered as he started to lower her damp panties.

  “I gotta taste you, darlin’.”

  His lips scorched her stomach, his hands firm as he stripped her of her last remaining item of clothing. When she hurriedly stepped out of her panties, he nudged her to keep going as his mouth moved lower. Her mind reeling, she obediently took another step back and felt the edge of the mattress against her thighs. Another nudge toppled her onto it.

  Chandler took immediate advantage, edging her thighs apart and shouldering his way between them. Holding them high and wide, he draped them over his shoulders.

  Elizabeth grabbed fistfuls of the thick quilt beneath her, her mind going blank as Chandler swiped his tongue through her slit. She bit her lip to silence her cries as he slid his tongue repeatedly over her folds and into her. It felt too intimate and too intense as he used his mouth on her and held her spread wide. Her clit burned, throbbing for attention, feeling as though it had doubled in size.

  She fought his hold, the pleasure too intense to remain still. It aroused her even more when he held firm. Something about being held this way, forced to endure the incredible pleasure excited the hell out of her. No longer able to hold back her cries, she twisted as much as Chandler’s hold allowed, moaning and crying out as he took her higher and higher.

  Lifting his head, his warm breath wafted over her folds. “Come for me.”

  Elizabeth couldn’t have done anything else as Chandler focused his attention on her clit, sucking it into his mouth and stroking it with his tongue. Her body stiffened in shock as bursts of electricity burst from her clit and spread outward. “Chandler! Oh God, Chandler.” Her throat wouldn’t work right making her voice came out as a series of harsh croaks.

  Swallowing heavily, she gulped in air as the bed dipped. Hearing the rustle of clothing, she looked down, getting her first look at his naked body. Sitting up on her elbows, she smiled her appreciation. “Holy hell, Chandler.”

  His cocky smile sent her heart racing again. “All for you, darlin’.” He wrapped a fist around his thick cock and began stroking.

  She couldn’t look away from it, her hands itching to touch him. Sitting up, she pushed Chandler’s hands away to take him into her own. Kneeling in front of him, she began running her hands over him, touching her lips to a chest corded with muscle. Working her way down his body, she bent and touched the tip of his cock with her tongue, closing her eyes as she savored his taste.

  A groan rumbled deep in his chest, the raw sound of it adding to the erotic atmosphere. His hands tightened in her hair as she took his cock into her mouth. “Jesus, Lizzy.” The sounds he made told her she must be doing something right.

  Sucking gently, scared to death of hurting him, she slid her hands around him to knead his tight buns. Stroking the underside of his cock with her tongue, she smiled inwardly as the hands in her hair tightened even more.

  “Damn, Lizzy. Stop. No more. No more.” He pulled her away from his cock and tumbled her back onto the mattress before grabbing the box of condoms. He ripped the box open, sending condoms flying everywhere.

  Elizabeth laughed as he cursed and finally managed to rip the foil and don one of them.

  Chandler poised the tip of his cock at her slick opening. “So you think this is funny?” Pressing just the head of his cock inside, he paused. “Let’s see how long you’re laughing.”

  Elizabeth’s laughter died as he began to fill her.

  Chandler worked his length into her, an inch at a time. “You’re not laughing now, are you, darlin’?”

  Amazed that this was finally really happening, Elizabeth wrapped her legs around him as he pressed deep, filling her completely. She trembled with excitement as he surrounded her with his heat, both inside and out.

  His big hand tangled in her hair, tilting her head back to nuzzle her jaw as his other hand slid under her, lifting her into his slow, smooth, strokes. “Nothing in my life has ever felt as good as being inside you.” His voice, raw and needy, rumbled in her ear, exciting her even more.

  Digging her heels into his tight buttocks, she lifted into his thrusts, her pussy clenching desperately at his cock as it slid over delicate tissue. She couldn’t believe how good it felt to have him finally inside her after all the years of wanting. Her body gathered and sparks of pleasure shot from her slit outward with each deliberate stroke. Grabbing his shoulders, she arched her neck as he nibbled at a particularly sensitive spot. “Chandler. Oh, God. It’s so good.” Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes as the tingles grew stronger. “No, Chandler. Don’t let it end.”

  Chandler moved faster, his strokes taking his cock impossibly deep. He nibbled his way to her lips. “It’s only the beginning, darlin’. We’ve got a life full of lovin’ ahead of us.”

  She tightened on him as his strokes came faster, the pleasure of his thick cock rubbing against too sensitive tissue sent her quickly into another orgasm. Holding onto him tightly, she cried out, aware that he stiffened above her, his low groan against her neck telling her he’d found his own release.

  Holding himself deep, his leanly muscled body shuddered in her arms as his own arms tightened around her. After several long minutes of caresses and dizzying kisses, Chandler lifted his head and stared down at her, his eyes searching hers. Apparently pleased with what he saw, he smiled. “Welcome home, darlin’.”

  Elizabeth smiled back, still shaken by their lovemaking. Even with her inexperience she knew what had just happened had been extraordinary. Limp as a wet noodle, she reached up to smooth a lock of hair from his forehead. A sense of vulnerability had her blurting out her thoughts before she could censor them. “Chandler, you do know how much I care for you, don’t you?”

  Chandler smiled tenderly, kissing her deeply before lifting his head to stare at her again. “Yes, but do you?”


  “Come on, darlin’. Angie and Hayden are probably waiting for us.” Withdrawing, he dropped another hard kiss on her lips before standing and reaching for her.

  “Damn.” The reminder had Elizabeth scrambling from the bed and into her clothes.
“Damn it, Chandler. I have to get back to Angie. What’s Hayden going to think about this? He’s going to know what we just did.”

  Chandler chuckled and pulled her against him, nuzzling her jaw again. Laughing softly, he held her despite her struggles. “Of course he knows what we’ve been doing. He’s going to be anxious to be alone with you.” Pulling the panties she’d just slipped on back down again, he slapped her ass lightly. “You’ll get used to it, Lizzy.”

  Elizabeth glared at his back as he went into the adjoining bathroom to rid himself of the condom. She had no intention of getting used to it. She knew if she did, they’d break her heart for sure. Scrambling into her clothes, she hurried to get back to Angie.

  * * * *

  Hayden sat at the table to hide the fact that his cock had gotten hard again.

  He couldn’t take his eyes from Lizzy as she moved around the kitchen, pouring milk and getting Angie some of the cookies Martha had made earlier.

  Elizabeth moved gracefully around the kitchen, pouring coffee for the three of them, her face an adorable pink. Her swollen lips and tousled hair added to the appearance that she’d just been well-fucked.

  He couldn’t wait to wake up to that tousled, dazed look every day.

  Her gaze slid to his several times before she looked guiltily away, her face coloring even more.

  He didn’t care for that part a bit. Every time she did it, it made him even angrier and made his cock jump with the need to take her.

  He’d expected that there would be times when jealousy would rear its ugly head, but there’d be no place for it in a relationship like the one they wanted with her.

  That didn’t keep it from happening.

  He couldn’t wait to spend some time alone with her. Intimate time. Only then would she look at both of them that way. He waited until she finally sat down, facing him. “How did you like the master bedroom?”

  If possible, Elizabeth’s face got even redder. “It’s nice.”

  “Nice? Is there something you don’t like about it?”


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